Unified Measuring System?

Just want to address the bold: that's why photos help. SL, APL, BSB, WL are all "estimates" not science and that's exactly what they are supposed to be. That we don't all agree on what's what is OK, because no one ever agrees on estimates. These so-called arbitrary measurements mean a lot to those of us who've never had long hair. Just being able to see the hair reach a part of your body it never reached before is a cause for celebration...and if we get past that...it's exciting to be able to see it reach the next zone determined by another "landmark". So maybe you may not care about this, but some of us do. And even if the distance is only an inch, it's an inch I never thought I'd ever see myself get past. And knowing it's an inch or six doesn't make me as excited as knowing my hair finally reached my shoulders. And I'm more concerned about getting to where I never thought I'd get not in how short or long a distance I traveled.*shrug*

That makes sense. I get excited to see my progress as well, no matter how it's measured.
OK, I see what you mean, but I wasn't thinking of it as "over-thought" but rather too "strict" a process about a venture that's supposed to be more of a hobby than science and also one that serves the person giving it very little purpose if "actual measurement" isn't a concern of theirs.

As someone else said, measure if you prefer to. I once used to when I was interested to find out how much growth I got a year. Once that question was answered, I no longer saw any use in it. I get excited when I see a picture of my hair and see it stretch to a place I never thought it could reach. Hence my finding measuring too much work and a bit extra.

Now that I think about it, perhaps the question of measurements ceases to be important once you get your questions answered. Like does this product really make one get more than 6 inches a year, or did you just get 6 inches and it sounds like a lot coz you're a squirt? Which would mean I'm better off sticking to my regimen which also gives 6 inches a year, yanno?

I need to get another 5-8 inches to hit my goal, so my personal preference is to hook up with other hair sisters who are needing to do the same. Just like I would not go on a diet with a woman who needed to loose 100lbs when I just need to drop 10. Body parts are cool, but I like specifics. I grow about 1/2 to 1 full inch a month and I'm trying boost that to 1 - 1.5 if I can. Body measuring doesn't help me with that. So, yes, I think it's all about getting your question answered.

And for me, measuring is MUCH easier then taking a pull-pic. I just put the tape measure in my hands and stretch it out alongside my hair. It's 30 seconds. Knowing how many inches I need helps me keep track without having to brush my hair smooth (I can't grab the ends from behind my back and pull when my hair is shrunken) and dance around in front of the camera feeling stupid. If I measure my hair at 17 inches, then I know where that hits on my body. I wouldn't need to do all the stretching and pulling to "see" the length. But to each his own. Some people feel encourage when they "see" their length.
Wow, I'm so jealous! Three inches is nothing, girl. You will be there in the blink of an eye...and then you'll take pics! Right? :lick:

Oh yeah, when i reach WL i'm all about the pics. I don't wanna end up getting called out for posting w/o pics or getting a bunch of:
:needpics: :lachen:You know how we do!
Okay, I skipped most of the posts b/c I came I here to get help on figuring out what FULL sl/alp/bsl.... means. Does it mean front crown is sl/apl/bsl/mbl.... or does it mean ALL of your hair is basically one length.... or does it mean that MOST of your hair reaches the goal length even though you may have shorter lengths in the front or crown? I'm so confused by this terminology.
Okay, I skipped most of the posts b/c I came I here to get help on figuring out what FULL sl/alp/bsl.... means. Does it mean front crown is sl/apl/bsl/mbl.... or does it mean ALL of your hair is basically one length.... or does it mean that MOST of your hair reaches the goal length even though you may have shorter lengths in the front or crown? I'm so confused by this terminology.

The part in red is what I believe most people mean when they say "full". I know that's what I mean, anyway. It's like you celebrate a little when those 2 first strands of hair reach bsl :lol: but you are really not quite there yet until most of it, or the overall appearance is at that length.