Crown- Waist= 27"
Nape-Waist = 19"

I'm 5'8".

I always measure from my nape-waist, since I'm more interested in being a "layered" WL-er, than a blunt cut WL-er *shrug*
I'm 5'2 and 1/2, lawd I hope I'm measuring accurately because my natural waist is 30'' making me a circus freak :lachen:
Us shorties are always claiming them 1/2 inches ain't we :lol:?! And yes the 1/2" really does count :look:

I'm 5'1 and I got 28. I have a rather big head though.

I'm 5'2 and I got 29.5" from hairline to WL. From the nape, WL would be about 22" . I too have a fairly ginormous dome. It seems like it's taking me forever and a day to creep to WL. I hope no one tries to diminish my progress when I do make it to WL or TBL by saying that I'm short :nono:.
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i'm 5'10"

hairline to natural waist (mid torso) 31 in.
crown to natural waist 24 in.
nape to natural waist 19 in.

hairline to hipbone (where I wear my pants/belt) 35 in.
crown to hipbone 28 in.
nape to hipbone 24 in.

Thank you for this thread because this discounting people is annoying.
I think I am one of the shortest members here at 4'10" and my crown to waist measurement is 22.5".
He is an entire foot taller than me and we only differ 1.5", which is the point I was trying to make in the MBL 2011 Challenge thread. My best friend and I are a foot apart as well and her BSL and mine are only like 1.5 - 2" apart. Which means it'll take longer for her but only a matter of months.
So when I post my grand reveal, none of y'all better come up in there talking about I'm only there because I'm a shorty!
Here's the proof right chea!
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"it seems that the norm is 26-28'' crown to waist"
i think so too. so can we stop belittling others progress due to height differences?:look:

I never saw this happen until about a year or so ago.there were rarely height threads and none of this "well she is a midget so her progress isnt significant" talk.:nono:

I've seen between 22 inches- and 36 so there is no "norm" ..... The norm doesn't just fall in the girls who are average height 5'4", 5'5"...I've seen people in the forum from 4'11" to 6'2" I believe.

You have to account for people's torso vs legs...some people are all legs, some people are all torso, some people are in between.

I don't think people saying Short girls growing 22 inches to reach waist length is "insignificant"....but someone growing 22 inches and 36 inches is a huge difference, no? We are talking over a foot difference.

I'm sorry, regardless of height, I see a major difference in someone who has 22 inches of hair versus 36 inches, whether it falls at the same spot of their body or not...

I don't think its insignificant though...Just a major difference. A tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a shorter girl.

I agree with someone earlier, I would love to look at tall girls on Youtube that are waist length so us tall girls can look up to... Its not the same with us being tall to look at a 5'2" girl who is waistlength who has shorter hair than us...No disrespect but its a preference and a difference. Shorter girls can look to the short Youtubers as inspiration, but it's not really inspiration for me . Everybody finds inspiration in what appeals to them specifically.
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"it seems that the norm is 26-28'' crown to waist"

I've seen between 22 inches- and 36 so there is no "norm" ..... The norm doesn't just fall in the girls who are average height 5'4", 5'5"...I've seen people in the forum from 4'11" to 6'2" I believe.

You have to account for people's torso vs legs...some people are all legs, some people are all torso, some people are in between.

I don't think people saying Short girls growing 22 inches to reach waist length is "insignificant"....but someone growing 22 inches and 36 inches is a huge difference, no? We are talking over a foot difference.

I'm sorry, regardless of height, I see a major difference is someone who has 22 inches of hair versus 36 inches, whether it falls at the same spot of their body or not...

I don't think its insignificant though...Just a major difference. A tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a shorter girl.

I agree with someone earlier, I would love to look at tall girls on Youtube that are waist length so us tall girls can look up to... Its not the same with us being tall to look at a 5'2" girl who is waistlength who has shorter hair than us...No disrespect but its a preference and a difference

But we just proved here that it's not all based on height. It's based on proportions and inches so I feel like people need to stop saying stuff like a tall girl's APL is a short girl's MBL, because that's blatantly false when someone a foot taller than me only has a 1.5" difference. So in our case, his APL is not even my BSB. We'd be technically claiming the same length with the same amount of inches.
I think people should be judged based on inches, not height. And you're using an extreme case. Only one person said it'd take 36 inches for her. I agree with you that there is no "norm" but that APL versus MBL statement is not true.
But it's evident, based on this thread that there are short girls with the same exact hairline to WL measurement as taller ones (5'8+). To my recollection there has only been 1 person whose measurement was 32" @ 6'2, but there were members who were 5'2, 5'3, 5'4 with a measurement of 30"- both were measuring from hairline to waist. So it would still take the same amount of growth, save a for 2" difference for them to both reach WL. Heck my WL measurment is 29.5" & 22-23" at the nape and it has taken me a hella long time to just get to MBL. That norm measurement was an observation of what people have stated in this thread, including women of taller heights.

"it seems that the norm is 26-28'' crown to waist"

I've seen between 22 inches- and 36 so there is no "norm" ..... The norm doesn't just fall in the girls who are average height 5'4", 5'5"...I've seen people in the forum from 4'11" to 6'2" I believe.

You have to account for people's torso vs legs...some people are all legs, some people are all torso, some people are in between.

I don't think people saying Short girls growing 22 inches to reach waist length is "insignificant"....but someone growing 22 inches and 36 inches is a huge difference, no? We are talking over a foot difference.

I'm sorry, regardless of height, I see a major difference in someone who has 22 inches of hair versus 36 inches, whether it falls at the same spot of their body or not...

I don't think its insignificant though...Just a major difference. A tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a shorter girl.

I agree with someone earlier, I would love to look at tall girls on Youtube that are waist length so us tall girls can look up to... Its not the same with us being tall to look at a 5'2" girl who is waistlength who has shorter hair than us...No disrespect but its a preference and a difference. Shorter girls can look to the short Youtubers as inspiration, but it's not really inspiration for me . Everybody finds inspiration in what appeals to them specifically.
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Honestly, regardless of all of this, I will choose to be inspired by someone who has a regular growth rate and retains all or most of their growth whether they are 6'5" or 4'5". If I know that it takes that person 30" to get to waist length and they get there in 60 months, that's who I'll be listening to. So maybe from now, I'll be asking how many inches the length is on that person and how long it took. That's all that really matters to me.
just to be honest....... we ALL know good-N-t-well .....some of these measurements are just off:grin::lachen::look: :drunk:

anywho I love all the responses.... just out of curiosity and all
Ya'll some odd shaped hef.fas.... lol

I kid, I kid... *kanye shrug*

Sent from my DROIDX using Long Hair Care Forum App
Crown to waist: 25''
Hairline to waist: 29''
Nape to waist" 18.5''
i'm 5'8''

also I think for the hairline to waist..the reason they were shorter than crown is those member were measuring from the front.....
Like someone else said I'm not sure why we measure from crown/hairline to waist, being that the hair at your nape will hit WL sooner and with less length, your hair will just be naturally layered unless you get it cut.

Or are you guys cutting your hair to even it up....??
I measured from my crown to my natural waist and it measure 28". I'm only 5'8.5" tall with a big head and long torso. :nono:
"it seems that the norm is 26-28'' crown to waist"

I've seen between 22 inches- and 36 so there is no "norm" ..... The norm doesn't just fall in the girls who are average height 5'4", 5'5"...I've seen people in the forum from 4'11" to 6'2" I believe.

You have to account for people's torso vs legs...some people are all legs, some people are all torso, some people are in between.

I don't think people saying Short girls growing 22 inches to reach waist length is "insignificant"....but someone growing 22 inches and 36 inches is a huge difference, no? We are talking over a foot difference.

I'm sorry, regardless of height, I see a major difference in someone who has 22 inches of hair versus 36 inches, whether it falls at the same spot of their body or not...

I don't think its insignificant though...Just a major difference. A tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a shorter girl.

I agree with someone earlier, I would love to look at tall girls on Youtube that are waist length so us tall girls can look up to... Its not the same with us being tall to look at a 5'2" girl who is waistlength who has shorter hair than us...No disrespect but its a preference and a difference. Shorter girls can look to the short Youtubers as inspiration, but it's not really inspiration for me . Everybody finds inspiration in what appeals to them specifically.

Thank You to everyone who submitted links to those YouTube pages!

And lexi I LOVE your hair and agree with everything you've said so I won't bother repeating you.

But we just proved here that it's not all based on height. It's based on proportions and inches so I feel like people need to stop saying stuff like a tall girl's APL is a short girl's MBL, because that's blatantly false when someone a foot taller than me only has a 1.5" difference. So in our case, his APL is not even my BSB. We'd be technically claiming the same length with the same amount of inches.
I think people should be judged based on inches, not height. And you're using an extreme case. Only one person said it'd take 36 inches for her. I agree with you that there is no "norm" but that APL versus MBL statement is not true.

Um're using a lot of "absolute" terminology in reference to this inconsistent, informal experiment. I dont think we "proved" anything other than some people have long torsos, some people short ones, and a lot of people aren't even clear how to measure themselves to begin with. :lachen:

just to be honest....... we ALL know good-N-t-well .....some of these measurements are just off:grin::lachen::look: :drunk:

anywho I love all the responses.... just out of curiosity and all

exactly. i hope no one is reading this thread and taking it with anything more than a grain of salt.

No one is discounting Kimmy or any shorter folks. In fact women under 5'6 are the norm and therefore more prevalent. All we're doing is noticing a difference that does exist. And speaking from our vantage point.

But some folks on here are starting to sound real salty - so me and my long back are going to go take a walk to CVS to buy some measuring tape.

G'nite :dighole:
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Um're using a lot of "absolute" terminology in reference to this inconsistent, informal experiment. I dont think we "proved" anything other than some people have long torsos, some people short ones, and a lot of people aren't even clear how to measure themselves to begin with. :lachen:

Okay but I don't see you calling out the "absolute terminology" that Lexi used when saying "a tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a short girl." I don't think I said anything more absolute than what she said, but I guess you ignored that part of her response. That's the part I was responding to. No shade to Lexi, but I felt that was a blanket assertion and responded as such.
Ok, the experiment is informal and "proved" was not the best word. All I was saying is that you can't go just based on height or make the assumption that my length of hair would be significantly shorter on someone taller when people a foot taller than me only have a 1.5" difference.
I'm not salty but it did rub me the wrong way when people were discounting Kim because of her height, and though I'm not a fan of hers, I'm short, too, and would be mad if people discounted me, particularly if those same people would praise a taller person whose hair might only be 1.5" longer than mine.
But I'm done beating the dead horse. People will believe what they want and are entitled to their own opinions. As I said, I will focus more on inches and how long it took for people to achieve them from now on.
Okay but I don't see you calling out the "absolute terminology" that Lexi used when saying "a tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a short girl." I don't think I said anything more absolute than what she said, but I guess you ignored that part of her response. That's the part I was responding to. No shade to Lexi, but I felt that was a blanket assertion and responded as such.
Ok, the experiment is informal and "proved" was not the best word. All I was saying is that you can't go just based on height or make the assumption that my length of hair would be significantly shorter on someone taller when people a foot taller than me only have a 1.5" difference.
I'm not salty but it did rub me the wrong way when people were discounting Kim because of her height, and though I'm not a fan of hers, I'm short, too, and would be mad if people discounted me, particularly if those same people would praise a taller person whose hair might only be 1.5" longer than mine.
But I'm done beating the dead horse. People will believe what they want and are entitled to their own opinions. As I said, I will focus more on inches and how long it took for people to achieve them from now on.
Chile don't be mad, when you get to your length goal sooner people can sit there all night and try to figure out how long your hair is in inches, but at the end of the day, if you can wrap it around your face and whip it like cool, you WILL be feelin' yourself. Ain't nothin wrong with that. Mine is on the lower end of the scale (or average, depending on the measurements you're going by in this thread) I WISH someone would try to check me when I reach my length goal.
Chile don't be mad, when you get to your length goal sooner people can sit there all night and try to figure out how long your hair is in inches, but at the end of the day, if you can wrap it around your face and whip it like cool, you WILL be feelin' yourself. Ain't nothin wrong with that. Mine is on the lower end of the scale (or average, depending on the measurements you're going by in this thread) I WISH someone would try to check me when I reach my length goal.

You right, you right.
I was just imagining some post reading: "But y'all know she only 4'10", right? That same hair would be SL on me" :rolleyes:
After I thought about it, I realized that was dumb. Okay, my HL might be SL on you, but I'm still HL so.... yeah.
This journey is for me, and no one else. This particular issue just made me lose sight of that. Thanks for reminding me girl!
Now let me unsubscribe from this thread before I forget again!
Chile don't be mad, when you get to your length goal sooner people can sit there all night and try to figure out how long your hair is in inches, but at the end of the day, if you can wrap it around your face and whip it like cool, you WILL be feelin' yourself. Ain't nothin wrong with that. Mine is on the lower end of the scale (or average, depending on the measurements you're going by in this thread) I WISH someone would try to check me when I reach my length goal.

I don't belittle anyone's achievements on this board. So thank goodness I'm not one of these "people" you're referring to.

And I'm hoping folks in here aren't quick to throw around that lazy "hater" word kids seem so obsessed with just cause someone has a varying opinion on this one topic.

Thinking a 5'10 woman may have to grow longer hair to reach mbl and being genuinely happy for someone on their hair journey aren't mutually exclusive.
I don't belittle anyone's achievements on this board. So thank goodness I'm not one of these "people" you're referring to.

And I'm hoping folks in here aren't quick to throw around that lazy "hater" word kids seem so obsessed with just cause someone has a varying opinion on this one topic.

Thinking a 5'10 woman may have to grow longer hair to reach mbl and being genuinely happy for someone on their hair journey aren't mutually exclusive.

You're right, I wasn't referring to you at all. But I have seen it. Also not denying your last sentence. I'd just say some shorties caught a break this time. And at the same time, if it takes a woman longer to grow her hair to a certain length due to her height, I would definitely motivate her. :yep:
Okay but I don't see you calling out the "absolute terminology" that Lexi used when saying "a tall girl's APL is MBL or longer on a short girl." I don't think I said anything more absolute than what she said, but I guess you ignored that part of her response. That's the part I was responding to. No shade to Lexi, but I felt that was a blanket assertion and responded as such.
Ok, the experiment is informal and "proved" was not the best word. All I was saying is that you can't go just based on height or make the assumption that my length of hair would be significantly shorter on someone taller when people a foot taller than me only have a 1.5" difference.
I'm not salty but it did rub me the wrong way when people were discounting Kim because of her height, and though I'm not a fan of hers, I'm short, too, and would be mad if people discounted me, particularly if those same people would praise a taller person whose hair might only be 1.5" longer than mine.
But I'm done beating the dead horse. People will believe what they want and are entitled to their own opinions. As I said, I will focus more on inches and how long it took for people to achieve them from now on.

I actually quoted the wrong Lexi quote to be honest....:lachen:

I was multi quoting and was giving her kudos on the very first one where she quoted me....i just went back and realized she's actually made two posts and I'd clicked the second. this point I don't even remember what they said anymore.

You on the other hand have made several pretty concise responses stating the same general point over and over again so what you said was just plain easier for me to remember. *kanyeshrug*

And all I kept thinking was "I hope she's not taking this messy cross sections of varied measurements too seriously".

Bottom line is: You felt discounted. That's come across loud and clear through this whole thing. And ironically that was my point as well.

When I do get my lazy *** up and get a tape measure I promise there will be more than an inch between us. Anyone who looks at me can attest to my longneck/long back/ big head situation. And many times I've felt discounted as well.

I aggressively ps and last time I checked - I've retained a full 6inches a year, just like Kimmy and the shorter gurus. I just got more ground to cover. And I spoke on that. Just like you spoke on those short waisted tall girls who seem to be making you feel some kinda way over an inch.

Two sides. Same coin.

I don't see any harm in both of us saying our peace. I don't think one is any less valid than the other.

And most importantly...I still can't figure out where I put my tape measure (I'm seriously annoyed about having to buy another one :perplexed) *womp!*
I actually quoted the wrong Lexi quote to be honest....:lachen:

I was multi quoting and was giving her kudos on the very first one where she quoted me....i just went back and realized she's actually made two posts and I'd clicked the second. this point I don't even remember what they said anymore.

You on the other hand have made several pretty concise responses stating the same general point over and over again so what you said was just plain easier for me to remember. *kanyeshrug*

And all I kept thinking was "I hope she's not taking this messy cross sections of varied measurements too seriously".

Bottom line is: You felt discounted. That's come across loud and clear through this whole thing. And ironically that was my point as well.

When I do get my lazy *** up and get a tape measure I promise there will be more than an inch between us. Anyone who looks at me can attest to my longneck/long back/ big head situation. And many times I've felt discounted as well.

I aggressively ps and last time I checked - I've retained a full 6inches a year, just like Kimmy and the shorter gurus. I just got more ground to cover. And I spoke on that. Just like you spoke on those short waisted tall girls who seem to be making you feel some kinda way over an inch.

Two sides. Same coin.

I don't see any harm in both of us saying our peace. I don't think one is any less valid than the other.

And most importantly...I still can't figure out where I put my tape measure (I'm seriously annoyed about having to buy another one :perplexed) *womp!*


i don't know if i should PAY$$$$ got be your friend:yep::yep: or run, duck & hide when i see you post
b/c you go hard-arse-heyellllll :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

no ma'am won't be on the end of that.......

so how much$$$$$$$ do you want?:look::look: i gotch chu :look:
besides i need a tall swan neck, long back, big head growth buddy.....

b/c I've got all those traits on lock:yep::yep::yep:

Werd! Chu'mon then! I actually made a friend with someone my freshman year of college cause we were both the same height with big ole heads. Seemed like a good enough reason as any...

As for you're previous post.... folks keep telling me I'm "authentic". I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a nice way of telling me I'm an a$$ but I never mean any harm in my posts.

I'm just being honest. And Davis seems like a nice young lady. so it's all good ova here.

Shoot...if I ever catch one of those short waisted broads picking on her in another thread I'd probably come to her defense :look:
Werd! Chu'mon then! I actually made a friend with someone my freshman year of college cause we were both the same height with big ole heads. Seemed like a good enough reason as any...

As for you're previous post.... folks keep telling me I'm "authentic". I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a nice way of telling me I'm an a$$ but I never mean any harm in my posts.

I'm just being honest. And Davis seems like a nice young lady. so it's all good ova here.

Shoot...if I ever catch one of those short waisted broads picking on her in another thread I'd probably come to her defense :look:

girl I'm just messing around.... i just float and make the funny
well... mostly fail at the funny, but still i float!:look:

yeah.... I'm disqualified from your growth bud anyway, I see you're already getting close (or there?) to waistlength?

I'm both trying to find my waist & grow out of a TWA...... sigggghs

but when my hair grows up baby!!!! ya'll can't tell me shyyyyyyze!

let me be all like Hair Crush up in here! will be too snobby to even reply to anyone's posts:look::look:

girl I'm just messing around.... i just float and make the funny
well... mostly fail at the funny, but still i float!:look:

yeah.... I'm disqualified from your growth bud anyway, I see you're already getting close (or there?) to waistlength?

I'm both trying to find my waist & grow out of a TWA...... sigggghs

but when my hair grows up baby!!!! ya'll can't tell me shyyyyyyze!

let me be all like Hair Crush up in here! will be too snobby to even reply to anyone's posts:look::look:


i think your funny actually. you always come off super friendly on here.

I can't even talk about Hair Crush.....i get all daydreamy and wistful when I think about her hair.:lick::love:'s almost creepy
i think your funny actually. you always come off super friendly on here.

I can't even talk about Hair Crush.....i get all daydreamy and wistful when I think about her hair.:lick::love:'s almost creepy

i think her hair is so sick.....

I say we jump her:look: (it's only the right thing to do:ohwell::yep:)

honestly i had no intentions or thoughts of becoming natural..... i ran into longhairdontcare2011's vids..... and chopped like one month later

she floored me.... no other words for it

now that I've found Crush... I like the no or low heat "highly textured" look/approach personally...

so I've replaced my "hair crush" with HAIRCRUSH:look: