Giving of the Tithe - Scripture References

I am confused by your comment. I don't see how george's comment brought any confusion or drama. It was just another perspective. And george was a lot more polite then some of the CF regulars have been lately.

Maybe you are confused because the comment was not meant for you.

I'm sure that george will come in and ask about what I posted and I will give her an answer.

If your feeling that I was not polite, whether in this thread or in another, than please, skip over any thread/post that I post in so that way, it won't bother you or cause you to be confused.
Thank you for explaining, RR.

Sometimes I have to goodness:nono:

Well it's nice to know what you meant. The comment really made no sense to me at all. What is it that you are "wondering" about? If it pertains to me or my comment then I will happy to answer any questions that you may have.
if I tithe I literally would be left with less then 50 bucks and I only get paid on the 15th and 31 of each month. That does not included gas and food.

How does one live off of that?
Maybe you are confused because the comment was not meant for you.

I'm sure that george will come in and ask about what I posted and I will give her an answer.

If your feeling that I was not polite, whether in this thread or in another, than please, skip over any thread/post that I post in so that way, it won't bother you or cause you to be confused.

I never said that I felt that you were not polite. But for the record I will read and respond to whatever I like in this forum or in any other no matter who the comment is direct to!
if I tithe I literally would be left with less then 50 bucks and I only get paid on the 15th and 31 of each month. That does not included gas and food.

How does one live off of that?

1. FAITH. I'm a WITNESS that the Lord will provide. Even when I was laid off with my own apt., the rent was paid, the car note paid, the utilities paid, I ate good EVERYDAY (and it shows!)

2. WISE STEWARDSHIP. Especially as a full-time college student, I have learned what a REAL NEED is and what a REAL WANT is. I've learned to stop buying what I want and begging for what I need. I've learned that instant gratification isn't worth it.

3. HUSTLE (LEGALLY)! Going through TWO layoffs (incl. one when I had a MASTER'S DEGREE), I've learned how to "hit a lick" as they say and I don't depend on a 9-5 JOB (just over broke) as my ONLY INCOME. I do side projects and I work to cultivate MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. People come to me to proofread their documents, I have even written and designed obituaries and brochures and stuff and GET PAID FOR IT. There are PLENTY of scriptures that speak to the disadvantages of LAZINESS.

Kally, I'm not calling you lazy but I'm saying that it there is probably room in your life to do more.... for what that's worth....

Hopefully others can add to the list.
I never said that I felt that you were not polite. But for the record I will read and respond to whatever I like in this forum or in any other no matter who the comment is direct to!

This comment made me laugh....:lachen:

Too-shay, chellero!

The joy of the Lord IS and shall ALWAYS be my STRENGTH!!
if I tithe I literally would be left with less then 50 bucks and I only get paid on the 15th and 31 of each month. That does not included gas and food.

How does one live off of that?

I don't know. I think that a lot of people find themselves in this situation. After you pay for health insurance, mortgage, food, taxes and shelter then there may not be enough left for some folks to tithe. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to figure out if tithing is really still required, or if it's just something that churches and pastors (who are paid from tithe money) are pushing. I go to a church where a lot of people are poor or close to it and I hope that they aren't expected to tithe before taking care of their basic needs.
I don't know. I think that a lot of people find themselves in this situation. After you pay for health insurance, mortgage, food, taxes and shelter then there may not be enough left for some folks to tithe. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to figure out if tithing is really still required, or if it's just something that churches and pastors (who are paid from tithe money) are pushing. I go to a church where a lot of people are poor or close to it and I hope that they aren't expected to tithe before taking care of their basic needs.

That's why tithing is 10 percent of what one has, not a specific amount. So if all you have is 50 cent, then your tithe is a NICKEL! A NICKEL!!!!! Isn't the Lord worth the first of 50 CENT? The principle is the same. THE LORD IS PRICELESS and WORTHY to have our first, our best. That's how tithing is a form of worship: it's giving the Lord your FIRST and your BEST.
1. FAITH. I'm a WITNESS that the Lord will provide. Even when I was laid off with my own apt., the rent was paid, the car note paid, the utilities paid, I ate good EVERYDAY (and it shows!)

2. WISE STEWARDSHIP. Especially as a full-time college student, I have learned what a REAL NEED is and what a REAL WANT is. I've learned to stop buying what I want and begging for what I need. I've learned that instant gratification isn't worth it.

3. HUSTLE (LEGALLY)! Going through TWO layoffs (incl. one when I had a MASTER'S DEGREE), I've learned how to "hit a lick" as they say and I don't depend on a 9-5 JOB (just over broke) as my ONLY INCOME. I do side projects and I work to cultivate MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. People come to me to proofread their documents, I have even written and designed obituaries and brochures and stuff and GET PAID FOR IT. There are PLENTY of scriptures that speak to the disadvantages of LAZINESS.

Kally, I'm not calling you lazy but I'm saying that it there is probably room in your life to do more.... for what that's worth....

Hopefully others can add to the list.

I am a firm believer in blessing from God. How did this all come about for you? Did people lend you the money, Did you received a unsupected check? Were you able to for go a month in payments?

Right now I work pt in the morning. and go to schol in the evenings. I was going to take on a part time job, but can't mentally handle it. I just don't know what to do.

I want to tithe though and believe in it. Though there are times when I am still confused about it, and what really happens if you don't.
if I tithe I literally would be left with less then 50 bucks and I only get paid on the 15th and 31 of each month. That does not included gas and food.

How does one live off of that?

As RR said, it comes down to faith. I triple dog dare you to pay your 10%coming up on the 15th, even if it causes you to come up short on a bill and see how God moves. Just try him, one time at least. I am only telling you this b/c I know how God moves, go back and read my previous post :yep:!
That's why tithing is 10 percent of what one has, not a specific amount. So if all you have is 50 cent, then your tithe is a NICKEL! A NICKEL!!!!! Isn't the Lord worth the first of 50 CENT? The principle is the same. THE LORD IS PRICELESS and WORTHY to have our first, our best. That's how tithing is a form of worship: it's giving the Lord your FIRST and your BEST.

I understand your point. But for some that nickle is the difference between feeding your children a meal or letting them go hungry. I could see if the churches consistently gave some of the tithes to those who are needy. But most of the churches that I've seen aren't using the tithe money in a way that helps the poor, yet the pastors are beating them upside the head with "will a man rob God," before driving home in the benz that he bought with his big salary to the mansion that was also paid for with God's money.
I don't know. I think that a lot of people find themselves in this situation. After you pay for health insurance, mortgage, food, taxes and shelter then there may not be enough left for some folks to tithe. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to figure out if tithing is really still required, or if it's just something that churches and pastors (who are paid from tithe money) are pushing. I go to a church where a lot of people are poor or close to it and I hope that they aren't expected to tithe before taking care of their basic needs.

Yeah this is what I am struggling with as well. Its like i want to but if I do, then I will be beyond broke. maybe my faith in that area is not strong enough. I don't know I am to afraid to go out on a limb and try it.

For instance. if I tithe out of the next check I will have next to nothing left, however I do have a income tax check coming. But would not I be receiving that money if I tithed or not.?So that is not like it a abundance of money coming my way unexpected.
I don't know. I think that a lot of people find themselves in this situation. After you pay for health insurance, mortgage, food, taxes and shelter then there may not be enough left for some folks to tithe. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to figure out if tithing is really still required, or if it's just something that churches and pastors (who are paid from tithe money) are pushing. I go to a church where a lot of people are poor or close to it and I hope that they aren't expected to tithe before taking care of their basic needs.

As I said in one of my previous posts, I believe tithing has nothing to do with the pastors, it is strictly between you and God.
As RR said, it comes down to faith. I triple dog dare you to pay your 10%coming up on the 15th, even if it causes you to come up short on a bill and see how God moves. Just try him, one time at least. I am only telling you this b/c I know how God moves, go back and read my previous post :yep:!

Sigh ok I will except your challenge. But if I am stapped for cash I am taken up a LHCF donation. :lachen:
Yeah this is what I am struggling with as well. Its like i want to but if I do, then I will be beyond broke. maybe my faith in that area is not strong enough. I don't know I am to afraid to go out on a limb and try it.

For instance. if I tithe out of the next check I will have next to nothing left, however I do have a income tax check coming. But would not I be receiving that money if I tithed or not.?So that is not like it a abundance of money coming my way unexpected.

If you feel that tithing is still required then you should certainly try to do so. I know that we can always find ways to make additional money or to cut back on our expenses, but if you really can't manage it then God knows that. :yep: I do know that we are to be good stewards of our money, and that it does not make sense to be getting evicted, or sitting in a dark apartment with no food and no heat in the winter because you tithed instead of paying your bills.
Ok then, If I have to, I will put you a couuple dollars in your paypal account...Pinky Swear :yep:!

Aww how sweet you don't have to. I really do need to do try it and step out on faith and see what happens.
I will def let you all know the outcome.
I am a firm believer in blessing from God. How did this all come about for you? Did people lend you the money, Did you received a unsupected check? Were you able to for go a month in payments?

Right now I work pt in the morning. and go to schol in the evenings. I was going to take on a part time job, but can't mentally handle it. I just don't know what to do.

I want to tithe though and believe in it. Though there are times when I am still confused about it, and what really happens if you don't.

The second layoff from a full-time position, I had my own place, I was in graduate school part time (got some financial aid). Got a severance (no unemployment) and since I was at that job only 3 years, I didn't get a lot of money. Got laid off in June and lived off the severance and people blessed me (no loans) with basic necessities. I did little side gigs and I was steady looking for another job as well. A job didn't come through and I was being strongly encouraged to return to school full-time, esp. since it was only me (no other responsibilities). The phrase was this: when I eat, my whole house eats" so it wasn't going to take that much money to take care of me.

Went to school and applied for EVERY scholarship and graduate assistantships and thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ, I got a graduate assistantship, which meant tuition paid and a stipend. Along with that, I taught courses as an adjunct instructor at a community college. The Lord blessed me and He blessed the works of my hands.

I got laid off in 2003. I've been a full-time student since that time. I will finish my doctorate in education this year. This was the Lord's plan and He has provided every step of the way. The Lord gave me favor with the building owner and I have not missed a rent payment AT ALL. I was late at times, but never missed a month. The car got paid off.

When I talk about sacrifice and avoiding instant gratification? I don't have cable TV (and I don't miss it). Plus, it would be dumb for me to have cable TV because either I would watch it all the time (and not get any studying done) or I would NEVER watch it and it would be a waste of money. I get first-run DVDs from the PUBLIC LIBRARY so no more paying Blockbuster.

I got more blessings to praise God for: when I first got laid off, my hair was relaxed and I had a WEEKLY appointment in that chair. Do you know that my hairdressed DID MY HAIR FREE for a LONG, LONG TIME? Like YEARS? I gave her money when I had it and there were times when she wouldn't even take it. She did my hair until she moved out of state and I went natural.

Can't NOBODY tell me that tithing is form of worship and the LORD RESPONDS TO IT!!!! My God! My God! HALLELUJAH!!

So Kally, I can't really tell you what happens when you don't tithe because I really don't want to know. I can tell you EMPHATICALLY that tithing opens the Lord's heart and hand.
Kally, give what you have. Even back when tithing was law, not everyone was expected to tithe, and the poor even received one of the tithes.

Give what is in your heart to give. God blesses us because He is awesome like that, not because of what we do or don't give. He knows your heart, and he knows what you do and don't have.

Besides, tithing was never about receiving a blessing, it was about BEING a blessing. You can be a blessing no matter what is in your bank account.:yep:
If you feel that tithing is still required then you should certainly try to do so. I know that we can always find ways to make additional money or to cut back on our expenses, but if you really can't manage it then God knows that. :yep: I do know that we are to be good stewards of our money, and that it does not make sense to be getting evicted, or sitting in a dark apartment with no food and no heat in the winter because you tithed instead of paying your bills.

Yeah he does, However when i do tithe I tithe to charities, because for one thing I don't belong to a church and secondly that is were the money is suppose to be going to any ways.

God has been so good, kind, Patient and loving towards me. That I really do feel guilty not tithing.
I understand your point. But for some that nickle is the difference between feeding your children a meal or letting them go hungry. I could see if the churches consistently gave some of the tithes to those who are needy. But most of the churches that I've seen aren't using the tithe money in a way that helps the poor, yet the pastors are beating them upside the head with "will a man rob God," before driving home in the benz that he bought with his big salary to the mansion that was also paid for with God's money.

Two quick points:

1. A nickel isn't the difference. That difference could be made up by making different choices in another part of that family's life. It's always that extreme answer about starvation and homelesness that's brought up re. tithing. I know too many stories where a person/family claimed to not have the money to tithe but they had money for CABLE and PlayStations and $100 shoes. :ohwell:

2. Because tithing is personal, an individual act of WORSHIP, it kind of doesn't matter what the church does with the money. Please hear me: that doesn't mean that the church should not be accountable concerning finances because it CERTAINLY DOES. But the larger point is that when you OBEY in sincerity, the Lord sees your actions (and the actions of the thieving pastor) and judge accordingly. I thank the Lord that I attend a church where I don't have to worry about this but I tell you this, if I hear about my pastor on the news tonight about some money being funny (God forbid), I can still stand before the Lord God Almighty on Judgement Day and declare that He would find me faithful in this... I did what I was supposed to do re. tithing.
The second layoff from a full-time position, I had my own place, I was in graduate school part time (got some financial aid). Got a severance (no unemployment) and since I was at that job only 3 years, I didn't get a lot of money. Got laid off in June and lived off the severance and people blessed me (no loans) with basic necessities. I did little side gigs and I was steady looking for another job as well. A job didn't come through and I was being strongly encouraged to return to school full-time, esp. since it was only me (no other responsibilities). The phrase was this: when I eat, my whole house eats" so it wasn't going to take that much money to take care of me.

Went to school and applied for EVERY scholarship and graduate assistantships and thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ, I got a graduate assistantship, which meant tuition paid and a stipend. Along with that, I taught courses as an adjunct instructor at a community college. The Lord blessed me and He blessed the works of my hands.

I got laid off in 2003. I've been a full-time student since that time. I will finish my doctorate in education this year. This was the Lord's plan and He has provided every step of the way. The Lord gave me favor with the building owner and I have not missed a rent payment AT ALL. I was late at times, but never missed a month. The car got paid off.

When I talk about sacrifice and avoiding instant gratification? I don't have cable TV (and I don't miss it). Plus, it would be dumb for me to have cable TV because either I would watch it all the time (and not get any studying done) or I would NEVER watch it and it would be a waste of money. I get first-run DVDs from the PUBLIC LIBRARY so no more paying Blockbuster.

I got more blessings to praise God for: when I first got laid off, my hair was relaxed and I had a WEEKLY appointment in that chair. Do you know that my hairdressed DID MY HAIR FREE for a LONG, LONG TIME? Like YEARS? I gave her money when I had it and there were times when she wouldn't even take it. She did my hair until she moved out of state and I went natural.

Can't NOBODY tell me that tithing is form of worship and the LORD RESPONDS TO IT!!!! My God! My God! HALLELUJAH!!

So Kally, I can't really tell you what happens when you don't tithe because I really don't want to know. I can tell you EMPHATICALLY that tithing opens the Lord's heart and hand.

Ooooh girl, I got chills reading your post b/c I know the goodness of God as well. Since I became a tither (no turning back), I have no worries, none. At first, I made it about the money, now I see it on a whole different level. I hate to repeat myself but the 1st Sunday I paid my tithes I found out about a postition I would have knew nothing about that following Thursday. Now my income has LITERALLY DOUBLED! My GOD, MY GOD!!!!!
Sigh ok I will except your challenge. But if I am stapped for cash I am taken up a LHCF donation. :lachen:

Well, first off, don't call it a challenge. Consider it a form of WORSHIP unto the Lord. And you want to receive your blessing from the LORD, not LCHF. Can't NOBODY beat the Lord giving! NOBODY! :nono:
If you feel that tithing is still required then you should certainly try to do so. I know that we can always find ways to make additional money or to cut back on our expenses, but if you really can't manage it then God knows that. :yep: I do know that we are to be good stewards of our money, and that it does not make sense to be getting evicted, or sitting in a dark apartment with no food and no heat in the winter because you tithed instead of paying your bills.

Of course not. But honestly, I think that's the rare exception and not the rule. I am FULLY PERSUADED that the Lord will not abandon a tither like that.
The second layoff from a full-time position, I had my own place, I was in graduate school part time (got some financial aid). Got a severance (no unemployment) and since I was at that job only 3 years, I didn't get a lot of money. Got laid off in June and lived off the severance and people blessed me (no loans) with basic necessities. I did little side gigs and I was steady looking for another job as well. A job didn't come through and I was being strongly encouraged to return to school full-time, esp. since it was only me (no other responsibilities). The phrase was this: when I eat, my whole house eats" so it wasn't going to take that much money to take care of me.

Went to school and applied for EVERY scholarship and graduate assistantships and thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ, I got a graduate assistantship, which meant tuition paid and a stipend. Along with that, I taught courses as an adjunct instructor at a community college. The Lord blessed me and He blessed the works of my hands.

I got laid off in 2003. I've been a full-time student since that time. I will finish my doctorate in education this year. This was the Lord's plan and He has provided every step of the way. The Lord gave me favor with the building owner and I have not missed a rent payment AT ALL. I was late at times, but never missed a month. The car got paid off.

When I talk about sacrifice and avoiding instant gratification? I don't have cable TV (and I don't miss it). Plus, it would be dumb for me to have cable TV because either I would watch it all the time (and not get any studying done) or I would NEVER watch it and it would be a waste of money. I get first-run DVDs from the PUBLIC LIBRARY so no more paying Blockbuster.

I got more blessings to praise God for: when I first got laid off, my hair was relaxed and I had a WEEKLY appointment in that chair. Do you know that my hairdressed DID MY HAIR FREE for a LONG, LONG TIME? Like YEARS? I gave her money when I had it and there were times when she wouldn't even take it. She did my hair until she moved out of state and I went natural.

Can't NOBODY tell me that tithing is form of worship and the LORD RESPONDS TO IT!!!! My God! My God! HALLELUJAH!!

So Kally, I can't really tell you what happens when you don't tithe because I really don't want to know. I can tell you EMPHATICALLY that tithing opens the Lord's heart and hand. spirit leaped when I read that testimony!!!!

Hallelujah....I'm right there with you!
Yeah he does, However when i do tithe I tithe to charities, because for one thing I don't belong to a church and secondly that is were the money is suppose to be going to any ways.

God has been so good, kind, Patient and loving towards me. That I really do feel guilty not tithing.

So you're practicing freewill giving, which is exactly what we are called to do.:yep: Tithing requires giving 10% to the priest, who then takes it into the storehouse to be used to support God's people.

You are blessed, Kally, and you will continue to be blessed. You obviously have a heart to bless others, and that is worth a whole lot!
Ooooh girl, I got chills reading your post b/c I know the goodness of God as well. Since I became a tither (no turning back), I have no worries, none. At first, I made it about the money, now I see it on a whole different level. I hate to repeat myself but the 1st Sunday I paid my tithes I found out about a postition I would have knew nothing about that following Thursday. Now my income has LITERALLY DOUBLED! My GOD, MY GOD!!!!!

Doubled income.....praise the Lord!
Yeah he does, However when i do tithe I tithe to charities, because for one thing I don't belong to a church and secondly that is were the money is suppose to be going to any ways.

God has been so good, kind, Patient and loving towards me. That I really do feel guilty not tithing.

Seek the Lord for a local church body.... The Lord honors giving to various charities and such.... We all need a local church body and to attend church on a REGULAR/WEEKLY BASIS if not for this one reason: JESUS DID IT!

Luke 4:16: "16-21He came to Nazareth where he had been reared. As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place. When he stood up to read, he was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. (The Message)

And just like today, there were probably plenty of synagogues to go to.... Jesus found ONE synagogue that would welcome Him.

We have no excuse....
Ooooh girl, I got chills reading your post b/c I know the goodness of God as well. Since I became a tither (no turning back), I have no worries, none. At first, I made it about the money, now I see it on a whole different level. I hate to repeat myself but the 1st Sunday I paid my tithes I found out about a postition I would have knew nothing about that following Thursday. Now my income has LITERALLY DOUBLED! My GOD, MY GOD!!!!!

Look at God....