Friends to more...STOP IN HERE


New Member
:wallbash: Has anyone ever done this before? I am friends with this guy, I can;t really describe the level that we are at. I know him through school and well i have had a serious crush on him since i saw him. I think he is one of the best ppl i have met, very smart funny caring fine as all get out.. He is white but well who cares. What i am more concerned with his well how do i tell him. He is going to italy for the semester so i was thinking of easing it into an email. The deal is, is that i think he likes me too. We work together and basically i got the hint that he was interested in me and all of our mutual friends think he does as well. He would always treat me a little differntly in a good way. i dont know... But i do want to tell him.. HOw do i do it? Do i tell him? help meeeeeee:wallbash:
Hey PrettyPuff!

Here is my story:

My SO and I have been really close friends since 1999. His late Grandfather was the pastor of the church I attended and so as the youth of the church, we were always together and a close bond formed. We were so close I used to help him talk to girls and reconcile with I always kinda felt attracted to him but I never really paid any mind to it. Well fast forward about 5 yrs to 2005, i could ignore the feeling anymore and I noticed we would flirt alot and he began calling everyday, multiple times a day...not like his usual every other or every other other day routine.

One day after we left the movies, i texted him and told him i was feelin him and if he didnt feel the same it was cool, i just had to get it off of my chest. He said he was waiting on me to say something and the rest is history!!

We did talk about it possibly affecting our relationship but love won and its been heaven sent ever since!

I say if you pray, pray about it. Feel him out...take your time too, if he is yours, he will be there. I was a punk and sent a text, i would suggest talking in person but to each his own.

Let us know what you decide!!