Getting Shot Down by First Man I've ever approached...

UPDATE: SOOOOOOOO.......He just texted me back. I feel like a darn impatient fool. Thanks so much to all you ladies for all your advice and encouragement! I totally overacted whether he contacted me back or not. However, I am happy he did. Now I am scared to continue communicating with him, because...I don't know. I am tempted to ask the moderators to delete this thread, but I need to have a reminder to how my mind could blow things out of proportion at times. :look: And this thread could help some other ladies in similar situations.
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First, I was looking for my cup of coffee cuz this is just JUICY! Reads like a romance story. Secondly, he didn't have his phone? Who doesn't carry his phone? He's got a girl and wants to get with you but is holding back. Maybe he's honorable! I think he really likes you but might be tied down to somebody. Don't contact him again. Let him marinate. If you meet him in NYC, then talk to him but I wouldn't call him again. It looks desperate.

Ah, dang, just read the update! What did he say? You going out?
UPDATE: SOOOOOOOO.......He just texted me back. I feel like a darn impatient fool. Thanks so much to all you ladies for all your advice and encouragement! I totally overacted whether he contacted me back or not. However, I am happy he did. Now I am scared to continue communicating with him, because...I don't know. I am tempted to ask the moderators to delete this thread, but I need to have a reminder to how my mind could blow things out of proportion at times. :look: And this thread could help some other ladies in similar situations.

Cos we crazy like that. Now time to share your text convos. *grabs popcorn*
Lol I knew it! I told you I did the same thing before, and I felt like a fool then too. :lol:

I dunno why we let guys get in our heads like that.

Anyway.... you betta keep communicating with dude! Please let us know how it goes.
Well come to find out he left his main phone in the US. He didn't get back until the night before. So all the time I was overreacting he wasnt even in the country.
We texted for an hour and half. It was nice. I do prefer talking though. He said I was sexy. Remembered every detail about me! Yay! He said he thought I forgot about him. He said he wasn't going to go to that concert but was glad he did now. I told him I would love to hear his voice when we talk next. He has a really nice deep voice. He asked me when I was coming to NY and how long I was going to be there. I learned a little about him. He is 27, a year older than me and not younger. Yay again! I'm bad at guessing ages sometimes. I want to take things slow. Become friends first then possibly date if we end up liking eachother beyond physical appearances. Plus we have no other choice but to build a friendship first since he lives in NY and I live in GA.
Well come to find out he left his main phone in the US. He didn't get back until the night before. So all the time I was overreacting he wasnt even in the country.
We texted for an hour and half. It was nice. I do prefer talking though. He said I was sexy. Remembered every detail about me! Yay! He said he thought I forgot about him. He said he wasn't going to go to that concert but was glad he did now. I told him I would love to hear his voice when we talk next. He has a really nice deep voice. He asked me when I was coming to NY and how long I was going to be there. I learned a little about him. He is 27, a year older than me and not younger. Yay again! I'm bad at guessing ages sometimes. I want to take things slow. Become friends first then possibly date if we end up liking eachother beyond physical appearances. Plus we have no other choice but to build a friendship first since he lives in NY and I live in GA.

Oh wow. I gotta say, this is one of the few times I'm actually glad I was wrong. :grin:

Keep us posted!
Well come to find out he left his main phone in the US. He didn't get back until the night before. So all the time I was overreacting he wasnt even in the country.
We texted for an hour and half. It was nice. I do prefer talking though. He said I was sexy. Remembered every detail about me! Yay! He said he thought I forgot about him. He said he wasn't going to go to that concert but was glad he did now. I told him I would love to hear his voice when we talk next. He has a really nice deep voice. He asked me when I was coming to NY and how long I was going to be there. I learned a little about him. He is 27, a year older than me and not younger. Yay again! I'm bad at guessing ages sometimes. I want to take things slow. Become friends first then possibly date if we end up liking eachother beyond physical appearances. Plus we have no other choice but to build a friendship first since he lives in NY and I live in GA.
Aw, nice that you got a chance to reconnect! I read this thread the other day and just happened to see this update today...I smiled reading it.
Well come to find out he left his main phone in the US. He didn't get back until the night before. So all the time I was overreacting he wasnt even in the country.
We texted for an hour and half. It was nice. I do prefer talking though. He said I was sexy. Remembered every detail about me! Yay! He said he thought I forgot about him. He said he wasn't going to go to that concert but was glad he did now. I told him I would love to hear his voice when we talk next. He has a really nice deep voice. He asked me when I was coming to NY and how long I was going to be there. I learned a little about him. He is 27, a year older than me and not younger. Yay again! I'm bad at guessing ages sometimes. I want to take things slow. Become friends first then possibly date if we end up liking eachother beyond physical appearances. Plus we have no other choice but to build a friendship first since he lives in NY and I live in GA.

I'm gonna need updates. This is great news.

Sent from my MyTouch 4G
He called me last night. After I hinted that I wanted to hear his voice the night before. The deepness of his voice and his accent. Whew! I wanted to pass out right there on the phone.:lol: I really need to calm down. Don't know what the future holds. I am trying to not get too excited, because I still don't really know him and he really doesn't know me. If we are still talking a year from now, then that will be something to write home about. Anyway, I do hope it goes well, but I am going to prepare myself for if it doesn't. It's hard to hold someone's interest long distance even as just friends. At least I learned, if I really try, open myself up, and take down some of my normal defenses I could get a guy I'm really interested in. Thanks you all for the encouragement!
^^^ **Woot woot!!*** Get him girl. You're braver than me, I've never approached a guy I was interested in. That takes lot of courage. I do good just to throw a smile their way, lol!! Hope it works out. :)
This thread made me smile! I'm happy for you softblackcotton, but please continue to put yourself out into the dating world. Don't make the mistake of hanging all hopes and dreams into one guy, no matter what. Mingle, mingle, mingle. If you two are meant to be together, he'll make sure that he's the only one you're seeing.

Good luck!
Final update: found out finally that he has a girlfriend. I don't why I took so long to think to ask. I told him I'm not interested in attached men. He wants to be friends but I don't think it's going to work. Game over!
Final update: found out finally that he has a girlfriend. I don't why I took so long to think to ask. I told him I'm not interested in attached men. He wants to be friends but I don't think it's going to work. Game over!

I knew it.......... Glad you found out his behavior was not about you. On to the next!

Sent from my HTC Glacier using HTC Glacier
Awww, I'm sorry softblackcotton. :needhug: This was a great story and a learning lesson. :yep: A) You can approach guys and get a positive response and B) if he isn't responsive then something might hold him back.
Don't let that deter you in your love search, though. You'll find the one you deserve. :yep: