Hair Growing Buddies Support Thread

I would love to join. I already sent my email and a pm. My regimen is in my fotki. I had great growth this year. From shoulder length to nearly BSL. ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW BUDDIES!
I would love to join. I already sent my email and a pm. My regimen is in my fotki. I had great growth this year. From shoulder length to nearly BSL. ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW BUDDIES!
Welcome to the buddies.
Please feel free to post your success, frustrations, questions, ideas, suggestions etc, to benefit the group.
Hi Ladies, hope you all are doing well with your hair.

Our January newsletter is in the works, if you have anything you would like to add to this newsletter please send it to this email and we will try to accommodate as much of it as possible.
I am thinking of adding a "feature of the month" to the newsletter, so if anyone has had some major success, a product thats working well, a regimen that is great, a new discovery or anything in that sense, please send your success story and some pics too.

I hope you all had a good christmas and have a good new year.


Hey buddies well I am 26 or 27 weeks into a stretch and I really want to go natural but I am having some matting and mis the ease of relaxers so I will kepp you posted when I make my decision. If I can get my hair braided I will stretch longer but unless I find a miracle moisturizer and detangler I will not be able to go natural at this time.

ANYWAY 2008 here i come. I am going for MBL this year!
Hey buddies well I am 26 or 27 weeks into a stretch and I really want to go natural but I am having some matting and mis the ease of relaxers so I will kepp you posted when I make my decision. If I can get my hair braided I will stretch longer but unless I find a miracle moisturizer and detangler I will not be able to go natural at this time.

ANYWAY 2008 here i come. I am going for MBL this year!

You go girl and I hope you find that miracle moisturizer and detangler.
hey buddies i wonder u can help me with my personal challenge for this year... my edges seemed to disappear cause of braids ive worn over a period of 4 yrs :rolleyes: and i want to grow them back has anyone over here grown their edges back? what did you use? any suggestions will help
I had the same issue, my edges aren't completly bald...just very thin. I am using Boundless Tresses and that grew back my nape totally, but my hairline hasn't shown alot of progress for an entire year. My stylist did clip the hair that I had there because she said the ends were split, so that may be why I haven't seen any length, but it has thickened up. The problem is that traction alopecia, which is what you have, can sometimes be permanent. Just continue to massage the area gently and use great care with it and a sulfur based product to stimulate growth. Good luck.
hey buddies i wonder u can help me with my personal challenge for this year... my edges seemed to disappear cause of braids ive worn over a period of 4 yrs :rolleyes: and i want to grow them back has anyone over here grown their edges back? what did you use? any suggestions will help

I used ORS fertilizing balm and when I was at about a half a bottle I added some MN and a few drops of rosemary essential oil to it and continued to use it until my edges came back. I had thinning edges from wearing wig falls for a year believe it or not.

Now I'm smart, I alternate my wig falls with my whole wigs although I would only wear my falls for a week at a time and my whole wigs for 3 to 4 weeks at a time.

I had the same problem from braids but I don't wear the braids anymore however, I would wear my hair cornrowed under my wigs for a week or 2 then undo, wash and redo again during the last 8 - 10 weeks of my relaxer stretches.
I used ORS fertilizing balm and when I was at about a half a bottle I added some MN and a few drops of rosemary essential oil to it and continued to use it until my edges came back. I had thinning edges from wearing wig falls for a year believe it or not.

Now I'm smart, I alternate my wig falls with my whole wigs although I would only wear my falls for a week at a time and my whole wigs for 3 to 4 weeks at a time.

I had the same problem from braids but I don't wear the braids anymore however, I would wear my hair cornrowed under my wigs for a week or 2 then undo, wash and redo again during the last 8 - 10 weeks of my relaxer stretches.

i actually bought mn today 2% thats all i could get i might mix it in with sweet almond oil and castor oil and some cayenne pepper and see what will happen do you think thats a good mix??? tryna give up braids altogether wish me luck :grin:
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I had the same issue, my edges aren't completly bald...just very thin. I am using Boundless Tresses and that grew back my nape totally, but my hairline hasn't shown alot of progress for an entire year. My stylist did clip the hair that I had there because she said the ends were split, so that may be why I haven't seen any length, but it has thickened up. The problem is that traction alopecia, which is what you have, can sometimes be permanent. Just continue to massage the area gently and use great care with it and a sulfur based product to stimulate growth. Good luck.

my edges are not bald at all just very thin n seem to grow slower than the rest of my hair i have pics but dunno how to upload em :perplexed im updating my fotki soon so will post here with the link
Ok.....I better type and post this fast..... before I change my mind.
I have been fighting with my self about whether I should go natchal or not. Well........I have decided to give my hair up to the end of the relaxer jar I have. If my hair does not shape up, I am going natchal :look:. I also decided to start texlaxing in the hope of making my transition easier (I am actually using the "T" word and the "N" word :perplexed).
I really think my hair will do well Natchal, but I can't imagine chopping it all off:nono::sad:.
Part of me hope that my hair will shape up so that I don't have to Traaa...nsiii...tiiion, thats it!!!!!
I can do this...:look::look:...I think, right?????

I need someone to hold me accountable!!!! So, buddies, I need your help!!!!
Well I'm not natural myself but if you feel you can do it you might as well go for it. I think its easier to come back to relaxed if it doesn't work out than it is to transition to natural.

Good Luck!

I hope another natural can chime in here :yep:
here are my comparison pics ladies tell me what you think my camera work is not very good lol!! so i'll ask someone to take the pics for me next time

ok ive been trying to upload the pics for the past hr :nono: and i cant so can you please check them out on my fotki no password needed thanx :grin:

eta here is the link :lachen:

please leave comments :grin:
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here are my comparison pics ladies tell me what you think my camera work is not very good lol!! so i'll ask someone to take the pics for me next time

ok ive been trying to upload the pics for the past hr :nono: and i cant so can you please check them out on my fotki no password needed thanx :grin:

eta here is the link :lachen:

please leave comments :grin:
Hey, your hair looks very nice, you have made a lot of progress. I tried to leave a comment on your fotki, but I could not figure out how, but your hair seems to be doing well.
where are all the buddies at?

Ladies, where are you all at? I am assuming we are all doing well. Please share your progress or frustrations. Whether you are happy or frustrated with your hair we wanna hear from you.

321 and myself have not been able to come up with enough info to send out a second newsletter:nono::perplexed, so if anyone has some info we could add please send it our way.
Hope to hear from you guys soons.:grin:

So far I'm doing OK with my hair. Sunday will be 6 weeks since my last touch up and since I have REALLY short hair it's kind of hard to stretch right now. I'm going to do it myself, so wish me luck.
here are my comparison pics ladies tell me what you think my camera work is not very good lol!! so i'll ask someone to take the pics for me next time

ok ive been trying to upload the pics for the past hr :nono: and i cant so can you please check them out on my fotki no password needed thanx :grin:

eta here is the link :lachen:

please leave comments :grin:

Stargoddess, I couldn't leave a comment either. You need to go the top of your fotki page and click onto the "go to" button and then go near the bottom where it says settings, click on "settings" then where it ask you to change who you want to add comments to your fotki, change it from no to yes for your friends and forum buddies okay? This will enable the comment tab to become available for us to leave a comment.

You're doing very well, keep it up and you'll be at your hair goals in a timely fashion.
I changed my 8 week stretch to a 12 week one. Tomorrow I'll be purchasing my mizani relaxer to do next week.
I did my second set of bantu knots and the curls that came out were really nice.
I posted the pics in my fotki. They aren't that good though because I smashed the screen on my camera. It still works but I don't have a view finder so pictures are all over the place.
Ok, well I tried to make a 12 week stretch for my texturized hair but it is too short to make it, so I went to 6 weeks & texturized last night for about 10 minutes, I used the Botanicals No-Lye/No-Mix formula and it was terrible and I will not reccommend anyone to use that one, It made my hair dry , but On my next touch up in March I will use the Mazani Butter Blend.

I mean it is just hard tp stretch with 1-2 inches of hair so around April or May I should be able to strecth Longer.

Mandy I was Natchal on and off for about 5 years,I would get bored with natchal and then relax and so on and so on, then I decided to try the Tex-Lax way and I Loved it, I am more Texturized because I still have curls and thickness and I want to keep it that way, But if you are ready to become natchal then do it. I had done so many BC to the point people thought my hair stopped growing and thought I had an Illness because I had no hair for 5 years LOL!! I mean I shaved my head, BUT Hubby said enough is enough, he is tired of seeing me bald headed, he don't care if I am natchal,relaxed,tex-laxed or texturized, he just want my hair to be long again.LOL!!!!

But good luck to you! My Journey is going well!!!
Hey! I want to join!

I am 3b/3c natural and I want to retain more length and minimize breakage. I am currently APL and I want to reach BSL by June 2008.

Shampoo/DC on Sunday
Co-Wash: T TH S

Moisturize hair daily with SCurl
Seal ends with Olive/Castor/Honey mix
MTG on scalp....may switch to WGO...
Baggie ends daily
Sleeping with satin scarf/bonnet.

I'm buying a camera either today or tomorrow...(my camera broke....:perplexed)
I'll post pictures very soon....
Ok, well I tried to make a 12 week stretch for my texturized hair but it is too short to make it, so I went to 6 weeks & texturized last night for about 10 minutes, I used the Botanicals No-Lye/No-Mix formula and it was terrible and I will not reccommend anyone to use that one, It made my hair dry , but On my next touch up in March I will use the Mazani Butter Blend.

I mean it is just hard tp stretch with 1-2 inches of hair so around April or May I should be able to strecth Longer.

Mandy I was Natchal on and off for about 5 years,I would get bored with natchal and then relax and so on and so on, then I decided to try the Tex-Lax way and I Loved it, I am more Texturized because I still have curls and thickness and I want to keep it that way, But if you are ready to become natchal then do it. I had done so many BC to the point people thought my hair stopped growing and thought I had an Illness because I had no hair for 5 years LOL!! I mean I shaved my head, BUT Hubby said enough is enough, he is tired of seeing me bald headed, he don't care if I am natchal,relaxed,tex-laxed or texturized, he just want my hair to be long again.LOL!!!!

But good luck to you! My Journey is going well!!!

I know exactly how you feel. I wanted to strecth for 3 months but my hair is just too short. When my hair gets a little longer I should be able to stretch longer.
Stargoddess, I couldn't leave a comment either. You need to go the top of your fotki page and click onto the "go to" button and then go near the bottom where it says settings, click on "settings" then where it ask you to change who you want to add comments to your fotki, change it from no to yes for your friends and forum buddies okay? This will enable the comment tab to become available for us to leave a comment.

You're doing very well, keep it up and you'll be at your hair goals in a timely fashion.

hey aggie ive changed it, i had set it to my fotki friends only but ive changed it to all fotki members now u can leave me comments :grin:
Sorry guys I haven't checked-in in a long time. I was going for a 15 week stretch. My last relaxer srtetch was 12 weeks. I think I may try to make it to 20 since I'm almost there and have seen little to no breakage. Also for this strech I did a heavy duty protein treatment at the beginning at 5 weeks but have been sticking light protein just more frequent than the heavier. I'll keep you guys posted. I know I have about an inch of new growth but I can't tell any new length with my new growth. Hope everyone else is seeing poitive results! HHG
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Progress Thus Far after 3 Month stretch

Let me start off by saying I'm pessimistic by nature so please don't mind me if I sound too negative.:tantrum:
I'm about to complete by 12 week stretch with the Mizani Butter Blend Rhelaxer this weekend but I think I'll see little to no growth which will just piss me off. I mean I'm not expecting three inches but I want some progress. Either my new growth is blending in really well or I have almost no NG at all!:wallbash::wallbash:
Previous to starting this journey my hair continuous shed/broke but rarely tangled. With the whole stretching thing my hair constantly is tangled and keeps getting knots. Which I dealt with by doing low manipulation styles.
I can't really tell if my shedding has gotten better b/c I still have knots. I guess the only difference is I'm having better luck detangling them w/o losing too much hair.
*sigh* Well I guess thats the end of my vent.:ohwell:

Oh and if people could leave comments in my fotki (good/bad) that would be great :yep:. I took off the password on the main parts but you have to be logged in to view the folders.
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Ok, well I tried to make a 12 week stretch for my texturized hair but it is too short to make it, so I went to 6 weeks & texturized last night for about 10 minutes, I used the Botanicals No-Lye/No-Mix formula and it was terrible and I will not reccommend anyone to use that one, It made my hair dry , but On my next touch up in March I will use the Mazani Butter Blend.

I mean it is just hard tp stretch with 1-2 inches of hair so around April or May I should be able to strecth Longer.

Mandy I was Natchal on and off for about 5 years,I would get bored with natchal and then relax and so on and so on, then I decided to try the Tex-Lax way and I Loved it, I am more Texturized because I still have curls and thickness and I want to keep it that way, But if you are ready to become natchal then do it. I had done so many BC to the point people thought my hair stopped growing and thought I had an Illness because I had no hair for 5 years LOL!! I mean I shaved my head, BUT Hubby said enough is enough, he is tired of seeing me bald headed, he don't care if I am natchal,relaxed,tex-laxed or texturized, he just want my hair to be long again.LOL!!!!

But good luck to you! My Journey is going well!!!

thanks so much for responding to my dilemma. I admire you courage to BC. i think thats the hardest part of transitioning. I am so glad that your hair is doing well. And listen to you DH....Do some major hair growing :grin:
Re: Progress Thus Far after 3 Month stretch

Let me start off by saying I'm pessimistic by nature so please don't mind me if I sound too negative.:tantrum:
I'm about to complete by 12 week stretch with the Mizani Butter Blend Rhelaxer this weekend but I think I'll see little to no growth which will just piss me off. I mean I'm not expecting three inches but I want some progress. Either my new growth is blending in really well or I have almost no NG at all!:wallbash::wallbash:
Previous to starting this journey my hair continuous shed/broke but rarely tangled. With the whole stretching thing my hair constantly is tangled and keeps getting knots. Which I dealt with by doing low manipulation styles.
I can't really tell if my shedding has gotten better b/c I still have knots. I guess the only difference is I'm having better luck detangling them w/o losing too much hair.
*sigh* Well I guess thats the end of my vent.:ohwell:

Oh and if people could leave comments in my fotki (good/bad) that would be great :yep:. I took off the password on the main parts.
Hey, I relax with Mizani Lye, I am very interested in seeing how the butter blend works for you. Could you please let me know how your hair turns out? Don't worry, your hair will be just fine. Just give it a little TLC everyday.:grin:
Re: Progress Thus Far after 3 Month stretch

Hey Wawa,
I visited your fotki, but it said all the folders are empty:nono: