Hair Myths


New Member
Hey All

Let's list some "hair myths" we all heard in the past that just make us laugh just to hear it

I knew this girl who use to have big globs of nasty dandruff in her hair and we asked why she does not wash her hair and she said "Dandruff will make ur hair grow"....

Her hair was short, dry, and damaged!
my mom used to say something similiar to that, she said if you didn't have dandruff your hair wouldn't grow.
1.Perms make your hair grow
2.Hair grows when its dirty
3.Grease makes hair grow
4.Black people cant grow long hair
I had a girlfriend in school according to her mother if she trimmed her hair during a full moon her hair would grow longer oh yeah they believed in that dandruff business too...
1. Dirt grows hair...
2. Water dries out your hair (I'm not sure about this one. Some people truly believe this...)
3. If you are black, greasing the scalp is a necessity.

Mayonnaise will strip the relaxer out of the hair.
Wetting your hair daily will make the hair fall out of the scalp.
Certain textures are "bad."

Tightly curled hair aka "kinky" or "nappy" hair cannot be naturally soft - so not true!
My mom told me that water dries out your hair
Dirt will make your hair grow
When you have static in your hair, that means it's healthy
If you wash your hair every day it will fall out
and my favorite of all:
you should flush your hair down the toilet when you take it out of your comb and brush because if you put it in the trash, the birds will make a nest with it and you will become stupid!
i tend to believe the full moon thing too. i used to cut my hair by it, but now i don't cut it often enough to keep that up.

i was also told that washing my hair so oftenwould make it fall out, and that dandruff makes it grow. i had cornflake sized dandruff (psoriasis), and my hair didn't grow longer because of it...
Washing my hair more than once a week will dry it out and break it off....
My hair has flourished! I amd not longer afraid to cut it off for fear it won't grow.
I was told as a teenager that when I get older(I'm now 48) if I cut my hair too much it will not grow back...obviously that was a myth...
I was also told that washing your hair daily would dry out your hair and that if you washed your hair right after a touchup, you'd wash out the perm.
'If you cut it, it will grow'

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Yeah! How many times have I heard that one! I should have hair down to my ankles by now!
It's a shame that only a few weeks ago I believed most of these
and I notice the ones who give me the "advice" always have horribly damaged dry hair!!!

- black people can't wash their hair often because water will dry it out... washing only once a month is fine
- a perm can be "sweated out" (my roomate never wants to go to the gym if her perm is recent lol) or can be washed out if hair is washed too often (isn't perm short for permanent??? lol)
- dirty hair grows faster
- put the hair from your comb/brush in a Bible and it'll grow (my friend said this back in HS lol)
- a relaxer works better on dirty hair
- All shampoos & conditioners are the same and won't effect your hair any differently
- greasing your scalp is a must and makes hair grow

I just thought of another that I still here people say:

If you want to remove a relaxer from your hair, drain your hair in beer
yeah...I do that...I trim my hair on the full moon... maybe it's a myth...but it works for me.

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You're not alone.
BTW I was told:
Static means the hair is in a healthy state and that cutting the hair will make it grow faster...which I do not believe.
Okay. I've got 2. The other day I was in Sally's on a product hunt and asked the lady if they carried World of Curl products. She laughed mockingly as she told me they in fact did not, then proceeded to tell me "but 'dis will make ya hair grow if that's what chu tryin' to do" as she slapped down a vile of Smooth N' Shine Repair Xtreme Leave-In Protein Treatment. I smiled and continued with my purchase. I tried hard not to, I really did but my eyes of their own accord drifted up to her crown. A 3/4 inch mass of hard-plastered down dull ashy damaged hair with visible fresh scabs from a recent chemical burn on her scalp. Even before I joined LHCF I had since enough to know that nothing applied to the hair is going to make it grow. I just left it and her alone.

You won’t even believe my 2nd myth. But it is so true. My great grand mother lived in a rural area in the southern USA. Her neighbor had beautiful hair 2b calf length hair. I remember playing with her grandkids and commenting about it when they told me she drank a special tea and it made her hair grow like mad. They asked me if I wanted her to make me some. I was like
. Now my Great Gran had always told me not to accept anything offered from the lady cause she wasn't "clean" and was crazy but this I couldn't resist. I went inside and asked the lady about the tea. I discover that this fool is drinking what she called "cow chip tea." YES tea made from fresh cow poo poo. I ran to my granny and told her, and she must’ve slapped the hell out of that lady cause after then every time we walked by their house they ALL ran inside to hide. Granny didn't play.
If there is a prize, I think I just won it.
Brooke007, girl, I know you just made that up-didn't you? Doo-doo tea? I have heard it all!!! And I'm from the South!
I swear I'm not lying. I knew y'all wouldn't believe it. She had it in a big ol' jar and it was brown and cloudy with grass in it. JUST NASTY.
I swear I'm not lying. I knew y'all wouldn't believe it. She had it in a big ol' jar and it was brown and cloudy with grass in it. JUST NASTY.

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That is just TOOOO NASSSSTTY!! I don't want long hair that bad...


Trimming your hair in the full-moon actually increased your hair growth? would u mind telling me how much growth you've got after u got it trim on the full-moon?


1. Black people always have to grease their scalp.
2. Only wash your hair every two weeks (twice a month).
Sorry for responding so late...umm....I couldnt really tell you how much growth in inches because I dont measure my hair....but when I was growing my hair out the first hair had bald spots and it was around ear length..two years later with braids and gelling my hair in buns or just for curl definition and trimming with the moon my hair reached past my bra strap(pressed) was near my elbows at that point.