Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

This has been hard weekend for me. Our power has been in and out since Friday because if ice. It may not get fixed until later this week. Needless to say I haven't been able to cook and store food as planned. I've had to purchase every meal this weekend and it has put a strain on my budget and I have gained some weight. I had to gather myself and figure something out. I bought canned soup and fresh veggies and fruit that don't need refrigeration for the week. I hate that I'm eating so much processed food but it's only temporary. And I know I won't be gaining any weight from soup.
:bighug: @Bunnhaslonghair This will pass soon and you'll get back on track soon.

As for me, I ate horribly all weekend starting from Thursday. :nono: Back on track this week.

Ugh...I'm so tired by the end of the day, but I gotta push through. If only I didn't have to study in the evenings.
I've got a wedding in 2 weeks and want to look good. So I plan to stick to my workouts and diets 100%.

I get a touch up this weekend at 10 weeks post. I've been wearing braidouts and buns this past week because I don't want to manipulate the new growth too much.
:bighug: @Bunnhaslonghair This will pass soon and you'll get back on track soon.

As for me, I ate horribly all weekend starting from Thursday. :nono: Back on track this week.

Ugh...I'm so tired by the end of the day, but I gotta push through. If only I didn't have to study in the evenings.

Thank you!
Bunnyhaslonghair your weight gain probably isn't real. Processed food has a lot of sodium so you could just be retaining water. I hope your power comes back soon.

I had a pretty good week. I finished week 5 of P90x3. I went for 14 walks with my dog and I lengthened our evening walk from 1.2 to 1.5 miles. I lost 1.2 pounds and 0.7 of it was fat. I know I'm artificially low because I didn't eat enough yesterday but I'll take it. I have to keep being super good until my NOLA trip on Thursday. I even bought resistance bands so I can keep doing p90x in the hotel room.

On the hair side I got my roller set to last 6 days, and I did 2 braid outs. I DCd overnight last night and I'm going to wash this morning.
This has been hard weekend for me. Our power has been in and out since Friday because if ice. It may not get fixed until later this week. Needless to say I haven't been able to cook and store food as planned. I've had to purchase every meal this weekend and it has put a strain on my budget and I have gained some weight. I had to gather myself and figure something out. I bought canned soup and fresh veggies and fruit that don't need refrigeration for the week. I hate that I'm eating so much processed food but it's only temporary. And I know I won't be gaining any weight from soup.

You will make it through this. Maybe you can pick up some meal ideas from the threads on Raw Eating. There are some healthy ideas you can do that don't require cooking or storage. And if you have to eat out just try to stick to chicken, fish and vegetables and have them put any sauces on the side. :bighug:
I just had a lunch date with my honey and ate up some **** :lol: Now im getting my car detailed and afterwards its time for a pedicure. I guess my workouts are helping, because my clothes are fitting better. I was able to fit into a pair of prepregnancy jeans yesterday :yep:
Today is my actual rest day! I take off one day a week and didn't want to work out today, but I ended up walking about 4 miles outside so that's something!

I wore my hair down today, which I never do so I'm having a good day.
Hit the gym after work. Did arms, back and 10 minutes of sprints on the treadmill. I was beat after those little sprints.
Going to get dressed, drive to the gym, and do an hour on the recumbent bike because I don't feel like standing up.
Lost 9 lbs. Hair has grown from neck length to shoulder length. I think its from using Jamaican black castor oil mixed with rosemary oil along with exercising more the past few weeks. I've been eating healthy with a combination of junk food here and there. I'm going to gradually try to drop the junk food.
I'm snowed in today 5-8 inches *rolls eyes* Most of the snow just melted! I guess I'll be shoveling throughout the morning and afternoon. Thinking I should have invested in a snow blower this year.
OMG I just dropped below 140 (just barely) for the first time in at least 9 years!! I originally set my goal for 140 but I think I'm going to try and get to 135. I'm sure after this weekend I'll be way over 140 though.

I've been bunning this week I'm too lazy to even do 2 braid for a braid out.


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OMG I just dropped below 140 (just barely) for the first time in at least 9 years!! I originally set my goal for 140 but I think I'm going to try and get to 135. I'm sure after this weekend I'll be way over 140 though.

I've been bunning this week I'm too lazy to even do 2 braid for a braid out.

Congratulations. I don't remember the last time I was 140.

Yeah, 2 braids. That is a wee bit lazy :lol: But I definitely understand.
I'm in NOLA but I did my p90x3 workout in my hotel room. There was barely enough space, but I made it work. Now off to find food...
Yay GettingKinky for hitting your goal!

I have worked out three times this week, though yesterday was a quick 15 minute morning workout before work. Still had me sweating though. Been doing lots of squats. Will hit my legs heavy again this afternoon. Quads, hammies, booty, and a little calves.
I decided to stop drinking alcohol. It was affecting my weight and hair goals. I will see if it makes a difference. Im making blackened salmon with basil parmesan pasta for lunch. Dh made me make brownies last night, but we were both too tired to eat one lol.

I will do a weight update in a month and see if anything changes. Im still hovering around the low 160s. Im hoping for a miracle that gets me in the 150s this month
So.....! It seems I will be having to pull out of this challenge (as far as weightloss goes) My Husband and I are expecting our first child together :). It's about to be a LONG summer for me, but I'll be back here sometime after October 5th lol. Until then I will be cheering you ladies on from the sidelines!
So.....! It seems I will be having to pull out of this challenge (as far as weightloss goes) My Husband and I are expecting our first child together :). It's about to be a LONG summer for me, but I'll be back here sometime after October 5th lol. Until then I will be cheering you ladies on from the sidelines!

Congrats! Such a blessing :-)
So.....! It seems I will be having to pull out of this challenge (as far as weightloss goes) My Husband and I are expecting our first child together :). It's about to be a LONG summer for me, but I'll be back here sometime after October 5th lol. Until then I will be cheering you ladies on from the sidelines!

Awesome@ Congrats D.Lisha!
Did heavy legs this afternoon. I will start incorporating vacuums, planks, and kettlebells into my routine for the days I am home.
So.....! It seems I will be having to pull out of this challenge (as far as weightloss goes) My Husband and I are expecting our first child together :). It's about to be a LONG summer for me, but I'll be back here sometime after October 5th lol. Until then I will be cheering you ladies on from the sidelines!

Congrats!! Your hair is gonna be so long and lush! Pregnancy brought out the best in my skin and hair
I stayed out too late and so I'm not working out this morning. I'll have to fit in today's workout tomorrow or Sunday. I had lots of good food yesterday, but I still managed to keep my portions under control.
My food intake hasn't been stellar but I've been on the bike for 10 miles the last three days.

I can't go to the gym this week because the traffic is horrible due to a festival, but I can't wait to go back.
My food intake hasn't been stellar but I've been on the bike for 10 miles the last three days.

I can't go to the gym this week because the traffic is horrible due to a festival, but I can't wait to go back.

I put my bike in the shop for maintenance last Saturday. Get it back tomorrow :yay: I missed it this week. Can't wait to start riding again.

10 miles is a nice ride :yep: