Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

My snack today. I will never get tired of sliced cucumbers. I added oranges and kiwi wedges too


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Got a good workout in. Triceps, chest, and 15 minutes on the elliptical. I will do some kettebells, planks, and vacuums in the morning.
Not sure if I'm actually losing the pound-age, but my underwear and pants kept falling off my hips while I was on the treadmill today. So that gave me life.

Yesterday I pre-pooed with coconut milk, honey and oil, co-washed with HQS coconut lime co-cleanser, and dc-ed with a diy goat's milk conditioner. My hair was ever-thang! Soft and strong and defined. My little twisty-pigtails are starting to look like more than nubs. It's taken a long time to recover from post-partum shedding and grow out that pregnancy "gorilla" hair. My hair is starting to look normal and better than ever.

Finally bought a new juicer. I am stoked! Love me some beet juice.:lick:
I just saw the gorgeous singer in NOLA, Nayo Jones, she has the legs I want and I realize that I need to lose a lot more weight. Maybe 10-15 pounds more. I'm on a mission. My new goal is 130 lbs.
I'm givin birth soon, and startin April 1 I'll be takin care of my body and hair again.

- Stay relaxed (get touch ups in april, july, october)
- Grow to chin length bob by Dec 31st
- Learn to roller set
- Don't freak out when postpartum shedding makes me look 1/2way bald

Get back to pre-baby weight
(Lose the 35lbs she's makin me carry around)
Get into better than pre-baby shape
(see some ab definition and get some booty lift/roundation)
I'm a beachbody girl so I'll be doing T25, shakeology and then P90X3
Thanks for the encouragement ladies! Things did get better after the ice fiasco. I'm doing my usual meal planning this weekend and I'm going to try to make it extra budget friendly. I have a trip at the end of this month. I'm taking the bike out for today's exercise.
Got my bike back today and rode 15 miles. My body had a good workout. I definitely should be able to get 3 good workouts in this week. Hopefully I can drop below 150 by next weekend.

My hair is :ohwell: It is feeling softer but my breakage is out of this world. So I will be using a product with a humectant to try to preven my hair from drying out so quickly. And I will cowash/DC every 3 or 4 days.
Ok I totally overate today, but when I get back home I'm back on track and on a mission to lose the next 10 pounds. This 10 took me just over 3 months so by mid June I should be able to reach 130. I haven't been that low since high school.
Congrats!! Awesome work and dedication! :)

I haven't been on LHCF for almost a week because I had a cold and felt terrible. However, I stayed on track with my meal plan and workout regiment. I had my first weigh in after working my personal trainers plan for 2 weeks and I lost 4% body fat. I also gained lean muscle so I'm ignoring the scale for now. She told me it could take a while for the scale to move because I'm building muscle but as long as I lose body fat just ignore the scale for now. I feel smaller in my abdominal and thighs. Overall I'm happy but eating all of this food is so hard!! I have 6 meals a day and I would love the scale to show my progress right away.. I'm staying committed and trusting the process but it is challenging.

She uses a body fat caliper and measures all over. It's a little uncomfortable getting down to your bra and panties but it's the only way she can get an accurate reading. Thank God she makes the process as comfortable as possible by talking and making jokes lol!!
I just wanted to drop in and say way to go ladies, keep going! I'm an avid exerciser and have lost almost 60 pounds in the last 3 years. I still have about 20 more to go, but as MayaNatural said, body fat percentage is the most important. I have lost 10% body fat since August. Stay at it, it becomes a lifestyle choice before you know it.
I didn't know you lost that much weight. Good for you!! That's very inspiring and motivating. I have to lose about 75lbs. Every time I try.. I give up. I can't give up this time my health seriously depends on it. Do you lift?
Hi ladies! I've been MIA b/c I got off track. I'm ready to get going again. Our family vacation is in July and I want to look good in a bathing suit. I realized I haven't worn a swimsuit in over 14years!! My oldest is turning 14 and my youngest is 2. So yeah I'm still dealing with years of baby fat after 4 kids. I don't have any excuses, I just lack willpower. Anyway, I went grocery shopping and I'm going to detox using Dr.Oz 3 day detox plan. I start tomorrow. image-679742983.jpg I will check in everyday while doing this. Has anyone tried this?
I didn't know you lost that much weight. Good for you!! That's very inspiring and motivating. I have to lose about 75lbs. Every time I try.. I give up. I can't give up this time my health seriously depends on it. Do you lift?

Yes ma'am, I lift. I do three days of cardio, two days of weights, one day of upper body, one day of lower body. So I workout five days a week.

I've started doing Boot Camp at the gym to switch it up.

But success is 80% what you eat. I've always been active, but didn't start losing weight until I monitored my calorie intake. I'm on My Fitness Pal, it helps a lot.
Yes ma'am, I lift. I do three days of cardio, two days of weights, one day of upper body, one day of lower body. So I workout five days a week. I've started doing Boot Camp at the gym to switch it up. But success is 80% what you eat. I've always been active, but didn't start losing weight until I monitored my calorie intake. I'm on My Fitness Pal, it helps a lot.

This is so true. I find that it's not so hard to exercise. But eating the right food and the right portions is very challenging.
Skipped working out yesterday. My tris and chest were definitely feeling it yesterday. A good sore feeling.

After I get some studying and homework in today, I will do some kettlebell swings, vacuums, planks, and squats.

Hair is doing fine. I've been using some type of protein each week to keep the balance in check.
So I had a great cardio workout, burned about 500 calories!! Then I grilled some chicken breasts and steak and ate 2 thin steaks with a salad. So good!

Was gonna get a TU this weekend but I met a girl with beautiful twists, so I made an appointment with her for this weekend. Gonna keep my braid out for the week.
2 months progress done in by 4 days in NOLA. The food was good, but it wasn't that good. :-( I gained 5.5 pounds. I'm really hoping a big chunk is water weight from the salty food. I'm going to drink so much water today that I'll be living in the bathroom.
Well I totally forgot to weigh in yesterday so I did this morning and I gained 1 pound :( I'm not surprised with all the stress I'm going through.

My ex/son's father proposed to me... Which is what I always wanted! But now I think there's too much between us and I don't want to hurt him either. I'm so torn! I have so much to think about and my emotions are all over the place.

I haven't exercised or gone to the gym or lift any kind of weights. I have been eating anything and everything I wanted. Interestingly enough, no fast food, pop or snacks. Mostly more carbs like rice and pasta.

I'll try to get the will power back to workout before the end of the day and get back on track. Hopefully, it will clear my mind for a little while.
I have lost 15 lbs in total over the last month. Between getting 5 lbs off with Shaun T I also just finished the 10 day Green Smoothie Cleanse. It was wonderful! I love green smoothies and using them to detox my system has been great. I'm so glad I found the Facebook page! This is also my Week 4 of T25 so all in all I've been hitting it hard to reach my goals. Hair has been moisturized and braided under a wig! I'm going for the gold!!
You are 100% right it's majority what you eat. I'm learning you have to eat more in order to lose weight. I have 6 meals and drink 1 gallon of water a day. This is the most I ever ate and I'm losing weight.
My groin hurts so bad from leg day and walking on a 6%-10% incline for 40 minutes. I'm pushing pass the pain and staying focus. I tried some new seasonings to help with my food plan. Molly Mcbutter on my yams is delicious and no fat. Kernel Season for my veggies and egg whites are amazing!! I'm still cooking my turkey breast in the slow cooker with onion soup packets. I'm learning different ways to make my food tasty. I also weigh everything that I eat. I meet with my trainer/nutritionist on 3/28.

Edit: I also drink 1 cup of dandelion tea a day, it's a diuretic.
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