Global Goddess Coconut Alma Hair Treatment! - On Sale

Well mine were shipped to my mom and she shipped them to me so I will get all 12 of mine by friday which is good cause I wanna do a Henna Gloss treatment by the weekend with it.

Yeah I did say 12.
:look: I had a charge on my CC. It wasn't for Global Goddess purchase. It was for when I ordered makeup ( It was a charge for $12. I had to call my bank, then call the other company. They cancelled the charge and I ASKED for a confirmation number for it.

All cause I wanted $10 off my next purchase:wallbash:.
:look: I had a charge on my CC. It wasn't for Global Goddess purchase. It was for when I ordered makeup ( It was a charge for $12. I had to call my bank, then call the other company. They cancelled the charge and I ASKED for a confirmation number for it.

All cause I wanted $10 off my next purchase:wallbash:.

Yeah that's the trick, give to get in the end.....:nono:
I've used this oil 3 times as a body oil after bathing and it's great. I also used it on my hair and I really like it.

I better ease off of it as a body oil though or I'll have used all 6 bottles before Spring gets here.:lachen:
It's good to know that those who have received their oil like it. (I haven't received my bottle yet).

So, it really is coconut oil, right? Even if it doesn't really have all of the rest of the true ingredients, I can deal with it.
My main oil right now is olive oil, not coconut oil, so I think the change will be good . . . hopefully.
How does everyone's oil smell? I used it on friday night, just a few drops, and it smells 'odd'. Not a bad smell. It might just be the mix of ingredients though.
Ladies, I do smell neem in this oil.

It is not as strong as straight neem, but I do smell it.

I know the bottle is labeled that is does not have neem, but I think it does have it and they just got some messed up labels.

That means, it may have the parabens, too.
I guess we won't know.

All I know is that I smell neem.

Neem is dark which this oil clearly is not, so it must be refined if it is in there. But then, if it is fully refined I would not be able to smell.

Beats the heck out of me, but I know the neem smell with I experience it.
Am I the only person who hasn't rec'd mine? I got a shipment confirmation saying that they shipped it out to me on 2/19 and they gave me a tracking number. When I put in the tracking number it says "there is no record of this item".
I called customer service and the woman said that sometimes happens if something has just been sent. But yeah it's been 4 business days. So she asked me to give it a couple more days. It better be here by the end of this week dagnammit!:wallbash::wallbash:
I received my oil today! I kept quiet throughout this whole ordeal because I was hoping it wasn't a scam. looks authentic to me and it smells delish :)
Am I the only person who hasn't rec'd mine? I got a shipment confirmation saying that they shipped it out to me on 2/19 and they gave me a tracking number. When I put in the tracking number it says "there is no record of this item".
I called customer service and the woman said that sometimes happens if something has just been sent. But yeah it's been 4 business days. So she asked me to give it a couple more days. It better be here by the end of this week dagnammit!:wallbash::wallbash:

The same thing happened to me. I got an email saying it was shipped on the 18th and I kept putting the number in and it kept saying that there was no record of the item. Finally yesterday I put it in, and it said USPS has been notified of my package. Then today it said that it has been delivered, but since I'm at college I might not get it until tomorrow since it was delivered around 12:00 pm. Keep checking it!
I really hope people aren't paying $45.00 for this oil. It's alright, but it's not worth the $45.00...
I got my oil! I can't wait to try it out for my braidout tonight and my henna treatment this weekend:yay:

Can't wait to hear what you think!!!

I have been using mine as an overnight prepoo before washing my hair in the morning...I like this stuff...I don't have a clue about Ayurvedic (sp) oils but this really makes my hair feel pretty good:grin::grin::grin:...
I paid the 45 dollars b/c I don't want fake products lol and until I can tell the difference between the real and the fake, I'm not buying the 4 dollar one =/

so let me know if your 4 dollar one is the truth! lol cuz 45 dollars is crazy!!
Are they out, I wanted to order more it's not coming up.

Yes, I think they are out. My order got cancelled. That's okay I still have some that I hardly use. Just wanted to take advantage of a great deal. I believe the product to be legit with jacked up labels.

I am glad those of you who got yours are able to experience it, and happy that you like it.

So this is kind of long. . .

I received my bottle today!

Before receiving it, based upon the discussion, I was a bit skeptical.

However, it does look real to me. The bottle cap was sealed. The box it comes in also looks real, although the top and bottom of the box were a bit open/loose (if that makes sense-----I've seen other product boxes like this).

Good quality label on the bottle. (Good quality labels are NOT cheap. You pay for what you get).
And like already confirmed, the label on the bottle is a bit different than the one on the website.
They also don't mention the "cloudiness" of the oil on the websites, but it's listed on the bottle. (My bottle is about 15% "cloudy" with coconut flakes).

So, yeah, while it may not have the same exact ingredients as the current selling Global Goddess oil, I do believe that this was produced by Global Goddess.

I mean seriously, why would another company want to replicate this? It's not Louis Vuitton Coconut Oil, it's Global Goddess. (I've never heard about GG before reading about it on LHCF). I doubt another company would spend $$$$$ on replicating the labeling and boxes. (High quality labeling and packaging IS NOT CHEAP. If this was fake they'd go with cheaper labeling and packaging----and that would be noticeable).

Amerimark also sent an ingredient list (1 paper) for other products, a "thank you" paper that also tells me that they have 6 catalogs, and an advertisement for address labels.
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I saw this on GG's website:

Save Your Hair and Buy Authentic Global Goddess Hair Oil
**It has been brought to our attention that a few websites are selling counterfeit/inferior hair oil labeled as Global Goddess Coconut Amla Revitalizing Hair Treatment. At Global Goddess, we strongly urge you stay away from imposters trying to pass off inferior products as Global Goddess. Please save your hair and buy it from our site or authorized Global Goddess retailers so you can continue to have the proven results that we guarantee. Thank you**

It does contradict the [post=7095173]email[/post] that Libra08 received, where the GG owner admitted that it was their product!
The owner said it was a rejected, unapproved batch. Yet on their website, they say it's counterfeit.
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I saw this on GG's website:

It does contradict one of the emails that one of you ladies received. . .

They are just mad cause they found out it was being sold so cheaply. Ebay is the next alternative if you want it cheaply, $9.99. It is so not worth $45. :nono:
So this is kind of long. . .

I received my bottle today!

Before receiving it, based upon the discussion, I was a bit skeptical.

However, it does look real to me. The bottle cap was sealed. The box it comes in also looks real, although the top and bottom of the box were a bit open/loose (if that makes sense-----I've seen other product boxes like this).

Good quality label on the bottle. (Good quality labels are NOT cheap. You pay for what you get).
And like already confirmed, the label on the bottle is a bit different than the one on the website.
They also don't mention the "cloudiness" of the oil on the websites, but it's listed on the bottle. (My bottle is about 15% "cloudy" with coconut flakes).

So, yeah, while it may not have the same exact ingredients as the current selling Global Goddess oil, I do believe that this was produced by Global Goddess.

I mean seriously, why would another company want to replicate this? It's not Louis Vuitton Coconut Oil, it's Global Goddess. (I've never heard about GG before reading about it on LHCF). I doubt another company would spend $$$$$ on replicating the labeling and boxes. (High quality labeling and packaging IS NOT CHEAP. If this was fake they'd go with cheaper labeling and packaging----and that would be noticeable).

Amerimark also sent an ingredient list (1 paper) for other products, a "thank you" paper that also tells me that they have 6 catalogs, and an advertisement for address labels.

Don't be skeptical, enjoy your oil. They know exactly what occured here. Amerimark could not get rid of it for $45 anymore than they GG could, that's why they are crying foul!
Can't wait to hear what you think!!!

I have been using mine as an overnight prepoo before washing my hair in the morning...I like this stuff...I don't have a clue about Ayurvedic (sp) oils but this really makes my hair feel pretty good:grin::grin::grin:...

I used it last night for my braidout this morning, but it didn't do anything special. But that may be because I've been trying out aloe vera gel, and it's making my hair producty and dull. This weekend I'm going to clarify, henna, and try it again. I'm sure I'll get better results because it's too close to wash day (tomorrow) to get good results with anything right now :nono:

ETA: Oh and if this is a knockoff I'll be damned! There's no way in hell someone could bootleg this bottle and package that good unless bootlegging is becoming a major or something...
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I really hope people aren't paying $45.00 for this oil. It's alright, but it's not worth the $45.00...

Yeah that is what I think, too.

I mean it is a nice oil. But, $45? :rolleyes: The creator of it has a racket going on with this one.

I would pay $10-$13 for it, $15 TOPS, but $45? :lol:

With that said, nice oil. I have been enjoying it. :yep:
Don't be skeptical, enjoy your oil. They know exactly what occured here. Amerimark could not get rid of it for $45 anymore than they GG could, that's why they are crying foul!

So true. Amerimark knows they would not move an oil blend for some unreasonable price. Just not gonna happen.

This 'knock-off' (:lol: yeah right) is perfectly fine. It is the real deal that got mislabeled.

I know there is neem in this oil, even though it is not labeled correctly to show that.

I can smell it. I am loving my oil. I like with it is not quite melted and a little thicker but still watery.
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I ordered back on the 15th and got my order today in the mail.

Edited to add, I just finished reading this thread up to page 17. Wow. So they admit it's their oil but that they rejected the packaging and that there's no neem in it. I wonder how large a supply AmeriMark bought.

The "oil" 25% off discount is still working, thanks, Libra08 for posting.

It's a nice oil, THANK YOU OP for not keeping this sweet deal to yourself. :sweet:
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