My Stylist PO'd at Me

It sounds like she was really upset with you, and may have some animosity towards you for thinking about switching stylists. For me, that would be more of a reason not to keep my appointment. I would be too afraid that she'd slip up and do something to my hair.

We're >>>>>right here<<<<<!

Cancel that appointment and don't look back.:nono:
That's way too much attitute for me. I wouldn't even want her stressed hands in my hair. You're better than me because after she finished her mini-rant, I would have simply said. "ok. bye." in my nicest honey butter biscuit voice AND a smile on my face. All that was un-called for. If anything she should have been saying

What can I do to keep you as a client?

What about my process don't you like?

Do you have any suggestions that YOUR hair likes that I can incorporate into your services?

If I were a stylist trying to hold on to a client, that's what I would say.
I can't believe you let her scare you into coming back :nono: I sympathize with you.

Once you showed her that you're ready to drop her anytime, she no longer has any vested interest in the health of your hair. She could jack it up "just because" and not care if you ever come back. The worst you could do is sue her and get a small judgement, but it could never make up for the lost hair and damage that could continue long after. If you don't want to talk to her 1) Call on Sunday/Monday (or day she's off) and leave a cancellation message or 2) Just don't show up. You tried to cancel and she made it difficult, plus it's not like you plan on going back.

Basically, cancel it or forget it, but Don't go back!
Can your stylist really cop an attitude because you no longer want to see them? I've been with her for the last 3 years and honestly, I don't like the way she does my hair anymore. She has changed so much to point I cringe when I have to make an appointment with her.

So, I called her up and canceled my appointment (which is two weeks away) and when she asked me why, I just explained to her that I've found someone else. WOW...I shouldn't have said that :nono::nono:. She then proceeded to not yell at me per se but raised her voice telling that 1) whoever this is I'm going to won't do a good job 2) I NEED her because I can't do my own hair 3) the ladies at the new shop will make sure to burn out my hair because of it's length 4) the prices will probably be higher than what she charged me and last but not least 5) black stylists cannot do hair because they are jealous when clients with hair longer than them come to their shop :perplexed:perplexed

I felt so bad that I went ahead and just kept my appointment with her. I feel like I'm abandoning her.
This was the ONLY explanation she would have gotten from me!!!! Don't keep that appt! She obviously has no respect for your wishes. Don't let her bully you into spending your money on services that are not to your satisfaction.
Can your stylist really cop an attitude because you no longer want to see them? I've been with her for the last 3 years and honestly, I don't like the way she does my hair anymore. She has changed so much to point I cringe when I have to make an appointment with her.

So, I called her up and canceled my appointment (which is two weeks away) and when she asked me why, I just explained to her that I've found someone else. WOW...I shouldn't have said that :nono::nono:. She then proceeded to not yell at me per se but raised her voice telling that 1) whoever this is I'm going to won't do a good job 2) I NEED her because I can't do my own hair 3) the ladies at the new shop will make sure to burn out my hair because of it's length 4) the prices will probably be higher than what she charged me and last but not least 5) black stylists cannot do hair because they are jealous when clients with hair longer than them come to their shop :perplexed:perplexed

I felt so bad that I went ahead and just kept my appointment with her. I feel like I'm abandoning her.

Just a question. Are you really going to trust her to do your hair after you've told her that you were dropping her to go to someone else? Go with your initial instinct. You never know, she might just try and take revenge on you hair.
Can your stylist really cop an attitude because you no longer want to see them? I've been with her for the last 3 years and honestly, I don't like the way she does my hair anymore. She has changed so much to point I cringe when I have to make an appointment with her.

So, I called her up and canceled my appointment (which is two weeks away) and when she asked me why, I just explained to her that I've found someone else. WOW...I shouldn't have said that :nono::nono:. She then proceeded to not yell at me per se but raised her voice telling that 1) whoever this is I'm going to won't do a good job 2) I NEED her because I can't do my own hair 3) the ladies at the new shop will make sure to burn out my hair because of it's length 4) the prices will probably be higher than what she charged me and last but not least 5) black stylists cannot do hair because they are jealous when clients with hair longer than them come to their shop :perplexed:perplexed

I felt so bad that I went ahead and just kept my appointment with her. I feel like I'm abandoning her.

To the bolded - see that what all you ladies have been saying stated right here coming out a stylist mouth. Protect your hair ladies, don't let anyone fool you. I started hooting when I read that. Alleluia! The truth clear and as written. I am thinking holy cramp what is wrong with people. The other stuff stated she wanted to keep your business really a scare tactic.

Heck after all those comments coming out of her mouth, she'll have my back up against a wall and I would not budge. I wouldn't go and if you don't want to don't it is your money and head of hair. What were you planning to do find a new stylist or become a DIYer? What services do you go to her for?
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Sounds to me like you won't be missing out on much by not going to her. *** that wench. If she's gonna come at you like that then you don't need her services anyway.
funny the same story happened to me :ohwell:...I just stopped calling her and making appointments and just saw someone else , I realized if I called her then she would give me this guilt trip. DO what you feel is best dont make anyone make you feel guilty because then YOU wont be happy, I had to learn that the hard way:nono:
Do not go back to this stylist!!!!!!! Since she knows you are not satisfied with her work then she may just cut your hair, or burn you when she perms your hair. I would not even call her back and cancel. What can she do anyway but call and complain. I just would not pick up the phone when I seen it was her number.

I am very sorry that she intimidated you into keeping your appointment. I echo the sentiments of so many other posters, I really hope that after pondering this thread that you do not show up...Just on the strength of how she handled the situation should be enough to make you pause and really think about whether you want her hands in your head. Please keep us posted...
call her back and say you need to reschedule because something came up (and you won't be in town) and then never call back.

or if you do go in for the appointment, do what i did when i politely kicked one to the curb: when they try to schedule your next appt say you arent available and arent sure of when you are and will call them to schedule... and never call back. it works, trust me.
wtf? i only see my stylist 2-3x a year for a $20 trim and he still lets me know he appreciates my business.

that wench? i wouldn't pee on her if she was on fire.
I had a stylist try to get a 25 cancellation fee out of me for "cancelling".

At the end of an appointment, I said "See you next week" (No, I didnt say next thursday at 10:00 a.m, pencil me in)

The following week, I told her I wouldnt be able to come in because I would be out of town. By the time I finally went back, she told me mid way " I charge $25 dollars for cancellations"

(I'm a health care professional and I guess she figured I was making bank and had money to blow, but I work hard for every $)

To top it off, when I would schedule an appt, I would have to wait at least 2 hours for her to START on my hair. She would do 2or 3 people at a time, thus wasting MY time.

A mess.......

I refused, paid her for the service and never saw her again...
Dang, OP, she's acting like a boyfriend you're trying to break up with. I wouldn't go back to her; you don't owe her anything.
She's a nut. I see why she makes you cringe. Call her up again and tell her point blank that while you've enjoyed her services it is simply time for you to move on and if you have any people that need their hair done you will surely send them her way. Even though that's a lie at least she won't be looking for you because she sounds like if she were to see you in the streets you might have to scrap.
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Newbie chimin' in! (Hi all! :wave:)

OP, I have to echo the sentiments of the majority, and add that, to me, this situation is about more than "just" hair. There's a life lesson in this, too. Seriously, in this situation and maybe others to come, you have to decide whether you're going to allow someone else to cow you into bending to their will when you 100% know that their will isn't what you want for yourself. That's it, in a nutshell.

If it were me, I'd call the shop again, and very politely cancel the appointment. No further explanations required. I can imagine that that might be a little hard to do, but you'll likely feel better after you've done it! And empowered! After all, what's the worst that could happen?

Remember it's your hair, your money and your decision. Good luck!

Your money, your option.

I don't care if she hands out complementary smoothies at each appointment, if you want to switch, you can do that.