For real though..........why do men play mind games???

He's getting you used to the ups and downs. You're already forgiving him for the bad cause you're waiting for the good to come. He knows that being consistent with his affection will make you expect that treatment. Instead he does the opposite so you never know what to expect and will have to accept whatever he throws at you. You're already giving his silly arse too much consideration. You are NOT responsible for his moods, he is!

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This may seem cut throat but I have a rule. If I have to question and analyze if a guy really likes me or not I assume he doesn't and KIM.

I think when a man (a real man, not these immature little boys) wants a woman he is straightforward and pursues.

Every single situation I've ever been in with the back and forth was either bc he just really wasn't feeling me like that and/or he s immature as hell and doesn't have a clue what he wants. Either way, I been there done that too many times, and these days when dudes come at me like that they get the dueces.

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:notworthy Thank you!!!!

I'm tired of his a$$ after reading OP's post and I dont even know him. 9/10 it boils down to the bolded. If I have to psycho-analyze our relationship you need to go.
IME, both Gemini and Libras are known for playing mind games. It's why I'd never date either of them.:nono:

ScorpioBeauty09 Good for you! Scorpios and Geminis.....the two couldn't be MORE incompatible or MORE dysfunctional together :lachen:

I'm a Gemini and my ex is a Scorpio. That relationship was like Jody & Yvette times 10!!! NOOOOOOO BUENNOOOOO :nono:
:notworthy Thank you!!!!

I'm tired of his a$$ after reading OP's post and I dont even know him. 9/10 it boils down to the bolded. If I have to psycho-analyze our relationship you need to go.

This may seem cut throat but I have a rule. If I have to question and analyze if a guy really likes me or not I assume he doesn't and KIM.

I think when a man (a real man, not these immature little boys) wants a woman he is straightforward and pursues.

Every single situation I've ever been in with the back and forth was either bc he just really wasn't feeling me like that and/or he s immature as hell and doesn't have a clue what he wants. Either way, I been there done that too many times, and these days when dudes come at me like that they get the dueces.

Sent from my SGH-T839 using SGH-T839

:clapping: :clap: :clapping: :clap: :clapping:
:clapping: :clap: :clapping: :clap: :clapping:
:clapping: :clap: :clapping: :clap: :clapping:
:clapping: :clap: :clapping: :clap: :clapping:
Libra's SUCK! Going through this foolishness with a Libra too. I feel your pain and frustration. Libra can be players and tend to have other lovers or potential lovers lying in wait. I find it best to have a libra you aren't that into or keep an emotional distance. They seem better fitted with Gemini, Aquarius and Leo's.

Mine seemed eager and interested and BAM nothing for a month. No response to any of my messages. It's been a mess, I usually KIM when they do this. I'm exhausted with all these emotions running through me. I think about him all the time, talk about him all the time. Been seeking advice from strangers like a crack head.:nono:

He always seemed more interested when I talk like I want to get rid of his butt. I really just want to move on and focus on anything not relationship related. I feel locked up and I want to be free. I want to get back to being happily single, when I actually enjoyed my own company. :lol: I tried moving on by communicating with other men but, his weird head is on my mind.:spinning: I really don't want to deal with men now. I'm tired. :yawn:

I feel like I should be given a diploma for all these lessons I'm learning. :nono:
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Girl I thought I was going crrrazy! I'm glad to see that someone else can feel my pain and no it's not easy, even when you think you are pretty strong. Apparently Libras are pros at playing mind games~~~how they do it, I'll never understand but right about now it sounds like you and I are dating twins. I mean when you said yours seemed eager and interested, I thought............wait, that sounds like the one I was seeing. And like you said.............BAM..........then NOTHING. It's like we never met or even talked. He wouldn't respond to my messages and when he did he was always apologizing. I'm so sick and tired of him but I just can't seem to move on. It's like.............dude got voodoo on me or something. I swear, I really do feel that way! He makes me crazy and I've never done anything intimate with him BUT how he treated me and talked to me left the best feeling ever. It's been a loooooooooong time since a man made me feel that way and I guess I can't stop tripping over the high. Man........I so wanna move on. I'm dating other men and calling on Jesus but still thinking about him throughout the day. This is crazy! I just can't believe anyone would take advantage of someone's emotions like that. They know that crap ain't right! Karma is a *****.........don't they know!

Libra men are quite dangerous...I know their kind all too well.

They are gooood at what they do b/c they are very passionate and caring people.

Also they are slow to commit as well...that high you speak of sounds all too familiar but when I was dealing with a Libra he wasn't my #1 during that time and I remember being so grateful that he wasn't b/c I would've been in trouble.

Take it one day at a time, doing no contact with a Libra is quite difficult. B/c they are not jerks and will truly be sad about your absence and resistance to communicate with them.

The analogy about the gambling was spot on, they are some tricky jokers…the type that will gas your head up all week about a date and then stand you up when the time comes.

Best of luck, I hope it all turns around.

Girl I thought I was going crrrazy! I'm glad to see that someone else can feel my pain and no it's not easy, even when you think you are pretty strong. Apparently Libras are pros at playing mind games~~~how they do it, I'll never understand but right about now it sounds like you and I are dating twins. I mean when you said yours seemed eager and interested, I thought............wait, that sounds like the one I was seeing. And like you said.............BAM..........then NOTHING. It's like we never met or even talked. He wouldn't respond to my messages and when he did he was always apologizing. I'm so sick and tired of him but I just can't seem to move on. It's like.............dude got voodoo on me or something. I swear, I really do feel that way! He makes me crazy and I've never done anything intimate with him BUT how he treated me and talked to me left the best feeling ever. It's been a loooooooooong time since a man made me feel that way and I guess I can't stop tripping over the high. Man........I so wanna move on. I'm dating other men and calling on Jesus but still thinking about him throughout the day. This is crazy! I just can't believe anyone would take advantage of someone's emotions like that. They know that crap ain't right! Karma is a *****.........don't they know!

Im dating a Libra and agree completely with your post. I want to move on but everytime I try I just... cant. It's scary actually. I just had a fight with him. He plays mind games and tries to flip an argument on me like it's my fault. Im hoping that someday I can move past this or that he will stop acting foolish. Either way I feel you girl.
Why are Libras better suited for Geminis Aquarius Leos

@ Lucia
Same triplicity. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are air signs and seem to understand each other without trouble. And Gemini is the biggest game players and seem to always have something going so they keep Libra on their toes. Leo's leadership pulls Libra and they get along with them too and seem to build a bond with them and a love match. Leo's, fire sign, however won't be able to keep them faithful. No one can sadly, especially when they feel their partnership has become boring, lacks something or fails to keep them engaged. Gemini's have the best chance of keeping them faithful IF they can maintain the image that Libra has of them. I Libra relatives and an ex-boyfriend. :nono:
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It's haunting that so many women have come here and told their experiences with dating libras. Astrology is something I have never really taken serious, especially coming from a Christian background but now I think I will have to second that. I think I will defininetly pay close to attention to both western and Chinese astrology cause some stuff really is point on. I'm kinda disappointed that I had to find out the hard way.
Wow I dated a Libra and he was sooo sweet to me I cant say Ive experienced anything you are going through with the Libra I dated. However, this is the same EXACT situation im going through the Gemini im seeing now. He is lethal and I cant seem to get him off my mind. He's great for about a week and then he wont return my texts until the next day and say he didn't see it or I wont hear from him for two or three days at a time. He is literally like a drug and I dont know how to get off of him. I know one thing when I finally kick this habit I will NEVER date another Gemini EVER they are very dangerous. I dont know how anyone whatever sign you are can be in a consistent relationship with them. They really do have split personalities and what makes it worse is he's a twin as well and his brother is engaged to his girlfriend of 5 years. I think I got stuck with the bad twin. :nono:

So as you can see OP im addicted to a man I know isnt good for me so I cant really give you any advice because I dont even know how to help myself :perplexed

Yep Geminis are fatal too. Funny your Gemini is a twin. My Libra is a twin~scary. Girl don't worry about giving advice, your post alone is enough support for me. This whole thing has been mind blowing for me and difficult. Two days ago, I'm convinced I had a full on panic attack. I really wanted to call him soooooooooo bad my I fought the feeling and somehow it manifested into a panic attack. I have never in my LIFE been this way toward a guy EVER! I was shocked that I was actually feeling this way. I'm trying to find strength in God right now. I have met someone else but he just isn't doing it for me. He's coming off as a know it all which drives me insane but my Libra was never like this. He just seemed to know what to say and how to say it. This other guy is a Pisces so I'll have to see how things turn out. As of now, he's annoying~I just hope it gets better.

Yep Geminis are fatal too. Funny your Gemini is a twin. My Libra is a twin~scary. Girl don't worry about giving advice, your post alone is enough support for me. This whole thing has been mind blowing for me and difficult. Two days ago, I'm convinced I had a full on panic attack. I really wanted to call him soooooooooo bad my I fought the feeling and somehow it manifested into a panic attack. I have never in my LIFE been this way toward a guy EVER! I was shocked that I was actually feeling this way. I'm trying to find strength in God right now. I have met someone else but he just isn't doing it for me. He's coming off as a know it all which drives me insane but my Libra was never like this. He just seemed to know what to say and how to say it. This other guy is a Pisces so I'll have to see how things turn out. As of now, he's annoying~I just hope it gets better.

Brighteyes, what's your sign? Im a capricorn so my libra and I are opposites but the attraction is dynamite.

Funny I told my Libra about this thread and he flat out told me, "I don't believe in astrology." Which is cool, except he fits the bill perfectly. :lol:

I have found that the more I give attention to his follishness the more I get anooyed and he continues to do it. I don't even call him anymore I wait for his call. The urge to do it is so high but I wait for it and at first he would call at 2am! I told him not to call me so late I have a life and said goodnight. Now he calls me at an appropriate hour. I think you can have your libra, but don't put all of your affection and attention on him. My mother had this talk with me after I read this post lol. She said see him because it will drive you crazy to be without him, but don't contemplete being with him forever just have fun. If he becomes serious then he will consider monogamy with you.

I'm doing this and I no longer worry if he will call or see me everyday, but he calls me and says, "How come you you didn't call?" :lachen:

Also I find this book very helpful:


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Girl I'm a Capricorn too and yep Capricorns and Libras are complete opposites. But apparently Libras possess something that drives us wild. If I were younger I wouldn't mind taking it easy and just sitting back and having fun but now that I'm older, my time is precious and I refuse to let some guy waste it on account of him being immature or just out right trying to be a playa. Gots to keep it moving but it really is hard. If I were you I'd be very careful with yours. Your heart is precious and doesn't deserve to be torn!
Well I confronted my Libra and we have brought this to a conclusion. Although we were sweet together, we are not right for each other. The pain, frustration and confusion is over. I am sad but I feel better. He admitted to being a coward and he said he has been ill. We both admitted there was no love match between us. I'm glad I had the courage to call him, instead of just trying to walk away wondering what happened. I needed closure.

Simply put, if a man is not showering you with attention he is not interested. Full Stop! The books right on this. In spite of what we think, it's not easy for a man to tell a woman he's not in love with her nor interested in persuing a relationship with her. I could hear it in his voice that it was a very painful thing for him to say. Because he does care about me and does not want to hurt me. But I pushed because I needed to move on and I need him to help me move forward. I told him I wanted to move on and he didn't want to close the door permanently. We agreed we could be friends. When I really thought about it, I felt the same way and it was confirmation of what I was thinking and feeling. I think I will post a seperate thread explaining the details of this relationship. It's been both a beautiful experience and interesting learning lesson. Maybe no one is interested. :lol:

I think the ladies having trouble with Libra are astrologocially incompatible as I am which is partly why we struggle with them. Libra's aren't bad people, they just detest confrontation and have problems moving on as well. Thank you OP for starting this thread it has helped me to heal. Ladies you will find love, and you will be loved right! :yep:
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Girl I'm a Capricorn too and yep Capricorns and Libras are complete opposites. But apparently Libras possess something that drives us wild. If I were younger I wouldn't mind taking it easy and just sitting back and having fun but now that I'm older, my time is precious and I refuse to let some guy waste it on account of him being immature or just out right trying to be a playa. Gots to keep it moving but it really is hard. If I were you I'd be very careful with yours. Your heart is precious and doesn't deserve to be torn!

Girl I completely agree with your post 110%. Everyone keeps telling me to just have fun including him and I'm so far and beyond just having fun. I'm 29 and he's 27, I want substance and consistency and he just i'snt giving me that. Its like he's perfect to me in every way besides his ups and downs. Guys I've been with in the past either annoyed me and after a couple of months or even a year or two I just lost interest. With him there is nothing this guy can do to turn me off. As soon I see him I melt inside its like OMG the attraction I have towards him is just freaking ridiculous words cant even explain :blush:. Its not just all physical because I enjoy his conversation and we have soooo much fun when we are together and we like almost all the same things (music,food,movies,tv shows,traveling EVERYTHING). This is the first time I have ever felt like this about a man and its scary as hell. When he calls and I see his number pop up on my screen my heart skips a beat. I try to let him lead with the calls and texts but that just isnt working for me anymore. Its been 5 months and I need to know something and he isnt telling me a thing. So I am at the end of my rope with him but I don't know how to cut it loose :perplexed
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Brighteyes, what's your sign? Im a capricorn so my libra and I are opposites but the attraction is dynamite.

Funny I told my Libra about this thread and he flat out told me, "I don't believe in astrology." Which is cool, except he fits the bill perfectly. :lol:

I have found that the more I give attention to his follishness the more I get anooyed and he continues to do it. I don't even call him anymore I wait for his call. The urge to do it is so high but I wait for it and at first he would call at 2am! I told him not to call me so late I have a life and said goodnight. Now he calls me at an appropriate hour. I think you can have your libra, but don't put all of your affection and attention on him. My mother had this talk with me after I read this post lol. She said see him because it will drive you crazy to be without him, but don't contemplete being with him forever just have fun. If he becomes serious then he will consider monogamy with you.

I'm doing this and I no longer worry if he will call or see me everyday, but he calls me and says, "How come you you didn't call?" :lachen:

Also I find this book very helpful:

I agree. My bf is a libra and I am taurus. I dont follw astrology, but I did look our signs up and said we could either be good, or horrible together because we are both stubborn. But I am learning my libra, and the bolded is soo true. I just ignore him when he has fits. i am still struggling with this, but most times, I just ignore him when he is in his moods, cause I know the next day he will be back to normal. It only makes it worse when I add fuel to his fire. But since I met him he has never been evasive or pulled disappearing acts. But he definitely does overthings to get under my skin. But i still heart him

I swear we are on the same wavelength or something cause I'm feeling EVERYTHANG you say ON POINT!!! I have met many nice men in the past BUT they were either boring, whinny or annoying and there is something in me that won't let me stay with a man that is boring, whinny or outright annoying. Even when I tried I just couldn't do it. I once dated this dude who thought everything was a joke and teased about everything. Okay that's all good cause I love a joke here and there but can we get serious sometimes?? God he used to get under my skin so bad and even after I addressed it with him, he still let it creeped back in so I eventually left that alone BUT grrrrrrl my Libra...........there's not a dull moment in the conversation what so ever and he jokes and teases but knows when to get serious. And his eyes!!! I have never met a man who could hypnotize me with his eyes alone!! And I hate to get all nasty here but let me just throw this out cause this is how bad it is...................I never had a physical relationship with him (thank God) but why am I turned on sooooooo easily by this dude??!! The shear thought of him sends my hormones through the roof and makes me wanna scream!!!! Yes it's that bad and I just can't believe it!! This has NEVER happened before. I so wish everything was mutual with this guy cause I think we could make a good pair but he I just can't deal with a man who is keeping me dangling!

And please don't listen to that just have fun stuff. That works for some people but not everyone. People are programmed different and respond to things differently. Also when does "just have fun" cross the line of using someone, allowing yourself to be used or having your time wasted?? You have to be careful with that one.
^^^ i agree with you, i am definitely not one of those folks who can just have fun. i get caught up wwayy to easy when its someone i like. my bff on the other hand, can do it with no problem.

Because we allow it...

AND, sometimes it bruises a man's ego when a woman leaves him first, he may make-up and brake up with you just so folk would say that HE LEFT you, kwim?

If you know in your gut that you are being played then leave for real, don't entertain him in any way...

I'm still trying to figure this one out and most men can't even answer it themselves. I have met this guy who is doing this and he just has me crrraaaazy. The funny thing is when I start ignoring him and stop answering his texts and calls, it seems to stimulate him and just for a hot minute he acts right!!!! WTF! Last week, I told him I don't want to see him anymore and lets both move on. Okay cool, he acted like he was cool with it and all and then like a few days later here he comes pouring his heart out to me and just acting like the most awesome guy in the world. He claims to want a relationship with me blah blah blah..............And I's all a mind game but WHY?????

Why do men play stupid mind games. Grow up already!!!
Libra's aren't bad people, they just detest confrontation :yep: and have problems moving on as well :nono:.

We do hate discord/confrontation/disrupt.

A libra will give it his/her all when they love you. However, when it is over, it is OVAH. Over like we never, ever knew you.

I swear we are on the same wavelength or something cause I'm feeling EVERYTHANG you say ON POINT!!! I have met many nice men in the past BUT they were either boring, whinny or annoying and there is something in me that won't let me stay with a man that is boring, whinny or outright annoying. Even when I tried I just couldn't do it. I once dated this dude who thought everything was a joke and teased about everything. Okay that's all good cause I love a joke here and there but can we get serious sometimes?? God he used to get under my skin so bad and even after I addressed it with him, he still let it creeped back in so I eventually left that alone BUT grrrrrrl my Libra...........there's not a dull moment in the conversation what so ever and he jokes and teases but knows when to get serious. And his eyes!!! I have never met a man who could hypnotize me with his eyes alone!! And I hate to get all nasty here but let me just throw this out cause this is how bad it is...................I never had a physical relationship with him (thank God) but why am I turned on sooooooo easily by this dude??!! The shear thought of him sends my hormones through the roof and makes me wanna scream!!!! Yes it's that bad and I just can't believe it!! This has NEVER happened before. I so wish everything was mutual with this guy cause I think we could make a good pair but he I just can't deal with a man who is keeping me dangling!

And please don't listen to that just have fun stuff. That works for some people but not everyone. People are programmed different and respond to things differently. Also when does "just have fun" cross the line of using someone, allowing yourself to be used or having your time wasted?? You have to be careful with that one.

Girl you aren't doing anything but preaching to the choir with the bolded. I look at him and I'm ready to go. All he has to do is kiss me or touch me and my juices are flowing I mean waterfall (sorry to be so vulgar) and no man has EVER I mean EVER had me like that its insaaaaaane. I think its best you don't get intimate with him unless he stops with all the games because trust that will only further complicate things and make it 10 times harder to walk away.

AND, sometimes it bruises a man's ego when a woman leaves him first, he may make-up and brake up with you just so folk would say that HE LEFT you, kwim?

If you know in your gut that you are being played then leave for real, don't entertain him in any way...
And this statement is so true men do not like for a woman to walk away they like to be the ones to break it off and they will most times come chase you get you back to where he had you and then its back to the same ole. I can't even tell you how many times I've blocked him from calling and texting me and then he comes apologizing, I let him back in and then its back to the regular scheduled programmed. I just really need to get my life together and leave for good.