Generations of LHCFers?

What class?

  • Class: Before 2000

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • Class: 2000-2002

    Votes: 19 3.7%
  • Class: 2003-2005

    Votes: 122 23.5%
  • Class: 2006-2008

    Votes: 248 47.8%
  • I gave up on hair hasn't gotten longer

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I've reached my length goals and now post infrenquently (lurk)

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • I've reached my length goals and will always post

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I haven't reached my length goals...YET!

    Votes: 116 22.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
About a week ago I was browsing through a really old thead and found dozens of gorgeous heads of hair that I had never seen before. I looked up some of the usernames and many of the LHCFers were avid posters who no longer post. I realised that this is probably because as we reach our length goals and go into longterm hair maintence many of us no longer need expeirement or ask questions and post less. (For example, Macheireamor and Bubblin' used to post frequently and no longer do, which means LHCFers a year or two from now may only know them as the LHCF Holy Grail...LMAO...JK...well, kinda. Therefore it seems like there are generations or classes of LHCFers.

All of this to say, what class are you? Who did you "come in" with? Is there anyone who no longer frequents the board that has great hair that the new classes should know about?

ETA: Unfortunately, I did not select "multiple anwser" so...if anyone knows how I can fix that please let me know.
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This is cute...
I'm class of 2006-2007 (somewhere there), beginning lurking.
I think I've slowed down checking the forum too.

From 10/day to 5/day....
I just joined last March. I haven't reached my goals. I'll be on here for a while :grin: And when I do reach my goals, I think I'll still be on here.
class of 06-08. signed up in 06 but became a paid poster in 07. i still have at least another 2 years before i reach my goal.
Class of 2000-2002.

I first visited LHCF way back in 2000, :blush: but didn't officially become a paid poster with a username until 2006. :lachen:
I'm an old G even though my date says 2004 I was here when it first started. I was a member of the BHSGO on Yahoo groups and when they closed I believe the founder started this board and a lot of the BHSGO members came here. I had a different user name but I forgot what it was before. I fell off the wagon many times so I would only lurk now and then but now I'm determined.
i just joined in Feb. 08. i am apl and trying for mbl so i have a while to go before i hop off the forum. you my girls (tear)
I joined in 2005. I met my original goal plus some and still growing. I don't post as much as I used to but I post fairly regularly still, just more on the off topics than the hair board. I always feel like I should be saying more about hair, but I have nothing interesting to share because I do next to nothing with my hair.
I didn't officially join until '04 but I have been here since '03. 5 years!:blush:

Very few of the people from those days are still around and the ones who are don't post much. I guess people just move on.
I voted 2006-2008, even though I joined late 2005. I did reach all of my relaxed goals, but now I have new goals as a natural. I don't post as much as I did before, but I'm around.
I'm an old head. Class of 2003. Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post. It just depends on my mood. I spend more time answering pm's and emails than anything.

I remember Adrienne, Hairlove, Boadecia, Supergirl, Allandra, Peachtree, Cybra, Nay, CaramelHonee, and so many others that had albums filled with beautiful pictures. I need to go look some of those ladies up to see what's going on with them.
I'm in the 2006 class. I lurked for about 3 weeks. I know that I could post more, but like Cichelle I don't do a lot to my hair. I'm not at my goal yet, but it is just a matter of time passing. I do plan to continue to post after I meet my goals. I'm also very lazy about updating pics even though they are in my camera.

This is a good post CMW, it reminds me that I need to come in here more frequently. :)
Class of 04 in da house!
I remember when I first joined I looked up to many ladies that no long post as often some being Kitchentician, Sherrylove, Peachtree and Southerngirl to name a few. I don't post as often anymore, but I still come to check in, answer some pm's and to see what's going on every now and then. I'll never leave completely :)
I'm an old head. Class of 2003. Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post. It just depends on my mood. I spend more time answering pm's and emails than anything.

I remember Adrienne, Hairlove, Boadecia, Supergirl, Allandra, Peachtree, Cybra, Nay, CaramelHonee, and so many others that had albums filled with beautiful pictures. I need to go look some of those ladies up to see what's going on with them.

*Off to go stalk:look:...I mean check out...some of these ladies albums.*

OT: Hopefully, you will have space for me in your chair when I go visit my parents later this year.
*Off to go stalk:look:...I mean check out...some of these ladies albums.*

OT: Hopefully, you will have space for me in your chair when I go visit my parents later this year.
Just let me know!! Have fun stalking those albums. Hopefully they are still available.
Im class of 2006-2008
I found LHCF Dec 2006 and started my journey Jan 2007
Its only been alittle over a year and I started off with damaged grazing shoulder length hair and now I am almost BSL.
I havent reach my goals yet but even when I do ill still be around.
Class of 04-05 (if you include the time I lurked before joining :look:). There are definitely some people who were inspirational regulars when I joined (both relaxed and natural) that I don't see too much anymore.

Of the top of my head I can think of: so1913, southerngirl, nurse98, sylver, and some others I can't think of.

I don't come into the hair forum as much anymore (though I have been popping in more this last week), so a lot of the people who post in here are unfamiliar to me.
Class of '02 here! Yeah, my post count is terrible but you all should see my pm box, lol! That's me, more of a lurker, pm-answering type. :) I was directed to LHCF after the yahoo group left, I think it was BHSGO? Old heads help me out here, I am getting old and the mind is going :nuts:. Anywhoo...I had already bc'd when I got to lhcf, and was a former np WOW. I had to leave from there as it was getting a "tad" too militant for me, personally, even though I was militant in the beginning of my natural journey, guilty as charged. LHCF served my needs much better and will continue to, thanks ladies! I grew my hair to near waist (some say I was waist, some say almost waist, so I just claimed it, hell :yay:) while on np and LHCF, cut it off in 2007 and am currently growing it back out...for now :grin:. I am trying to post more these days, hopefully to help someone out there who has cut their hair, by choice, and going for round two. Ding, ding! :boxing:
C/O 2006-2008 here. :grin:

I come and go in spurts, and this is usually determined by my schedule and also mood. There are months at a time where i am really excited/passionate about hair.... then there are long stretches when im so over my hair, and cant stand to look at it or touch it, let alone read/post about it. :lol:

But i think i'll always be a member here, and i'll probably always continue to post, even once ive exceeded my hair goals. I remember when i was a newbie and totally clueless about hair. And it was all the ole' school members who were so patient, kind, and helpful to me. I appreciate them staying around and "giving back," if you will. It's important to take the knowledge we've learned and "pay it forward." So that's why im gonna try and always be around, even if not as often as the past.
If lurking counts, I say 2003. I was on bedrest during my 1st pregnancy and had nothing but time on my hands. However, I did not join until 2005.
I'm an old head. Class of 2003. Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post. It just depends on my mood. I spend more time answering pm's and emails than anything.

I remember Adrienne, Hairlove, Boadecia, Supergirl, Allandra, Peachtree, Cybra, Nay, CaramelHonee, and so many others that had albums filled with beautiful pictures. I need to go look some of those ladies up to see what's going on with them.

She was one of the main reasons of why I joined. I wonder what she and her hair are up to??? There was another member from CA, too. Her name escapes me but man...gorgeous hair.
I'm class of 2006-2008. I lurked for a month and joined May of 06.

I've reached my first goal of my goal is MBL. I'll see by then if I want WL, it is just alot of hard work for WL...I know my little momma is there and I catch hell!!!:lachen:

I will still post once I reach my goal!!!! :grin:
I am in the class of 2006-2008.

I am sometimes posts in forums, however, I really need to stick with hair care. That is the main goal for this forum. I started lurking KiniKakes Fotki and CarmelAkA, donspeakdefeat,prettyeyes, Mook,Minzani Mami, Marceriamour,SistaSlick:

I stakled and read their sites as well as PM and emailed these ladies and they graciously helped me! I get inspired by their progress!:yep: I will be here until I reach my Goals of BSL by 12-31-2008 and WST 12-31-2012 "Lord Willing".

I take care of my hair and I just like these ladies I listed above would want some one here to come visit Stalk (in a good way):yep: To help and teach them about hair growth and hair care!:yep:
03-04 rite hurr baby! lol
i've been a member for such a long time... i don't post much because for much of that time i used to cut my hair a lot and like cichelle and others said... i do next to nothing to my hair. Some older heads may remember my posts in off topic when i had serious self esteem issues tho