Gratitude Challenge

I'm thankful that I now have the wisdom to see how some of my past struggles have actually helped me.

I love this thread!
Today, I am thankful that Abba Father understands me ... knows where I came from, where I am, and where I will be.
I am thankful that I was able to be on the Prayer Call last night, thankful that I received such a powerful message. Thank you Father God, thank you for loving me unconditionally.
I'm in! Just 1???

Thank you father God for giving me natural and spiritual sight.
I'm grateful for the way God is showing me my purpose. I am not sure of it yet, but step by step I am seeing new doors and new opportunities. Its amazing how God can work things out!
This gratitude challenge is really showing me that God places people in our lives to help us along our journey. Sometimes we don't even realize it. Thank God for that!
I'm this idea! I am thankful for how He has blessed me with great people in my life!
I'm grateful for being able to cast away my cares on the Lord. It's amazing how things come together when we do just that.
Thank you Father for my fellowship while I am in graduate school. It's been an immense blessing!
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Thanking God that when the world think it's checkmate, our Heavenly Father still has one more move!!! Hallelujah!!!
Thankful that my trials have produced faith, and when it's complete I shall lack nothing...thankful that God doesn't waste anything!! Yes!
I am thankful that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed to us!!! I am glad that our afflictions are consired light and momentary! Yes!!
Thankful that I can praise His name whenever I feel like it!!! No other God like you Jesus!! We offer unto the sacrifice of praise, because you are beyond worthy!! If I had a thousand tongues I couldn't praise you enough! Father, You are! My lips shall praise you! I was created and designed to praise your name!!!
I am so grateful to God for His Grace, it is always sufficient for whatever comes my way!
Thankful for the word of God! Thankful for your instructions, they are more valuable to me than silver and gold!