Friend reveals that your current husband tried to hit on her 15 years ago....LONG


Well-Known Member

My gf called me frantic and the first thing she said was "Did ____ ever try and hit on you back in the day" I was like ooo, yuck no. Literally her dh is like a brother to me. Her now dh and a few us were all and still are good friends in college and have been for years. Now 13 years later, one of our friends has "confessed" that our gf's dh tried to have sex with her! :blush:

My gf was basically telling our other gf about some issues that she and her dh were having (bad move I know) she said then our gf was listening, commenting then just blurted out....."Yeah he's just a dog, blah, blah... I know this probably isn't the right time to tell you this but....." :look::perplexedYeah uh...:ohwell:ok. She went on to say that when we were all in college, she saw the then boyfriend at a party. A party that me nor my gf went to that night because we were studying (had hard majors) she went with another girl that was a loose acquintance of all of us. She said that they chatted, hung out a little (which would not be out of the norm if we saw your homegirls man out) etc and that the acquiantance left her to hook up with another dude and said "just ask __ to give you a ride" SO he's standing there and he's like "oh yeah, no problem".

This is to me where it gets shady.....or rather VAGUE.....she said that "they were sitting on the sofa talking and he (drunk) basically started coming on to her and got his pants un-buttoned and almost down" She said she just kept telling him no, that this is not right because of her friendship with our gf. She said he finally was like ok cool and left. My gf said that's all the specifics she got and she was too shocked to really ask anymore. She also said our gf was like "I just don't even want to get into because the whole thing is just messy" So that's all she said and I'm typing that verbatim. I wanted to call her up and drill her but I digress....

We were all in each other's weddings, when this gf got divorced, my gf's dh and my dh were all trying to set her up with new guys, visited all of at different times, alone with her kids, etc. We've all remained friends but now this, and why now?

I hate to say it but it backs up my belief that some women are just down right shady. I believe it happened, I do...I really do. BUT, I also think there is a very gray area between leaving this party and he jsut "all of a sudden came on to her" She also said she never brought it up again and he never said anything about it and she said she believes he probably doesn't even remember it. Also, most guys would have tried to put salt on the other girl to prevent any "telling" on the get-go, but this has never been the case. He even intervened when these two had a small falling out years ago, he was like "you knwo what, ya'll been friends for years, you need work that out" If he had this major secret, he would want her to have gone away years ago.

My question is why tell her now if this is in fact true? Why not have said something to her then? Gees, let her get married, help throw her a shower, but you're saying that he tried to turn you into a bootycall at 3am? And really what was your role? Why did you let him in, y'all sit around and "talk" at 3am? That to me is telling, he woulda let me out the car, I would have gone inside and said HOLLA. Men go by cues, if you gave them the cue that it was all good, then it was all good.....he had to have thought that he could try this. But she is almost making it sound like some type of attempted rape or something.

Well the issue now is, my gf is like does it matter now? Do I ask him, and of course, he will lie, if it is true and if not, do you lose a friend over some crap from 15 years ago when IMO I think both parties are at fault. I just think the whole thing is shady. I'm VERY shocked because as I said, we've all been very close over the years.

I think the gf probably slept with the dh and has probably done it on other occasions she just decided to tell because she is scorn, I would support my friend but let the other chick hit the wind... somethings you just don't do
I think the gf probably slept with the dh and has probably done it on other occasions she just decided to tell because she is scorn, I would support my friend but let the other chick hit the wind... somethings you just don't do

That was initial thought. I think they actually had sex.
I think "it" did happen and she has been burning inside all these years. Now she selfishly told you to ease her conscience. Now what is going to happe? It is going to burn inside you.

Homegirl is a joke. Misery does love company. If your other friend and her husband broke up over this, guess who would try to lick his wounds? Girl #1, she is a shady ****.

Taken from another thread on best advice given. Scasey wrote: "The best kept secret is the one you never told"--Momma (meaning, it ain't a secret if you tell it). Homegirl's secret from 15 years ago should have remained a secret.
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After 15 years I would have just let sleeping dogs lie. But if I was the wife I'm not sure I would ruin my marriage over something that supposedly happened 15 years ago. Even if she does ask the hubby he may lie or he may not remember. I think there is still a chance girl might be lying. She said he was drunk so did she let a drunk man drive her home?
After 15 years I would have just let sleeping dogs lie. But if I was the wife I'm not sure I would ruin my marriage over something that supposedly happened 15 years ago. Even if she does ask the hubby he may lie or he may not remember. I think there is still a chance girl might be lying. She said he was drunk so did she let a drunk man drive her home?

Girl one more thing I don't believe. I think that the hook-up process started at the party. How do I know? Because been there done that, a guy is not gonna try to sleep with you if you haven't given him the sign that you're down for it. He's not gonna waste a 'hook up' on someone that he doesn't think he's gonna get it from.
Right, true friends are hard to come by. This happened 15 years ago and why are they up in the house on the couch. He's drunk, if he did do it, he probably don't even remember. Misery truly loves company and I refuse to keep misery company.
Well, they weren't married and he can't really be held responsible for what he said while drunk. Any college-aged man is going to do that most likely. I think your friend should let it go.

Now, about the teller, she probably thought that so much time passed that it wouldn't matter. All of us have held our tongue at one time or another. It is slightly foul and we would have to have a talk, but not friendship-ending.
Not to excuse him if it is indeed true. But there are so many questions. Why did she wait 15 years? This happened before they got married? So why didn't ole girl tell the wife/her friend before the wedding day? So she's been holding a grudge against this man for 15 years? :rolleyes:

I don't know...I hope if there are no serious problems now in their marriage that this doesn't cause a problem or divorce. Part of me (smaller than a rice grain part) thinks she should discuss with the hubby just to see...but the bigger part of me is like what for.
The other friend is jealous.

If she was really wanting to prevent her friend getting hurt, she'd have mentioned it right after it happened or at least before they got married...

For her to wait as long as she did?:perplexed, then spit it out the way she did?:nono:

Not a true friend.. or maybe she is a true friend but she's also a very envious one

Sides he wasn't even married to your friend when it happened.
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I don't think she did 'it' but I think she may feel guilty about him coming on to her because she let it get that far. Both parties are at fault. IDK what to do.
The "newly" single friend is no friend at all. If she was going to confess, it should have come out way back then. The fact that she waited all these years until the now wife is having marital problems shows that she doesn't really care about your mutual friend.

Shes's just a hater!!
The "newly" single friend is no friend at all. If she was going to confess, it should have come out way back then. The fact that she waited all these years until the now wife is having marital problems shows that she doesn't really care about your mutual friend.

Shes's just a hater!!

I was like and why are you talking to a single chick that is divorced btw about your marriage:rolleyes: I had already given her some sound advice, and there she is out shopping her story around with her...I was like umm no.

I believe it happened but I believe she had a role in it too. I don't know if they got down to the knitty gritty and then decided for whatever reason she wasn't gonna do it-but it wasn't just like she told it.
Helz thats ole news and the past! I gather I'd be a lil pissed that ***** decided to reveal that bs now but oh well that was years ago. Tell your friend go see a therapist so she can rant and rave that **** outta her system and proceed with her married life. If a kneegrow would come confront me about some age ole bs I'd look all upside that head and ignore the question. None of that **** matters today.
Helz thats ole news and the past! I gather I'd be a lil pissed that ***** decided to reveal that bs now but oh well that was years ago. Tell your friend go see a therapist so she can rant and rave that **** outta her system and proceed with her married life. If a kneegrow would come confront me about some age ole bs I'd look all upside that head and ignore the question. None of that **** matters today.

You're right, I think I'm going to tell her not to even ask her dh about it. It's pointless really.
Oh tell her never to talk to that ignant chile again too. If she didn't tell when it happened no need to tell fiftyleven years later.
15 years after the single man's crime and he hasn't repeated this behavior. There isn't a thing she can do with the information. It's too late - who needs old news that may or may not be true.

Distance from this friend is needed if she plans to work on this marriage. A friend would never get caught with another friend's drunk boyfriend alone...
I like how Miss Lady is trashing the friend's husband in the story - talking about how he undid hhis pants but she was so innocent.

She sounds both immature and jealous - not someone you'd go to for advice and venting.
I like how Miss Lady is trashing the friend's husband in the story - talking about how he undid hhis pants but she was so innocent.

She sounds both immature and jealous - not someone you'd go to for advice and venting.

I'm getting more and more mad at the situation. First of all, this man I have known for years and I would never have suspected it. I know we do alot to stick up for men and sometimes unfairly attack women but you know what, we gotta do better..... women can be petty, manipulative and conniving.

The whole thing is so shady to me. And my gf is like polling me about her dh. NEVER has anyone's man tried to hit on me but I have always expressed clear boundaries with my friends men/so/dh whatever. I think men can spot an easy target and they know if you're "with it" I was always the "lil sis" friend or whatever, I don't get chummy chummy lilke that with someone's bf. If that had of been me and I could have seen getting a ride with him, you know the culture of college, I would have just hopped out and went inside. Why did you invite him in and what is there to talk about on the sofa after a party and we all know that at 19 that was probably 3am?:rolleyes:

I'm the aggressive one and this is my passive gf-she just brushed off what the other gf said because she didn't want her to think "it was that big of a deal and so long ago" Not me- I would have grilled her tail.

I believe I'm going to call little mama myself and ask her what I need to find out. Thanks for all your comments ladies.
15 years after the single man's crime and he hasn't repeated this behavior. There isn't a thing she can do with the information. It's too late - who needs old news that may or may not be true.

Distance from this friend is needed if she plans to work on this marriage. A friend would never get caught with another friend's drunk boyfriend alone...

Let the church say AMEN!!
I think that it did happen. I have had that happen to me. I was not really friends with her, but we went to high school and college and i knew her boyfriend. We were sitting on the edge of my bed in my dorm room watching a movie (i know i know he should have not been in my room, but we were cool, and we used to go in each other's room all the time, it was a whole bunch of us) he just started to TRY and kiss me, I SLID off the bed onto the floor lol and told him he needed to stop and isn't your girl preggo, and whatnot, he tried to lie about it (she was preggo, we thought it was his found out like 6yrs later that was not his child) after that i was never in his presence alone, 10 yrs later we don't talk about it, we are cool

Now maybe she did not say anything, b/c she thought that maybe she had precipitated it, yrs down the line she realized that it was not her fault. Also, it may have slipped out her mouth. As the friend was talking about how trifling (just a phrase not calling him trifling) her hubby was, ol girl slipped down memory lane and it slipped out.

Not every woman is trying to get with your/her man, and just b/c she is divorced don't mean that she is trying to break up everyone's marriage.
Oh and you can't go by I never seen it so its not true. My best friend's boyfriend was the best boyfriend for 4 yrs, all the girls thought so. Her nor I NEVER suspected that he was CHEATING the WHOLE 4 YEARS on her!
I'm getting more and more mad at the situation. First of all, this man I have known for years and I would never have suspected it. I know we do alot to stick up for men and sometimes unfairly attack women but you know what, we gotta do better..... women can be petty, manipulative and conniving.

The whole thing is so shady to me. And my gf is like polling me about her dh. NEVER has anyone's man tried to hit on me but I have always expressed clear boundaries with my friends men/so/dh whatever. I think men can spot an easy target and they know if you're "with it" I was always the "lil sis" friend or whatever, I don't get chummy chummy lilke that with someone's bf. If that had of been me and I could have seen getting a ride with him, you know the culture of college, I would have just hopped out and went inside. Why did you invite him in and what is there to talk about on the sofa after a party and we all know that at 19 that was probably 3am?:rolleyes:

I'm the aggressive one and this is my passive gf-she just brushed off what the other gf said because she didn't want her to think "it was that big of a deal and so long ago" Not me- I would have grilled her tail.

I believe I'm going to call little mama myself and ask her what I need to find out. Thanks for all your comments ladies.

Let us know what she say :sekret: