Generations of LHCFers?

What class?

  • Class: Before 2000

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • Class: 2000-2002

    Votes: 19 3.7%
  • Class: 2003-2005

    Votes: 122 23.5%
  • Class: 2006-2008

    Votes: 248 47.8%
  • I gave up on hair hasn't gotten longer

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I've reached my length goals and now post infrenquently (lurk)

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • I've reached my length goals and will always post

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I haven't reached my length goals...YET!

    Votes: 116 22.4%

  • Total voters
She was one of the main reasons of why I joined. I wonder what she and her hair are up to??? There was another member from CA, too. Her name escapes me but man...gorgeous hair.[/quote]

*continues STALKING* Yea, I said it, what? :spinning:
I'm the new generation:yep:
I found LHCF in 07 .. didnt pay til 08.

My hair goals line up with my highschool years I should be WL when I graduate in 2010. God forbid no setbacks that is ..

&& I will def. try to stick around .. b/c if it wasn't for some of the oldies I would've never have found it ..
I chose '06-'08
I lurked all of '07, registered in like Oct. '07, and paid in Jan '08.
I lurked in the Feature of The Month section for a month straight. I needed immediate access to regimens & pictures. Then I registered to get passwords to Fotki-stalk. :look:
OMG, I cannot believe I have been here since 7/05! Not only do I feel like a stranger here..., I haven't made any progress at all:nono::sad::cry3:
All of this to say, what class are you? Class 0f 2007 (2006-8)

Who did you "come in" with? I have no idea because I was mainly searching the archives, reading threads and looking at fotkis -trying to deal with the dryness.
Is there anyone who no longer frequents the board that has great hair that the new classes should know about? I am very sure there are, but I am not sure of their names. You do come across a lot of them by reading old threads.
I don't have a concrete goal, just to keep my hair healthy and retain length. WL would be cool. I am retaining more length, so we shall see.
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Class of 2006 here (that's when I registered and paid for the membership) I started lurking back in 2005 :sekret:
well it says an earlier date but i just registered for free then. i occasionally lurked for a while around the time when you didnt have to pay and when there was merchandise on the home page(what ever happened to that?) ive made progress on other sites but this is my first official year here. its a bit slow now but my hair will be poppin by next year:yep:
Awwwww I guess I am an "old" head too :blush:!! I came to LHCF in June 2003 looking for tips to grow my then relaxed hair and saw crlycurly, sylver, hair love and peachtree's albums and became intoxicated with natural, curly hair. I dabbled in texturizing for a while, went back to relaxed and now am transitioning to natural so I've had quite a few restarts. I love it here!!! Ppl are always willing to answer questions and help you out!! :grin:
Lurked for a minute but I signed up Jan 06 after I had read Cathy Howse book and got serious about growing my hair in its natural state and still didn't comment for a minute.

I would always get this message saying to become active in the threads, I was like :nono:. I have nothing they would want to know or hear about. But I finally got the guts to start speaking up and asking questions.

Hopefully in the next 2 years I will reach ALL of my goals. I hope I will still be active enough to answer questions and help others who are new or still trying to reach their goals.
About a week ago I was browsing through a really old thead and found dozens of gorgeous heads of hair that I had never seen before. I looked up some of the usernames and many of the LHCFers were avid posters who no longer post. I realised that this is probably because as we reach our length goals and go into longterm hair maintence many of us no longer need expeirement or ask questions and post less. (For example, Macheireamor and Bubblin' used to post frequently and no longer do, which means LHCFers a year or two from now may only know them as the LHCF Holy Grail...LMAO...JK...well, kinda. Therefore it seems like there are generations or classes of LHCFers.

All of this to say, what class are you? Who did you "come in" with? Is there anyone who no longer frequents the board that has great hair that the new classes should know about?

ETA: Unfortunately, I did not select "multiple anwser" so...if anyone knows how I can fix that please let me know.

Well I remember Bublin saying she would not be on as much becasue a change in her job (I think) that would require more responsibility thus prioritizing. I think I remember reading something similiar for Macherieamour.
You have to also consider those thatt have reached their goals, then like me decided to transition and/or BC to go natural. So many have been on here long enough to reach their goals twice. I have noticed that.
I joined in Jan 2008 after seeing so many people on talk about the site. I am no where near my goal length, so I will be a lurker for life, even when I reach my goal of 20-24 inches all around
I'm in the Class of 2003. :) I reached my goal of having healthy, thick, beautiful hair long ago and I still post often.
I came in as a lurker at the beginning of the year with relaxed BSL hair...within 4 months, I've gone to TWA I think I may be on here for a bit, lol:rolleyes:
Class of 2003! I have reached my goal - hip length :yay:
I still love this place, but I'm mostly on OT nowadays... :grin:
I joined in 05, I did meet my goal of becoming natural like I wanted to when I first got here. I am maintaining my hair which is healthy. My goal for now is to reach apl hopefully by the end of the year.
I actually was told about the board in 2006 but didn't really start serious haircare till last year (2007) - The people that introduced me to the board were never active just members that lurked... one is BSL the other is APL (both started at neck length)

This is the healthiest(though not longest, yet) I can remember my hair being and now I KNOW how to look after it :yep:

I've BC-ed twice :look: but will not be doing that again till I'm WSL (so I expect to be here awhile).
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I'm in the class of 2006 - 2008. I joined in July '07 and I'm working on my goal of BSL. But, I guess I need to reach APL first :grin:. Ok, I'm grazing APL.
I only joined last no I obviously have not reached my hair goals. I can't believe it's only been a month. It feels like it's gonna take me forever.:sad:
In my sig it says I wanna reach APL, but really I would like to reach MBL. I like to take little steps otherwise I get put off real quick.
I'm giving myself til' december to reach APL. *Praying*
I'm Class of 2006 since I found and joined the site in 2006. I plan on graduating in 2008 :grin: with a Ph.D in MBL on Dec. 31, 2008, lol. I still plan to check in to see what's goin on though. I've never been a serious poster, so I'll still probably post the same amount as I do now.
I started lurking at the end of 2005, but officially joined and started posting in 2006. It was the time that I went natural and started seeking information.
I'm farely new to LHCF (March 08) and I have a long ways to go b/f I reach my goal so you ladies will be looking at my mug for awhile. But if and when I do reach my goal I think that I'll still be around...unless I discover a new obesssion.:drunk:
I lurked for a while before joining and have not posted very much. I go through spurts where I really don't want to read or talk about hair. I get frustrated when I am constanly checking for growth and having to trim only to get back to the same place. You know the saying "a watched pot never boils". I have to get away sometimes and try not to think about it. Otherwise, I feel like I am making little or no progress. I am grateful for this site though (and BHM as well) and all that I have learned here. It has been a great inspiration. If it wasn't for these sights, I'd probably stil be blowdrying the he!! out of my hair and chopping it off every time I get frustrated with it.
I lurked for a while before joining and have not posted very much. I go through spurts where I really don't want to read or talk about hair. I get frustrated when I am constanly checking for growth and having to trim only to get back to the same place. You know the saying "a watched pot never boils". I have to get away sometimes and try not to think about it. Otherwise, I feel like I am making little or no progress. I am grateful for this site though (and BHM as well) and all that I have learned here. It has been a great inspiration. If it wasn't for these sights, I'd probably stil be blowdrying the he!! out of my hair and chopping it off every time I get frustrated with it.

CONGRATS on your progress, your hair looks great!