
New Member
Okay.. so I've been going to this stylist, Felicia for the past year. I liked her, because she knows her stuff when it comes to hair, wasnt scissor happy (the reason why i left the stylist i had before her), and she's a natural hair advocate (wears baby dreads). So I hadn't had a problem with her.. until two weeks ago. I called a month ago to schedule an appointment for long layered box braids on April 1st. She set it, and everything was all good. 2 weeks later, she tells my sister to tell me to call her because she has to change my appointment because she has "regular" customers that she has to take care of that Friday. So I was mad, because that was the whole reason why I scheduled it A MONTH IN ADVANCE to be sure that she'd have the time to do my hair.. I requested that day off from work and everything.

So she says to reschedule it for a tuesday or wednesday because those are her slow days, and I was like well I wont even get my schedule for the week until the Saturday before. So she told me to call her when I got it and we'll see. So I found out that I was off Wednesday (today) and asked her if she'd be able to do it. She said that would be fine, and to come at 8. So today I go there (which is in another town i might add) at 8.. but realize that I left the picture of the style I wanted at home, so I turned around and went home, since she wasnt there yet. So I get back, and she still isnt there. I had called and left a message on the machine when I left to get my picture, just so she'd know I was still coming. But she hadnt even BEEN there. So it's 9am.. I leave to check something out, come back at 9:30 and she still isnt there. So I call her cellphone and she doesnt answer, so I leave a message and go home.

The second I got home she called me saying how she was "sooo sorry" for not showing up for my appointment, and that she'd get one of her hairdresser-friends to do it for me, but I cut her off and told her that I already had someone else to do my hair (I do, now). Then she says how she's sick and isnt going to stay at the shop for long anyway, and I'm like WOW, AND YOU COULDNT CALL ME AND TELL ME THAT 2 HOURS AGO WHEN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO MY HAIR?!! It's not like she didn't have my cellphone number. So she asks me if I'm mad, WELL DUH. So she says sorry and I'm like okay whatever and hang up the phone.

I have no intentions of ever giving her my business nor will I ever recommend her to anybody ever again, but do you think that's right? Would you do the same? I only need her to braid my hair, because I'm transitioning, but there are plenty of people who can braid and will charge LESS.. it's just the fact that she's already natural and can help me through my transition that makes me want to go to her. But then again, what good is it to have a good stylist who NEVER SHOWS UP?! (she did this to my mom's friend last month too)

What would you do? (sorry so long)
I think you probably did the right thing. I don't know your stylist friend personally so I can't really judge her, but she seems like she may be a little bit unreliable. That is not a good thing when it comes to a stylist. I've had some "good stylist/bad service" stylists too, and I just had to stop going to them after a while because they were so unreliable.

If you're going to be paying your hard earned money on hair services, then you ought to (and DESERVE) to get the RIGHT service for your money. I'm wondering if some stylists realize that their jobs are JUST as important as everyday jobs. I bet if she were working in an office somewhere she wouldn't dare call in two hours late to her boss and tell him/her that she wasn't coming in for the day! It's just common curtesy to call AHEAD of time, or call AS soon as you know you're not going to be able to come in.

So, if I were you, I'd just get my hair done some place else. And maybe (MAYBE!) if you feel like going to her again, take a break from going to her for a while (especially if the other places are cheaper), and then try to give her a second chance if you feel up to it. But I'm sure there are other stylists/salons that do great braids and know about natural/braided hair care. Just ask around.
I know, I really hate it though. I thought I was SET when I found her, but she is a really ghetto unreliable stylist.. I'm taking Cosmetology and she does a LOT of the things you're not supposed to do as far as running a salon goes. She's not very professional.. but a good stylist is hard to find. But I guess since I'm transitioning and can trim my own hair, I don't need a good stylist anymore, just a good braider since I will be transitioning with braids. Right?
Well is this the first time she did this???

Was she a good stylist despite this bad situation???
candibaby said:
I know, I really hate it though. I thought I was SET when I found her, but she is a really ghetto unreliable stylist.. I'm taking Cosmetology and she does a LOT of the things you're not supposed to do as far as running a salon goes. She's not very professional.. but a good stylist is hard to find. But I guess since I'm transitioning and can trim my own hair, I don't need a good stylist anymore, just a good braider since I will be transitioning with braids. Right?

Yeah, a "good" stylist may not be as needed now since you're just getting braids in your hair. But even if it's just braids, I think everyone deserves good service. I know it's a hard decision, but ultimately you have to figure out what is good for YOU.

I think Poohbear brought out some good points though. Only you know your stylist personally. Has she done this in the past to you?? Is she otherwise good regardless of her bad unreliable habits? Some people don't mind if the service is bad (their stylist could stand them up 100 times and they wouldn't care!) just as long as the STYLING is good. HOwever, the fact that you're still kind of upset at how she stood you up gives me the impression that you don't like to be treated that way by ANY stylist (whether "bad" OR "good").

So, basically...I'd say to weigh your pros and cons with her. Are the benefits of going to her going to outweigh the costs?? Or will it be the other way around? I guess only you can really decide that. :-)

I still say however that she could have shown just a little consideration. Especially if you're coming from a different town.
I had a stylist like that in Augusta. He did amazing work. My hair did well with him but he had too many clients, didn't manage his time well and it began to aggravate alot of his customers. You could get there at 830(appointment time) and he would not start on your head until 9/9:30 AND sometimes he would not even be there to open the shop. I finally told him that I needed to move on. You did the right thing.
Thanks, ladies..

She didn't sound sick to me. When I talked to her last Monday she did sound sick, but that's still no excuse for not calling and telling me that you wouldn't be there BEFORE I waited on you for 2 hours. I don't think her apology was very sincere either.

She hasn't done that to me before but she did that to my sister's friend, and my mom's friend before. She was late opening the shop to do my sister's hair the first time I ever met her as well.

I don't think the pros outweigh the cons.. because the lady I will be going to now to get singles throughout my transition charges less and is right down the road from me. (therefore I wont really be using any gas) Not to mention she is a very christian lady and I know SHE wouldn't just do her customers wrong like that unless she had to-- and she'd call. As a matter of fact, she called me a few hours ago to let me know that she was doing cornrows before I come to her tomorrow at 9:30 and to call her at 9 to be sure she's close to being done that way I won't have to wait because she knows I have to go to work tomorrow afternoon. THATS how you're supposed to treat your customers.. not leave them sitting outside in a car in 85 degree weather for 2 hours and not answer their calls.
You are correct. They(hair stylists) are running a business and should be professional about it. You are a paying customer.
Oh okay. ;)

Btw... I'm transitioning too and plan on getting cornrows. Do you get your hair braided on wet, damp, airdried, or heat-dried hair??? Do you wear it down when you go to the stylist before getting it braided?
I sit under the hooded dryer to get my hair to dry. I tried air drying Tuesday and it took like 16 hours to dry. I comb my hair down and wear it like that to the stylist. I'll probably end up in cornrows too now, the other stylist hurt her finger and couldn't do my hair today and I'll probably never have the time to get individuals again. I'm mad because now I have 4 packs of hair that I can do nothing with! And you know those asians dont like to give refunds..
candibaby said:
not leave them sitting outside in a car in 85 degree weather for 2 hours and not answer their calls.


It's 85 degrees where you live? Wow, that's great!!

Okay now on topic. I wouldn't be bothered with her being unreliable. I have only had my hair braided twice since my transition; so I'm not regularly seeing a stylist and putting up with any mess. But I would forgive her, just not give her any more $$.
Sounds to me like you did the right thing. Her behavior was highly unprofessional. I once had a stylist who stood me up and believe me, it was the last time I every set foot in that salon again. And you don't need her to help you transition to natural hair. You can learn all about that without her. This website alone contains a wealth of information on transitioning and maintaining natural hair, so don't even look back. :nono:

I'm so glad you found a MUCH better reliable stylist. She seems really nice, and if it were me, I wouldn't even think twice about going back to that other lady. I think your old stylist has to realize that the decisions she makes (not coming to work, or leaving customers out in the cold) will affect how many customers she has. And if she KEEPS going at the rate she's going, she may look up one day and find that she doesn't have many customers! LOL*
If you ask me, it's HER loss...not yours.
you are right to cut her off but i would call her and make sure she knows that you wont be comming back and why thats the only way she will get the picture
msportugal said:
you are right to cut her off but i would call her and make sure she knows that you wont be comming back and why thats the only way she will get the picture

Good Idea! Sometimes you have to really spell it out for some people. LOL*
Crystalicequeen123 said:
Good Idea! Sometimes you have to really spell it out for some people. LOL*

I'm pretty sure she knows that she'll never have my business again. She saw my sister yesterday and was like "your sister is mad at me!" and my sister was like "aw sh*t, really?!" and walked away. :lol: