Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend's hair stuf

Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair s

UmSumayyah said:
Forget small claims court. Don't all caustic cleansers have a warning on the label, something to the effect of "It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling" ?????
Report her to the feds and see how she likes going down for felonious use of a household cleaning product!
I wouldn't tell her either. I'd just press charges and let her find out that way. She could wait to see the video in court. SMILE!
You're on candid camera!

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...candid camera...
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf

Teva said:
Nyambura said:
Teva, you had alluded to your friend's ex-friend having done something to other people before pouring bleach into your friend's hair products. What did she do?

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She did alot of things that I thought were funny at the time but as they increased I grew to dislike her.

For example: One of our friends had planned a cruise with her husband. On the night before they were to leave she hid all the travel documents. (somewhat funny but not if it happens to you)

She also invited a bunch of us over to her home and while no one was looking she spat in the coffee she made for another friend. (gross no matter who it is done to)

Nobody has done anything to her that is beyond the typical disagreement that friends have from time to time. She just gets very sensitive and over reacts. She also has an obsession with beauty. Hair and body size is a big issue for her. She is very beautiful but she loves to compete with everyone in a vicious way. By everyone's standards she is exceptionally beautiful but I can see through her looks to a mental issue.

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ohmygoodness, update plz
, Am shocked that she would let her get away with something like that, adding bleach, that could blind someone or kill them. I dont know how much she add but still thats really crazy, she need to be dealt with
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf

Jealously makes folx do all sorts of things. My oldest sister had really long hair when she was young. My mom said she came home one day and when she took her hair down to comb her hair, long strands of it came out. Someone had actually cut hair out from her braids. She thought an adult had done it because a jealous child her age wouldnt have been that aware to go deep within the braid and make it seem untouched. Growing up she always warned us not to let our friends or their parents play in our hair or anything, and I didnt, but in the back of my mind I also always thought she was over reacting.

From the actions described, this person seems like one of those people who have to be the "Queen Bee". They can't stand for anyone else to have or get attention no matter how much they have going for them. It's gone past mere jealousy tho anytime someone would do something this malicious. This is precisely why I no longer keep hair products in the bathroom...especially relaxers that can be added to any of my other products. All of mine are in my bedroom where no one has access to. I pay careful attention to the smell and consistency of my products. Many times if something is added to it it will have a smell or a change in color, texture or something. Not always though.

My brother has a girlfriend who positively hates me. In fact she's psycho and doesnt like anyone in my family. She has a real jealous nature and is always making comments about other women, which is always a major tip off to character anyway. You have to stay away from those folx because tho they call you friend if they will do something evil or have spiteful attitudes toward someone else, it's just a matter of time to where you are on the receiving end.

Anyway, I dont have long hair but I always get compliments on the sheen and the texture. At the time they had been dating for a year ot two and suddenly out of the blue she started telling my how pretty my hair was and staring at me strangely or staring off strangely after she did it. About that time I noticed a change in the texture of my hair, it was rougher and more brittle. I cant prove she did anything but I highly suspect it. I'm normally not paranoid so I know it wasnt my imagination. I threw out the stuff I had in the bathroom and washed my hair with neturalizing shampoo and did some conditioning treatments. My strands were a little thinner for a while but I didnt lose any major hair, thank God, tho I did do a big trim to get my ends looking good again. Be careful ladies. Don't keep your products where folx have access to them. Folx who are jealous or insecure in nature don't think rationally and when you are in relationship with someone sometimes you don't see, or don't want to see, their true character. ...sorry this is so long...I just get carried away...

"Be as wise as serpents...gentle as doves..."
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf

If I found out that one of my "friends" put bleach or nair in any of my facial or hair products, court would be the very least of your problems. I don't
around with my skin or hair, and if I had proof that she was guilty, I'd turn into the psycopath!
I wouldn't bother taking her to court after that, she'd probably counter sue me for the cost of the reconstructive cosmetic surgery she'd need once I was finished with her, cause I'd go Ike Tuner on her triflin' a$$!
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf

Lindy said:
That is CRAZY!! I would have taken that tape right to the police station and pressed charges against her.
She is a psychopath!!!

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Same here. That's exactly what I would have done, what a malicious entity. In fact, I think the lady should press charges. Simply because she could have tampered witrh other things in the house eg food.

That's messed up.
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf

That girl was crazy, I would've sued her and pressed charges.
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair stuf

I think these stories are so damn sad. Not crying sad, but shaking my head sad.
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair s

(talking to myself) violence is not the answer violence is not the answer.... ok so i guess tv court is the answer but i would call the police and file assult charges because that could have caused chemical burns to the scalp and even blindness if it got in her eye. unless you are a chemist you don't know what kind of reaction you will get when you mix chemicals. the possibility of caustic fumes is especially high when you mix bleach with other chemicals. i keep hearing the song "throw them bows"by ludacris in my head
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair s

I've just read this. What a wicked and evil thing to do. Your friend could have been blinded if not scarred for life. This evil person has to be dealt with.
Re: Hair Wars * adding bleach to a friend\'s hair s

This is sick!! I am really appalled. I hope that girl's hair for her ex friend, I think she's definately got some issues...cause she sounds psycho.

By the time my friend found out it was way toooo late. Over the next few weeks her hair broke off horribly. No amount of treatments helped her. It just kept getting worst and falling off in clumps.

She became very depressed not only for her hair but I guess she really felt betrayed. We all got together and watched the video tape. Eventually she got brave enough to tell the others why she had to resort to doing it. It was hard because not everyone agreed with her for doing it. I dont understand some people!!! She explained clearly the reasons why she had to do it but some people were just riping up with anger that it could have been them who was caught in an awkward possition. In the end she lost two more friends. For the friends who who still talk to her and agree with her they have decided to cut of that wicked girl from their lives. I guess that is the biggest punishment she received to be friendless.

Sad but my friend's hair fell of very badly, it is now too her neck. It's a nice change. I like the way it looks but she can't seem to adjust to it at all. Her self esteem seems to really have taken a dip.
Re: Update

I feel horrible for this poor girl and anyone who doesn't understand where she is coming from isn't a "friend" (and I use that term loosely) at all. Even if she was wrong for setting up the camera (which she wasn't)...putting bleach in someone's hair products to railroad their progress certainly trumps that. Your friend should see a Dr. and a lawyer...she could have suffered permanent damage to her scalp, and she needs to find out what her rights and statue of limitations are.
Re: Update

I agree. And her other "friends" shouldn't be so upset, IMO, unless they were thinking about doing something shady, too. I know your friend is down right now, but at least she knows who her real 'friends' are.
Re: Update

see, if she pulled that ish on me, it would of been a big fight as soon as i saw her. call me ghetto or whatever you like, but i wouldnt be the only one walking out with shot hair. someone else would have nice chunks of her scalp exposed..and if she is lucky..they MIGHT grow back