Hair Growing Buddies Support Thread

I have a quick question, 321: How is the hair growing buddies support different from LHCF? I apologize for not paying closer attention to the earlier posts if it was already explained. Is it just for newbies? TIA
I have a quick question, 321: How is the hair growing buddies support different from LHCF? I apologize for not paying closer attention to the earlier posts if it was already explained. Is it just for newbies? TIA

Sorry, I know you asked 321! I think it is geared towards those of us with slower growing hair or someone who needs extra personal attention. Sometimes we might ask a question and it might never get answered. Yes LHCF is for growing longer hair,BUT we all have different goals as to how we will get there, Sometimes those of use who have more things in common as far as growth, we can support each other & understand, Just like we have a short hair grow out support thread for those with just short hair, see they have that in common and can support each other.

Some of us might have been stuck in a rut and need One on One Attention. Anyone can join, I have been here since 2003 but my thing says 2005 (lost my old name then computer died on me for a couple years)
Mandy4610 could you please add me to the list. I already recieved an email but I don't see my name listed,so I just wanted to make sure.


Mandy4610 could you please add me to the list. I already recieved an email but I don't see my name listed,so I just wanted to make sure.



Suehi, you should pm Mandy this message, that way she can get right to it, ok?
Sorry, I know you asked 321! I think it is geared towards those of us with slower growing hair or someone who needs extra personal attention. Sometimes we might ask a question and it might never get answered. Yes LHCF is for growing longer hair,BUT we all have different goals as to how we will get there, Sometimes those of use who have more things in common as far as growth, we can support each other & understand, Just like we have a short hair grow out support thread for those with just short hair, see they have that in common and can support each other.

Some of us might have been stuck in a rut and need One on One Attention. Anyone can join, I have been here since 2003 but my thing says 2005 (lost my old name then computer died on me for a couple years)

Thanks for your reply, Nappy. I too often find myself waiting in line, just to get to the counter and find out that it's the wrong one! Didn't want that to happen here!!! :grin:
Hi ladies, I know there are alot of questions that I need to answer (as the starter of the thread) I promise I will get to all your concerns and questions ASAP. I am crunched for time right now so please bear with me. I have not forgotten about you. 321 and I will also look into the chat thing.
PS-my hair is stressing me out too, the hair on the back of my head is almost gone, check my fotki and see what I mean
Ladies I am getting so stresses out. My hair is falling off the back of my head. It is very brittle and is just snapping. Could this have anything to do with me sleeping on my back everynight? This is just horrible. The rest of the hair is fine and is very much longer. Please help, I am really really desparate, I am not ready for a big chop.
Please see my fotki to understand what I mean.
Ladies I am getting so stresses out. My hair is falling off the back of my head. It is very brittle and is just snapping. Could this have anything to do with me sleeping on my back everynight? This is just horrible. The rest of the hair is fine and is very much longer. Please help, I am really really desparate, I am not ready for a big chop.
Please see my fotki to understand what I mean.

do you cover your head, pillow or both with satin material?

Is that area a little drier and needs more moisturizing than other areas?

Do you rub your head on the headrest of your car while driving?
When you wear your hair up, is that where you secure your hair at? Do you think it might be causing some unknown stress in that area?

I honestly don't know. I'm just trying to think of some things.

I'm sorry this has happened to you, though.
do you cover your head, pillow or both with satin material?

Is that area a little drier and needs more moisturizing than other areas?

Do you rub your head on the headrest of your car while driving?
I do wear a satin cap when I go to bed, but I don't have any satin pillow cases. I know for sure that this area is dryer than other area and I try to give it extra moisture (is moisturiser the same as hair dress?)
I notice that my head does rub against the headrest when I drive, I have wondered about this, any suggestions?
Thanks so much
When you wear your hair up, is that where you secure your hair at? Do you think it might be causing some unknown stress in that area?

I honestly don't know. I'm just trying to think of some things.

I'm sorry this has happened to you, though.
Yeah I do wear my ponytails in that area, ummmmh, I wonder?
Thanks for giving this some thought on my behalf.
Hi Everyone,

What will be doing this week in regards to starting off our first week as
as a group. Should we share our regimens and new info that we have found??? I have found plenty!!! Ciao :yep:
Hey Mingming, please send the info you have found to [email protected]
We will add it to the Newsletter and send it out to everyone by the beginning of next week.

Hi ladies, I know there are alot of questions that I need to answer (as the starter of the thread) I promise I will get to all your concerns and questions ASAP. I am crunched for time right now so please bear with me. I have not forgotten about you. 321 and I will also look into the chat thing.
PS-my hair is stressing me out too, the hair on the back of my head is almost gone, check my fotki and see what I mean

Hi Mandy, I left a comment in your fotki okay?
That's a good question... what shall we do after the intros... hmmm..

My new thing this week has been henna. I did my first treatment

I made a thick paste of shakaikai(sp) and jamila powders.
The turn out was great. I liked it alot.. and my hair felt really good.
Anyone else?
Could you please email you Henna recipe to [email protected] so that we can add it to the newsletter?
Hmmm! Is there a way we can have a Online Chat once a week? I thought yahoo done that, I use to do online parties but that was along time ago LOL!! But if we could all set a time and have a chatroom we can discuss more things in an hour or 2. Like Live Chat or something, I'll see what I can come up with if this sounds ok.
Hi there, did you come up with anything in terms of a live chat. I found some possibilities, but please let me know if you found anything, just to have a choice, then we can decide which works best for our group.
Hey guys with the whole online chat idea.....we can simply use the one here!
If you go into the chat room and click a little button to start a chat, you get to name it and even put a password on it. So say we won't to start one, first persons goes in and send the password to everyone via pm and then we could all be in there together at one time.

Whatcha think?
Please give me some more info on this, I tried to get in but i could not. Maybe its my computer, but please let me know what I should be clicking on.
Mandy4610 could you please add me to the list. I already recieved an email but I don't see my name listed,so I just wanted to make sure.


hey Suehi, 321 is working on adding all the names to the list as well as attaching fotkis to the names of the members who have fotkis. We are also working on trying to get well set up so please bear with us if this does not happen right away. Time is an issue too, so we will add you and we definately hope that we will not lose anyone in the mix.
Hey people, I was looking at your chat comments, and I'm pretty sure that if you start a group on yahoo! that you can set up private chat sessions...(?) Now don't quote me on that, but I'll look into it.
I'm in. I currently had a major setback, my hair was a chin length boob with shorter bangs and for some reason it just started breaking off and shedding badly so I had to cut it. Now its layered and right on my ears:nono:. So I'm starting over.
Hair Type: 4a/b relaxed
Goal: Back to Chin length by May '08
Don't have a solid plan yet but I intend on starting with this:
Conditioner washes 1x per week
Deep conditioner 1x per week
Phyto Dietary supplement for hair growth daily
Sea minerals for hair & skin nourishment daily
Olive Oil Daily moisturizer
Nightly scalp massages
Relaxers at 7 weeks with a goal to stretch to 8 when my hair is stronger
Welcome to our new members! I have updated the member list and added all fotki links. If you want your fotki added or taken off, please pm me. Remember if the folders are locked, the member's pw is usually in their profile. Don't be shy about leaving comments. Make someone's day and encourage them with happy growing comments :yep: Please continue to send suggestions, questions, and anything else you can think of to [email protected]. Your newsletter will arrive via email hopefully by Monday night.
My hair has been shedding like crazy!!! Ok maybe it's not like crazy but enough for me to notice. And when it's shedding it's coming out with the white bulb at the top. Any ideas on how to remedy this?
Allow me to reintroduce myself me name is HOV!

Just joking!

For real,

Hi peeps, my name is Wantlonghair_1988 (aka Jessica) and I let me give you the 411 on what's up with me:

Hair Type: Who knows? I think I'm a 4c, but I can't be too sure, there's all sorts of things going on in there.

Goal: SL by mid 2008...maybe earlier, I don't know.


Weekly shampoo, with prepoo, oil rinse (usually EVOO or whatever)
Weekly Dc'ing with a Profective mix w/honey and Kemi oyl and EVOO
roller sets and sometimes twists
NO DIRECT HEAT!!! It's killing me too
daily moisture
baby these ends!!!
relaxer every 12's getting tough.
My hair has been shedding like crazy!!! Ok maybe it's not like crazy but enough for me to notice. And when it's shedding it's coming out with the white bulb at the top. Any ideas on how to remedy this?
LaBelle, shedding is a natural cycle. It's a shed hair when the white bulb is attached. I don't believe you can stop shedding, but you may be able to decrease the amount. Many members have decreased shedding by using products with garlic. Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner is highly recommended by members of this board and I saw a Garlic conditioner by Queen Helene in the BSS the other day. HTH :yep:

Someone just pm'd me about Nutrine Garlic Shampoo & Conditioner. Looks inexpensive, so I think I might try it as well. Trying to curb shedding too :grin:
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Please give me some more info on this, I tried to get in but i could not. Maybe its my computer, but please let me know what I should be clicking on.
I just clicked chat room and then enter chat room....if you choose float I believe it open it in a new box/window. Then to create your own you click the little plus sign/door on the right under the list of people.
LaBelle, shedding is a natural cycle. It's a shed hair when the white bulb is attached. I don't believe you can stop shedding, but you may be able to decrease the amount. Many members have decreased shedding by using products with garlic. Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner is highly recommended by members of this board and I saw a Garlic conditioner by Queen Helene in the BSS the other day. HTH :yep:

Someone just pm'd me about Nutrine Garlic Shampoo & Conditioner. Looks inexpensive, so I think I might try it as well. Trying to curb shedding too :grin:

LaBelle, 321 is right but if you can't find any of the Nutrine shampoo and conditioner or the Queen Helene conditioner, I would recommend taking about 7 cloves of crushed garlic, or blend them with about 2oz of EVOO, heat in microwave oven just warm enough to put on your scalp. Put on a shower cap and keep this mixture on for about 30 minutes with or without heat (I use heat). I did this while I was waiting for my alter ego garlic treatment to arrive.

If you crush the garlic, try to get them fine enough so they don't stay in your hair when it's time to wash it out. I wash mine out by kneeling down in the tub and let heavy water flow over my hair while swishing it a little to loose the garlic attached to my hair. I try to make enough to use at least 3 or 4 times, I simply refridgerate the unused portion. The above mixture is enough to be used about 3 times. Trust me this really works well. My shedding was reduced by at least 80% after the second application. Now I have no shedding.