Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

faithVA I do rinses, my stylist calls them cellophane treatments, to cover my gray. I get them every 8 weeks. They work so much better when I get a touch up on the same day. Then the color lasts the whole 8 weeks. When I don't get a touch up it only lasts about 6. When it wears off I use mascara to cover the grays around my hairline :look: I'm afraid of permanent color.

I hope you stop feeling tired soon.

I've tried rinses before which is why I switched to permanent. They only lasted for 2 weeks on my natural hair which is why I stopped using them. I have hih so mascara won't work for me :lol: I have mascara smeared everywhere :nono:

But since I've given up shampoo I'm going to see if the rinses work better now. My hair acts totally different without the shampoo. I would be fine with 6 weeks because my gray would have started showing through by then. I would probably still do the permanent twice a year once a large section of gray had grown out.
I was too tired to workout yesterday, but I just finished my 30 minute interval run on the treadmill. I've been working on getting my heart rate up and then back down instead of keeping it up for longer periods of time. I burn more calories this way and it keeps my heart healthy.
I've tried rinses before which is why I switched to permanent. They only lasted for 2 weeks on my natural hair which is why I stopped using them. I have hih so mascara won't work for me :lol: I have mascara smeared everywhere :nono:

But since I've given up shampoo I'm going to see if the rinses work better now. My hair acts totally different without the shampoo. I would be fine with 6 weeks because my gray would have started showing through by then. I would probably still do the permanent twice a year once a large section of gray had grown out.

Now that I shampoo with baking soda I find my rinses last much longer than when I used shampoo. Even sulfate free shampoo for colored hair.
I been working out everyday except Monday due to the gym being closed. I'm starting to get used to weight training. When I'm really sore and can barely move, working out again really makes my muscles feel better. I thought being sore I need to take a break but after working out on sore muscles.. I felt so much better. Strange... I'm getting 35 min of cardio on the treadmill walking on a incline rotating between 4-10 and speed 3.0. I was told to focus on the incline and less on speed until I can walk at 10 incline longer. I'm sticking to my diet strictly and enjoying everything I'm eating so far. I weigh in on next Friday crossing my fingers that I'm out of the 200s by then.
Good work MayaNatural.

I did p90x3 lower eccentric yesterday. It's 30 minutes of leg work where you go really slow on the eccentric movement and then fast on the concentric movement. While I was doing it I thought my weights were too light, but today I can barely walk. But it's a good sore. :-)
Determined to get to the gym for an hour today, and Zumba tomorrow! Going to make my dinner now so I can take a nap.
My weight is almost back to normal. I was 162 this morning. I did an arm, legs, ab workout yesterday. Today I will do some cardio and squats
Phew! Skipped turbo kick because I was doing my hair, but I got my 60 minutes of gym time in. 30 minutes doing interval runs on the treadmill, 5 minutes of death on the stair master, and 25 minutes on the recumbent bike. 634 calories.

Time to shower and eat my calorific dinner of garlic and Parmesan encrusted pork chops, creamy mashed potatoes, and broccoli.
I was popping almonds and forgot I put my supplements in my hand. And popped a supplement and bit down :barf:
Blegh. 15 minute incline walk and one hour of Zumba. It was a killer class today! So happy tomorrow is Sunday. Long walk and stretching. Love "rest" day.
Hi ladies. Birthday weekend. Eating has been atrocious the past two days. I hit my legs hard twice this week and didn't develop my usual horrible leg doms. I think they're getting used to it. Hopefully with this leg schedule, I can finally develop a little definition, like in my upper body.
Hi ladies. Birthday weekend. Eating has been atrocious the past two days. I hit my legs hard twice this week and didn't develop my usual horrible leg doms. I think they're getting used to it. Hopefully with this leg schedule, I can finally develop a little definition, like in my upper body.

Happy Birthday
Hi ladies. Birthday weekend. Eating has been atrocious the past two days. I hit my legs hard twice this week and didn't develop my usual horrible leg doms. I think they're getting used to it. Hopefully with this leg schedule, I can finally develop a little definition, like in my upper body.

Happy Birthday! Have fun this weekend :-)

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Ate well today. I think I ate light last night. I can't remember. Went riding with my SO. He said we did 11 miles today. Getting better with my riding. I'm ready to try 20 miles. But put my bike in the shop for maintenance so will need to do some Tae-bo or something else this week.

Not going to watch the scale. Just going to exercise and eat right between now and weigh-in on Thursday.

My hair is done for the weekend :yay: It is feeling good. I dusted the ends with my split ender. Now I just need some extra growth.
I have been following your weight loss and hair journey, its too late for me to join but i will join the next challenge. I know some of you ladies take hair supplements, have any of one you tried the Hair, Skin and Nails by It Works. Its a new product and so far the reviews are amazing. You can order it from Its currently available in US and Canada.
I have been following your weight loss and hair journey, its too late for me to join but i will join the next challenge. I know some of you ladies take hair supplements, have any of one you tried the Hair, Skin and Nails by It Works. Its a new product and so far the reviews are amazing. You can order it from Its currently available in US and Canada. Thanks

It's not too late to join...we are only in the third month of the year.

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LOL I'm not trying to go any bigger, but I like the definition that my arms, chest, and back have. Midsection and legs are hard for me. :( I'm pretty much a pear.
LOL I'm not trying to go any bigger, but I like the definition that my arms, chest, and back have. Midsection and legs are hard for me. :( I'm pretty much a pear.

I'm a pear too. I can get my midsection to behave, but my hips and thighs...sigh

Microwave popcorn was on sale yesterday and DH bought a million bags. This may be my downfall.
I'm a pear too. I can get my midsection to behave, but my hips and thighs...sigh

Microwave popcorn was on sale yesterday and DH bought a million bags. This may be my downfall.

:lick: Sounds yummy. We don't have a microwave, so DH will rip open the bags and pop em on the stove. lol
So I went to get a massage today because p90x3 has me so sore everywhere. After the massage was over the therapist said that I was doing a good job with p90x. I guess I must be starting to get some muscles. :smile:
I did it! My goal was to spend 5 hours working out this week. That sounds like not a lot of time but it was a lot for me. I'll try to do it again next week.


I'm about to wash and set my hair. Going to try to stretch it for a week this time.
Went to the gym this week. Just walking for about 45 mins. Longer than I anticipated. My legs are sore after turbo jam and walking but I am trying to increase my stamina. Did some arm reps twice this week so I hit my major goals this week. Plan on starting my first round of insanity in May.

Took my braids down and washed my hair today. I used the hemp shampoo and body bar. I really enjoyed it; really reduced the itchiness in my scalp/face. I tend to be so nervous trying new products. Excited and nervous. Air drying still and plan to trim with my split ender since I see some tiny splits then keep my ends tucked. Will relax towards the end of April.