Giving of the Tithe - Scripture References

I'm not using cultural practices to back up the Word.... Like I said, I would have to explore the cultural/historical background to understand how it all worked together....

Maybe it had something to do with blood.... the Lord takes blood very seriously.... Even with dietary laws... the laws around that said that they could not drink or ingest blood....

I came across this website:

Okay. But my point is that, this was apart of the covenant and one of the laws included, along with tithing etc. Why is it we aren't still practicing this one, if we are like you said suppose to still tithe because the Bible said so. I go to church while my cycle is on, do you?
imo its the right thing to do.
and secondly you come to church maybe once or twice a week. you think its by miracle that you have a place to worship. they have bills to pay.
light bill
water bill
mortgage(if they have one)
land tax
so many other things that have to be maintained. tithing is the least you can do when the church does so much for you. even if the church squanders your money that's not up to you. It has already left your hands.
yes there are churches that dont help the community but once again that is not for you to figure out. worry about the board that is stuck in your eyes and not about the splinter in theirs.
imo its the right thing to do.
and secondly you come to church maybe once or twice a week. you think its by miracle that you have a place to worship. they have bills to pay.
light bill
water bill
mortgage(if they have one)
land tax
so many other things that have to be maintained. tithing is the least you can do when the church does so much for you. even if the church squanders your money that's not up to you. It has already left your hands.
yes there are churches that dont help the community but once again that is not for you to figure out. worry about the board that is stuck in your eyes and not about the splinter in theirs.

Just wanted to say that everyone in the thread agrees that we are to give.:yep:
My reply to the Original Posted By mitcy

"Originally Posted by mitcy
imo its the right thing to do.
and secondly you come to church maybe once or twice a week. you think its by miracle that you have a place to worship. they have bills to pay.
light bill
water bill
mortgage(if they have one)
land tax
so many other things that have to be maintained. tithing is the least you can do when the church does so much for you. even if the church squanders your money that's not up to you. It has already left your hands.
yes there are churches that don't help the community but once again that is not for you to figure out. worry about the board that is stuck in your eyes and not about the splinter in theirs."

Note: It is my intent to reply in a spirit of love. I would like to comment
I have never been in a situation where my needs were met by a church. I learned early that “the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want” and so I never had that expectation to see my personal needs met through the churches that are mortgaged to the hilt and heavily in debt and struggling…if I did come into those situations God would provide a way as He always has. I do not “need” a building to worship God, least of all a fancy one. I can worship Him anywhere. That... is a Miracle! I can worship Him daily. I do not put it on hold until Sunday or special prayer meetings. We are "not to forsake the gathering together of ourselves to incite to love and fine works", but what would you do if they shut down the church buildings as they have in some countries? Have you considered that many Christians in other parts of the world do not meet in church buildings, but in homes or fields or in the open or underground and they still worship God and they are in some cases having far more growth from outside the Christian communities than we do and adding daily? They are not maintaining large buildings and paying off huge mortgages etc. etc. That is a phenomenon of e.g. "rich North America " where "Christians" grow up feeling entitled and many have “grown fat and complacent”. If we did not have these "special big church" advantages, many Christians in North America are striving for it, many would not want to attend a “poor church” that had only 50-100 members . No. that would not be cool! We are a country that aspires to have designer gowns, jeans, purses and churches! We all have bills to pay. Perhaps some pastors and their congregations need to rethink whether it is wise to put themselves into financial bondage with buildings they cannot afford without putting heavy burdens on themselves and new believers.

Your quote: “even if the church squanders your money that's not up to you. It has already left your hands”

Some single mothers on welfare are still expected to tithe in some churches (and that Welfare money is Caesar's money!). If we use the same analogy as stated above, once citizens pay tax it belongs to the government and churches asking tithes out of "welfare money, unemployment insurance money, disability and old age pension money" is iffy in my opinion.

God expects us to each be good stewards. I do not believe that thinking it is alright to see professed Christians squandering what is considered God’s money, robbing Him and “robbing the poor”, constitutes being a good steward. Do you think God is pleased? What if you lived in the time when they tithed goats and doves and grain etc. and all of you had to bring it and watch the “priest” put these things on the altar as a sacrifice to God” Now suppose, that “priest” instead of doing that, was running out and buying himself a big mansion, and servants?...and half of the sacrifices that were brought instead of being offered “up” to God, the “priest decided he could do “what he felt like doing with them and God could like it or lump it, like throw a big barbecue at his mansion and feed all his fattened guests? Still wouldn’t have a problem,… seeing it had already left your hands? What about the honor due Him and how His Name is being defamed in the land ? It matters to me. If you worked for a wealthy man, and he left you and your family in charge of all his estates and finances, and you stood by and allowed his monies and fortune to diminish and be "partied away", transferred to your own personal squandered by your friends and relatives and the other families in the neighbourhood, or you decided to get some land and a big house out of it furnish while his house was in ruins and plundered and instead of making sure his debts were paid, you let it slide and put things in serious arrears, by this you create a bad name for him in the land to the extent a lot of people wanted nothing to do with him at all and he returned and discovered this....there would be one great reckoning I am sure! But we would not do that to a man right? What if that rich man was your earthly father? This is how I am feeling it and where I am coming from. Well, God is my Father..and I don't like it and I want those people doing it to wake up and to stop! Why do you think Jesus was angry with the money changers and turned over the tables? Because it was HE SAID...His father's house! and he could not sit or stand complacently by. He stayed cool about a lot of things, but that one.....He made it plain...THIS IS DEAD WRONG...I don't like it and I don't care or who hears....STOP IT!

Little children have to live and attend wherever at the mercy and decision of adults. Most adults have a choice. Perhaps for some, I wonder if "image" and "life style" is what is being defended by some Christians in this country when some believers and the world's QUESTIONS about the “need” for Americans to attend mansion- like churches, the “need to see” their pastors drive a caddie or a benz and go on “expensive vacations” on their private jets and live a rich man’s life styles gets them upset? Upset by the questions but not by what is being questioned? Maybe somehow they feel validated and live vicariously through them. Maybe.

I have never been in a situation where my needs were met by a church. I learned early that the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want and so I never had that expectation to see the church buildings as my source and God has provided for me, always and it never came from churches.

Your quote: “yes there are churches that don't help the community but once again that is not for you to figure out” worry about the board that is stuck in your eyes and not about the splinter in theirs.

My answer to that is found in I Corinthians 6: verses 1-5 and verse 15 (extortion) ? Is this Scripture wrong? Also, Is it not also written: :For what have I to do to judge them also that are without” do not ye judge them that are within?...”But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person”..(1 Corinthians 12-13) Is this Scripture wrong? Based on the Scripture, I believe the body has got to care and question wrongdoing within. Would otherwise be “compromise”? Sometimes we wonder why we do not get “more” of what God “promised.” I wonder, is it because of
“compromise”? Going along with the flow, right or wrong? not questioning and not resisting, just being complacent and compromising?.
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This quote:
But when I saw it mentioned in a post above

"that the Gospel is Free, it had to be corrected." For even the Bible from which the Gospel is ministered, was paid for by someone."

Actually I posted saying that for one. My specific point as you probably noted in my posts had to do with unreasonable demands for support, from a "wicked steward", and BINDING up heavy burdens on people. Some pastors do not do this. Some "pastors" do this.

But Salvation is free! The Word of God is Free! Jesus did not charge for one of the greatest sermons given. ( Sermon on the Mount,) speaking in the temple, teaching the disciples, denouncing the apostate Scribes and Pharisees! Philp the Evangelizer and the Ethiopian eunich. Acquilla and Pricilla witnessing to Saul/Paul, and all the books of the Old Testament and The New Testament. The writers...None of them received a dime for the writing down and the subsequent printing of the Words God put in their mouths. I personally do not think Bibles should be sold for profit! It would be nice if some of tithes went to provide Bibles to those who would like one and do not have one.

This does not mean that I live in a bubble, unaware of financial needs and the way things are done in this economy and that there are needs by Pastors and Christians in general. We should care for one another and none should be in want in the body. Now everything has $$$$a price on it's head. What would happen if the congregation got together and filled the pastor's freezer a couple of times a year. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
In regarding to the Word!

But when God gave it, it was FREE. He did not charge us. He gave us His Son, The Word and the promise of eternal life and we did not pay Him to do that. It was given because God loved us, and what we give should be given out of love and thankfulness for what God has done in our lives and just because He is God and the love of God in us compels us to give.

Precious Mahailee, don't be deceived by satan. For this is the mindset that he alone places into the hearts of Christians to hinder the move of God's work upon the earth. Our money is going to 'move' something in this it the Gospel or the world's system. And sadly, it is the money from Christians that satan is taken rule of to promote his works, over God's.

Dear one, in all that you've shared, is this your justification for not tithing? I'm only asking for when one fights so hard not to do something it's because they simply do not 'want' to do it. I present this to you and to anyone who calls themselves a follower of Jesus Christ and who loves Him.

There's a word in the Bible which says, "it is our 'reasonable service'. Meaning, there are no debates, options or arguments to justify what is expected of us, for we are simply to do it, for it is our 'reasonable service', it comes with the territory.

Jesus said that were our treasure is, our hearts would be also. I can tell you that anyone who places as little into the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as they can, and more into the world's system, has chosen their God.

Where your treasure is....there you will find your heart.

For too many Christians, money has become their God and those who do not support the Gospel of Jesus with it, are just as bad as the 'bad' apples in the pulpit who mis-use it. For both are doing the same...for both are stealing from the Lord.

"Tithing" is a Covenant, a commitment between the Tither and God that when we do His will, He will guarantee our provision and protection. Outside of that is purely a gamble and it is not worth the risk. God never changed His Covenant promises with us. He never will. The Tithe still rules and reigns no matter what the argument against it presents. For the argument and deception of justification will never prove itsself otherwise.

Give God credit for knowing what He is expecting of us. Those who trust Him and those who do not.

If you chose not to tithe, that's your choice, but never blame it on God for it is not He who has made this decision, it is yours alone...never His.

The money is going somewhere, with God you have a guaranteed security with high interest.

Tell satan to get the 'hell' out of your finances and allow God to be your Banker, for right now, you are a servant to your lender and always will be in his bondage financially.[/QUOTE]

Dear Shimme: Thank you for your zeal for me. Tell me truthfully. are you assuming I do not tithe, do not give offerings or do not trust God for my finances? Are you assuming that everyone who has made strong statements and questioned this subject and the practices surrounding it is a non tither? To set your heart at rest, that is not the case personally. I repeat, I do not believe in "ritualized, manipulated, forms of extortion used by unscrupulous shepherds, wolves in sheeps clothing, stealing from God and the Church! Since God has blessed me with so much financially, that I am often overwhelmed and I truly want for nothing., He has often called on DH and me for more than 10 per cent, often, along with free will offerings and a whole lot of needs needing to be met, travelling etc. where He wanted it to go and this included outside of the "church". He did not have to struggle with me to get it, nor my DH. Perhaps for that reason I have been in a position to see what is done with money in many Churches that some would never get to see and that is why I am speaking out so strongly, have you considered that? See, dear Shimmie: I do not know your testimony and you do not know mine or the different capacities in which God has used us for His purpose. But I can tell the love for me in the comments you made to me. Thank you.

I believe God wants obedience and not sacrifice. So what we and I do, I do out of obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
That said, it does not mean I am blind to a lot that is happening in so many of the "Churches". Why? Because none of His body should be dishonoring Him so and bringing His Name into public shame! Jesus stated that what is done to the least of His brothers is done unto Him. I do not like to see the poor and needy among our brothers oppressed or robbed. Just because I am not personally struggling does not not mean I do not feel righteous anger about manipulative use of Scriptures done by wolves in sheeps clothing. Note, I have not named names of these wicked men.

your quote: And sadly, it is the money from Christians that satan is taken rule of to promote his works, over God's.

Unfortunately it is wolves in sheep's clothing and "wicked" shepherds who have been his biggest ally. The sheep who recognizes wolves, and speaks out against the robbery taken place are usually rebuked or silenced, but the dens of robbers do not get confronted and put out. True Pastors are doubly victimized because the world smears them all with the same brush because of wicked men within and some "poor" churches are TITHING to larger "rich churches and "rich pastors who live like kings!" Were you aware of that? That what is left for "God" in fact, is often the scraps!!!!

Should Jesus have kept silent when he saw the state of the temple? At that time He did the equivalent of what we would say today...blew up!"
LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR AGAIN: God specified HOW and WHERE He wants our finances that are set aside as a tithe or as a free will offering to go. This is DEDICATED MONEY!!!! That is God's tithe. God's money. God's decision about what to do with it. It is not subject to the whim of a man or a board to water it down or divert the funds. It is laid out very clear scripturally where it is to go. My issue is not against Christians, including pastors, evangelist, teachers in the Body providing for one another. Whether it is with food, clothing, money, whatever!!!! My Issue is and always will be WITH THOSE WHO USE POSITIONS AND THE SCRIPTURES ON TITHING TO BULLY, justify spiritual and financial abuse of poor downtrodden people, not to meet any REAL NEEDS, BUT ALL OF their GREED and to rob God of what is His. Not against good shepherds, just bad shepherds! As those in Ezekial 34:2,18, 19. Taking money that was DEDICATED money from believers, money that was rightfully intended to be a praise and thanksgiving and a clean conscience TO GOD for many who gave in faith and to further God's Kingdom interests not "Men's kingdoms" interests. Who did the money belong to when it left the tither's hands? IT BELONGED TO GOD...not the board, not the pastor and not the church. Not one penny of that money does anyone have a right to use like their personal bank account. When I see and I have, and have witnessed, men and women arrogantly robbing God, My Father, I am indignant, I am outraged! When widows and orphans, and the poor among us in the body, are thrown scraps, so that some can live like "kings", I am disgusted!!!! I will always denounce it, never say it is alright. If the only way a Pastor is willing to be a shepherd is if he can have a big church, a mansion and all he can get out of it, be "somebody" in the world and "hobknob with the rich and famous" while there are the poor among him, for whom he has no compassion and will only throw the "scraps" even to his own flock, he is a hireling! I will not tithe or sit under such a man! Some who are "financially rich" in the church like the high seat and recognition and turn a blind eye to it as well and do you think Our Father is pleased?

And finally, if I were a pastor and my "salary" was putting a true hardship on the people, I would not be able to in good conscience take it, regardless of their good hearts, or whether I would be entitled to or not.
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The sentiment of my posts have not come from an "assuming" place. I have incorporated biblical scriptures in my responses. I cannot measure anyone else's JOY in any aspect of their spiritual expressions, including tithing and/or giving. And I am CERTAINLY open to anybody asking questions. I will ask a question of anybody so we're not afraid of questions over here.

What seems to bubble to the surface about tithing is that it is a specific form of giving with special meaning for (Holy) Spirit filled believers and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tithing is a form of WORSHIP. The Word of God says that the Lord is seeking those who will worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. Also, one of the ultimate purposes of tithing is for us to PUT THE LORD FIRST in EVERYTHING, including our finances. Giving the Lord our FIRST and our BEST in our finances. It's not about giving it to the pastor. Tithing is unto the LORD. Yes, we tithe (for the most part) through our local church body, but it is unto the Lord. So even if the pastor is crooked, if the pastor decides to steal the money or torch it in a BBQ pit, for a "true" tither, tithing for the RIGHT reasons (to worship the Lord, put Him FIRST in EVERYTHING, including finances), that person can stand before God and declare that they OBEYED the Word of God, they did what they were supposed to do.

I'll mention what Kbragg said: the principle of SOWING and REAPING is a UNIVERSAL principle. A person can flow in the principle of tithing (simply defined as giving the tenth) to whatever type of organization and because they SOWED, they will REAP. But the distinction is if they tithed as UNTO THE LORD or unto anything else OTHER THAN THE LORD. The Lord's not going to honor something that has nothing to do with Him, if a person didn't bring the Lord into their tithing.

Hopefully I made sense clear to be understood.

I am glad to hear you were not assuming that about me or others who had questions and opinions that we were not tithers or did not have a deep relationship like yourself with the Lord. I would not want to have made that assumption based on the specific statement I was asking about without clarifying it directly from you. So I asked. I would not want this to be an "us and them" thread among us.
Thank you, Shimmie for understanding the role of the Pastor.

Although my husband and I have yet to have our own ministry in a building, our ministry consists mostly of married couples who are having difficulty in their marriage, and are trying to make it better. We are worn out during those times of trial between couples, I mean we literally have to get up in the middle of the night sometimes and go to their home, when others are farting (I had to add that:lachen:) and rolling over in their beds, we are up doing what we need to do to help's not an easy job, but when you are called, you do what you must.

We don't ask for anything....not an offering or anything at anytime when we are doing the workshops. Yet, they give to us and bless us continually...buying gifts, giving money...etc. This is what is on their hearts and we receive it with a heart of gratitude and humbly express our deepest thanks.

We in turn, give those we know have a need. But, we also use it for our own personal things as well. It's a gift to us and we accept it as such.

I give to my pastor too because he is deserving of it. He works about 75-80 a week for the congregation and he should have what he needs.

No one is ever forced to give in where I attend church...we want to give and it shows.

God is good!

Now that is having a "pastor's" heart. Also, the congregation should not overtax pastors physically or be calling on them unnecessarily for things they need to handle themselves. I do not believe in abuse of the faithful pastors that "God" has placed in the body. True pastors...They love the sheep.
Tithing supports, Ministry and Miinstry is NEEDED in this earth.

In many, many, cases "Offerings" are only 'pinches' and 'peels' from most 'Church Goers', who actually are giving God banana skins after they've eaten the fruit inside.

Giving God the leftovers....

It's the choice of 'free will' to give when one feels like it or what they 'feel' like giving. But how can one sit in a service and not contribute. The tither's are truly the ones picking up the 'slack' from the 'slack' givers. Were it not for Tithers, there would be fewer Churches to worship in. A Tither is one who is loyal in support of the Church he/she belongs to. A giver, is loyal first to themselves, then God is last.

Not everyone feels this way. To me, "free will" is above and beyond what would be required as a tithe. And I mean in amounts. So if the tithe was calculated to be $100 and then you wanted to throw in another $100 as "free will", you did not feel compelled, you just wanted to!
Not everyone feels this way. To me, "free will" is above and beyond what would be required as a tithe. And I mean in amounts. So if the tithe was calculated to be $100 and then you wanted to throw in another $100 as "free will", you did not feel compelled, you just wanted to!
Good Morning Precious Mahalialee. :grouphug2:

Okay, this is where I think some of the confusion lies in your posts as I'm reading them:

#1...The quotes from other members in your posts are not clearly defined. They are mixed within your statements with the wrong person's name identified as their comments. It's challenging to read and to define when it's you speaking or if it's another poster's comments. :spinning:

#2...You shared you are a 'Tither' ... got it. :yep:

#3....Yet, so much 'disagreement' is being 'expressed' in your posts, that it appears that you do not 'agree' with tithing. It 'appears' that you don't agree with it being scriptual.

Your argument regarding the 'abusers' (dishonest leaders), is your justification.

No one here is unaware that there are SOME -- NOT All -- but SOME leaders who mis-use the monies given by parishioners. But this is where the Tither prays and moves on to give to a deserving ministry. It does not stop 'tithing' from being God's will neither does it change the spiritual meaning of tithing, which is a sure Covenant between God and the Tither.

I may be wrong in my perception, but from reading your replies, although you say you are a tither and a giver, it appears you simply do not agree with tithing unless you 'feel' like tithing or giving and it has to be what you want to do when you want to do it. You don't accept that it is scriptual.
If the 'abuse' of the tithes is your focused reasoning, why not move on to someone else who is not an abuser of funds. There are many, many out there. And they are not

Tithing is a 'gift'. A wonderful gift; it marries us to God with our finances, which says, we forsake all others and put God first in our hearts with what we have. No one else gets to touch this...He does, for unto Him it belongs. That's why 1st has so much meaning in life, for none other comes before it. It is an honor. A beautiful honor.

So much so, that there are Churches and Pastors that are NOT as you accuse them as being. You spoke of the poor in other countries who do not have Church buildings in which to worship. True, but they still give.

They still give what they have and in the form of tithing (committed giving), to help keep their worship afloat and to help others in need. For you see, in pure ministry, people will always be givers to keep the ministry alive and flowing. They give money, food, clothing, whatever they have to give, they give and do not argue against it.

Contrary to your comments, most of the Churches I know of (all over this country), give 'free' Bibles, study materials, food, shelter, clothing, school uniforms, learning tools, free counseling for domestic needs, the list is endless. Yet your posts say otherwise.

One example (I have 1000's) but here's one: Locally in Maryland one of the Churches allows the 'homeless' to camp out on their property and they set up a daily kitchen, even an outside Bar-be-cue grill and they feed these people DAILY...three full HOT Meals. They provide facilities for the homeless and they ask nothing of no one to do so.

Now the crooked persons are the City government who take our taxes and spent it on foolishness. Yet the Churches are the ones who take care of the 'forsaken'.

I guess what I'm sharing here is that I don't see anything positive or good written in your posts about the Church. I'm not saying that you haven't, but I don't see it. All that's been written has been the negative, when in actuality, there is more Good in the Church than the bad.

As long as there is a devil in this earth, there will be a 'stain' in every form of life and life's activities. But there is still more good.

I'm going to quote something that came from one of my 'babies'. We were trying to find some mis-placed keys. The first thing that came out of his mouth was as we were searching for the keys, "Evil Shall Not Triumph Over Good"! This came from the heart of a child. And.....we found the keys...:yep:

No matter what's going on in this life..."Evil Shall Not Triumph Over Good!"

God bless you Mahalilee, I mean this sincerely. Sorry for all of the confusion and misunderstanding. :kiss:
Dear Shimmie: I pasted a post that I made in the CF where I shared some of my testimony with a discouraged person. Perhaps you will understand better where I am coming from. I have to post an additional post to include it as there is not enough room in this box. So read the other post first. Please read it and consider that the Church is being viewed, scrutinized from outside and inside. Please accept that the world and the believers recognize that there are varieties of beliefs taught, varieties of interpretations made on a lot of doctrine, including tithing and this by teachers, pastors and leaders. There is lack of agreement on the subject of tithing among Christian religious leaders across the Christian community as a whole. This itself has created confusion in the Body and the congregations being taught. The Church itself is confused! I did not grow up in this confusion, I came into this confusion when I came into the Christian churches and I had to deal with it as do so many with its conflicting teachings and opinions. Faced with this obvious confusion of teachings, I reserve the right to question whether what I am being taught is scripturally sound. I do have a right and a responsibility to do that and to question the conduct and behaviours , attitudes and beliefs of teachers. Seeing this great confusion among them, who claim to represent and “speak for” Christ, I question, just as you have been and do question me.

The subject of tithing is a critical issue in the body. It is open for discussion. It is open to question. Accept that. “God is not the author of confusion”. When there is all this confusion some hard questions are going to be asked. The sad thing is when the world, when searching people and new believers and confused believers and watchmen see the state of the Church. Too many of its members, instead of being aroused and indignant at the stumbling that has and is occurring due to conflicted teachings from the pulpits, indifference to injustice and wrong doing in the pulpit and the church boards which in a lot of cases does involve “mismanagement of church funds”, there appears to be a desire to push it under the carpet, and cover it over and say “Let’s just focus on the good things happening”…IGNORE THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM! And if we don’t question these things out in the open, people will forget about it and the World won’t even notice that we are in confusion! They already know!!!!

Jesus knew that eventually wicked men would be dealt with but that did not stop Him from speaking out, questioning and condemning wicked practices. He was at the time, in and among that system that God was dealing with. Matthew 23 is full of what he had to say. He did not pussy foot around nor bury His head in the sand. He also warned the people about them and denounced their wicked ways. He also told the Pharisees that He would send them prophets, wise men and scribes, and said that some would be killed and crucified, scourged in the synagogues and persecuted from city to city. Why, because they spoke out. He stated in Matt: 23:28..”Even so, you outwardly appear righteous to men but inside you are full of hypocracy and lawlessness”. Today when you question and speak out, it is considered “unloving”, rebellious, and divisive. “Love and exposure” are not mutually exclusive. As the Word says…”better a public rebuke than a secret love”…

Jesus spoke of their scrupulous tithing but he in the same verse stated that “they had forgotten the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.” He told them that they were straining out the gnat and swallowing a camel. Verse 25 and 26 went even further.
So, I do not apologize for saying boldly and often that there is an elephant in the room and it is leaving droppings and it needs to be cleaned up, not sprayed with perfume!
It may comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Regarding your comments to me:
“I may be wrong in my perception, but from reading your replies, although you say you are a tither and a giver, it appears you simply do not agree with tithing unless you 'feel' like tithing or giving and it has to be what you want to do when you want to do it. You don't accept that it is scriptual.
If the 'abuse' of the tithes is your focused reasoning, why not move on to someone else who is not an abuser of funds. There are many, many out there. And they are not………”
“I guess what I'm sharing here is that I don't see anything positive or good written in your posts about the Church. I'm not saying that you haven't, but I don't see it. *…All that's been written has been the negative, when in actuality, *there is more Good in the Church than the bad.

*Well, that is your perception but you make up for my lack, right? There were many positive comments made about the good. By you and others.(smile)
*There may be more water than poison in a glass…but that poison might be of great concern to some that are told to drink a glass of water that is contaminated. Remember the Word says “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocracy”.Luke 12:1: Mark 3:15 and Matthew 16:6, 11-12 He clarified that He was warning them about the “doctrine” (teaching) of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” Obviously confusion in the camp back there too!
…”a little leaven ferments the whole lump” I Cor: 5:1-13 dealing with sin in the Church.
Now if you want my views focused on the “good within the Church” then I would reply based on a post that was titled. “ Positive Comments on the Good Inside the Church “Only”…no Negatives!!!
Otherwise, I would assume that I am not under restrictions under an “open topic”. I understand your defensiveness, your concern and your questioning of my views and my motives. I do not hold that against you. You have a perfect right to do so. I am sure you are putting up a hard fight for the faith, but so am I but I am confronting the problems at the root! Whether you see it or me that way or not. Sometimes, we need to take the “axe to the root!” All the very best to you in His service.
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QUOTE=missty1029;3628171]Ok so I have some questions. I just started back into the church and I often stayed awayvbecause of the money issue.

Know what I dont understand about tithing? If someone does it they have that choice. But people who dont are cast out and said to be disobedient. Why? The bible and everything in it is interpretation. No one may want to hear that but unless you were there and can read the original language the bible was written in, its interpretation. There is nothing wrong with that. And I am may get blasted for saying this. But when I got to church and my pastor singles out all the people who have the exact amount he asks for or always talks about how you have to catch up and if you dont pay you dont need to be there, then that is messed up. I know I shoudl have faith in God but when lights get cut off and car being repossessed its hard to see a pastor pulling up in him BMW in his three peice suits of whatever church you may go to.

From all the differnet quotes I read on tithing it seems to stress the importance of giving a portion of what you have. But it also seems like that has lost its focus because it must be 10% of your salary.

There are people of different faith who dont tithe and are blessed and there are people who tithe and still face hardships.

What happened to just being a good person? What happened to giving what you can with what you have?

I know this question of tithing runs a lot of people out of the church and it ruins a lot of peoples faith. To me thats the really issue and I dont think thats what Gods plan is. I dont think in any way God has it if you dont give your 10% your not as good as the next.

But Im just someone who believes God loves me, I was born in his image and he has great things for me. I will always give back because that is in my heart on being a good person. But I think its messed up when churches, pastors and whoever else tries to make me feel like a bad person because I dont give what is an interpretation of the bible to be 10% of my salary.[/quote]
Misty, could I just minister to your heart and from a place that I have been

note: (when as an unbeliever I was searching for the Saviour from the Bible was telling me about.)

I totally understand where you are coming from: a place of discouragement. When people come to the Lord, broken and in need of restoration, there can be many stumbling blocks placed in your path. Often great discouragement.
Let me share this with you. You may be able to see the humor of some of the situations. When I was searching and wanting God in my life....before I became a Christian, I had people, "well meaning Christians" coming out of the woodwork. I knew nothing about "church", I was raised from a babe to believe that "all Christian Churches were synogues of Satan" so you know I was totally clueless and fearful living in a community full of "gasp!!!"churches. I had never associated with any Christians. It took so much courage for me to walk inside of a church, knowing that when I did, I would be considered forever dead to my family and friends, forever and shunned privately and publicly by them. I was already being shunned once they found out I was reading the Bible. I was on 9 months bedrest and received only one visitor one time who told me they had been warned to stay away from me. I truly had to forsake family and friends to seek Jesus so I decided to give the "Christians" a chance. All I had was a Bible that I had been reading like it was food, and a heart for God. I was just "one of those little ones that believe." based on what I had read in the Bible by myself. People who were raised in the church or had "Christian relatives" or friends, take a lot for granted and do not realize that they can be stumbling blocks to one of his little ones, in their eagerness, and bruise the spirit. But Jesus said " a heart broken and contrite He would no means turn away". And Jesus will not turn you away over money.

People are imperfect, as are Christians and Pastors. I share this with you to encourage you to keep seeking Him and pray that He will give you a pastor after His own heart. When I was going through that, I came across that in His Word, and I held on to it, like a dying woman. Jeremiah 3:15 " And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding" ..I pray that for you. I have since been exposed to many different pastors and some are tried and true and have a heart for God who do feed with knowledge and understanding and even more ...wisdom. To continue what I was sharing: on discovering that "this lost, unsaved person" was up for "grabs," ( I have to look back on some of this with humor!), pastors and all kinds of professing christians were turning up at my doorstep. At work, I would get bombarded and harassed. What they said was dogmatic law and that was that, no questions asked, with not a few "or else you are going to hell!!!!". Their first concern was to inform me even before I attended their services that I needed to "tithe", or "speak in tongues", or worship on Saturday, or pray to Mary", based on their beliefs..."or else I was going to hell!" everybody was just so intent on ramming their particular doctrines down my throat, they left nothing to God and the Holy Spirit to draw me and lead me, beating me with their Bibles everyday on hard doctrines I had never heard and shoving "meat" down my throat before I had even tasted the milk! And they were so sincere! They stood in the path of eternal life and blocked it, like a toll booth and gatekeepers and guards. I said to one lady at work" I would love to come to Jesus, I just wish you would get out of the way...maybe people like you are the reason people do not want to listen to you Christians." Her unloving attitude, rudeness, arrogance, and self righteousness and threatening fire and brimstone had actually become a part of her character, and I had to work with this woman. ( Girl it was a trip!) In another situation, I was on a lunch break, minding my own business, and a "christian" sat down at my table, and literally harassed me in what she thought was "witnessing" to me the whole time, despite my requesting her to leave my table. I did not know this lady. This was in a large government cafeteria. She worked in one of the departments.

See, the Bible says "No one comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws them", and they were not using wisdom and it was a turn off and stumbling block and an offense. Had they been led by the Spirit, their methods and approach and spirit would have been different. I pray they have gotten wiser over the years.

"There is a time for every affair under the sun.." I am believing that you feel that it was the wrong time in your life and the wrong place for that to be directed at you by a believer and by a pastor and especially publicly. Now I do not know what is in his heart, but God knows your heart and what you need. Ask Him to lead you to where you should be to receive what you need at the time. He is so faithful I tell you. And the business about the money will be straightened out too if you trust Him. "Why so downcast, O my soul, put your trust in {GOD!}"
If He could do this for me when I was yet an unbeliever, before I was His child, I know He can do so much for you!!!
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QUOTE=missty1029;3628171]Ok so I have some questions. I just started back into the church and I often stayed awayvbecause of the money issue.

Know what I dont understand about tithing? If someone does it they have that choice. But people who dont are cast out and said to be disobedient. Why? The bible and everything in it is interpretation. No one may want to hear that but unless you were there and can read the original language the bible was written in, its interpretation. There is nothing wrong with that. And I am may get blasted for saying this. But when I got to church and my pastor singles out all the people who have the exact amount he asks for or always talks about how you have to catch up and if you dont pay you dont need to be there, then that is messed up. I know I shoudl have faith in God but when lights get cut off and car being repossessed its hard to see a pastor pulling up in him BMW in his three peice suits of whatever church you may go to.

From all the differnet quotes I read on tithing it seems to stress the importance of giving a portion of what you have. But it also seems like that has lost its focus because it must be 10% of your salary.

There are people of different faith who dont tithe and are blessed and there are people who tithe and still face hardships.

What happened to just being a good person? What happened to giving what you can with what you have?

I know this question of tithing runs a lot of people out of the church and it ruins a lot of peoples faith. To me thats the really issue and I dont think thats what Gods plan is. I dont think in any way God has it if you dont give your 10% your not as good as the next.

But Im just someone who believes God loves me, I was born in his image and he has great things for me. I will always give back because that is in my heart on being a good person. But I think its messed up when churches, pastors and whoever else tries to make me feel like a bad person because I dont give what is an interpretation of the bible to be 10% of my salary.
Misty, could I just minister to your heart and from a place that I have been

note: (when as an unbeliever I was searching for the Saviour from the Bible was telling me about.)

I totally understand where you are coming from: a place of discouragement. When people come to the Lord, broken and in need of restoration, there can be many stumbling blocks placed in your path. Often great discouragement.

Let me share this with you. You may be able to see the humor of some of the situations. When I was searching and wanting God in my life....before I became a Christian, I had people, "well meaning Christians" coming out of the woodwork. I knew nothing about "church", I was raised from a babe to believe that "all Christian Churches were synogues of Satan" so you know I was totally clueless and fearful living in a community full of "gasp!!!"churches. I had never associated with any Christians. It took so much courage for me to walk inside of a church, knowing that when I did, I would be considered forever dead to my family and friends, forever and shunned privately and publicly by them. I was already being shunned once they found out I was reading the Bible. I was on 9 months bedrest and received only one visitor one time who told me they had been warned to stay away from me. I truly had to forsake family and friends to seek Jesus so I decided to give the "Christians" a chance.

All I had was a Bible that I had been reading like it was food, and a heart for God. I was just "one of those little ones that believe." based on what I had read in the Bible by myself. People who were raised in the church or had "Christian relatives" or friends, take a lot for granted and do not realize that they can be stumbling blocks to one of his little ones, in their eagerness, and bruise the spirit. But Jesus said " a heart broken and contrite He would no means turn away". And Jesus will not turn you away over money.

People are imperfect, as are Christians and Pastors. I share this with you to encourage you to keep seeking Him and pray that He will give you a pastor after His own heart. When I was going through that, I came across that in His Word, and I held on to it, like a dying woman. Jeremiah 3:15 " And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding" ..I pray that for you. I have since been exposed to many different pastors and some are tried and true and have a heart for God who do feed with knowledge and understanding and even more ...wisdom. To continue what I was sharing: on discovering that "this lost, unsaved person" was up for "grabs," ( I have to look back on some of this with humor!), pastors and all kinds of professing christians were turning up at my doorstep.

At work, I would get bombarded and harassed. What they said was dogmatic law and that was that, no questions asked, with not a few "or else you are going to hell!!!!". Their first concern was to inform me even before I attended their services that I needed to "tithe", or "speak in tongues", or worship on Saturday, or pray to Mary", based on their beliefs..."or else I was going to hell!" everybody was just so intent on ramming their particular doctrines down my throat, they left nothing to God and the Holy Spirit to draw me and lead me, beating me with her Bible everyday on hard doctrines I had never heard and shoving "meat" down my throat before I had even tasted the milk! And they were so sincere!

They stood in the path of eternal life and blocked it, like a toll booth and gatekeepers and guards. I said to one lady at work" I would love to come to Jesus, I just wish you would get out of the way...maybe people like you are the reason people do not want to listen to you Christians." Her unloving attitude, rudeness, arrogance, and self righteousness and threatening fire and brimstone had actually become a part of her character, and I had to work with this woman. ( Girl it was a trip!) In another situation, I was on a lunch break, minding my own business, and a "christian" sat down at my table, and literally harassed me in what she thought was "witnessing" to me the whole time, despite my requesting her to leave my table. I did not know this lady. This was in a large government cafeteria. She worked in one of the departments.

See, the Bible says "No one comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws them", and they were not using wisdom and it was a turn off and stumbling block and an offense. Had they been led by the Spirit, their methods and approach and spirit would have been different. I pray they have gotten wiser over the years.

"There is a time for every affair under the sun.." I am believing that you feel that it was the wrong time in your life and the wrong place for that to be directed at you by a believer and by a pastor and especially publicly. Now I do not know what is in his heart, but God knows your heart and what you need. Ask Him to lead you to where you should be to receive what you need at the time. He is so faithful I tell you. And the business about the money will be straightened out too if you trust Him. "Why so downcast, O my soul, put your trust in {GOD!}"
If He could do this for me when I was yet an unbeliever, before I was His child, I know He can do so much for you!!!
Thanks Mahalialee....:grouphug2: I apologize for misunderstanding.

Love and blessings to you. I mean this sincerely.

ETA: If you like, I can help you with the 'quote' feature, so that it distincts more clearly who is being quoted and what you are sharing. :yep:
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Thanks Mahalialee....:grouphug2: I apologize for misunderstanding.

Love and blessings to you. I mean this sincerely.

ETA: If you like, I can help you with the 'quote' feature, so that it distincts more clearly who is being quoted and what you are sharing. :yep:

I know you do Shimmie! It's okay darlin'.
Tithing is a Spiritual Law, just like the law of reaping and sowing, giving, sin and death, etc. It is not a "requirement" to be blessed but I do believe based on personal experience that when you do it in faith, it's just about guaranteed. Tithing is the only time in the Bible where God allows us to test Him.:yep:

All I know is, when I didn't tithe, I never had enough, I couldn't pay bills, struggled etc. When me and DH began tithing, we've experienced God's faithfulness first hand, where even in a time of financial famine, God provided for us SUPERNATURALLY! Mathematically it doesn't make sense, but He did it.

I don't believe we're required to do it, but I think it's kinda stoopid NOT too! I mean if God says "test me" well my goodness, that's better odds than anything else. Actually many non Christians tithe, and many metaphysicals use Biblical principles of finances and prosperity to become wealthy, the thing that's kinda jacked IMO is we HAVE the truth, so how much moreso should WE be using what God gave us than the world?

ETA: I know my thinking doesn't fit into many people's "traditions" and "religious oxes" but based on what I've read in the Word, neither does God.:grin:

I so agree with this. :yep:
Me and hubby are faithful tithers.
Just like some other Christians who believe it's not law......that's their opinion. Maybe they're taking it out of context.....not the other way around. I know my MIL did.
After attending a church that teaches instead of preaches....she's now a faithful tither as well.
God is good......why wouldn't you want to give Him back what's already His. Especially if your church is feeding you well.
Tithing is a Spiritual Law, just like the law of reaping and sowing, giving, sin and death, etc. It is not a "requirement" to be blessed but I do believe based on personal experience that when you do it in faith, it's just about guaranteed. Tithing is the only time in the Bible where God allows us to test Him.:yep:

All I know is, when I didn't tithe, I never had enough, I couldn't pay bills, struggled etc. When me and DH began tithing, we've experienced God's faithfulness first hand, where even in a time of financial famine, God provided for us SUPERNATURALLY! Mathematically it doesn't make sense, but He did it.

I don't believe we're required to do it, but I think it's kinda stoopid NOT too! I mean if God says "test me" well my goodness, that's better odds than anything else. Actually many non Christians tithe, and many metaphysicals use Biblical principles of finances and prosperity to become wealthy, the thing that's kinda jacked IMO is we HAVE the truth, so how much moreso should WE be using what God gave us than the world?

ETA: I know my thinking doesn't fit into many people's "traditions" and "religious oxes" but based on what I've read in the Word, neither does God.:grin:

I started tithing with my first job when I was like maybe 16? (I'm 21 now)... I wasn't consist but I did do it. I always tried to...even though I didn't get it really. But I know that sometimes my mom would tell me that I didn't really have to tithe yet because I didn't have much and I could always catch up. Well since I've come home to finish school she said that to me over the summer again and stupid me:perplexed did what she said.

And now I notice I'm always BROKE...I never really had that issue before. I didn't roll in the money but I never had problems with gas and books and whatever and usually ended up loaning money to my friends when they needed and it still didn't effect me.

I never noticed how much of a difference there is when I stop tithing but now that I notice...ya'll know I took my tithe right out of my account the day I got paid right?:lachen:
Note: It is my intent to reply in a spirit of love. I would like to comment
I have never been in a situation where my needs were met by a church.

I'm sorry. I'll admit I didn't read your whole post yet but I will. This whole last month...two months I went through a lot but. I have to say...this whole thread and the ones I've been reading confirm something...

I used to think why am I tithing to my's not doing do I really make my tithe go to is just a bunch of people...but what you said makes me think

Every year I've been in college my church has given myself and other money to go to school. My freshmen year...myself and another were blessed with a grand...where that came from...WHO KNOWS! but...I see how my needs are met by my church...even though they get on my nerves...I'm sorry but I have to tell ppl when I'm having a small spiritual awakening....that's what my last month has been like
I started tithing with my first job when I was like maybe 16? (I'm 21 now)... I wasn't consist but I did do it. I always tried to...even though I didn't get it really. But I know that sometimes my mom would tell me that I didn't really have to tithe yet because I didn't have much and I could always catch up. Well since I've come home to finish school she said that to me over the summer again and stupid me:perplexed did what she said.

And now I notice I'm always BROKE...I never really had that issue before. I didn't roll in the money but I never had problems with gas and books and whatever and usually ended up loaning money to my friends when they needed and it still didn't effect me.

I never noticed how much of a difference there is when I stop tithing but now that I notice...ya'll know I took my tithe right out of my account the day I got paid right?:lachen:

I know you did...:lachen:
I'm sorry. I'll admit I didn't read your whole post yet but I will. This whole last month...two months I went through a lot but. I have to say...this whole thread and the ones I've been reading confirm something...

I used to think why am I tithing to my's not doing do I really make my tithe go to is just a bunch of people...but what you said makes me think

Every year I've been in college my church has given myself and other money to go to school. My freshmen year...myself and another were blessed with a grand...where that came from...WHO KNOWS! but...I see how my needs are met by my church...even though they get on my nerves...I'm sorry but I have to tell ppl when I'm having a small spiritual awakening....that's what my last month has been like sound just like my daughter here. She said the same thing to me just the other day. She realized that when she stopped tithing, she didn't have as much as when she did. My daughter is 26.

Thank you for your post....:yep:
Can someone who's read the tithe scriptures tell me why you aren't tithing according to the way God mandated? Because God was very specific about the way the tithe was to be collected, when,and who it went to. There was more than one tithe also, so how many tithes are you giving?

I have to say you have a HUGE point. The modern day concept of tithing is NOTHING like what is outlined in scripture. There is also the jubilee year "tithe" which is actually 30%.
I'm not going to get into whether we're required to tithe based on what laws still apply (because they ALL still apply). However, it is NOT presently feasible to follow the tithe laws due to the lack of a Levitical priesthood and other factors. However, we can follow the principle. We have to remember that God's word DOES NOT contradict itself. The Apostolic scriptures (i.e. New Testament) does NOT undo or take away anything that is prescribed in the Hebraic scriptures (i.e. Old Testament). So it's not an issue of, "well the New Testament doesn't say we have to do it, so it must not count anymore."
I have to say you have a HUGE point. The modern day concept of tithing is NOTHING like what is outlined in scripture. There is also the jubilee year "tithe" which is actually 30%.
I'm not going to get into whether we're required to tithe based on what laws still apply (because they ALL still apply). However, it is NOT presently feasible to follow the tithe laws due to the lack of a Levitical priesthood and other factors. However, we can follow the principle. We have to remember that God's word DOES NOT contradict itself. The Apostolic scriptures (i.e. New Testament) does NOT undo or take away anything that is prescribed in the Hebraic scriptures (i.e. Old Testament). So it's not an issue of, "well the New Testament doesn't say we have to do it, so it must not count anymore."

:yep: So you saw all that, too.:grin:

I agree with you about the principle of giving. The Bible is very clear about that. :yep:
I have to say you have a HUGE point. The modern day concept of tithing is NOTHING like what is outlined in scripture. There is also the jubilee year "tithe" which is actually 30%.
I'm not going to get into whether we're required to tithe based on what laws still apply (because they ALL still apply). However, it is NOT presently feasible to follow the tithe laws due to the lack of a Levitical priesthood and other factors. However, we can follow the principle. We have to remember that God's word DOES NOT contradict itself. The Apostolic scriptures (i.e. New Testament) does NOT undo or take away anything that is prescribed in the Hebraic scriptures (i.e. Old Testament). So it's not an issue of, "well the New Testament doesn't say we have to do it, so it must not count anymore."

Thanks to you all for sharing, I really appreciate this discussion because I have recently wrestled with this issue... I have generally believed in an automatic 10% + offering off the top... but now not so sure...

I'm quoting you because you hit the nail on the head of our need... The western church is Biblically illiterate... :nono: I lump myself in this group, but I don't plan to stay that way...

But I also want to point out--(maybe it was said b4 but I missed it)

Throughout the New Testament we see believers living in communities where literally all of their belongings were sold and the money given to the community of believers for the benefit of each other... Houses were shared...

Today many church goers would call these same people a cult...

Maybe they will give 10-15%-- but all? Not likely...

It's clear, though--Ananias and Saphira did not die over 10%... It really wasn't even about the money, but rather the condidition of their hearts...

I think that if the whole church was more concerned about teaching/learning the WHOLE Bible in context, perhaps this issue would not be a debate... as well as many other issues...

I used to hear my dad say, "I hear more about Malachi 3:10, than I hear about the 'abomination that causes desolation' or the 'parable of the fig tree'"

I say--some churches hit Malachi 3:10 more than they hit 1 Corinthians 13:4-8...

I'm not saying that all congregations lack in this area... but a general lack of complete Bible teaching (in concert with guidance from the Holy Spirit) has left the Western church in confusion...:nono:
Just for clarification, I do consistently give 10% of my gross. I do this because it's as close an approximation I can make to what is outlined in Leviticus. I just don't like when today's churches equate contemporary tithing with the tithe laws, cause they are NOT one in the same.
I do, however, agree that the principle of tithing is not just about giving, it's also about faith and reliance on God. Remember, Jesus came to fulfill the Law, NOT abolish it. He said not one jot or tittle was to be taken away until both heaven and earth pass away (which they NEVER will). When Jesus talks about fulfilling the Law, he's talking about bringing forth the fullness and spirit with which every law was given. When evaluating whether or not to tithe, remember the spirit of why the law was given (to take care of the Levitical priesthood, to help the poor, to give back to God what he's given to us, to put our faith and reliance on God to provide all of our needs).
We must remember that there are many laws in scripture which we simply cannot carry out today because there is no temple or priesthood or don't even know what they really mean (i.e. Do not boil a baby goat in its mother's milk). But we can still study to find out the spirit with which the law was intended and abide as best we can.
Just for clarification, I do consistently give 10% of my gross. I do this because it's as close an approximation I can make to what is outlined in Leviticus. I just don't like when today's churches equate contemporary tithing with the tithe laws, cause they are NOT one in the same.
I do, however, agree that the principle of tithing is not just about giving, it's also about faith and reliance on God. Remember, Jesus came to fulfill the Law, NOT abolish it. He said not one jot or tittle was to be taken away until both heaven and earth pass away (which they NEVER will). When Jesus talks about fulfilling the Law, he's talking about bringing forth the fullness and spirit with which every law was given. When evaluating whether or not to tithe, remember the spirit of why the law was given (to take care of the Levitical priesthood, to help the poor, to give back to God what he's given to us, to put our faith and reliance on God to provide all of our needs).
We must remember that there are many laws in scripture which we simply cannot carry out today because there is no temple or priesthood or don't even know what they really mean (i.e. Do not boil a baby goat in its mother's milk). But we can still study to find out the spirit with which the law was intended and abide as best we can.

Yes, I agree... with this whole post... It's the heart and the Spirit as we follow the loves... i mean Law
Uh..I dunno if this goes here but...
In the last month...two months God and I have gone through a lot...mostly me. But I mean it's all for the good of bring me closer to him. I'm still struggling with doubt mostly cuz of my fear of understanding wrong...or taking something to be from God when it isn't. But tomorrow (Sunday) will be the first Sunday I've tithed since the summer...and I'm sitting here like I feel a real joy in my heart...I can't wait for tomorrow to come so I can put my envelope into the offering basket. And I know that it's not a matter of pride. It's not the blessings I'll recieve...but I'm finally really on track to getting right with God...I could go on but I don't want to type that much and I don't think everyone wants to read it all. But I just feel really blessed right...and it's been a while since I've felt like this...despite the massive blessings I'm blessed with

I guess this is the joy in giving we should feel..I wish could just tell somebody everything...but the only two ppl that would understand aren't available
'Giving' and 'tithing' are not the same.

None of the 'tithing' that occurs now has any connection to the definition of tithing contained in the Bible. (other than to mention 10%)

In a nutshell, the were four tithes.
1)The Levitical tithe required those who raised crops (not everyone and not all professions - just those who raised crops) to give 10% of that to the Levites. This tithe only occurred 6 years out of the 7 year cycle. It also required those that raised 10 or more animals to give each tenth animal that passed under the rod to the Levites. If a person raised less than 10 animals, they were NOT required to tithe. It also means that the person with 10 animals and the person with 19 animals both gave the same amount - 1 animal. The person with 10 animals gave an exact 10% while the person with 19 gave approximately 5% and both were legal. It is important to note here that God required the gift at the end of the line of 10 - not the first.
2) From what was given to them, the Levites in turn had to give the very best to the priests.
3) The festival tithe required that those who raised crops or animals to set aside 10% for the annual festivals. It was for the people to have a party and consume the food joyfully and alcoholic beverages (strong drink) if they wanted.
4) The Poor tithe occurred only in the 3rd and 6th years of the seven year cycle. This was set aside FOR the poor. 

All tithes were always food and NEVER money.

Abram's tithe is clearly is NOT the precedent setting example that we have been told. For starters, Abram did not give his own money and he kept NONE of the money and valuables for himself.

We should be generous but the poor widow is NOT our example. She was being plundered by church leaders. 

There is no single formula for Christians to be able to judge for themselves whether they are generous or not. Each person needs to hear from God for themselves.

Interested? Send me a private message and I will inform you of web sites that contains lots of additional info concerning the truth about tithing.
'Giving' and 'tithing' are not the same.

None of the 'tithing' that occurs now has any connection to the definition of tithing contained in the Bible. (other than to mention 10%)

In a nutshell, the were four tithes.
1)The Levitical tithe required those who raised crops (not everyone and not all professions - just those who raised crops) to give 10% of that to the Levites. This tithe only occurred 6 years out of the 7 year cycle. It also required those that raised 10 or more animals to give each tenth animal that passed under the rod to the Levites. If a person raised less than 10 animals, they were NOT required to tithe. It also means that the person with 10 animals and the person with 19 animals both gave the same amount - 1 animal. The person with 10 animals gave an exact 10% while the person with 19 gave approximately 5% and both were legal. It is important to note here that God required the gift at the end of the line of 10 - not the first.
2) From what was given to them, the Levites in turn had to give the very best to the priests.
3) The festival tithe required that those who raised crops or animals to set aside 10% for the annual festivals. It was for the people to have a party and consume the food joyfully and alcoholic beverages (strong drink) if they wanted.
4) The Poor tithe occurred only in the 3rd and 6th years of the seven year cycle. This was set aside FOR the poor. 

All tithes were always food and NEVER money.

Abram's tithe is clearly is NOT the precedent setting example that we have been told. For starters, Abram did not give his own money and he kept NONE of the money and valuables for himself.

We should be generous but the poor widow is NOT our example
She was being plundered by church leaders. 

There is no single formula for Christians to be able to judge for themselves whether they are generous or not. Each person needs to hear from God for themselves.

Send me a private message and I will inform you of web sites that contains lots of additional info concerning the truth about tithing.

This is only your second post so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you noticed, this topic has been discussed in great detail and we all have given both sides of how we feel.

As the OP of this thread, please...please don't start off coming into the CF with any drama. Yes, you have a right to say whatever you want because you paid your $5, but I would appreciate it if you would NOT bring any type of confusion to this thread. If you would like, why not start another thread, so that way you can get others to post in it.

Thank you.
This is only your second post so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you noticed, this topic has been discussed in great detail and we all have given both sides of how we feel.

As the OP of this thread, please...please don't start off coming into the CF with any drama. Yes, you have a right to say whatever you want because you paid your $5, but I would appreciate it if you would NOT bring any type of confusion to this thread. If you would like, why not start another thread, so that way you can get others to post in it.

Thank you.

I am confused by your comment. I don't see how george's comment brought any confusion or drama. It was just another perspective. And george was a lot more polite then some of the CF regulars have been lately.
I am confused by your comment. I don't see how george's comment brought any confusion or drama. It was just another perspective. And george was a lot more polite then some of the CF regulars have been lately.

I believe that N&W's post was to encourage George to apply an opportunity to read through the entire thread as several of the points made in George's post were addressed and/or responded to/resolved...or had reached an amicable "agree to disagree" settlement....

It's unfortunate to hear/read that some of the CF regulars may not appear to be as polite lately. I'd be curious to see an example of this, particularly to understand if the filter of "rudeness?" results from tone, content, conviction, condemnation, or combination thereof.
I believe that N&W's post was to encourage George to apply an opportunity to read through the entire thread as several of the points made in George's post were addressed and/or responded to/resolved...or had reached an amicable "agree to disagree" settlement....

It's unfortunate to hear/read that some of the CF regulars may not appear to be as polite lately. I'd be curious to see an example of this, particularly to understand if the filter of "rudeness?" results from tone, content, conviction, condemnation, or combination thereof.

Thank you for explaining, RR.

Sometimes I have to goodness:nono: