Hair Growing Buddies Support Thread

Your hair looks cute Browneyez. I've wanted to do a bantu set for a minute. I might try it on my next wash.
Hey Buddies, how are you all doing? Anything new going on with your hair lately?

Well my hair is almost 8wks post and it was breaking like crazy and I almost lost all the hair on the back of my head.(check my fotki).
I decided to braid my hair (without extentions).
I plan on doing everything I can to grow back the hair on the back of my head, so I am using BT for now and I will try MN as soon as I get the proper ingredients.

I was almost giving up on my hair but now I am more willing to try new things.
I learned alot about moisture and protein, so I bought some good moisturiser and protein treatment.

I asked Sistaslick (LHCF member) to help us learn more about hair and she has agreed to be kind of like a consultant to those of us who are still learning. She has a lot of very useful info about different things.
If you have a question for her please email it to [email protected] and I will forward the question to her. We may even be able to post the question and the answer in our newsletter so that anyone with a similar question can benefit from the answer.

I hope that you all enjoyed the info in our first newsletter and I look forward to all the wonderful ideas and advise you have for the next newsletter. Thank you so much to everyone for your contributions (Big thanks to 321 for her creative work with the letter).

Please share anything that is going well for you as well as things that are not going so well.

Take care
Well I'm going to be 14 weeks post relaxer on Thursday coming and my hair is breaking now too at the point of demarcation so I'm going to relax then. I originally was gonna wait until 18 weeks, but I don't think it's worth it anymore. I don't want to stretch any longer and risk losing the hair I've fought so hard for.

I have too much new growth from my MN and sulfur mix that I started on November 11th. If the MN continues to grow my hair with this kind of speed then I may never be able to stretch my relaxer for 18 weeks, but I will try to keep the stretches at least 11 - 12 weeks at a time.
Wow, such beautiful hair!!! :band: I'll put up the band 'cause you guys rock!!

I don't know where the hair chart is, I will tell you that it is short now, but it's starting to curl up, which means in a short while it'll be a frizzy, nasty mess. That's why I always wore it long, I could just put it up and forget about it. I have no idea how to style my hair and at my age didn't really want to learn, but oh well... I did try to flat iron it myself, couldn't get it to look right, turned the iron up higher, burned my hair and got another inch and a half whacked off, arg... Now the flat iron can sit in the cupboard. I can do touch ups with the iron, so I can go to the salon when I need it done and then touch it up at home. But not trying to do it from scratch any more, NO WAY.

I use Sulu/MTG on it, I put it on and then put a plastic cap over it and the next day wash my hair. Other than that, just been using leave-in conditioners. Any advice would be helpful and greatly appreciated!

Most of my hair's problem is that it gets dry. I need to learn to keep it moisturized. When it was long, I never washed it, the longer I went without washing, the better it behaved and looked great.

I am getting braids on Wed, and can't WAIT. Can't STAND this short hair. I don't have any pictures, I can't stand to see my poor hair gone. :cry3:
Wow, such beautiful hair!!! :band: I'll put up the band 'cause you guys rock!!

I don't know where the hair chart is, I will tell you that it is short now, but it's starting to curl up, which means in a short while it'll be a frizzy, nasty mess. That's why I always wore it long, I could just put it up and forget about it. I have no idea how to style my hair and at my age didn't really want to learn, but oh well... I did try to flat iron it myself, couldn't get it to look right, turned the iron up higher, burned my hair and got another inch and a half whacked off, arg... Now the flat iron can sit in the cupboard. I can do touch ups with the iron, so I can go to the salon when I need it done and then touch it up at home. But not trying to do it from scratch any more, NO WAY.

I use Sulu/MTG on it, I put it on and then put a plastic cap over it and the next day wash my hair. Other than that, just been using leave-in conditioners. Any advice would be helpful and greatly appreciated!


When it was long, I never washed it, the longer I went without washing, the better it behaved and looked great.

I am getting braids on Wed, and can't WAIT. Can't STAND this short hair. I don't have any pictures, I can't stand to see my poor hair gone. :cry3:

Well anyway, I sure hope this helped!!
Yes, thanks! What about putting plain Olive Oil on it, I have that in the cupboard! I can look for the Mane and Tail tomorrow.
Yes, thanks! What about putting plain Olive Oil on it, I have that in the cupboard! I can look for the Mane and Tail tomorrow.
I have heard a lot of great things about castor oil for sealing in moisture. I just bought me some last week and I will try it as soon as I take my braids out.
Hi Everyone, I sent an email to the [email protected] to join the newsgroup list and hope that it is okay that I go ahead and post a few things about my reggie here, although its not official as yet :look:

Hair Type: I'm going to assume from looking at descriptions that I range from a 4a/3c mixture.

Transitioning from relaxed to natural/texturized (not sure as yet)
I'm a do-it-yourselfer and prefer it that way because then I can control what goes on w/ my hair. I only began my journey to healthy hair in mid October of 2007 so in essence, I am still a newbie.
I have been browsing alot of threads and have incorporated a few things from my own research and that of fellow LHCF members. Thank you ladies for being so generous with your ideas, tips and tricks and sites.

1. healthy hair - I no longer use heat on my hair. The only exception is during my deep conditioning treatments and my hair is under a plastic cap. I want to reduce breakage as much as humanly possible and avoid split ends at all costs
2. APL - because I am not sure of the rate at which my hair grows, I will assume that I will reach this goal somewhere in the mid-2008 if I continue w/ my reggie (making adjustments as necessary)
Ultimate goal is waistlength unstretched this I am not rushing towards. I figure once I get the hang of maintaining healthy hair then the growth will come naturally

Regimen: Currently this is what I do. I'm learning as I go along so if you have any hints let me know
a. I do a clarifying wash using a protein and vitamin shampoo once a week, depending on build-up
b. I co-wash every 2-3 days depending whether my hair "feels" the need for that. I co wash using a mixture of a cheapie condtioner w/ evoo, castor oil, tea tree oil and wild growth oil
c. Once a week I do use a coconut milk w/ cheapie conditioner, evoo, honey, and other conditioners depending on how i feel (this is my prepoo). I leave it on for a few hours or overnight depending on the day of the week.
d. I do protein treatments at least once every 2 weeks and this includes a mixture of hair mayo, with egg, evoo (gotta love the oils) and a good smelling conditioner (normally suave)

Every night I do a mini moisture on my hair focusing on the ends and seal it w/ whatever oil i have available. Then I sleep in a satin cap on satin pillow cases just in case the cap comes off.

I do lo-manipulation at all costs. No direct heat so my styles are usually pulled back and i use about 3-4 hair pins to keep it that way. Thats a daily for me. I'm in the process of creating a fotki but dont have much to show. I will post it as soon as I can find the time to upload a few pics.


No staples as yet. Still taking my time and trying what i have to see what works. So far Im using a
*wave nouveau line ( a few products mostly moisturizers),
*cheapie conditioner - Suave (good smell)
*Oils: EVOO, All-in-one, tea tree, and wild growth oil
If its not apparent as yet I put oil in just about everything I use in my hair. The amount varies depending on what im mixing up
*I recently bought some henna but am doing research on how to use it. Should have done that first but hey...

So far so good, 2.5 months and my hair seems to agree w/ my current reggie.:spinning:

Hi Everyone, I sent an email to the [email protected] to join the newsgroup list and hope that it is okay that I go ahead and post a few things about my reggie here, although its not official as yet :look:

Hair Type: I'm going to assume from looking at descriptions that I range from a 4a/3c mixture.

Transitioning from relaxed to natural/texturized (not sure as yet)
I'm a do-it-yourselfer and prefer it that way because then I can control what goes on w/ my hair. I only began my journey to healthy hair in mid October of 2007 so in essence, I am still a newbie.
I have been browsing alot of threads and have incorporated a few things from my own research and that of fellow LHCF members. Thank you ladies for being so generous with your ideas, tips and tricks and sites.

1. healthy hair - I no longer use heat on my hair. The only exception is during my deep conditioning treatments and my hair is under a plastic cap. I want to reduce breakage as much as humanly possible and avoid split ends at all costs
2. APL - because I am not sure of the rate at which my hair grows, I will assume that I will reach this goal somewhere in the mid-2008 if I continue w/ my reggie (making adjustments as necessary)
Ultimate goal is waistlength unstretched this I am not rushing towards. I figure once I get the hang of maintaining healthy hair then the growth will come naturally

Regimen: Currently this is what I do. I'm learning as I go along so if you have any hints let me know
a. I do a clarifying wash using a protein and vitamin shampoo once a week, depending on build-up
b. I co-wash every 2-3 days depending whether my hair "feels" the need for that. I co wash using a mixture of a cheapie condtioner w/ evoo, castor oil, tea tree oil and wild growth oil
c. Once a week I do use a coconut milk w/ cheapie conditioner, evoo, honey, and other conditioners depending on how i feel (this is my prepoo). I leave it on for a few hours or overnight depending on the day of the week.
d. I do protein treatments at least once every 2 weeks and this includes a mixture of hair mayo, with egg, evoo (gotta love the oils) and a good smelling conditioner (normally suave)

Every night I do a mini moisture on my hair focusing on the ends and seal it w/ whatever oil i have available. Then I sleep in a satin cap on satin pillow cases just in case the cap comes off.

I do lo-manipulation at all costs. No direct heat so my styles are usually pulled back and i use about 3-4 hair pins to keep it that way. Thats a daily for me. I'm in the process of creating a fotki but dont have much to show. I will post it as soon as I can find the time to upload a few pics.


No staples as yet. Still taking my time and trying what i have to see what works. So far Im using a
*wave nouveau line ( a few products mostly moisturizers),
*cheapie conditioner - Suave (good smell)
*Oils: EVOO, All-in-one, tea tree, and wild growth oil
If its not apparent as yet I put oil in just about everything I use in my hair. The amount varies depending on what im mixing up
*I recently bought some henna but am doing research on how to use it. Should have done that first but hey...

So far so good, 2.5 months and my hair seems to agree w/ my current reggie.:spinning:
Welcome to the buddies. I am happy for you that you have found something that is working for you. Pleae feel free to bring as many questions and answers as you can. We are here to support each other.
Your hair looks very healthy in your avatar.
just wanted to stop in to say hi, and ask two questions:grin:

the first: I sent two emails requesting to be added to the newsletter listing but have not received it yet...perhaps my emails were filter and went to the junk folder.

second: my hair is a lil beyond shoulder length in the back but the sides don't reach my shoulders and my front is just past my my hair growing journey should I get all of my hair cut to the same length?:perplexed:perplexed And, I don't have a clue as to how to spot spilt ends on my can you tell??:perplexed
Yes, thanks! What about putting plain Olive Oil on it, I have that in the cupboard! I can look for the Mane and Tail tomorrow.

Plain olive oil is not a moisturizer, it is a sealant meaning it's purpose when used alone is to seal in moisture that's supposed to be already there. So no, this won't moisturize your hair, there's no water in it.
I tried a bantu set for the first time as well it didnt turn out as well. Picture in fotki. Please don't laugh:blush:

It doesn't look bad, I think you should try doing less bantu's or maybe not in blocks, but more criss crossed and maybe put some ORS olive oil on the ends or some type of moisturizer on the ends, so it doesn't frizz. I think mine kinda looked like that at first then I picked them apart.

I'm trying them on wet hair when I wash it today or tommorow, kinda scurred about how that will turn out:perplexed
I would love to join...I'm relaxed, My current length unstraighten is approaching BSL.
Goal is Full BSL by mid Mar.

Prepoo and poo 1x a week-Mondays
co wash 1x a week - Thursday
Deep condition every wash
Protein 2x a month
Clarify 1x a month
Moisturize and seal ends every night
Wear protective styles( Buns and French Rolls)

Nexxus Therappe, Aloe Rid , Headress, Humectress
Neutrogena Triple Moisture(deep recovery hair mask)
ORS Hair Mayonnaise
Creme Of Nature Nourishing Conditioner(co wash)
Creme Of Nature Care +Style
just wanted to stop in to say hi, and ask two questions:grin:

the first: I sent two emails requesting to be added to the newsletter listing but have not received it yet...perhaps my emails were filter and went to the junk folder.

second: my hair is a lil beyond shoulder length in the back but the sides don't reach my shoulders and my front is just past my my hair growing journey should I get all of my hair cut to the same length?:perplexed:perplexed And, I don't have a clue as to how to spot spilt ends on my can you tell??:perplexed

You don't have to cut your hair at this point. But if at some point you want it all even you can.. But its not mandatory.

When you examine individual hairs, and at the end of a hair you see it "split in half" so that it looks like two hairs at the end, that's a split end.
just wanted to stop in to say hi, and ask two questions:grin:

the first: I sent two emails requesting to be added to the newsletter listing but have not received it yet...perhaps my emails were filter and went to the junk folder.

second: my hair is a lil beyond shoulder length in the back but the sides don't reach my shoulders and my front is just past my my hair growing journey should I get all of my hair cut to the same length?:perplexed:perplexed And, I don't have a clue as to how to spot spilt ends on my can you tell??:perplexed
Hey, sorry that you didn't get the first newsletter. I will look for your email and see if I can send you the letter.
Take care
You don't have to cut your hair at this point. But if at some point you want it all even you can.. But its not mandatory.

When you examine individual hairs, and at the end of a hair you see it "split in half" so that it looks like two hairs at the end, that's a split end.
^^^thanks so much for your response! And, Mandy, thanks for getting the newsletter to me, it's WONDERFUL!! Hat's off to you two!!:drunk:
Hey Buddies: Just an Update;

I am just starting this whole healthy hair thing and I am starting to freak out. I am about 2 months post-relaxer, maybe more I really don't know to be honest; all I know is that my new growth is wild (on my new relaxer I will keep better track of my relaxer) and that my hair has been shedding and breaking like crazy and the hair on the nape of my neck looks nasty it is breaking so bad:sad:. I hopefully will be able to get my relaxer next weekend. I pray that my stylist does not have to cut a ton of my hair off. My hair is about SL. :perplexed But I guess if she has to cut it, it will motivate me to do better:look:
Hey Buddies: Just an Update;

I am just starting this whole healthy hair thing and I am starting to freak out. I am about 2 months post-relaxer, maybe more I really don't know to be honest; all I know is that my new growth is wild (on my new relaxer I will keep better track of my relaxer) and that my hair has been shedding and breaking like crazy and the hair on the nape of my neck looks nasty it is breaking so bad:sad:. I hopefully will be able to get my relaxer next weekend. I pray that my stylist does not have to cut a ton of my hair off. My hair is about SL. :perplexed But I guess if she has to cut it, it will motivate me to do better:look:

What is your hair regime?
How are you taking care of your hair between your relaxers?
Are you using protein treatments followed by deep conditioners?
What are some of the products you are using and how are you using them?
Do you moisturize daily and seal with an oil and which products are you using for this?
Hi everyone, I hope that you are all getting along well with you hair journeys. I have not hear any major frustrations yet, so I assume we are all doing well at this point.
We had previously said we would release a news letter bi-weekly, but after seeing what it takes to put one together, we thought it might be a better idea to release one monthly.
Please continue to send suggestion, questions, frustrations, excitemets to our email so that we can share info. Sistaslick is on board with us to help us learn more about a lot of stuff such as moisturizers and protein.
Take care
Would it be okay to add A natural hair tip sections? Or you could all follow me personally as I grow my Natural hair out for one full year and put it in the Newsletter. I know I will stay on track then LOL!! I have about 1/2 inch of natural hair and it is 4a/4b I guess with some 3c in the back. I plan on taking pics every 3 months. But it would be great to add some natural hair tips for those of us who are Natural. Because we are all reaching for the same goal, GROWTH!!! I think Once a month for The Newsletter is great.

So those who are Natural please send in tips if they say it is okay!! or email me and we can get some tips going to give to 321 or mandy.
hello i still havent received the first newsletter :nono: i sent an email requesting to be adding to the mail list

but in terms of my hair im removing my braids on monday..........cant wait :grin:
Would it be okay to add A natural hair tip sections? Or you could all follow me personally as I grow my Natural hair out for one full year and put it in the Newsletter. I know I will stay on track then LOL!! I have about 1/2 inch of natural hair and it is 4a/4b I guess with some 3c in the back. I plan on taking pics every 3 months. But it would be great to add some natural hair tips for those of us who are Natural. Because we are all reaching for the same goal, GROWTH!!! I think Once a month for The Newsletter is great.

So those who are Natural please send in tips if they say it is okay!! or email me and we can get some tips going to give to 321 or mandy.
Hi, it is absolutely fine for us to add a naturals section, I think there is a good number of naturals on our buddy list. Feel free to add anything that will help everyone.
In the newsletter you will see that we have two chat rooms one for naturals and one for relaxed. I have not seen anyone use the chat rooms yet but hopefully this will be a good info sharing for us.

if anyon is sending in tips please put "TIP for newsletter" so we know that it is something related to the newsletter.
Well here's my update for week....low manipulation is a definite no-no for me:nono:. My hair felt horrible, and I couldn't keep it moisturized because it got so tangled. My hair is always very dry and needs constant moisturizing so I will never do that again. When I washed my hair I deep conditioned which helped alot but there were still a bunch of tiny tiny knots so I lost more hair. :crying3:Could have been also from being so stressed lately but I don't know.
Next time will try the garlic thing to try to stop this crap.
And I'm also looking into doing the henna thing.

One good thing is that I'm already 7 weeks into my stretch so I thing I might try for 10 weeks instead of 8 and see how that goes.:look:
But I will have to use my flat iron next week, even though I've stated away from it for a few weeks. I'll be seeing my SO next week so I have look on point :grin:.
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Well here's my update for week....low manipulation is a definite no-no for me:nono:. My hair felt horrible, and I couldn't keep it moisturized because it got so tangled. My hair is always very dry and needs constant moisturizing so I will never do that again. When I washed my hair I deep conditioned which helped alot but there were still a bunch of tiny tiny knots so I lost more hair. :crying3:Could have been also from being so stressed lately but I don't know.
Next time will try the garlic thing to try to stop this crap.
And I'm also looking into doing the henna thing.

One good thing is that I'm already 7 weeks into my stretch so I thing I might try for 10 weeks instead of 8 and see how that goes.:look:
But I will have to use my flat iron next week, even though I've stated away from it for a few weeks. I'll be seeing my SO next week so I have look on point :grin:.
I can not do the low-mani either. I can stay away from heat, but I just can not stop myself from doing something with my hair and my hair looks horrible if I leave it alone :wallbash:.
I am 8wks post, I am also trying for 10wks. what do you plan to do to help you stretch for the rest of the time? I braides my hair (w/o extentions) it was breaking so bad at 6wks post. I think I will keep my hair braided for the last two weeks.