Why did I even try to go to a stylist?!

They look great! That'd be my 2nd and last attempt trying to go to her, she doesn't seem worth the hassle (especially if you can do such a great job by yourself)...
CantBeCopied said:
She sounds like a lazy, inconsiderate liar to me who takes her clients for granted. How classic to pretend "she told you" or "your appt was yesterday". That's BS. Her lazy arse probably did not feel like braiding that day and coped out on you and made it seem like your fault. She's a swindler. I would never go to her again! :mad:

I must admit I had that thought. She kept saying "You got a lotta hair," the last time she braided it. She probably just didn't want to deal with it again.

Thanks everybody. I wish I liked braiding, but I can't stand it. I'd rather watch grass grow and my back and shoulder (I tore my rotator last year) were killing me by the time was done. :(
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Gurl, you've got MAD skills:grin: Don't even sweat stupidity. I've seen professionally done braids not look this good.

You've got several of us all jealous:)
sareca said:
That's it. I braided it w/ kinky twist hair and curled the ends.


OOH Girl I wish I had your skills, and I'm too lazy ! I LOOOOve your braids!