Getting Shot Down by First Man I've ever approached...

Well an almost happy ending. Lesson here was to not over think (I'm also quite guilty of that). I'm glad that you decided it was Game Over.
I'm actually about to be in this same boat with the guys I like. I called my brother, who is usually pretty good on guy advice (at least, in his own way) and he has informed me that to find out if they are reciprocating my interest, I must nonchalantly ask if they want to hang out twice and if they say no, then to leave it alone. I don't know what to do if they say yes; I haven't gotten that far. :look:

Yeah....I agree with that somewhat..... I mean, not to disregard your brother's advice or anything, but I'm afraid that even this isn't the best guage when trying to see if a guy is interested or not.

Sad to say, I've had an experience where I invited a guy to quite a few things, and he would always come, so...silly me, I thought he was interested right?? NOT! :nono:

One thing I've learned over the years is that guys (unfortunately) are equal opportunists. They can go hang out with you for hours every week, but that doesn't mean that they LIKE you. :ohwell: Some guys just like the company of a woman, or just like the attention or simply enjoy YOUR company...plain and simple. Guys are funny like that. Whereas we women usually don't just hang out with a guy that we KNOW is interested in us, if we're not interested in them. But guys are different in that regard I think. :look:

Honestly, I think the BEST guage is seeing what he's doing for YOU. If he's going out of his way to invite YOU places, or to get YOUR number, to call YOU, to find out how YOUR day was, etc. Then I'd say he's probably interested in some way. :yep:

I agree, I was like am I 6'10?? LOL

I'm not sure if he was interested...but I agree...staring means nothing to me!

You have to initiate and show genuine interest! :yep:

THANK YOU! :amen: I agree. Staring means nada to me these days. It can mean that a guy has an interest in something, but that interest may mean an interest in the shirt you're wearing, your hair style, the woman BEHIND you, etc. There are just too many variables!

The only time I assume something is when there are clear cut CONSISTENT signs of of interest. Something tangible. Not any of this: "Well, he stared at me for 2.5 seconds from across the room on Tuesday, Jan. 25th..." (Not Interested) :nuts: :nuts: Trying to decipher that stuff will drive you nutso! lol! :lol:

But if I say: "Well, he called me last night just to see how my day was and mentioned going out this Friday night to see a show"....THEN I would start thinking: (Interested)