I can't stand my boyfriend's friends....

OP, It's more than likely, your BF is doing the same mess as his friends, YOU just haven't found out.:look: Nobody hangs out with people they don't "mesh" with.

It's like someone that's against drug use hanging with a drug addict.:perplexed Birds of a feather really do flock together.

hm... well in college i had a friend who was a complete slut. she slept w. any and everyone and have had more than 100 sex partners. i, on the other hand, was a virgin, and planned to stay that way until marriage. she also was a drug user and had just gotten out of rehab. her sluttiness and drug use never rubbed off on me, nor did she want it to. i was friends w. her bc even though she did things i didnt agree with, she was one of the most loyal friends i've ever had. she deeply cared for me and actually protected my honor more fiercely than i did my own.

so i have to say it isn't always the case of what your friends do, you do.
hm... well in college i had a friend who was a complete slut. she slept w. any and everyone and have had more than 100 sex partners. i, on the other hand, was a virgin, and planned to stay that way until marriage. she also was a drug user and had just gotten out of rehab. her sluttiness and drug use never rubbed off on me, nor did she want it to. i was friends w. her bc even though she did things i didnt agree with, she was one of the most loyal friends i've ever had. she deeply cared for me and actually protected my honor more fiercely than i did my own.

so i have to say it isn't always the case of what your friends do, you do.

Indeed, but unfortunately you will still be judged by others on the actions of friends and merely assume that your own behaviour is identikit to the company you keep. Not particularly fair but that's the reality. It was decent of you to maintain the friendship.
alla this

lawd no you didn't say tonk! :lol: i haven't played that in ages
i'm the master, though, and will gladly challenge you to a tonk tournament :boxing:

Word?????? That's what's up! Who else wants to play?

hm... well in college i had a friend who was a complete slut. she slept w. any and everyone and have had more than 100 sex partners. i, on the other hand, was a virgin, and planned to stay that way until marriage. she also was a drug user and had just gotten out of rehab. her sluttiness and drug use never rubbed off on me, nor did she want it to. i was friends w. her bc even though she did things i didnt agree with, she was one of the most loyal friends i've ever had. she deeply cared for me and actually protected my honor more fiercely than i did my own.

so i have to say it isn't always the case of what your friends do, you do.

My mom has a friend like this, just messy. She is still friends with her b/c she says she's a good friend and is very loyal and most of her other friends that she's been friends with for years and years they have their moments where they don't talk as much.

ThatJerseyGirl, are you gonna light up again? I think you wasted that other newport one hunnit upthread.

And plus, we still waitin' on some pitchas. I'm just saying...


But seriously OP, you can't police your SO's friends. He is not a child and you are not his mother. As previous posters have said, you just have to hope that he will make wise decisions for himself regarding who he allows in his circle of friends. He has ties to them for a reason. People are not just friends with people begrudgingly or by force. We choose who our friends are.

If the shoe were on the other foot, would you like him to dictate to you who you can and can't be friends with? Maybe you should spend more time developing your own interests and being around your own friends, and this wouldn't bother you so much.
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hm... well in college i had a friend who was a complete slut. she slept w. any and everyone and have had more than 100 sex partners. i, on the other hand, was a virgin, and planned to stay that way until marriage. she also was a drug user and had just gotten out of rehab. her sluttiness and drug use never rubbed off on me, nor did she want it to. i was friends w. her bc even though she did things i didnt agree with, she was one of the most loyal friends i've ever had. she deeply cared for me and actually protected my honor more fiercely than i did my own.

so i have to say it isn't always the case of what your friends do, you do.
There is a BIG difference between that random "ho friend" I'm sure every one of us has (just like the drunk uncle, the perverted ole grandpa, the stuck up cousin...just types) and HEAPS of NO GOOD MEN. One? Ok.

But all of his friends are SOOO bad and he hangs with them and yet is is SOOO different from all of them? This isn't a "hope he can steer that one friend" right or "This one friend is different and yet they're like the odd couple." When one becomes many, then it's time to really wonder what's going on...
Habesha is what Ethiopians and Eritreans call each other regardless of Tribal and Ethno-linguistic background.

I am an Eritrean My best friend and sister In law is Amhara but we are both STILL Habesha just like saying Oh she from new york and he from Texas but still American

welp, *lights up a newport one hunnit*.... glad i looked it up cuz i thought habesha was some type of exotic dish....but anywho...see below. i only copied n pasted some paragraphs..the others were just too dayum long and i can't pronounce half da stuff on hea so have at it...

The term Habesha (Ge'ez: ሐበሻ Ḥababaśā, Amharic (H)ābešā, Tigrinya: Ḥābešā; Arabic: الحبشة ‎ al-Ḥabašah) refers to the South Semitic-speaking group of people whose cultural, linguistic, and in certain cases, ancestral origins trace back to those people who ruled the Axumite Empire and the kingdom known as DʿMT (usually vocalized Diʿamat).

The term "Habesha" was formerly thought by some[18] to be of Arabic descent (who used the word Ḥabaš, also the name of an Ottoman province comprising parts of modern-day Eritrea and Ethiopia), because the English name Abyssinia comes from the Arabic form.[21] South Arabian expert Eduard Glaser claimed that the hieroglyphic ḫbstjw, used in reference to "a foreign people from the incense-producing regions" (i.e. Punt, located mainly in the coastal area of Eritrea and Somalia)used by Queen Hatshepsut ca. 1460 BC, was the first usage of the term or somehow connected, a claim repeated by others; however, this etymology is not at all certain, given the large time difference in the usage of the terms.[18]
No they are kind of standoffish until you get to know them We unfortunately can be kind of Clanish and introverted

They are usually very attractive ppl psychically. I have run into a few of them around my way but the ones I run into seem to have bad attitudes and a bit conceited. I don't think all of them are like this but I just didn't have great experience with them