Giving of the Tithe - Scripture References

Two quick points:

1. A nickel isn't the difference. That difference could be made up by making different choices in another part of that family's life. It's always that extreme answer about starvation and homelesness that's brought up re. tithing. I know too many stories where a person/family claimed to not have the money to tithe but they had money for CABLE and PlayStations and $100 shoes. :ohwell:

2. Because tithing is personal, an individual act of WORSHIP, it kind of doesn't matter what the church does with the money. Please hear me: that doesn't mean that the church should not be accountable concerning finances because it CERTAINLY DOES. But the larger point is that when you OBEY in sincerity, the Lord sees your actions (and the actions of the thieving pastor) and judge accordingly. I thank the Lord that I attend a church where I don't have to worry about this but I tell you this, if I hear about my pastor on the news tonight about some money being funny (God forbid), I can still stand before the Lord God Almighty on Judgement Day and declare that He would find me faithful in this... I did what I was supposed to do re. tithing.

I have read ALMOST :ohwell: this entire thread (y'all are some talking sistas but I have enjoyed it thoroughly) and out of all of the awesome conversation that has gone on I can truly say that the bolded is one that I tell folks all the time when they bring up churches misusing and abusing the money of the church. If they do yes, it's messed up BUT it doesn't block your blessing. If I give my 10% (and yes, I believe according to the word that you are to give 10% of your gross earnings and anything else that is an increase i.e. I tithe from my tax refund) or freewill giving or whatever it is one would like to call it and a church swindles my money and runs off with it they will have to answer to that but the curse that will follow those people who stole from God will not touch me because of the covenant I made with God to tithe. I guess I also don't see what the big debate is about, not all but most of us give our waiters and waitresses 10-15% when we go to a restaurant but we gripe about giving 10% to God from whom all our blessings flow. Title it what you will but the only way to have more than enough is to GIVE. I have witnessed through my own giving and my Mom's giving that tithing will bless you. Tithing can break generational curses.

On another note - I know one thing, I am the Financial Administrator at my church and for all of those who think the Pastors get everything - if the church is run the way it's supposed to, the Pastor shouldn't even be able to sign a check or have exclusive access to the bank account(s). For most churches it isn't the money train many think it is not to mention the job my Pastor does is full-time and not one I would ever want to have. Hearing peoples problems all the time, attending funerals, holding the hand of someone as they pass away and keeping it together as you comfort and pray for the bereaved family. I mean it ain't easy and you really have to be called to do it so why shouldn't that person be paid.

I need to start back to like page 17 to read some more but again, I have enjoyed this thread!!!!

I have read ALMOST :ohwell: this entire thread (y'all are some talking sistas but I have enjoyed it thoroughly) and out of all of the awesome conversation that has gone on I can truly say that the bolded is one that I tell folks all the time when they bring up churches misusing and abusing the money of the church. If they do yes, it's messed up BUT it doesn't block your blessing. If I give my 10% (and yes, I believe according to the word that you are to give 10% of your gross earnings and anything else that is an increase i.e. I tithe from my tax refund) or freewill giving or whatever it is one would like to call it and a church swindles my money and runs off with it they will have to answer to that but the curse that will follow those people who stole from God will not touch me because of the covenant I made with God to tithe. I guess I also don't see what the big debate is about, not all but most of us give our waiters and waitresses 10-15% when we go to a restaurant but we gripe about giving 10% to God from whom all our blessings flow. Title it what you will but the only way to have more than enough is to GIVE. I have witnessed through my own giving and my Mom's giving that tithing will bless you. Tithing can break generational curses.

On another note - I know one thing, I am the Financial Administrator at my church and for all of those who think the Pastors get everything - if the church is run the way it's supposed to, the Pastor shouldn't even be able to sign a check or have exclusive access to the bank account(s). For most churches it isn't the money train many think it is not to mention the job my Pastor does is full-time and not one I would ever want to have. Hearing peoples problems all the time, attending funerals, holding the hand of someone as they pass away and keeping it together as you comfort and pray for the bereaved family. I mean it ain't easy and you really have to be called to do it so why shouldn't that person be paid.

I need to start back to like page 17 to read some more but again, I have enjoyed this thread!!!!

I appreciate you reading and then clarifiying some things that maybe some people don't realize happens in church, behind the scenes. I too work for pastors and I see all the stuff that goes on.

I also appreciate that you bring the point of tithing to a different level by giving of your are a blessing indeed!

We can talk, though..right?:lachen:
The second layoff from a full-time position, I had my own place, I was in graduate school part time (got some financial aid). Got a severance (no unemployment) and since I was at that job only 3 years, I didn't get a lot of money. Got laid off in June and lived off the severance and people blessed me (no loans) with basic necessities. I did little side gigs and I was steady looking for another job as well. A job didn't come through and I was being strongly encouraged to return to school full-time, esp. since it was only me (no other responsibilities). The phrase was this: when I eat, my whole house eats" so it wasn't going to take that much money to take care of me.

Went to school and applied for EVERY scholarship and graduate assistantships and thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ, I got a graduate assistantship, which meant tuition paid and a stipend. Along with that, I taught courses as an adjunct instructor at a community college. The Lord blessed me and He blessed the works of my hands.

I got laid off in 2003. I've been a full-time student since that time. I will finish my doctorate in education this year. This was the Lord's plan and He has provided every step of the way. The Lord gave me favor with the building owner and I have not missed a rent payment AT ALL. I was late at times, but never missed a month. The car got paid off.

When I talk about sacrifice and avoiding instant gratification? I don't have cable TV (and I don't miss it). Plus, it would be dumb for me to have cable TV because either I would watch it all the time (and not get any studying done) or I would NEVER watch it and it would be a waste of money. I get first-run DVDs from the PUBLIC LIBRARY so no more paying Blockbuster.

I got more blessings to praise God for: when I first got laid off, my hair was relaxed and I had a WEEKLY appointment in that chair. Do you know that my hairdressed DID MY HAIR FREE for a LONG, LONG TIME? Like YEARS? I gave her money when I had it and there were times when she wouldn't even take it. She did my hair until she moved out of state and I went natural.

Can't NOBODY tell me that tithing is form of worship and the LORD RESPONDS TO IT!!!! My God! My God! HALLELUJAH!!

So Kally, I can't really tell you what happens when you don't tithe because I really don't want to know. I can tell you EMPHATICALLY that tithing opens the Lord's heart and hand.

God is good is not he. I love it when he works things like this out for people. I know for me God gives my plenty of blessing when I comes to shopping. You would no believe the deals the Gods works out for me.

Just this weekend. I went to a gabriell Brother we have here. Their winter items were on clearance. It was half off the red tag price. I found shirt for lik# 3,5 &7 dollars that were to be half off that. Then I get to the cash register and they were marked down even further to like 1 and two dollars a piece. So I was geeting them for like 5ocent and a dollar. I stocked up on 8 items and paid like less then 15.00 for everything.
Kally, give what you have. Even back when tithing was law, not everyone was expected to tithe, and the poor even received one of the tithes.

Give what is in your heart to give. God blesses us because He is awesome like that, not because of what we do or don't give. He knows your heart, and he knows what you do and don't have.

Besides, tithing was never about receiving a blessing, it was about BEING a blessing. You can be a blessing no matter what is in your bank account.:yep:

I truely believe that it does have to come form the heart and not seen as paying another bill.
Well, first off, don't call it a challenge. Consider it a form of WORSHIP unto the Lord. And you want to receive your blessing from the LORD, not LCHF. Can't NOBODY beat the Lord giving! NOBODY! :nono:

I was just joking :lachen:. I know God is my main source.
Seek the Lord for a local church body.... The Lord honors giving to various charities and such.... We all need a local church body and to attend church on a REGULAR/WEEKLY BASIS if not for this one reason: JESUS DID IT!

Luke 4:16: "16-21He came to Nazareth where he had been reared. As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place. When he stood up to read, he was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. (The Message)

And just like today, there were probably plenty of synagogues to go to.... Jesus found ONE synagogue that would welcome Him.

We have no excuse....

My history with churches have not been good. I have been burned, mislead, used. You name it. I could go on for hours about what happened. I know this is no excuse to stay away, I have to keep going and I must admit it is laziness as well.
I don't know. I think that a lot of people find themselves in this situation. After you pay for health insurance, mortgage, food, taxes and shelter then there may not be enough left for some folks to tithe. That's one of the reasons that I am trying to figure out if tithing is really still required, or if it's just something that churches and pastors (who are paid from tithe money) are pushing. I go to a church where a lot of people are poor or close to it and I hope that they aren't expected to tithe before taking care of their basic needs.

While I'm not saying that the tithe is required (I already stated my opinion earlier in this thread), but I would like to give some insight on the bolded part. When I came into the knowledge of tithing (or the modern day concept), I resisted doing so for over a year for the same reason you stated. I would be left with little to nothing to live on afterward. Eventually I did begin to tithe although I was making the same salary, and lo and behold I actually had more breathing room than I did before. I suddenly realized that the reason why I always assumed I'd be broke if I tithed is because I was always thinking of the tithe as another expense AFTER everything else. After rent, after food, after insurance, after utilities. Why would I consider my gift to God AFTER everything else when He's the one who provides the means in the first place. Once I took care of all of my "earthly" needs God got the leftover. When I got promoted, got a raise and moved I made the conscious decision to give to God first and then structure my finances off the remaining 90%. I tailored my lifestyle around tithing, instead of the other way around. Trust me, it's much easier to tithe when you don't even think about having that money in the first place. Remember we are to offer God our first fruits, not what's leftover after we've taken our share. Just a thought.
My history with churches have not been good. I have been burned, mislead, used. You name it. I could go on for hours about what happened. I know this is no excuse to stay away, I have to keep going and I must admit it is laziness as well.

Kally - I am SO sorry that you have been so used in a place where we should go to be healed and loved. But remember, that everyone that goes to church is not saved and is there for the wrong reasons so don't think just because it's church you have to let your guard down (not saying that you have just generally speaking). I've seen people get hurt too and it's because they think "oh, I'm at church people are different here" and while it's a great concept and how it should be it's not how it is. I can honestly say I've never been hurt in church but it's because the same discretion and discernment I use outside of church I use in church. Now do I mean walk around with a chip on your shoulder...of course not cause that is not of God but, the minute you feel something is not right, act on it. For instance, a friend of mine in church got a phone call from a lady that goes to our church that she didn't really know saying that my friend's son hit this ladies car and scratched it all up. The lady then says, we need to handle this the christian way and you need to pay for my car to be fixed. Perfect opportunity for someone to be used but, what did my friend tell her. "I'm sorry but you have left the church grounds and I do not know if this happened today, yesterday, or last week therefore I cannot pay for any damages I am not certain were caused by my child. However, if he did indeed cause damage to your car the first step would be to file a police report." The woman then said I'm calling your Pastor cause this ain't right. (I still don't get that) Keep in mind my friend didn't even remember who was parked beside her and doesn't really know this woman like that. Turns out that the woman lied (she confessed). Now, had my friend just done it because according to this girl it was the "christian thing to do" she would have been burned by someone in the church.

I know I'm long-winded (LOL), but I've seen too many times where people have not been on guard just because it's church and not saying that you are one of those people but if you are, maybe this will bless you or someone else. Pray for discernment so God can open your eyes to see who means you well and come to you in His name and those who are deliberately trying to cause deception and discension to you and the church.

Be Blessed!
I appreciate you reading and then clarifiying some things that maybe some people don't realize happens in church, behind the scenes. I too work for pastors and I see all the stuff that goes on.

I also appreciate that you bring the point of tithing to a different level by giving of your are a blessing indeed!

We can talk, though..right?:lachen:

It's so much stuff that goes on behind the scenes that people don't know about when it comes to the finances of a church. I've said before how I know of a Pastor that drives a new luxury car every 2 years and folks would always run their mouth about the Pastor using church money to ride in such a nice car. What they didn't know was that one of the members of the church OWNED a dealership for luxury cars and would GIVE the Pastor a new car every couple years. It was a gift, the first time the Pastor was given this car he cried like a baby it was such a shock. I know at my church we had a member who owned a clothing store and would give the Pastor brand new NICE clothes all the time. People would talk about his brand name suits and custom made robes and wonder what in the world. I just say that to say everything is not always what it seems. There are so many people willing to bless the men and women of God. My Pastor is full-time but hasn't had a raise in 7 years and full time for him is just about 24/7, none of us would want that schedule. So, if the Pastor is truly one led by God people will just bless him/her.

And yes, y'all are some talking sistas (or should I include myself and say WE, :lachen:)
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Kally - I am SO sorry that you have been so used in a place where we should go to be healed and loved. But remember, that everyone that goes to church is not saved and is there for the wrong reasons so don't think just because it's church you have to let your guard down (not saying that you have just generally speaking). I've seen people get hurt too and it's because they think "oh, I'm at church people are different here" and while it's a great concept and how it should be it's not how it is. I can honestly say I've never been hurt in church but it's because the same discretion and discernment I use outside of church I use in church. Now do I mean walk around with a chip on your shoulder...of course not cause that is not of God but, the minute you feel something is not right, act on it. For instance, a friend of mine in church got a phone call from a lady that goes to our church that she didn't really know saying that my friend's son hit this ladies car and scratched it all up. The lady then says, we need to handle this the christian way and you need to pay for my car to be fixed. Perfect opportunity for someone to be used but, what did my friend tell her. "I'm sorry but you have left the church grounds and I do not know if this happened today, yesterday, or last week therefore I cannot pay for any damages I am not certain were caused by my child. However, if he did indeed cause damage to your car the first step would be to file a police report." The woman then said I'm calling your Pastor cause this ain't right. (I still don't get that) Keep in mind my friend didn't even remember who was parked beside her and doesn't really know this woman like that. Turns out that the woman lied (she confessed). Now, had my friend just done it because according to this girl it was the "christian thing to do" she would have been burned by someone in the church.

I know I'm long-winded (LOL), but I've seen too many times where people have not been on guard just because it's church and not saying that you are one of those people but if you are, maybe this will bless you or someone else. Pray for discernment so God can open your eyes to see who means you well and come to you in His name and those who are deliberately trying to cause deception and discension to you and the church.

Be Blessed!

Your friend is better than me because my flesh would have wanted to have some words with her face to face AND I would have told her to call the pastor, the police, and the news media so that ALL would be VERY CLEAR on what will and will NOT be manipulated....

How did that lady get your friend's number ANYWAY? (RR puts on detective hat)

Hahahahahah!!!!! I'm sorry, dear Lord Jesus....
It's so much stuff that goes on behind the scenes that people don't know about when it comes to the finances of a church. I've said before how I know of a Pastor that drives a new luxury car every 2 years and folks would always run their mouth about the Pastor using church money to ride in such a nice car. What they didn't know was that one of the members of the church OWNED a dealership for luxury cars and would GIVE the Pastor a new car every couple years. It was a gift, the first time the Pastor was given this car he cried like a baby it was such a shock. I know at my church we had a member who owned a clothing store and would give the Pastor brand new NICE clothes all the time. People would talk about his brand name suits and custom made robes and wonder what in the world. I just say that to say everything is not always what it seems. There are so many people willing to bless the men and women of God. My Pastor is full-time but hasn't had a raise in 7 years and full time for him is just about 24/7, none of us would want that schedule. So, if the Pastor is truly one led by God people will just bless him/her.

And yes, y'all are some talking sistas (or should I include myself and say WE, :lachen:)

I can appreciate people like the ones you mentioned. They aren't stingy with their blessings...they share it with their pastor and I find that awesome!!!

Yes....include yourself girl.....:lachen:
Your friend is better than me because my flesh would have wanted to have some words with her face to face AND I would have told her to call the pastor, the police, and the news media so that ALL would be VERY CLEAR on what will and will NOT be manipulated....

How did that lady get your friend's number ANYWAY? (RR puts on detective hat)

Hahahahahah!!!!! I'm sorry, dear Lord Jesus....

Girl I'm with you but that's just my friend, she's usually calm like that.

You are too funny about the number - she runs the church daycare so it's easy to get her number. Now had it been my number she really would have been doing some digging and this scenario would have gone SLIGHTLY different.