Hair Pet Peeves


Well-Known Member
I hadn't seen a thread like this so I thought I'd start it. What are your worst hair pet peeves?

Mine are
to find pieces of hair in the grease,oil, or any other hair product that you have to stick your finger in

to find a dirty comb or brush yucked up with lint

balls of hair sitting on the back of the sink

people who just stick their dirty hands in your hair on a good day when it is fly. . . .I think it's just hateration and they just want to mess it up.
HAIR IN THE DRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate it when one of my daughters borrow my brush and leave their hair in it - ewwwww!

I really hate it when one of my daughters borrow my brush, take their hair out of the brush and almost, but not quite, put the hair in the trash can, and it's left hanging over the side and falling on the floor. double ewwwww!

eta: I am most displeased when the honey and i are getting busy, an dhe gets excited and tugs/pulls my hair - i really hate that!
My son has long hair, I hate that he uses the Denman brush to comb his hair, cleans it out and leaves it on the sink/floor...yuck...When I cowash my hair at night and I wake up with water in my ears and cant hear
Not being able to wear my hair out when it's roller set - It starts out looking good but take a brush or comb to it and it's like cotton candy

Frizzy twist and curls. I just can't get those results alot of other naturals are getting. Sucks to be me.
I hate it when its hot and if I have hair left out in the front it sticks to my face....eeehhhh

Def hair in the drain...

Hair on the floor especially carpet!!!
quadruple eww on the grease spots - i went on a field trip with my students; the school bus windows had not been cleaned, and there were grease spots and smears on the window next to my seat - disgusting!
Mine is when you do a hair style one time, and it is sooooo cute, but when you try to do it again, it don't wanna do right.

Nasty stuff: When DH shaves and he leaves the dots in the sink. UGH. Thank God for his and her sinks, but still, i don't like looking at it. LOL.
1. Stinky hair that has that need a good wash smell.

2. When someone combs their hair over the sink and leaves all the broken off bits behind. People did this in the dorm when I was at college, and it made my stomach lurch every time I saw it.

3. Lint locks at the base of my individuals.
Mine is when you do a hair style one time, and it is sooooo cute, but when you try to do it again, it don't wanna do right.
YES!!! Especially when it's at night or something, and you are just trying it out to see how it will look in the a fancy bun, or something similar!
All of the above and I hate People who are constantly trying to WEAVE check me. NO its NOT a weave and even it IS its mine. Don't touch my hair. White people at my Job got the ish REALLY bad.

Or when one of the women at work White of course is saying OH Almaz I love to see Black women in the little short Afros why don't you cut YOUR hair in that style

I am like WELL since you like little Short Afros so much WHY don't you cut YOUR in that style.

DAYUM some people just don't wanna see a Black girl with some hair
All of the above and I hate People who are constantly trying to WEAVE check me. NO its NOT a weave and even it IS its mine. Don't touch my hair. White people at my Job got the ish REALLY bad.

Or when one of the women at work White of course is saying OH Almaz I love to see Black women in the little short Afros why don't you cut YOUR hair in that style

I am like WELL since you like little Short Afros so much WHY don't you cut YOUR in that style.

DAYUM some people just don't wanna see a Black girl with some hair

So true!:yep:
I don't like hair in my products. I have to make sure that my products are clean after i use them. And i have to wipe off the tops :look:.
I hadn't seen a thread like this so I thought I'd start it. What are your worst hair pet peeves?

Mine are
to find pieces of hair in the grease,oil, or any other hair product that you have to stick your finger in

to find a dirty comb or brush yucked up with lint

balls of hair sitting on the back of the sink

people who just stick their dirty hands in your hair on a good day when it is fly. . . .I think it's just hateration and they just want to mess it up.

ditto on ALL of the above, but to add on...

1)pieces of hair (not just one or two but many) on the back on folks clothes
2)food industry folks who DON'T wear hair nets....ewww:nono:\
3)dried, flaked up gel on the edges of some females or even males
4)this might be weird but when my sister/brother JABS their hands in my products...(for example, when i use my silicon mix i gently scope the mix out the container leaving a neat, circular appearance sister/brothers would just stick their fingers in and grab:wallbash:--i hope that makes sense)
ditto on ALL of the above, but to add on...

1)pieces of hair (not just one or two but many) on the back on folks clothes
2)food industry folks who DON'T wear hair nets....ewww:nono:\
3)dried, flaked up gel on the edges of some females or even males
4)this might be weird but when my sister/brother JABS their hands in my products...(for example, when i use my silicon mix i gently scope the mix out the container leaving a neat, circular appearance sister/brothers would just stick their fingers in and grab:wallbash:--i hope that makes sense)

#4 Makes total sense to me. I am the only one to use my things but it still has to be that way. You are not alone.
Hair pics with a dirty/ untidy background. Esp if you've got dirty underwear on the ground!!! Yes I've actually seen a photo like that on fotki. I'd read posts about such things, but to actually see it ... :blush: Crop that **** out!!
When my flatmate leaves hair on the sink, the floor and in the drain:perplexed. That really annoys me.
Definitely, finding hair in your food---Ewwww!!!!!

I purchased an ice cream cone from a local creamery and half way through my cone found a long Caucasian hair in it. I was mortified and immediately became ill. I was so displeased, I went up and cussed out the girl that made it (who had no cap on) and called corporate the next day. Needless to say, the conversation was not pleasant and the place is not open any more. It must have had lots of issues.

Another one, is getting hair in my mouth when I'm eating. I have to pull my hair back, or I don't attempt to eat. I've also seen white girls suck on strands of hair--what's up with that?????

Also, I agree with wet hair on the face on a hot day or during exercise---gross!!!
ditto on ALL of the above, but to add on...

1)pieces of hair (not just one or two but many) on the back on folks clothes
2)food industry folks who DON'T wear hair nets....ewww:nono:\
3)dried, flaked up gel on the edges of some females or even males
4)this might be weird but when my sister/brother JABS their hands in my products...(for example, when i use my silicon mix i gently scope the mix out the container leaving a neat, circular appearance sister/brothers would just stick their fingers in and grab:wallbash:--i hope that makes sense)

Yes - what's up with that - jabbing their whole blinking hand in leaving craters in the jar - i hate that!

How about when you use a tube of something (i use phyto 7 and it comes in a metal tube) and the tube gets squished from the middle instead of neatly from the end - i really hate that too (and i hate it when someone does it to the toothpaste as well)
YES!!! Especially when it's at night or something, and you are just trying it out to see how it will look in the a fancy bun, or something similar!
Oh, you do that too? :look::grin:

Hair pics with a dirty/ untidy background. Esp if you've got dirty underwear on the ground!!! Yes I've actually seen a photo like that on fotki. I'd read posts about such things, but to actually see it ... :blush: Crop that **** out!!
:lachen:....I get a kick out of time, somebody had their toilet lid open:blush::look: