Men and Hair Myths!

Enchantmt said:
Most childrens hair grows well period. As far as men and boys, I think its because they eat more protein. If they play sports they get a lot of activity on top of that. So they get the building blocks and circulation they need for good hair. Women are always on some sort of calorie restriction or restriction of some food group after a certain age.

You said eat more protein huh? *looks at the family dog*...he is getting on my nerves.:lachen:
LocksOfLuV said:
You said eat more protein huh? *looks at the family dog*...he is getting on my nerves.:lachen:

Speaking of protein...One day my SO saw me cracking a couple of eggs and he asked me if I was about to breakfast and I laughed (I don't cook that often cauz Im not that good at it but Im learnin--he knows this) and I told him that the eggs were for my hair. He said he didn't think I should be putting food in my hair. On Another day he saw me deep conditioning with the mayonnaise and he told me straight out "When you bald you will only have yourself to blame." I tried to explain to him that not all hair treatments have to be store bought but he believes what he believes so...
cmw45 said:
I think that my SO was confused (as are many of the women in the shop I go to) by my 4a hair. This one woman looked at my hair as I was combing it out my stylist chair (cause she's not gentle enough, so now I do it myself) and said, "Is that your hair? Really? I thought you had a track until you started combing it. That's and INTERESTING texture." Like I was an alien. I mean, you don't have to be mixed to have a curl patter. *sighs*

OMG, that happned to me too!:lol: When I went to get my hair braided, the stylist that was braiding my hair kept saying, "I can't belive this is your hair! It look like fake hair!" lol!
nikkablue said:
OMG, that happned to me too!:lol: When I went to get my hair braided, the stylist that was braiding my hair kept saying, "I can't belive this is your hair! It look like fake hair!" lol!

I've gotten that too. The African ladies were talking about my curls in French. They didn't know that I speak it too. :lol:
bmoreflyygirl said:
One of my friends called me Kelly Topolski when I told him I wash my hair every other day when it's out. :look:

Also they all assume that women who wear weaves are bald headed (which could be the case but not always) but the ones with braids aren't. They don't like weaves but they like braids. UMM THEY ARE THE SAME THING. They are both fake hair attached to your own hair.

Also nobody got the whole I'm growing out my relaxer thing only to cut the relaxed hair off. I just started telling people I was natural. They didn't get it.

They also think that hair grows fast. I guess they think that bc theirs grows right back after a haircut. Not really. It takes a while to see some length.

ETA: :lachen: at the micros pulling the new growth out. That's a new one. :lol:

Yes this is so true. My husband asked me the other day "How come I can still see the color in your hair"
I said "because I colored it in August 06 and I'm not cutting all of this hair off"
He replies "Shouldn't the color be gone by now?"
Ladies my hair has grown maybe 4.5 inches since then I guess he's thinking I should have a whole new head of hair. I had a hard time convincing him.
shynessqueen said:
Yesterday I put my DS hair in boxes braids. MY SO looked at our son hair, picked up the phone calls his sister and tells her, My son hair is going to be longer then your by next summer because Men hair grows faster then women. Then he looks at me and say oh his hair is going to be longer then yours too. Y'all i wanted to smack him up side his head but i had to think about it. My son hair is growing at a fast rate. I hope he is not right.

Trust me when i say i wore my hair in a fade for over a year, and if i wanted to maintain it i would have to cut it on a weekly basis, even my man would be like "damn baby your hair grows quick"...Now that im leaving it to grow it doesn't seem to appear as if its sprouting up. This is due to the fact that when you have little to no hair and it grows a bit you can see the increase in contrast to longer hair. I'd say the only reason why mens hair grows faster is becasue they are more active. Howver childrens hair grows faster anyway I can honeslt say that when i was younger (as well as most other ppl i know) i could get my hair cornrowed, and redone a week later and you would see NOTICABLE legnth...

I have nothing to add to thisthread, my man is well trained he knows black hair can grow, all ways encourages me, aks me for advice and even prays that my hair reaches my goals, he'll also make comments like "i can't wait until you have all your long pretty hair, and i know you will get it!"...
My ex sucked his teeth and said, 'tsk, tsk' when I was mixing EVOO into one of my conditioners.

He said, "all that ish you keep putting in your hair, I don't know, I think it will make it fall out. You better be careful."

I had to tell him, these oils are of nature, number one, and the hair care products love to brag about how much jojoba/evoo/other gunk is in their product so why not put more?
Crissi said:
Trust me when i say i wore my hair in a fade for over a year, and if i wanted to maintain it i would have to cut it on a weekly basis, even my man would be like "damn baby your hair grows quick"...Now that im leaving it to grow it doesn't seem to appear as if its sprouting up. This is due to the fact that when you have little to no hair and it grows a bit you can see the increase in contrast to longer hair. I'd say the only reason why mens hair grows faster is becasue they are more active. Howver childrens hair grows faster anyway I can honeslt say that when i was younger (as well as most other ppl i know) i could get my hair cornrowed, and redone a week later and you would see NOTICABLE legnth...

I have nothing to add to thisthread, my man is well trained he knows black hair can grow, all ways encourages me, aks me for advice and even prays that my hair reaches my goals, he'll also make comments like "i can't wait until you have all your long pretty hair, and i know you will get it!"...[/quote]

awww how sweet.... wanna trade :look: ???
Haha, i can't even answer that right now, he's p'd me off sp much today, i don't want to say yes and regret it later lol

KissKiss said:
Crissi said:
Trust me when i say i wore my hair in a fade for over a year, and if i wanted to maintain it i would have to cut it on a weekly basis, even my man would be like "damn baby your hair grows quick"...Now that im leaving it to grow it doesn't seem to appear as if its sprouting up. This is due to the fact that when you have little to no hair and it grows a bit you can see the increase in contrast to longer hair. I'd say the only reason why mens hair grows faster is becasue they are more active. Howver childrens hair grows faster anyway I can honeslt say that when i was younger (as well as most other ppl i know) i could get my hair cornrowed, and redone a week later and you would see NOTICABLE legnth...

I have nothing to add to this thread, my man is well trained he knows black hair can grow, all ways encourages me, asks me for advice and even prays that my hair reaches my goals, he'll also make comments like "i can't wait until you have all your long pretty hair, and i know you will get it!"...[/quote]

awww how sweet.... wanna trade :look: ???