guys cant make up their minds


New Member
wat would u ladies do if u had a S/O who is constantly changing their mind as to whether they want to be with u or not. and u are always supporting them and being there for them but whenver u need from them the slightest thing they dont seem to be around to support you. It seems like guys r constanlty wanting to find the New thing or have their own fun when the girl stays at home and doesnt even think of being unfaithful.

What do u guys consider cheating (talking to another person romantically or does it have to be some sexual act)

Even if you love the person alot and cant imagine being without them or being alone. would u put up with it and make things work or just let it go?
When guys do that it seems like it is usually because they take us for granted and think we are going to be there no matter what. Sometimes we have to show them that we wont. I would make myself less available to him....I have been there. They get used to you being there at the drop of a dime and being grateful for when and if they give you the time of day. Stop treating him like he is the prize and start treating yourself like YOU are the prize. He will soon follow, and if he doesnt, some other smarter man will.;)
wat would u ladies do if u had a S/O who is constantly changing their mind as to whether they want to be with u or not. and u are always supporting them and being there for them but whenver u need from them the slightest thing they dont seem to be around to support you.

I'd tell him to GTFOOHWTBS and then find me a new S/O wit some damn sense.

It seems like guys r constanlty wanting to find the New thing or have their own fun when the girl stays at home and doesnt even think of being unfaithful.

What do u guys consider cheating (talking to another person romantically or does it have to be some sexual act)

I'd like further clarification before I speak on this cuz, wow. Is this what dude is doing?

Even if you love the person alot and cant imagine being without them or being alone. would u put up with it and make things work or just let it go?

Each person has to ask themselves how much drama they are willing to put up with. Personally, I like my life to be as close to peaceful as I can get it so I wouldn't be willing to have a man who disrupts my life with his nonsense.
Jcoily I must be all up in your head because I knew what each one of those letters meant right off the bat.

And as for how much of that I would tolerate. How about NONE. I can't turn back time and if I'm going to waste it I'd rather do it sleeping or trolling the internet.:lachen:
I agree wit LeslieC. Sometimes us woman make ourselves too available. We take on that caring, nurturing, mothering role when sometimes it is't needed or desrved and in a situation like isn't. We or most of us, are always standing there with open arms because we don't want to see anyone hurt but why are we always the ones that end up hurting? So, I think anyone going through a situation like this should think about themselves first, because that man can be in the way of many blessings.
I don't think it's the fact that guys can't make up their minds. They can! They are just weighing their options when it comes to relationships. In order words they are keeping you for now so when something better comes along they will let you go. And if that don't work out they can easily come crawling back to you.

The point is you can't make up a guy mind. It's not going to happen. But you can make up YOUR mind whether or not you are willing to put up with his games. We have a lot of power but we don't use it.
I don't think it's the fact that guys can't make up their minds. They can! They are just weighing their options when it comes to relationships. In order words they are keeping you for now so when something better comes along they will let you go. And if that don't work out they can easily come crawling back to you.

The point is you can't make up a guy mind. It's not going to happen. But you can make up YOUR mind whether or not you are willing to put up with his games. We have a lot of power but we don't use it.

I don't think it's the fact that guys can't make up their minds. They can! They are just weighing their options when it comes to relationships. In order words they are keeping you for now so when something better comes along they will let you go. And if that don't work out they can easily come crawling back to you.

The point is you can't make up a guy mind. It's not going to happen. But you can make up YOUR mind whether or not you are willing to put up with his games. We have a lot of power but we don't use it.

Girl, you are so on point!!!

Now y'all need to go read my thread titled relationships and leave me some feedback :lol:
I don't think it's the fact that guys can't make up their minds. They can! They are just weighing their options when it comes to relationships. In order words they are keeping you for now so when something better comes along they will let you go. And if that don't work out they can easily come crawling back to you.

The point is you can't make up a guy mind. It's not going to happen. But you can make up YOUR mind whether or not you are willing to put up with his games. We have a lot of power but we don't use it.

Um Um Umh...Girl you aint said nothing but the truth and I need to take heed to this statement as well!
My girlfriend is going through this exact thing. She has been in a relationship with a guy for three years. During this time, he has gone back and forth about whether he wants a relationship or not. He has many female friends that he talks to.

Yesterday, she found a movie stub at his house with "Our first movie" written on it. She was so broken up. She called me being the FBI agent I am. I did some research and found the theater they went to. Anyway, she called to confront him and he confessed. They have a relationship where he says he would never lie to her.

I really just always try to listen and not really give my opinion, but I just couldn't take it anymore. After three years of this, I told her that I felt she just needed to cut him lose. She said she was so we shall see.
i think you should make up your mind on what YOU want to do and not wait and go back and forth with someone who is not sure what they want to do in regard to you BOO!

take back the control you have given away...

separate feelings.emotions and put you FIR
wat would u ladies do if u had a S/O who is constantly changing their mind as to whether they want to be with u or not. and u are always supporting them and being there for them but whenver u need from them the slightest thing they dont seem to be around to support you. It seems like guys r constanlty wanting to find the New thing or have their own fun when the girl stays at home and doesnt even think of being unfaithful.

What do u guys consider cheating (talking to another person romantically or does it have to be some sexual act)

Even if you love the person alot and cant imagine being without them or being alone. would u put up with it and make things work or just let it go?

I would tell the person that until he made up his mind and decided what he wanted, we should not be together anymore. This is difficult, but I really believe that men are more decisive than we sometimes want to believe. In the time apart, he will have to decide if he wants to be with you. BUT, you have to believe that you deserve love to get it.

I believe there are 2 types of cheating: physical and emotional. Some people commit both (i.e. long-term affair that mirrors a long-term relationship or even a marriage) and some commit one or the other. Physical cheating is pretty self-explanatory (physical act with another, not your SO/spouse). Emotional cheating is more dicey, IMO. But I would classify one as an emotional cheater, if they go to another for some type of fulfillment (i.e. discussing things that they should discuss with SO).
It's simple. You need to make it obvious to him that you have a life and that you're not an extension of his rear end.

By making it obvious I don't mean words, I mean action. He needs to know that he's free to come and go. But when he's itching to come back he can't just show up, he has to check with you first to make sure it's convenient for you cos lets face it you have a life outside his world.

I'm not saying throw it in his face but just let it be obvious there's life beyond him and you're living it to the full. He 'HAS' to know that you can be happy when he's not around and that you being happy does not mean being with another man around. Get yourself some interests outside the relationship.
wat would u ladies do if u had a S/O who is constantly changing their mind as to whether they want to be with u or not. and u are always supporting them and being there for them but whenver u need from them the slightest thing they dont seem to be around to support you. It seems like guys r constanlty wanting to find the New thing or have their own fun when the girl stays at home and doesnt even think of being unfaithful.

What do u guys consider cheating (talking to another person romantically or does it have to be some sexual act)

Even if you love the person alot and cant imagine being without them or being alone. would u put up with it and make things work or just let it go?

My ex was like this, always breaking up with me and I would just wait by the phone and always took him back whenever he was ready. The emotional rollercoaster is SO not worth it. I finally stopped being a doormat and start seeing other people. I have long since moved on and got over him, something I never thought I would be able to do. He would LOVE to get back with me now but I have no interest in him AT ALL.

Don't you want someone that wants you and only you? Someone that you can count on and isn't constantly changing their mind about whether they want to be with you or not? You deserve better than this. You deserve someone that is going to love you and be there for you in the same capacity that you are for this jerk. In my opinion it would better if you cut all ties with him immediately, easier said than done I know. But some guys just don't see what a good woman they had until you leave their arses!
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Let it go. Sounds like he is only stringing you along until someone potentially better comes along. You deserve to be with someone who has no doubt in his mind that he wants to be with you and ONLY you - he is out there.
Not making a decision IS a decision. Men are very well capable of making a decision. But alright... let's give dude the benefit of the doubt:

1. He really isn't sure whether he wants to be with you or not...


2. He does know what he does and does not want (and has not made a definitive statement of his intentions) and he's just hanging around 'cause he's getting his rocks off....

For me, either option is UNACCEPTABLE. If he's unsure, then he does not get to "weigh his options with me". If he is sure and has not made a definitive statement of his intentions toward me, then he does not get to hang with me....
I don't think it's the fact that guys can't make up their minds. They can! They are just weighing their options when it comes to relationships. In order words they are keeping you for now so when something better comes along they will let you go. And if that don't work out they can easily come crawling back to you.

The point is you can't make up a guy mind. It's not going to happen. But you can make up YOUR mind whether or not you are willing to put up with his games. We have a lot of power but we don't use it.

This is the damn truth!!

I was somewhat dating this guy..when I say somewhat, he wanted to keep me at a distance where we weren't committed but close enough to call anytime he wanted to see or talk to me which may have been once a week. I had no doubt in my mind, I STOPPED answering his calls. He's an idiot. Any man that doesn't see me as valuable as I truly am can just move over. I don't have the time for it anymore. I"m tired of being an option for these tired men. :perplexed
So I say to you, keep it moving.