Gratitude Challenge

Thank you for nature and all of its calming effects. Even the parts of it I don't necessarily like. Reminds me of my favorite quote: "While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation."
I just had to come back in here and tell you all about how God just blessed me. I got a $550 medical bill that I wasn't expecting because I didn't know insurance didn't cover those kinds of checkups/labwork. I was so angry yall. I called the billing center at the hospital asking if there was any thing that can be done to get the bill reduced because as a graduate student, I just didn't have that kind of money.

On top of that, the first payment was due July 6, like 2 weeks after I got the bill. I didn't even have 30 days. I had to keep reminding myself to be nice to the lady on the phone because it wasn't her fault (you all know how we get when we are mad). So I kept my voice as level as possible.

She told me about a financial assistance application they have where they look at your income and how much your bill is and decide whether they will write it off or cover a certain amount. I got a call back from the lady who went out of her way to call me back to tell me that my bill was covered 100%!! It's been written off and if I get any more bills from them pertaining to this issue, call them back and they will handle it. I felt so immediately blessed. I started praying and thanking God. I couldn't believe it. I know its relatively small in the grand scheme of things, but that $600 was weighing heavily on my heart. We have to have immense patience sometimes and also remember to treat people the way we would want to be treated. The lady didn't have to call me back (and she did it as soon as she found out the results, I had just called on Monday) and I would still be fretting for another two weeks until I heard back by mail that I was approved 100%.

Thank you Father for good people and yet another blessing!! Even when I know I don't deserve it.
I just had to come back in here and tell you all about how God just blessed me. I got a $550 medical bill that I wasn't expecting because I didn't know insurance didn't cover those kinds of checkups/labwork. I was so angry yall. I called the billing center at the hospital asking if there was any thing that can be done to get the bill reduced because as a graduate student, I just didn't have that kind of money.

On top of that, the first payment was due July 6, like 2 weeks after I got the bill. I didn't even have 30 days. I had to keep reminding myself to be nice to the lady on the phone because it wasn't her fault (you all know how we get when we are mad). So I kept my voice as level as possible.

She told me about a financial assistance application they have where they look at your income and how much your bill is and decide whether they will write it off or cover a certain amount. I got a call back from the lady who went out of her way to call me back to tell me that my bill was covered 100%!! It's been written off and if I get any more bills from them pertaining to this issue, call them back and they will handle it. I felt so immediately blessed. I started praying and thanking God. I couldn't believe it. I know its relatively small in the grand scheme of things, but that $600 was weighing heavily on my heart. We have to have immense patience sometimes and also remember to treat people the way we would want to be treated. The lady didn't have to call me back (and she did it as soon as she found out the results, I had just called on Monday) and I would still be fretting for another two weeks until I heard back by mail that I was approved 100%.

Thank you Father for good people and yet another blessing!! Even when I know I don't deserve it.

Amen and Amen!!!
I'm grateful that my FMLA and pay leave were approved for my entire recovery time. Thank you Father.
I am thankful for a peace of mind.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Still on my high from yesterday. Still grateful that You work things out in due time. Forever grateful for good people. And blessed because I know I can always call on Your name.
Grateful for my husband. Grateful to God for being my provider.
Grateful for this beautiful weather, the lake down the street from my house, and being able to take my kids there whenever I want to.
Grateful for that meal my friend cooked for me yesterday.
Grateful for friendships. Where would I be without them?
grateful for mercy and redemption. Lord knows i don't always act accordingly but i am grateful for His grace. i dont deserve it.
Grateful for my family. My cousins and I took the kids to the pool yesterday. It was exhausting but we had a great time.

Grateful for my mommy. I love her.

Grateful for the 30 minute car ride by myself. Anybody else talk to God in the car? LOL that's my favorite place to pray. Don't judge me LOL

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Grateful for the wonders and information found on the Internet and that I have it in my home (I know this is a little superficial).
I am thankful to God for the recent promptings to return to a deeper level of prayer and fellowship with Him.
Today I received a $100 Amex gift card and a thank you note from my director thanking me for all my hard work. Thank you Lord for sending this money to me! I'm going to use it toward our family day at the amusement park.

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Hey ladies!

This is the last day of the challenge, this thread has been such a blessing. The last few months have been a roller-coaster ride for me, a lot of ups and downs. I decided to put myself on a gratitude challenge, because I found myself getting negative at certain points. I decided to focus on thanking God instead of complaining.

Well so many blessings have come my way in the past month, Praise God! It wasn't easy but it was so worth it to focus on the good! Amen for this challenge and thank you ladies so much for joining me on the journey! It was a joy reading your responses in this thread, so many posts blessed me.

So today I'm thankful for you ;)
I am grateful for the roof over my head and everything inside of it.....

Someone should start a new....:look: