Getting Shot Down by First Man I've ever approached...


Well-Known Member
How are you doing Ladies?

So here is the story...I went on an international trip just over 2 weeks ago. I met a guy while I was there. He is the first guy I have been genuinely physically attracted to in person since 2007. He approached me first at an event and started to chit-chat with me while I was waiting for my friend who was in the restroom. After our first encounter, I saw him about three times after that on subsequent days, all three times I caught him just staring at me. Just staring at me with a serious look on his face. :ohwell: So I would smile and wave hi to him and he would wave back and walk away. Two of those three times other fools that I was not attracted to were trying to talking to me and c*ck-blocking. :look: Upon the last day, I kept telling my friend that I wished he had asked me for my number, because I would like to remain in contact with him. He was the only guy I was attracted to that I actually talked to. On day before the last day, I ran into him again at a concert and he was with his friend. I didn't talk to him at first. I just strategically placed myself in his line of vision to see if he would approach me. I was standing directly in front of him and dancing. My friend even turned around, waved at him, and looked at him several times to tell me what he was doing. She told me he kept looking at me.

After about 30 minutes of waiting for him to approach me, my friend finally convinced me against my natural will to approach him. So I walk backwards and pretended to trip over his foot and I caught his arm to break my fall. I looked up to him and he leaned down. He was very tall, about 6'4" or 6'5" (Swoon and I am not historically attracted to very tall guys). I said, "Hey! I remember you from the other day! What is your name again?" We exchanged names, occupational info, etc. He asked me when I was leaving, I told him tomorrow. He said he wasn't leaving for another two weeks. I found out that he lives in New York. I told him I would be in New York at the end of August. I said we could try to hang out again. He didn't have his phone with him, so asked him to enter his contact info into my phone. I've never been so bold with guys in my life. I shocked myself! :drunk:

After the contact info was exchanged, I told him I would contact him and I gave him a deep hug. :blush: His arm like wrapped around my waist so firmly, I felt like a tiny doll next to him and I am about 5'10". He told me that he and his friend had to leave and then they walked out of our sight. Fast-forward two weeks and some days later, after much trepidation, I finally sent him a text two days ago saying "Hi! How are you? Are you back in the States yet?" and I have yet to receive an answer. :nono: Did I get shot down? I am so confused. I don't know how to deal with guys, because I barely have any experience, even at 26.

I told myself I would give him 48 hours to answer my text before I deleted his contact info, too harsh, too soon? Why did he act like he didn't want to talk to me after the first encounter? Why did he just leave after I talked to him at the last encounter? Did he give me the wrong information, because he didn't really want me to contact him? I mean, if he was attracted to me wouldn't he have tried to get my contact info or even talk me to me some more instead of just staring at me?
You waited two weeks to text him?? Did you tell him who you were when you texted him? I think you waited too long, if someone waited two weeks to text me I would think they weren't that interested.