"Get Your Hands Outta Your Hair" 2009 Edition


New Member
Hello Everyone :hiya2:! Welcome to the "Get your hands outta your hair" (GYHOYH) challenge for 09'. The purpose of the challenge is the same as last time, to tame the overmanipulation beast and to help achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy hair by length retention. A lot of times we lose a great deal of the length that we grow due to excessive heat styling and just putting too much tension on our strands overall. But it can be overcome. But remember, length is not all that's important. What really matters is developing good hair habits and achieving healthy hair. Healthy hair is beautiful hair and if your hair is healthy the length will come in it's own time :yep:.

Challenge Rules:

*Challenge will continue for all of 2009, but you can commit to as much or as little time as you want. If you join the challenge you have to commit to at least one month, but you could even commit to the entire year, if you would like.
**Make sure you post how many months of the challenge you are committing to and your starting and ending dates.
***Please let us know how you're doing on the challenge. You must check-in a minimum of once per month to let us know how you're doing. If you'd like to check in daily, weekly, or bi-weekly that's also acceptable
****You may rejoin this challenge after finishing the commitment time of your previous challenge as many times as you want before the end of 2009.
*****Try to post updates a minimum of once per month. You can also share what protective styles you used, what challenges you've been running across, what routines work for you, etc...

1. You may not manipulate your hair (as in flat iron, blow-dry, hot comb, or otherwise apply direct heat to your hair).
2. Daily grooming (like combing) is all right, but just ONCE per day. You may not excessively comb or touch your hair (and be gentle with your hair while grooming). Once your hair is in it's set style, leave it that way for the whole day.
3. You can use direct heat a maximum of once per month (Indirect heat like roller setting under a hood-dryer can be done regularly)
4. You don't always have to wear protective styles. You can wear your hair down or curled just so long as it's not done using direct heat (pin-curls, bantu-knot outs, braid-outs, rollersets, etc...) and you don't twirl your fingers in or otherwise bother with your hair throughout the day. This leads to breakage.
5. You may keep your current washing/conditioning and various other hair routines the same (such as scalp massaging, prepooing, etc...), just so long as they don't involve putting unnecessary stress on your hair.
6. Try to sleep with your hair wrapped in a satin/silk scarf, or otherwise secured (like in a bun or clipped up, for example). Hair can get very tangled when you wear it loose while you sleep, and this can lead to breakage.

**Helpful Tips**
-I find that it's helpful to plan out what styles you are going to utilize through the week. That way you have a plan and you'll stick to it.
-Spice up your protective styles! Make it appealing to you and express yourself. Getting board with your style choices? You could add accessories to add color and appeal to your look. You could also research different kinds of protective styles to give you a bit more variety.

Challenge Members

Simply Kelz
november wind
Mrs. Fitness

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to this challenge's sister thread "GYHOYH" Mothly Heat Pass/Final Reveal Thread :yep:.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I hope you enjoy the challenge :drunk:
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*Post from other thread*

Okay you know I am in. My start day is Monday Feburary 9 (I have already messed off this week..lol) thru March 31 (I have to straighten for progress pics for another challenge). Then I will resume until my next progress pics are due and so on. I plan to do this all year. I will post my progress pics from the other challenge in here too. I will end this challenge in December.
OK, count me in...it will be hard but I'll try it. I already know I'm going to be using my 1 month pass next week!
Count me in. I've already started doing all the things mentioned such as leaving my hair alone once styled.
I'm definitely in this time. I failed miserably in the last one. I will commit to 3 months.

ETA: My start to end dates are Feb thru the end of May.
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Welcome ladies who have joined the challenge so far. I just wanted to remind you all to please post how many months of the challenge you are committing to and what your start and end dates are. I'm committing to 3 months of the challenge. It will last from February to May.
I'm soooo in! This came just in time since I'm in the last 8 weeks of my relaxer stretch. I'm committing 8 weeks from today. I don't need to lose any more hair than I already am. :nono:
Okay, add me. I just washed my hair last night, use solar rollers on it, and sat under the soft bonnet. Right now it's in plaits!

Hello Everyone :hiya2:! Welcome to the "Get your hands outta your hair" (GYHOYH) challenge for 09'. The purpose of the challenge is the same as last time, to tame the overmanipulation beast and to help achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy hair by length retention. A lot of times we lose a great deal of the length that we grow due to excessive heat styling and just putting too much tension on our strands overall. But it can be overcome. But remember, length is not all that's important. What really matters is developing good hair habits and achieving healthy hair. Healthy hair is beautiful hair and if your hair is healthy the length will come in it's own time :yep:.

Challenge Rules:

*Challenge will continue for all of 2009, but you can commit to as much or as little time as you want. If you join the challenge you have to commit to at least one month, but you could even commit to the entire year, if you would like.
**Make sure you post how many months of the challenge you are committing to and your starting and ending dates.
***You may rejoin this challenge after finishing the commitment time of your previous challenge as many times as you want before the end of 2009.

1. You may not manipulate your hair (as in flat iron, blow-dry, hot comb, or heat straighten your hair)
2. Daily grooming (like combing) is all right, but just ONCE per day. You may not excessively comb or touch your hair (and be gentle with your hair while grooming). Once your hair is in it's set style, leave it that way for the whole day.
3. You can use direct heat a maximum of once per month (Indirect heat like roller setting under a hood-dryer can be done regularly)
4. You don't always have to wear protective styles. You can wear your hair down or curled just so long as it's not done using direct heat (pin-curls, bantu-knot outs, braid-outs, rollersets, etc...) and you don't twirl your fingers in or otherwise bother with your hair throughout the day. This leads to breakage.
5. You may keep your current washing/conditioning and various other hair routines the same (such as scalp massaging, prepooing, etc...), just so long as they don't involve putting unnecessary stress on your hair.
6. Try to sleep with your hair wrapped in a satin/silk scarf, or otherwise secured (like in a bun or clipped up, for example). Hair can get very tangled when you wear it loose while you sleep, and this can lead to breakage.

Challenge Members

Simply Kelz

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I hope you enjoy the challenge :drunk:
Just wanted to mention that you must check in at least once a month to let every one know how you're doing and what you've been doing with your hair, but if you would like to check in daily, weekly, or bi-weekly that's also all right.
Well, what I'm doing right now is just DC for the day. So that means no manipulation because the conditioning cap is on my head all day. After I wash it out later, I'll just moisturize, bun it up and scarf it.
I commit to do this from today until Dec 31st 09!

You know what, I think I'll do the same! I was only going to do it for three months, because I plan on relaxing three months from now, and then just rejoin after that but I'll just use that day as my heat pass day. So I'm in it for the long haul as well :grin:
You know what, I think I'll do the same! I was only going to do it for three months, because I plan on relaxing three months from now, and then just rejoin after that but I'll just use that day as my heat pass day. So I'm in it for the long haul as well :grin:

That's exactly what I'm doing too. The day I relax will be heat pass days.
Today I decided that I'm putting my hair in a high bun and just leaving it that way. I like it. It looks cute :). It looks a lot healthier since I've started DC'ing more frequently.
Today I decided that I'm putting my hair in a high bun and just leaving it that way. I like it. It looks cute :). It looks a lot healthier since I've started DC'ing more frequently.

I'm in the dc challenge too and my hair is loving it. I dc'd overnight with Sitrinillah and washed it out this morning. I bunned it up and had about 2 hours bf heading to my parents. I'm there now. Everything is dry but the center,I'm sure.
Today is my first day of this challenge. I havent touched my hair at all. So far so good. I will apply my growth aid tomorrow night.
I'm in the dc challenge too and my hair is loving it. I dc'd overnight with Sitrinillah and washed it out this morning. I bunned it up and had about 2 hours bf heading to my parents. I'm there now. Everything is dry but the center,I'm sure.

Yeah, I love the luster and the sheen I achieved from the DC challenge :yep:.
So far so great. I only touched my hair once yesterday to apply my growth aid. I am not touching at all today. I think this challenge will help me more than any.
I am so doing this challenge, COUNT ME IN!!!

I have this really irritating habit where I pick at my new growth cause I'm transitioning. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a teeny factor why my hair isn't growing faster...
Welcome to the challenge maddywoo13. I have the same NG picking problem, lol. Glad to hear everyone is doing so good. I've been doing pretty good as well. I've pretty much been leaving my hair alone, though it's hard for me not to touch my NG, so I can relate to Maddy. I'll probably be using my heat pass for this month on the 25th because the 26th is my birthday and I want to straighten my hair. But I may just do a braid-out. Haven't really decided yet. Either way I'll tell you guys about it and post the pics of my birthday-look in my fotki :).
Hi *Muffin*. If it's okay I would like to join, starting for a month for now. I've been wearing a wig and have cut down my co-washing to twice a week. I only comb on wash days. I'm also still using MT/OCT and taking chlorella/spirulina. Thanks =)
Hi *Muffin*. If it's okay I would like to join, starting for a month for now. I've been wearing a wig and have cut down my co-washing to twice a week. I only comb on wash days. I'm also still using MT/OCT and taking chlorella/spirulina. Thanks =)

Sure, november wind. Good to have you back :).
I have been slacking off a little. I am determined to stay outta head though. I have been maintaing my protective style, but I have habit of taking it down to scratch my scalp:nono: It relieves stress:perplexed