Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

I would love to join.... is anyone interested in becoming my hair buddy? We can encourage each other using either facebook, istagram, whatapps, Samsung apps communication.. I am relaxed (shoulder Length) and aiming to reach Bra Strap Length by Dec...
Hair Goals
Current Length: SL
2014 Goal Length: APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: 10-12 week stretches, co-washing, bunning, sew-ins, roller sets, GHE, Njoy mix, Inversion, Supplements, Exercising

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 190
Goal Weight: 175
Current Dress Size: 10 - 12
Goal Size: 8 - 10
Fitness Goal: build my booty, lose the back fat and flatten my tummy
How you will achieve goal: Snacking Less, Stop eating after 6pm, exercise 3 times a week, drink more water
I would love to join.... is anyone interested in becoming my hair buddy? We can encourage each other using either facebook, istagram, whatapps, Samsung apps communication.. I am relaxed (shoulder Length) and aiming to reach Bra Strap Length by Dec...

I will be your growth buddy. I would also like to reach bsl by December. I need to lose 30 something lbs too :(

My current length is apl. I have natural 4b, color treated, medium porosity, low density hair with layers. I use heat once every 3 months to check length and see if I need a trim. Last trim was in October
Completed my first group cycling ride. It was supposed to be 18 miles and ended up 30 miles. It was tough but I did it. Now I know I'm ready for my next ride in two weeks whlch is 25 miles.

My SO said I probably burned 2000 calories. We shall see if I drop any weight this week. I know my legs will be more toned.
Woohoo faithVA

I was just thinking that one of my first purchases this summer will be a bike. I can't wait for long rides. I rode 10 miles a day the summer after I graduated from college and I was in great shape.

I've been running for the past three days. Trying to make that an every day thing while I push through finals for the next two weeks.
Woohoo faithVA

I was just thinking that one of my first purchases this summer will be a bike. I can't wait for long rides. I rode 10 miles a day the summer after I graduated from college and I was in great shape.

I've been running for the past three days. Trying to make that an every day thing while I push through finals for the next two weeks.

It is definitely great exercise. You are already in great shape if you are running everyday but cycling would be great cross training.

I'm going to stick to 25 & 30 mile rides until I can get my speed up then I'm going for 50.
I have my eye on a half marathon in Nashville in late September. I've always wanted to visit the city, and this might be the motivation I need to start running outside. It's always been a goal of mine, but I always give up.

I found what's basically a couch to half marathon training schedule. It's a 14 week program so I'm going to start on Tuesday (Monday is designated rest day) and work through it. The race I'm contemplating is more than 14 weeks away, so when (if) I finish the program I'll just redo the last few weeks and work on my timing. For now I'm just focused on finishing and not injuring myself.

Did a 30 minute treadmill run today, about to wash my hair.
Back on my grind. Gonna get some cardio and a little weights in at the gym. I hate my midsection and thighs. :angry2:

Studying for finals and focusing on this move have been making me slack.
I have my eye on a half marathon in Nashville in late September. I've always wanted to visit the city, and this might be the motivation I need to start running outside. It's always been a goal of mine, but I always give up.

I found what's basically a couch to half marathon training schedule. It's a 14 week program so I'm going to start on Tuesday (Monday is designated rest day) and work through it. The race I'm contemplating is more than 14 weeks away, so when (if) I finish the program I'll just redo the last few weeks and work on my timing. For now I'm just focused on finishing and not injuring myself.

Did a 30 minute treadmill run today, about to wash my hair.

Go for it. Do you know of any running groups in your area that train for marathons? Perhaps that may be of support.

I will cheer you on during your 14 weeks. :yep:
Took today off as another rest day to allow my body to recover from the ride. I did stretch last night and my body felt good, no sore muscles. I will take a walk during my lunch break. I hope to get back on the bike tomorrow morning. Now that I know I can go the distance, I just need to get stronger so I can increase my speed.

My hair is up in flat twists and out of the way. I am glad I found a go to style.
I'm in the final week of P90X3. They call it victory week :grin: I'm pretty pleased with my results so far. I've lost 11 pounds and almost 7 pounds of fat. According to my scale I'm at the lowest body fat % I've been since 2005.

I have to find something to do next so I don't throw away all this progress. Another inch or two off each thigh and I will be satisfied.
My husband and I started the master cleanse today. We are only doing it for 2 days. I am so hungry I cant think straight. Hurry up and get here Wednesday. We got protein powder too to make our own post workout shakes.

I had my kids bday party todayn there was pizza and cupcakes...I resisted the urge to eat everything I saw. Im proud of myself.
I completed Day 1 of my training today. I set my alarm for 7:45 but didn't actually get up and go until around 9 am. I walked to the trail, and did my run/walk of two miles. I walked for 4 minutes of the total 2 miles, so it wasn't too bad. But I'm tired! Tomorrow is 30 minutes of cross training.
I'm in the final week of P90X3. They call it victory week :grin: I'm pretty pleased with my results so far. I've lost 11 pounds and almost 7 pounds of fat. According to my scale I'm at the lowest body fat % I've been since 2005.

I have to find something to do next so I don't throw away all this progress. Another inch or two off each thigh and I will be satisfied.

You should be pleased with your results. You have achieved great results :clap:

Are you doing anything to reward yourself? A massage? A nice new outfit?
Prettymetty is the master cleanse the one where you drink lemon water with cayenne pepper? What's it supposed to do?

faithVA- I should go buy some new clothes, mine are too loose, but I hate clothes shopping. I will definitely go for a massage. I LOVE massages.
Yea thats the one. Its supposed to cleanse and derox you/reset your taste buds so that you make better food choices. We can eat all the fruit/veggies we want. I modified it to fit my active lifestyle
So i can't tell by the top/sides of my hair that my hair is growing, but I can tell by the back of my hair in this wack lil patch that's sprouting and looking all messy. I really need a cut back there, and probably will get a trim all over.
Still deciding whether I'll just transition or perm again.

Went to doc, and got cleared for all exercise today!!! If it wasn't raining I'd be out for a run right now. I'm excited to start my T25 on Monday, but till then I'll do a jillian dvd or something.
Down from 178.2 to 176.0 in three days!! :yay:

I did 100 squats yesterday broken down in five sets every three hours (more or less).

Gonna cowash today with CJ Daily Fix :drool::lovedrool: Man I don't have the words to express the intense love I have for this product. I feel like I have $1mil hair.
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Congrats on the 100 squats and bring down 2 pounds IronButterfly

I'm doing a wheat free week. I had a huge sandwich on Sunday and my weight spiked a little. After 2 wheat free days I'm down 1.4 lbs. the only grain I've had so far is my evening popcorn snack.

I know I can't go grain free permanently, but it seems to be a good way to recover from a small weight spike.