Gratitude Challenge

...Because love me...even though I am unworthy...and I know this more now than ever before. I thank you, because your Love is better than life.
Thank you Lord for your Living Waters and the lesson on the value of water, which soothes, heals, restores, refreshes, cools, nourishes, cleanses. Without it we all die.
Thankful for access through prayer...amazing! Thankful that He knows everyone in the CF by name and he hears our prayer! You have been heard on high! He has them in bowls, keep adding until they overfow. Matthew 7:7.
Thankful that He Emmanuel...God with us! Thankful for every trial and every bad day I had. I call them bread and water. Isaiah 30:21
I'm grateful I didn't allow them to make me walk away from Him. People will try many ways to drive a wedge between a believer and Jesus. I'm glad to be standing today, even if limping...I'm still standing.
I am grateful that no matter how many times I come to You about the things going on in my life, You are always interested- never turning me away:yep:!
Here's another:blush: I am thankful that I can enjoy spending time in praise, worship, and devotions that allow me to grow in His love, grace, and mercy:yep:
I haven't been in here since the 12th, so I'm going to catch up.

1. Thank you God for putting people in my life who are blessings in disguise, even when I'm too selfish to realize it!
2. Thank you Father for this summer job opportunity. Even though it may not have been what I prayed for and it doesn't pay much, you blessed me with another source of income.
3. Thank you Father for my apartment. The peace and quiet I get to have is a blessing.
4. Thank you Father for the sunny weather. I love love love sun.
5. I thank you that I can always ask for my sins to be forgiven!
6. I thank you Father for wisdom and maturity. Even though I still make mistakes, I'm learning how not to make the same mistakes again!
7. Thank you Father for second chances. You shouldn't continue to bless me like you do, but you do!
8. I thank you Father that I never have to go without food or nourishment. Some people don't even have clean water to drink! Thank you Jesus!
I'm thankful that I have a audio bible app that is saved to my phone's hard drive. I think I honestly heard every book in the bible while I was working.

Well except for Revelations.....revelations scares me....but I'll get there.....later.
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins Lord. You were mocked,spat on,beaten,cursed at told you were crazy for me my sins. You paid a debt that I would never in millions of years be able to repay. You did it for me. You sought out your child Lord and I just thank you. If you don't do another thing God I will die still praising you for what you have done.
Thank you Lord for my family
Thank you for the car DH bought on Monday
Thank you that even though I don't always get it right, you still love me. Knowing you love me is the only thing keeping me going.

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I'm thankful that He is a God of second chances (and 3rd, and 4th...). Thankful for His grace and love and protection. Thankful that He saw me through another very challenging quarter in school. :amen:
Thankful that God helped me to get over my deep depression. There was a time when I was really depressed. I'm doing better these days.
Thank you for my family. Thank you God for my dh, who I love so much and the children you have blessed me with. I am truly grateful for them.

Thank you for continually helping me to let go of unhealthy people, mindsets, and things. Thank you for protecting my heart and mind.
Thankful for JOY!

Childhood bible school throwback: I got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart!