Does a guy's 'number' matter to you?

Most guys usually tell on themselves and from that you can gauge the type of person he is/his mentality

I do believe it matters. people keep talking about clean bill of you know how long it takes some STDs to show up?

You'd be surprised by how many people are mental cases not thru breakdowns or emotional trauma but due to good ol's syphilis festering around for years
Most guys usually tell on themselves and from that you can gauge the type of person he is/his mentality

I do believe it matters. people keep talking about clean bill of you know how long it takes some STDs to show up?

You'd be surprised by how many people are mental cases not thru breakdowns or emotional trauma but due to good ol's syphilis festering around for years

I agree. :yep:
If I know, its a huge turn off. I have never met a woman who praises a man for promiscuity or thinks is cool or manly the way its portrayed in the media. A man who is a slut is really not attractive.

That said I think if building a relationship, its best not to discuss the number at all. You usually get an idea from their dating history and their opinions on sex and modesty. You can generally figure out if they are in the same range as you, a little more or way more (and same for less). Without any numbers you can figure out if this persons sexual morals match your own. ( which i think is the real question people want answered not the number, 6 one night stands is different than 6 committed relationships)

I think talking actual numbers makes things uncomfortable and may even make people with similar sexual values abandon a relationship that could be worthwhile. It shouldn't even be asked.
It didn't matter to me. I never asked. In the two relationships I've been in the guy volunteered the information eventually. In both relationships it wasn't a problem for me to volunteer my number. I wasn't embarrassed about it. I generally don't think it really matters. But if he asks I'm not going to hide it. I wasn't turned off by either guy's numbers.
People always say women should respect their bodies and honestly men should too. You dont deserve a special pass because your a guy. I guy I dated awhile back confided he had been exposed to herpes by a former girlfriend. He never contracted herpes but there was no way I was going to sleep with him after that news.

**Insert unnecessary expletive here***Girl you were blessed, at least he was honest with you. So many aren't..(then again that works both ways)
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It used to not matter to me, my ex was a definite whore, and was very experienced...had a girl forgetting what day it was. But then that stuff got old...him constantly having women giving him a stank eye, finding out he had previously slept with aquaintences...and then on top of that he was a real dog. I was a little more naive so it got ridiculous. After that I decided man who sleeps with too many women has certain personal issues, and since he subconciously doesn't respect his body, he probably will have issues respecting me.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2
^^^I feel sorry for people who have that experience, or should I say I'm glad I'm able to avoid it. I can't imagine having dated someone where it's an issue that they know who I dated or slept with from personal acquaintance. Basically it ain't gonna come up for me that I'm dating a guy and he finds out I slept with his friend back in the day :lol:
If its really high I might would give a side eye. But other than that, no I don't care. Also, if it was in the past, thats cool, but if a guy is currently doing a bunch of sleeping around thats gonna be a turn off and I probably wouldn't take them seriously.

Wow @ not dating a guy w/over 5 partners. That would rule out every male I know:lol: High to me is like 40.
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You want to know if he's healthy, go get tested together.

I'm practicing celibacy until marriage. But this is something I plan to do with my boo before we get married.

As for the number, I would prefer my guy didn't have a high number of partners. I'm more looking for a guy that is accustomed to being in a long term relationship (2+ years); therefore, I would hope his number is pretty low (of course, depending upon his age, I will make some allowances).

But is it a deal breaker.....probably not, if he never acquired a STD. If he caught something once, then yes, it's a deal breaker and I am running to the hills.

I don't think it's necessary to have alot of partners to acquire sexual experience. But that's just my opinion.
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I agree with not wanting to ask directly and the guy better not ask me neither. However, given my non-existent history, I would not date a guy whom I perceived to have been with a lot of women. That's when the guy telling on himself (as posters above mentioned) comes in. I'm also in the narrowing down my dating pool drastically category, but I'm more than fine with that [shrug].
I agree with not wanting to ask directly and the guy better not ask me neither. However, given my non-existent history, I would not date a guy whom I perceived to have been with a lot of women. That's when the guy telling on himself (as posters above mentioned) comes in. I'm also in the narrowing down my dating pool drastically category, but I'm more than fine with that [shrug].

A little offtopic, but more women should be ok narrowing their dating pool. A narrow dating pool, weeds out the men you shouldn't be bothered with.

My dating pool is so sister is wondering if I'm EVER gonna get a date.
I'm not sure, i think i'd be turned very off if it was a number I perceive as high. But i wouldn't want to hold their past against them.

but as i've never slept with anyone i'd feel rather odd with someone that slept with tons of people. if you said you slept with 22 people I'd be side eying you. kinda makes me queasy tbh

does anyone know the national average for men? or does anyone have a good guess.
I will ask directly and I expect an honest answer. If I am asked I will give my SO an honest answer. When it comes to sex, I am of the frame of mind that if you are embarrassed about it you shouldn't be doing it, so I don't see the point in lying.
I will ask directly and I expect an honest answer. If I am asked I will give my SO an honest answer. When it comes to sex, I am of the frame of mind that if you are embarrassed about it you shouldn't be doing it, so I don't see the point in lying.

Exactly why lie? If your uncomfortable saying your number speak up and say so. You gotta be honest if you want to start a potential relationship off to a good start. My number is relatively low and I am very proud of it considering it's def not the norm.
Really??? Hmm...nope, we're both disease free and honestly, how many dudes (and women) are gonna be honest? I'm from the "don't ask, don't tell" school of thought

But I have to wonder if that's why HIV/AIDS is the number one killer of BW in America ...