My Stylist PO'd at Me

Don't let that woman touch your hair! No telling what she'll do to your hair.

You pay her...not the other way around!
Can your stylist really cop an attitude because you no longer want to see them? I've been with her for the last 3 years and honestly, I don't like the way she does my hair anymore. She has changed so much to point I cringe when I have to make an appointment with her.

So, I called her up and canceled my appointment (which is two weeks away) and when she asked me why, I just explained to her that I've found someone else. WOW...I shouldn't have said that :nono::nono:. She then proceeded to not yell at me per se but raised her voice telling that 1) whoever this is I'm going to won't do a good job 2) I NEED her because I can't do my own hair 3) the ladies at the new shop will make sure to burn out my hair because of it's length 4) the prices will probably be higher than what she charged me and last but not least 5) black stylists cannot do hair because they are jealous when clients with hair longer than them come to their shop :perplexed:perplexed

I felt so bad that I went ahead and just kept my appointment with her. I feel like I'm abandoning her.

I cringe @ the bolded she may really jack up ur hair now. I always say follow ur first instincts. If its time to part ways its just time.
As many problems as I've had with black salons, it wasn't her place to say such a thing to you. And the nerve of her telling you that you can't do your own hair!

Get a new stylist, pronto. Don't bother calling her or even setting foot in that salon again. Your hair will thank you.
Why do I feel like this story will turn out like the member who went to take out her braids and the braider was using a razor and she still stayed even tho she feared that her hair would be chopped along with the extension.

OP your best bet would be to not go to the appt but it's your call
Why do I feel like this story will turn out like the member who went to take out her braids and the braider was using a razor and she still stayed even tho she feared that her hair would be chopped along with the extension.

OP your best bet would be to not go to the appt but it's your call
i wanna read that thread again. you got the link?
1. Clearly she is unprofessional and you should re-cancel anyways. A more professional response would have been more like: I am sorry to see you go, being such a loyal customer for 3 years....Is there anything I can do to keep you here with me...?" Or something like that.

2. Her attitude speaks volumes....but its not HER business as to why you left.

3. Finally, her attitude will catch up to her. I left my stylist (before going natural) of 2 years because she almost burned my ear off, then played dumb about it later...My husband was pissed. When I left, she was pissed.

......then, she decided to change careers and become a nurse so since Nutrition is a pre-requisite for the nursing program, and I am the only one at the school who teaches it, she showed up in my class last year..........Boyyyyy did she straighten up when she saw who was teaching it.....
Its best to not attend this appointment and never use this stylist again because this person does not respect you.
how can you employ someone that has no respect for you?
I'd move on just from experiencing the attitude alone :look:

That's your choice if you want to move on. If she was savvy enough she should have tried to win you over by asking questions about what was wrong with her services and was there anything she could do to keep you as a client. I guess that's too right though :rolleyes: some stylists really need customer service training
OP the last line in your post really shocked me.
Girl, don't let this chick strongarm you!! WTF

It's YOUR hair.
She only cares about the money.

Try somewhere else, or do your hair yourself.
No one will love and care for your hair better than you.
:rolleyes: (at your stylist)I left my stylist of over 10 years with no problems. She's great and everything but I could never really stick to the same style for longer than 2-3 weeks so stopped braiding etc, plus I moved away

She never had any problem and we still chat on Fb and she has a LOT of clients because SHE'S GOOD and so wishes me well.
"5) black stylists cannot do hair because they are jealous when clients with hair longer than them come to their shop :perplexed:perplexed"

:shocked::shocked::shocked: WOW!!!! Thank you for the post OP. That makes so much sense to me the past everytime I would mention to a stylist that I want to grow my hair longer, they all gave me the same nose turned up look!!!!! And my hair has ALWAYS suffered under a stylist....uumm Im gonna add the my signiture the time I went to a STYLIST!!!!
Thanks for all the replies. I called her back today and once again, told her that I would be canceling my appointment and will no longer be seeing her again. However, before she could talk over me, I explained to her why I no longer need her services.

Well, her attitude from the other day changed with the quickness. She apologized and was talking to me like a "normal" human being. She did say that she wished I would have said something sooner (I was nervous and don't like confrontations) and maybe she would have changed some things up.

All in all, she wasn't rude to me like she was before but she still feels that no one can do my hair better than she can.
:lachen: Just kidding, OP.

But she sounds crazy and desperate. She might try to jack your hair up, then try to blame it on you or the other stylist, then say that you need to keep coming back to her as she is the only one who can fix it. :perplexed I think that if you are not happy by now after all that time, it will not get any better. I agree with everyone. I think it's best to be upfront with her and if she starts going off again, hang up. You can just hang up in her face. But if u wanna be nice, you can say, "Im so sorry, I have to go." then hang up.
:bighug: You're like me OP.. not really an argumentative person... next time LIE and don't tell one stylist that you are leaving them for someone else.. especially if it's a small shop and they don't have a boss to report to... they can go ape on you (like this heffer did)
DO NOT go to that appointment. This is YOUR hair. Your hair. NOT your stylist's. This is 100% your choice if you want a new salon stylist. DO NOT feel pressured by some stylist who has been slipping in quality! Trust me, I have let the whole loyalty thing steer me before when it comes to hair, but don't make the same mistake! Don't be more loyal to your hair stylist than you are to your HAIR!!!!

There have been 2 different stylists who I have seen for years, who, when I started not to go anymore, started to get rude and unnecessary once that time came. It's completely unprofessional and immature. They need to respect your decision, period. If you want to go somewhere else, they should be open to feedback, then ultimately respect the decision, with their stylist door remaining open for when/if you come back. They are NOT supposed to tell you off, or go on tangents. YOU are the paying customer.

Really, do not let this rude stylist guilt you into sticking to her out of loyalty. Because at the end of the day, I GUARANTEE you the hair stylist's loyalty belongs to the dough you pay her. NOT YOU. As such, your number one loyalty should be to the hair on your head!
:lachen: Just kidding, OP.

But she sounds crazy and desperate. She might try to jack your hair up, then try to blame it on you or the other stylist, then say that you need to keep coming back to her as she is the only one who can fix it. :perplexed I think that if you are not happy by now after all that time, it will not get any better. I agree with everyone. I think it's best to be upfront with her and if she starts going off again, hang up. You can just hang up in her face. But if u wanna be nice, you can say, "Im so sorry, I have to go." then hang up.

Get outta my head! I swear that's the first thing I thought of when I read the OP's post!


OP, I'm glad you got that all sorted out girl!
Don't believe the hype. It's your hair and you have a right to try something new. It's not like she's doing your hair for free.
:rolleyes:she's trying to be nice to get those chips. nobody can do your hair better than her. :rolleyes: yeah. ok.
Thanks for all the replies. I called her back today and once again, told her that I would be canceling my appointment and will no longer be seeing her again. However, before she could talk over me, I explained to her why I no longer need her services.

Well, her attitude from the other day changed with the quickness. She apologized and was talking to me like a "normal" human being. She did say that she wished I would have said something sooner (I was nervous and don't like confrontations) and maybe she would have changed some things up.

All in all, she wasn't rude to me like she was before but she still feels that no one can do my hair better than she can.

Hmp:rolleyes: I wonder how many other Clients she has Bull-ied into stayin'?:rolleyes: With those Scare Tactics.:nono:

How pathetic.:rolleyes:

Good For You OP! You should feel like a 'weight' has been lifted off of you!:blush:
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Ok, I'm late reading this and have not read all of the responses. But when I read your post, I took a big gulp when I read that you were going to keep your appointment.

Please do not go to that appointment.
Wow, I hope you didn't go back!! this is why i do my own hair, even for her to belive in this i.e what other stylist do proves it happens