Hair Growing Buddies Support Thread

I can not do the low-mani either. I can stay away from heat, but I just can not stop myself from doing something with my hair and my hair looks horrible if I leave it alone :wallbash:.
I am 8wks post, I am also trying for 10wks. what do you plan to do to help you stretch for the rest of the time? I braides my hair (w/o extentions) it was breaking so bad at 6wks post. I think I will keep my hair braided for the last two weeks.

This is what I do when I'm down to the last 4 or 5 weeks of my 13/14 week stretch as well.
I can not do the low-mani either. I can stay away from heat, but I just can not stop myself from doing something with my hair and my hair looks horrible if I leave it alone :wallbash:.
I am 8wks post, I am also trying for 10wks. what do you plan to do to help you stretch for the rest of the time? I braides my hair (w/o extentions) it was breaking so bad at 6wks post. I think I will keep my hair braided for the last two weeks.

Well I'm going to continue to DC with the Pantene Mask weekly.
Things to try that I gotten from this board, that I'll try if it gets really bad and in this order:
  1. ORS Pack
  2. ORS Carrot oil on new growth
  3. Coconut milk w/2limes and add conditioner
  4. Qhemets Biologic Olive detangling cream
  5. CON detangling shampoo (I alright now how like 3 shampoos so I'm staying away from buying new ones).
I don't think I could manage braiding my own hair. Even if I could it only looks good on me with extensions so I might actually see if my friend can braid it for me this week. My hair would do better w/braids while I visit family next week.
Thank you lol its so hard sometimes..I get like idle hand syndrome and then I want to texlax or BC every once in a while
Sorry Ladies, I have been busy with school and my exams these last two weeks. I'm just getting around to my pms, thanks for the patience :yep:

My Update:
I'm currently eight weeks post and my new growth is becoming a bother. I'm also experiencing more shedding than usual. I just brought some Sta-Soft-Fro(I hope that's the name.) and it's been working wonders the last few days in keep my new growth soft, and not dry. I also purchased some Nutrine Garlic shampoo and conditioner. I'll either use that to combat the shedding or use Aggie's Garlic recipe :grin: I don't know what I'm going to do about rollersetting w/ the growth. I think that I'll continue with rollersets until the middle of Jan. I'll probably do twistouts and flexi-rods for the last six weeks of my stretch. I'll probably have to start washing my hair once a week again at that time. Happy Growing Ladies!
Hello Ladies,

I finally got my Ayurvedic powders and oils last week so I've changed my regimen. This past Sunday, I did a scalp massage and oil rinse with shikakhai and amla oil, then I did a powder rinse with shikakhai and amla powder, then DC with heat and air dried. My hair turned out so nice. This is going to be my regimen along with co washing every other day. I hope all of you are having success with your regimens.

My hair is really, really short so I'm having difficulties with daily styling. I work at home so I don't have to leave the house often which is good because my hair is a HAM after I co wash in the morning. So for days that I do leave the house, I have a 1/2 wig, a full cap wig and a black cloth to wrap my head with. Hopefully these 3 things will save me until I get some more length and figure out what to do with my mop. :lachen:

Happy hair growing to all my buddies!!!!!!
Sorry Ladies, I have been busy with school and my exams these last two weeks. I'm just getting around to my pms, thanks for the patience :yep:

My Update:
I'm currently eight weeks post and my new growth is becoming a bother. I'm also experiencing more shedding than usual. I just brought some Sta-Soft-Fro(I hope that's the name.) and it's been working wonders the last few days in keep my new growth soft, and not dry. I also purchased some Nutrine Garlic shampoo and conditioner. I'll either use that to combat the shedding or use Aggie's Garlic recipe :grin: I don't know what I'm going to do about rollersetting w/ the growth. I think that I'll continue with rollersets until the middle of Jan. I'll probably do twistouts and flexi-rods for the last six weeks of my stretch. I'll probably have to start washing my hair once a week again at that time. Happy Growing Ladies!
Good to have you back girl...are you done with exams? I hope that you did well and that you had enough time to prepare.
Hello Ladies,

I finally got my Ayurvedic powders and oils last week so I've changed my regimen. This past Sunday, I did a scalp massage and oil rinse with shikakhai and amla oil, then I did a powder rinse with shikakhai and amla powder, then DC with heat and air dried. My hair turned out so nice. This is going to be my regimen along with co washing every other day. I hope all of you are having success with your regimens.

My hair is really, really short so I'm having difficulties with daily styling. I work at home so I don't have to leave the house often which is good because my hair is a HAM after I co wash in the morning. So for days that I do leave the house, I have a 1/2 wig, a full cap wig and a black cloth to wrap my head with. Hopefully these 3 things will save me until I get some more length and figure out what to do with my mop. :lachen:

Happy hair growing to all my buddies!!!!!!
I have heard alot of good things about these. I wanted to find out if I can get me some, but as some of you may know, I am trying to get reformed from PJism, i can not afford this and that anymore because DH and I bought a house...:yep: ( I love our new house so I am willing to drop PJism) I am trying to K.I.S.S.:ohwell::rolleyes:
I finally had to relax my hair after 14 weeks of stretching. My hair started breaking terribly at the point of demarcation and even though I tried all the remedies that I knew of that would stop or slow down breakage, my hair was like "honey are you nuts? you'd better relax me and relax me NOW!!":wallbash:

Anyway, needless to say, I caved in, relaxed my hair and like a miracle, my hair has not had that type of breakage since. My hair is so happy right now. The thing is, my hair is accustomed to relaxing every 6-8 weeks and I shocked it into a long stretch kinda suddenly, even though I knew stretching is a progress thing. I should have stretched one or two weeks longer at a time until I'm able to ultimately stretch as long as I want to which btw, is 18 weeks.

I'll get there but I'll have to do it slowly moving forward so my next stretch I will try to go for 15 weeks and then 16 and so on.... I am still using my MN mix so I may not be able to 15 weeks as long as I'm using it. If the growth is out of control, then I'll keep the stretch at 13 weeks for now.

That's my update for now ladies and oh...Happy Growing!
I have heard alot of good things about these. I wanted to find out if I can get me some, but as some of you may know, I am trying to get reformed from PJism, i can not afford this and that anymore because DH and I bought a house...:yep: ( I love our new house so I am willing to drop PJism) I am trying to K.I.S.S.:ohwell::rolleyes:

Mandy, co-signing on the PJ anonymous program:grin: for 2008 myself. I have enough hair products to last me at least 2 and a half years. Anyways, even though I want to jump on the ayurvedic wagon, I won't until all or most of my existing products are gone.

I have quite a few products that are gonna remain staples but I'm weeding through the ones that don't give me that ooohhh! aaaahhhh! feeling. I will use them all because I did spend an awful lot of money on them and I hate to see them wasted. The exchange forum doesn't work for me because I live in the Bahamas and it would cost me a bundle to ship them anywhere.
Let me do my turn LOL!

I have requested a newsletter because I am determined to grow to shoulder length within this year. I wash once every two weeks with cream of nature and condition using ORS conditioner and I am five weeks post relaxer. I have vowed to only relax every four months now in order to minimize overprocessing. I curl my hair one to two times every two weeks. My current length is neck in the back, bottom of ear on the sides, and eye length in the front. My hair is also layered due to some severe breakage I suffered this year. I want my shortest layer at the top to grow shoulder length before I declare shoulder.
Another Update!

I just got my relaxer done by my stylist and she did as great job as always. I wish I have to digital camera to take picture but my hair is silky soft and flowy:yep:. Anyway, she used Affrim relaxer, washed with Keracare poo. and deep cond. with Mazani Butter Blend. She usually uses all of keracare products but I guess she ran out. My hair still came out great. She flat ironed my hair with a chi iron and she used a little chi silk infusion. She did say that I waited toooooooooo long in between my relaxer and I know that she is right because my hair was shedding like crazy. Also, she clipped my ends, which was tottaly needed and she said in the back my hair had broken off bad but I am going to get that in check. Now that I have had a relaxer I am ready to take care of my hair forreal, forreal. I am going to keep track of my relaxers and be consistent with my washing and deep cond.
I'm a PJ addict also, and it's becoming expensive. So I'm determined to use what I have in my cabinets. I'm still on my transition to being natural, as of Dec 31st, it'll be a year since my last relaxer. I too was experiencing shedding, and I bought the Nutrine Garlic conditioner, which I do every week. The shedding has toned down, plus I'm doing my own low-manipulation challenge. I think that's helping also. I'm also doing protective styles, so I can minimize breakage. I may try flexi-rods for the holiday. What I did find is that even though I live in NY and it's winter here, I can still do wash and go's. I did one on Sunday, I washed, and let it airdry. Then I wear a stocking cap and a silk scarf to bed. In the morning I remove the scarf and cap, shake and go. It's actually lasted all week, so I may continue to do this, till I get bored. I find my hair grows faster, when I do less to it.
Hey Ladies, just wanted to say merry Christmas. Hope you all have a wonderful time with your families and friends.
Merry xmas to you all ladies!! :grouphug3:dont be afraid to indulge :beer: come the new year we will fight the battle of the bulge :lachen:

any new years resoultions??
My new years resolutions....................good old "I want to loose 20lbs.....wait that was my resolution for this year:look::ohwell::perplexed:lachen::lachen::blush:........Oh well I will try again this year. My other one is...Take good care of my hair:yep::grin:...fortunately this seems a lot easier now that I have all of you guys.:dance7::grouphug:.
You all take care.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
My Resolution is.... to develop a hair product budget. I am so sick of being a PJ and trying to stay as far away from Ayurvedic products as possible. They keep calling me to jump on the bandwagon :perplexed
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
My Resolution is.... to develop a hair product budget. I am so sick of being a PJ and trying to stay as far away from Ayurvedic products as possible. They keep calling me to jump on the bandwagon :perplexed

Gurl, who you tellin'......dey screamin' out ta me too and I pretendin' not ta hear dem:nono:, :grin:. This is one of my resolutions for 2008 as well. I won't be getting anything new after I get me some Aubrey Organics honeysuckle rose, white camelia and GPB conditioners since they are cone and paraben free. These are what I plan to use when I need to give my hair a break from the other cone conditioners that I have. My hair will thank me for this, I know.
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These are the braids that caused so much breakage after I took them out. Now I have figured out that the best thing to do after taking braids out is to DC:yep:.:yep:
hey y'all! i just wanted to shout out my hair growing buddies! My hair is doing well guys:drunk: I'm sooo excited about 2008:yep:
hey y'all! i just wanted to shout out my hair growing buddies! My hair is doing well guys:drunk: I'm sooo excited about 2008:yep:
Hey girl, I am glad your hair is doing well. Mine is killing me...I am getting closer and closer to chopping it all off:wallbash:.
You hair looks beautiful and healthy:yep:.
This is my new growth from the braids
hi ladies hope u had a great xmas day,

well in terms of my hair i finally removed those braids and deep conditioned the hell outta my hair lol then did a heavy aphogee and dc again then i relaxed a few days after it was my first time re touching (i relaxed my self over the summer from 100% natural hair to relaxed) i did overlap a little..ok a lot:blush: but i think the cocnut oil i had smothered on the previously relaxed hair did wonders..i was quite slow n started to panic a bit that i hadnt started smoothing :lachen: but after all was done and i had washed it out and did all the dc n everything it came out wonderful

the new growth is texlaxed bout 75% to 85% n i prefer it to it being bone straight ( the previous hair is bone straight) im absoultely in love with my hair and the way i am feeling i dont think ill ever go back to braid again ( ive been a braid addict for 4 yrs :sad:) i may need a bit of dusting cause some ends r split but its cus of being in braids for 3 months. I will see how i feel after my first wash n hopefully i wont feel the need to get braids ever im goin back to university in two weeks so that will be my ultimate test. Now i have to decide if i want to henna or not my hair is really black but i need it to blig a bit lol i want some colour so that its not such a flat colour i dunno ...:nono:

My new yrs resolutions are

grow my edges back that braids killed :wallbash:
treat my hair with loving care
lose out 10 pounds
get better wat self relaxing
get my hair as thick and as healthy as i can

sorry for the novel :rolleyes:
I would like to join!!!!

My background information is:

I am a newbie to really doing my hair. I have been a slave to the salon and because I love my stylist I had pretty much let him do my hair with little care in between. I experienced a lot of breakage earlier this year and needed to get that under control. So now I am...

2a/b (this still confuses me)
4 weeks post relaxer (trying to stretch to 8)
Middle of neck

Regimen (just started):
Pre-poo (EVOO)
Wash weekly (at hair salon)
Rollerset (and sometimes saran wrap)
MN mix
Bargello's vitamin regimen

I will update my fotki with my starting pics that I took this morning and go from there. Thanks for the support. I tend to get all excited then slack off. So having this support group will help a lot.

I look forward to getting to know you and having the support on our healthy hair journeys!
I am so happy to see everyone doing great with their hair routines! I have since went back to Tex-laxing LOL!!! so my routine is still the same which I need to put back in my siggy, But Tex-lax is it for me, I am wearing no wigs at all just my lil Tex-lax Twa!!!:grin: But this is a wonderful group of ladies!!! We will all reach our goals in no time:yep: