crown to waist: 25-26'' (i kept getting different #s each time smh)
hairline to waist: 29''
nape to waist: 18.5'' (my nape is about 8 inches now so it should be WL in about 2 years hopefully)

im somewhere between 5'7''-5'8''
But we just proved here that it's not all based on height. It's based on proportions and inches so I feel like people need to stop saying stuff like a tall girl's APL is a short girl's MBL, because that's blatantly false when someone a foot taller than me only has a 1.5" difference. So in our case, his APL is not even my BSB. We'd be technically claiming the same length with the same amount of inches.
I think people should be judged based on inches, not height. And you're using an extreme case. Only one person said it'd take 36 inches for her. I agree with you that there is no "norm" but that APL versus MBL statement is not true.

Lol I wasnt using the quote "a tall girls APL is a short girls MBL" as a SET IN STONE statement. I was just giving an example. for instance, Im barely MBL and 21" (hairline)and KT is 19" and WL and I think she measured from crown. It was just an example...

I definitely believe alot of people measured differently as we can tell...
As far as people being judged by inches---I guess..I don't see what difference that makes either way. It would still be a huge argument about whether they measured right and people comparing and contrasting...
Either way it doesn't matter. I took this thread as a cool way to tell the differences in length to know how much further we each individually needed to go to reach WL or whatever goal people had.

Like I said...not knocking shorter girls and not discounting anyone's hair length or goals. My opinion is still that there are differences. Everyone has their own opinions about this.
I measured from my nape cause I'm bootleg with a regular ruler LOL...I'm 5ft2 with a short waist..its apprx 17in from my nape..
28" hairline to waist.
It does matter how big the back of your head is, how big your forehead is, as well as torso length and posture/ spinal curveature.
I can't keep up with everybody, I just want it at my waist lol.
So what (myth) does this prove or disprove. I must be missing something. Some people are measuring from crown, some from hairline, and others don't indicate where they are measuring from. Thats pretty confusing. Maybe you should try this same topic as a poll, I would vote if u did.
Height: 5'3 1/2
Hairline to natural waist: 31.5
Crown to natural waist: 27.5
Nape to natural waist: 19.5

I checked it like 5 times, it didn't sound right to me.... either I'm in denial about having a longer torso than I give myself credit for, or gosh darnnit my head is big... either way, something doesn't add up if you ask me :lachen::spinning:

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girl I'm just messing around.... i just float and make the funny
well... mostly fail at the funny, but still i float!:look:

yeah.... I'm disqualified from your growth bud anyway, I see you're already getting close (or there?) to waistlength?

I'm both trying to find my waist & grow out of a TWA...... sigggghs

but when my hair grows up baby!!!! ya'll can't tell me shyyyyyyze!

let me be all like Hair Crush up in here! will be too snobby to even reply to anyone's posts:look::look:



Thank you for giving me someone else's hair to :drool: over. I thought Longhairdontcare2011 had it in the bag for me, but shes been sized with this one. :yep: Hurts me to even say it :nono: I can feel myself mentally checking her channel every two days for a video... already shes about to stalked channelly by me, :lachen::lachen:.... No bueno right:nono: :look:

Ahhh WELL!!! I can feel myself reaching for a twist out in about 10 months :yep: :yawn:

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^^^^ you have a very long torso. Im 3 inches taller than you and my torso is almsot half the size of urs :lol: (j/k) but my torso is def shorter. All my height is in my legs.

I am 5'6
Hairline to waist I am 29''
Crown to wast 25-26''
Height: 5'3 1/2
Hairline to natural waist: 31.5
Crown to natural waist: 27.5
Nape to natural waist: 19.5

I checked it like 5 times, it didn't sound right to me.... either I'm in denial about having a longer torso than I give myself credit for, or gosh darnnit my head is big... either way, something doesn't add up if you ask me :lachen::spinning:

my measurements are the same minus .5 and im shorter than you. welcome to the freakshow club:lachen:

I'll be dayumed if anyone says my WL is their BSL! I will whip out my ruler faster than willow smith whips her HURR:lol:
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my measurements are the same minus .5 and im shorter than you. welcome to the freakshow club:lachen:

I'll be dayumed if anyone says my WL is their BSL! I will whip out my ruler faster than willow smith whips her HURR:lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Girl, you crazy. :lachen:
Height: 5'3 1/2
Hairline to natural waist: 31.5
Crown to natural waist: 27.5
Nape to natural waist: 19.5

I checked it like 5 times, it didn't sound right to me.... either I'm in denial about having a longer torso than I give myself credit for, or gosh darnnit my head is big... either way, something doesn't add up if you ask me :lachen::spinning:

5'3" wow! silly to say but u look so tall in your siggy:yep::yep::yep: i guess you do have a long torso
(i'm also a normal to short torso....kinda explains why i keep losing my waist:ohwell: OR MAYBE IT'S THAT CHOCOLATE CAKE & HERSHEY'S ALMONDS)

YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS... i don't know Crush's hair type, i just know she doesn't seem to have much shrinkage like naptural85 (another idol)

i'm 6ft and my no waist & HUGE head puts me at about 31 or so hairline to waist
and about 28.5 crown to waist
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my measurements are the same minus .5 and im shorter than you. welcome to the freakshow club:lachen:

I'll be dayumed if anyone says my WL is their BSL! I will whip out my ruler faster than willow smith whips her HURR:lol:


GOSH DARNNIT Its the best club Ive ever been apart of :lachen:

((..Laughing..)) I know right. :lachen::lachen::lachen: Count them inches quick
[COLOR=Black said:
tHENATuRALhAiRpRoJEcT[/COLOR];12874473]5'3" wow! silly to say but u look so tall in your siggy:yep::yep::yep: i guess you do have a long torso
[COLOR=Black said:
(i'm also a normal to short torso....kinda explains why i keep losing my waist:ohwell: OR MAYBE IT'S THAT CHOCOLATE CAKE & HERSHEY'S ALMONDS)

YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS... i don't know Crush's hair type, i just know she doesn't seem to have much shrinkage like naptural85 (another idol)

i'm 6ft and my no waist & HUGE head puts me at about 31 or so hairline to waist
and about 28.5 crown to waist


I do? :look: I always thought I looked short, I don't know if the siggy has betrayed me or complimented me :lachen:
Im going to be staring at my torso because it doesn't look long to me, :lol:

I think you'd be considered normal torso...

If it wasn't for the lovely treadmill I have, It'd be a lost hope, :lachen:

Thank you so much :yep:.... I would love to know her hair type her hair is BEAUTIFUL to me, shes got all that long hair on her head, and it is amazing to me :yep: I will wear my first twist-out when I get to her length :yep: naptrual85 does have some shrinkage, I get shirk-age like that too, my curls are just different.

Our measurements are close :yep: which makes you normal, and me freakish :lachen:
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^^^^ you have a very long torso. Im 3 inches taller than you and my torso is almsot half the size of urs :lol: (j/k) but my torso is def shorter. All my height is in my legs.

I am 5'6
Hairline to waist I am 29''
Crown to wast 25-26''


I think my eyes are visually in denial, :lachen:. I'm not seeing the length but I guess its there, :yep:

Your measurements sound normal to me :look::yep: