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I also wrote about this on my blog today.


I was thinking and came up with this idea that your hair really is a discipline. You really have to make a concerted effort to care for it. You really have to be a master at knowing and listening to your hair. You have to know when to lay off the moisture and up the protein. You have to know when your ends are thin that it can either mean it's growing or it's breaking. That made me think of a comb ranking in hair care similar to belt ranking in karate. Here is what I came up with:


White signifies a birth/beginning. If you are a white comb, you are a beginner searching for knowledge. You're browsing mane & chic, books, and magazines looking for inspiration.


Yellow signifies the first beams of sunlight which shines upon a seed, giving it new life. If you're a yellow comb girl, you are in the phase of getting your first ray of knowledge, opening your mind, you may be reading MANE & CHIC for the first time, books, or joining a hair care forum. You're learning.


Orange represents the growing power of the sun as it warms the earth to prepare for new growth. If you're an orange comb girl, you're starting to really open your mind and develop. You're beginning to become more conscious about hair care, you know the myths perpetuated by the hair care industry about trimming, going natural, growing long hair and you want to debunk those myths.


Green signifies the growth of the seed as it begins to grow into a plant. If you're a green comb girl you're learning to make your own regimen. You see what works and doesn't work for you. The key here is you're strengthening and refining your techniques, regimens, and methods.


Blue signifies the blue sky as the plant continues to grow toward it. You’re learning more and more about hair, you may be getting into the secrets of hair care from other highly knowledgeable women who have strong healthy hair. You’re continuing to grow and develop.


Purple represents the changing sky of dawn. Purple combs are undergoing a new change and preparing for the transition to ultimate Black Belt Hair Status… or comb… whatever I said. If you’re a purple belt, you may have realized and educated yourself on the negative health effects of using caustic chemicals like relaxers and dyes. You decide to embark on your transition to natural hair.


Brown represents the ripening of the seed, a maturity. A brown comb girl is well into her transition, she is mastering caring for her natural new growth, her relaxed ends, and the line of demarcation.


Red signifies the heat of the Sun as the plant continues growing toward it. Red comb girls are getting more detailed knowledge. You’re learning to be more cautious when it comes to hair care. You don’t dare try any magic potions or lotions to get your hair to grow, or you are content with your own patience. You have learned to stick to the basics and that keeping it simple is key.


Black signifies the combination of White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Red. You have mastered all levels of hair care. You teach others about hair care, planting new seeds. YOU CONTROL YOUR HAIR; YOUR HAIR DOES NOT CONTROL YOU!!!
I like, I like.... though the relaxed sistas can't become a black comb? :look: I've seen some lovely, healthy heads here that would be worthy of black combs (in my head, at least).

:lol: And I know - it's coming from your POV as a transitioner..... but..... you know there are gonna be words about that, right? :lol:
I like this thread. I voted Green.

Naturallady, you are a black comb. (karate chop) :lachen:
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Ohhhh what a wonderful thread!!

I voted wrong though..I think i'm a green comb (accidentally voted for white)....
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I like, I like.... though the relaxed sistas can't become a black comb? :look: I've seen some lovely, healthy heads here that would be worthy of black combs (in my head, at least).

:lol: And I know - it's coming from your POV as a transitioner..... but..... you know there are gonna be words about that, right? :lol:

Sure sure... I'm biased on going natural... it's very progressive... I will venture to say that most women relax because they don't believe they can control their hair... they think relaxing is easier... we can do a poll on that too... but in order to be a BLACK COMB CHICK... you gotta be able to whirl and twirl that flatiron... you have to be a BEAST with BLOWOUTS and rollersets... why get a relaxer if you were truly truly a MASTER? Huh? Huh? Just food for thought. But yeah I do consider people like Cathy Howse and Lisa Akbari all Black Belt Chicks even though they were relaxed at the time they wrote their books, a relaxer was a choice for them not a last result. They could control their hair with or without a relaxer. I think PinkSkates is a Black Belt/COMB... actually I know a few on LHCF...SilverGirl... I could go on but most of the ones I found are featured on my blog... that's why I singled them out. You can have lovely hair, but you might go to the salon and get it done every week... BLACK COMB CHICKS ARE DYIers! They have skills to take care of their own hair, it has nothing to do with how good your hair looks. :yep::yep::yep: Plus, it's just my opinion... and who am I???
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Sure sure... I'm biased on going natural... it's very progressive... I will venture to say that most women relax because they don't believe they can control their hair... they think relaxing is easier... we can do a poll on that too... but in order to be a BLACK COMB CHICK... you gotta be able to whirl and twirl that flatiron... you have to be a BEAST with BLOWOUTS and rollersets... why get a relaxer if you were truly truly a MASTER? Huh? Huh? Just food for thought. But yeah I do consider people like Cathy Howse and Lisa Akbari all Black Belt Chicks even though they were relaxed at the time they wrote their books, a relaxer was a choice for them not a last result. They could control their hair with or without a relaxer. I think PinkSkates is a Black Belt/COMB... actually I know a few on LHCF...SilverGirl... I could go on but most of the ones I found are featured on my blog... that's why I singled them out. You can have lovely hair, but you might go to the salon and get it done every week... BLACK COMB CHICKS ARE DYIers! They have skills to take care of their own hair, it has nothing to do with how good your hair looks. :yep::yep::yep: Plus, it's just my opinion... and who am I???

:lachen: I hear you - That makes sense..... :look: I knew I wasn't a black belt, just yet!
My hair does what *I* want it to do :yep: and I am finally seeing length retention :up: all that is left is for me to coast to my length goals, so on that note I am claiming BLACK COMB!!
I'm a green comb girl, finally getting into sync with my hair, still a young grasshopper

Now if I could channel my CHI (life force Not the FLAT IRON LOL) and grow 2'' a month that would really be something :grin:
Im on the purple level of my journey. Im not ready to transition, but when I do decide Im ready in a couple of years maybe--I'll already have a lot of knowledge on taking care of natural hair.
in order to be a BLACK COMB CHICK... you gotta be able to whirl and twirl that flatiron... you have to be a BEAST with BLOWOUTS and rollersets... why get a relaxer if you were truly truly a MASTER?

Suppose you don't want to ever put heat on your hair and you're a natural? Can I never be a black belt?
Suppose you don't want to ever put heat on your hair and you're a natural? Can I never be a black belt?

I think naturals that never use heat absolutely are Black COMBS... let me divert you back to the ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION OF A BLACK COMB CHICK. I was just using the example of straightening by heat to demonstrate why relaxers would be obsolete to Black Combs/Masters of hair care. Infact, maybe Black Comb Chicks wouldn't use heat at all and have accepted and embraced the nature of their hair in all it's glory. At this level hair care is no longer just hair care... it's a state of mind... it's a mentality. Perhaps I've made it too easy in my descriptions to reach Black Comb status... it shouldn't be something easy... it should be hard almost unattainable... we should strive towards that... think about it... if you were living barefoot back to basics happy on a private island eating exotic fruits and berries and drinking coconut juice would you really be concerned with relaxing/straightnening your hair... I think the Black Comb has reached hair nirvana. :grin: It's all in fun folks.


Black signifies the combination of White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Red. You have mastered all levels of hair care. You teach others about hair care, planting new seeds. YOU CONTROL YOUR HAIR; YOUR HAIR DOES NOT CONTROL YOU!!!
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I put purple but I think I'm purplish brown. I have more natural hair than I do relaxed, but when I whip out that CHI and some ION Straightener and Biosilk... well you would never know:grin: I think I am at peace with where I am now. I just recently grew out of the "Go to Sallys, lok for a relaxer, get to the register and turn around and put it back and get some conditioner instead" phase. Next stop is getting rid of all my bad products I don't use and sticking 100% to my regimen. I have also gotten rid of the scissor obsession and haven't trimmed since Dec 5. I think I'll be a Black Comb within a month of BCing. I'm so used to my natural hair I don't think I'll suspect any surprises and I know what works for it since I'm more of a straightener than an airdryer regardless.
Love this thread, but I voted green because that's exactly what's going on with me currently. But give it a few years and I just might earn me a black belt/comb.