Flying to SC tomorrow to meet my online BF...


Well-Known Member
Any advice ladies?

Well let me say this upfront. Yeah we met online. We have been talking and camming up for about 2 months. He is so so sweet. I've talked to his mom, sister, neices, brother on the phone or web cam.

It was my idea to come to South Carolina to meet so soon. I don't want to spend a lot of time talking before actually seeing him in person. He was planning to come here at the end of July. But oh well, me is me.

We sleep together every night....on cam. This was his idea initially so that I could see what goes on in his house. I'm sort of skeptical after the last guy I met online. So suffice to say, we are the first person each other sees when we wake up. My insomnia is a lot better now...that's strange. We talk on the phone all the time and he is very consistent. He doesn't hesitate to apologize if he thinks he's said something that might even remotely hurt my feelings.

He owns his own home and has run a successful business for the last 9 years. He's divorced with no children. While he's not degreed his business acumen is very on point. He's sort of a nerd. We both love computers and technology.

He has made a laundry list of things to do when he comes here, such as sheetrock repair, install a satellite in my home, fix my computer router and set up my home network, and fix some things at my parents house as well.

What else? I don't know we have just become very very close like inseparable these past two months. We think alike, make decisions alike, like the same foods, dislike the same things. Like for example we both hate people being loud in public or being embarassed in public. I cannot tell you how many men I have met of late that said " oh I like to make jokes when I'm out and oh yeah I'm a flirt in public or I will get you to loosen up". Uh no. This guy is very quiet and reserved like me.

Oh yeah, we have a chemistry that is pretty close to explosive. We've decided that on this initial trip nothing will happen unless we both decide to make a full bonafide committment. We will do what is best for us as a couple for the long run. He is willing to relocate to where I live. He has sent me flowers to my home and job. He just does this out of the blue or if I have a closing or if I just have a particularly bad day on the day job.

He only responds to his parents with "yes mam and no sir". His mom told me that he talks to me so much and about me so much she feels like she already knows me. This morning she said that she really hopes to get to meet me soon. She doesn't know it will be this weekend. We will be attending church with her. I'm a bit nervous about that.

One more thing. The ex that I thought I would never get over last year? Well I did. He is but a hazy memory now. I don't even know why I ever wasted my time on him. They are truly night and day. The ex was a pathological liar and I would catch him in multiple inconsistencies throughout the day. I have not experienced any of this with new guy. If I ask him something or want clarification about something he said he is more than happy to repeat it or explain it to my satisfaction.

But how crazy is this, they could be twins. Except my future BF is better looking. Shorter at 5"10 but way better looking. He used to be a model. Oh and he's 6 years younger than me.

So...yeah...I'm...getting...a....bit...excited. I went and bought a couple of new outfits. He told me to just wait until I got there and he would take me shopping because he wanted to find out what I liked. Smile.

Okay ladies, give me your best shot.
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since you've already made your decision,
i'd say not to stay at his place the first couple of nights (depending how long you are staying). I say this b/c you want to get a feel for how things really are.

Tell someone exactly where you will be.
Be alert. This is still a stranger.

Not to rain on your parade, but I think you still have to be careful no matter how things have been going.
I wish you the best. Good luck:)
Wow!!! Sounds to good to be true and I hope that it gets even better :grin:!
Have a wonderful time tomorrow and I hope this relationship works out very well! I want details when you return from your trip :yep:.
Be safe and blessed, Eliza.
since you've already made your decision,
i'd say not to stay at his place the first couple of nights (depending how long you are staying). I say this b/c you want to get a feel for how things really are.

Tell someone exactly where you will be.
Be alert. This is still a stranger.

Not to rain on your parade, but I think you still have to be careful no matter how things have been going.
I wish you the best. Good luck:)

Thank you Carlita. I will be staying at his home. I thought long and hard about that one. And decided that (after running a background on him...hehehe) that he was legit. I have looked up his deed on the home (paid off 3 years ago and in his name only), home phone listed in his name, vehicles listed at that address. Well don't forget I've been a cop for 15 years.

Oh and we will be having a barbeque at his home on Saturday to introduce me to a few of his friends and family. I was a bit unsure of this so soon. I would have sort of rathered this weekend just be us. But we have sort of agreed that if everything works out, he would like to change my name before 2009.

I told him depending on how we progressed I would not object to possibly considering that toward the end of the year. We shall see, we shall see.

Thanks again and I will be careful. My family all have gotten my travel itinerary, his address, his parents address and phone numbers.
Wow!!! Sounds to good to be true and I hope that it gets even better :grin:!
Have a wonderful time tomorrow and I hope this relationship works out very well! I want details when you return from your trip :yep:.
Be safe and blessed, Eliza.

Thank you Caribgirl. I was going crazy trying to pick out my outfits. He was running around fussing at his sister because she was suppose to come over and clean. But when he got home she was just getting there. She was laughing at him telling him that he was acting like a bride on her wedding day and to sit down somewhere.
Glad you found someone who you have the possibility of building a relationship with but I disagree with your would have been safer and caused him to put more effort towards you by coming to you and not you to him. {Yup, I'm a RULES lady}You've made up your mind and have plans to go to him, so be it.....but be oh so cautious...stay in a hotel as up star as you can afford; tell a few people where you will be contacts, names, locations. Take someone with you if possible then if it fizzles you'll have a trusted companion to have a mini vacation after all. God's blessings and guidance all the way. STAY SAFE!!!
wow I really hope that he is as nice to be around in person as on cam and online. Have fun on your trip and keep your eyes open:look:. Good luck on your trip and be safe. And yes I am looking forward to details later.:yep:
Glad you found someone who you have the possibility of building a relationship with but I disagree with your would have been safer and caused him to put more effort towards you by coming to you and not you to him. {Yup, I'm a RULES lady}You've made up your mind and have plans to go to him, so be it.....but be oh so cautious...stay in a hotel as up star as you can afford; tell a few people where you will be contacts, names, locations. Take someone with you if possible then if it fizzles you'll have a trusted companion to have a mini vacation after all. God's blessings and guidance all the way. STAY SAFE!!! the past I've done just that. Well I have never traveled to meet anyone before. I have met two men who traveled here to meet me. What I later found was that when they were on my turf they could be whomever they chose to be. One had a whole dang family back in NJ. The other was living with someone. That was part of what made me decide to go to him.

Because I do like him so much I wanted to know upfront and sooner than later exactly what I was dealing with before I became emotionally attached. I decided to stay at his home because I wanted the opportunity to see just what was what. Not the 45 minute drive by or movie date and then back to the hotel. I want to see what this knee-gro has in his refrigerator and medicine cabinet. If it's prescription drugs I want to know now. Not after he moves here.

But believe me I truly understand and appreciate your concern. I will just chop him in the throat if he trys to get Hannibal.
wow I really hope that he is as nice to be around in person as on cam and online. Have fun on your trip and keep your eyes open:look:. Good luck on your trip and be safe. And yes I am looking forward to details later.:yep:


I hope so too. I will definitely post back on Monday if not Sunday night when I get back home. Cams are a must for online dating. Thanks again.
Good luck and bring a knife!

Seriously, though- 2 months is not a long time. Also, who he is online may be different that who he is in real life. I think it would be best to stay elsewhere, at least until you can fully assess the situation by getting to know him better. :yep: the past I've done just that. Well I have never traveled to meet anyone before. I have met two men who traveled here to meet me. What I later found was that when they were on my turf they could be whomever they chose to be. One had a whole dang family back in NJ. The other was living with someone. That was part of what made me decide to go to him.

Because I do like him so much I wanted to know upfront and sooner than later exactly what I was dealing with before I became emotionally attached. I decided to stay at his home because I wanted the opportunity to see just what was what. Not the 45 minute drive by or movie date and then back to the hotel. I want to see what this knee-gro has in his refrigerator and medicine cabinet. If it's prescription drugs I want to know now. Not after he moves here.

But believe me I truly understand and appreciate your concern. I will just chop him in the throat if he trys to get Hannibal.


If he's as good as Hannibal, you may not get the opportunity to chop him before he chops you!

If he's as good as Hannibal, you may not get the opportunity to chop him before he chops you!

True true. But he's knows what I do for a living during the day. He thinks I have already jacketed a case on him. This brother has no desire to go out by lead poisoning. I'll be okay.
Sounds exciting! :grin: Dont forget to post when you get back...just pm all the juicey details :lol:

If it all works out I promise I will post pictures. He's very nice looking. I think we make a cute couple. I'm only forecasting good things. My LOA story board is finally coming in. That's all....just that ole LOA.
"Pretty Federale" looks {I hope} that you can handle your own. We'll be sitting by the keyboards waiting for you to check in! You pray sincerely 'afore' ya go..ya hear?
I am interested in hearing how it turns out. Which site did you meet on? Could you have not stayed at his moms the first night or so? Praying for your safety.
Good Luck to you Elizablue. This sounds exciting and I really hope it works out. I think it's okay to go see him first, You have more control. You can bounce if the situation isn't what you thought.

But I think you'll be fine. Have a good time. Follow your instincts.. if you get that gut feeling that someing isn't right don't hesitate to bounce.

Let us know how it goes!
Aww this sounds very sweet. I wish you the best of kuck Elizablue. I agree with the other ladies just keep your eyes open.
Good Luck! :yep:
Please be safe.

I think for the first meeting you should stay at a hotel but you have made your choice. I know you like him and everything is wonderful and great right now but it usually is in the first few months.

Just be careful and make sure your freinds and family can reach you at all times. Don't take this the wrong way because I would say the same thing to my best friend. No I lied..I would tell her not to go :) only because I trust no one these days.

Again be safe and please let us know that everything went OK. I do wish you the best.
Good Luck to you Elizablue. This sounds exciting and I really hope it works out. I think it's okay to go see him first, You have more control. You can bounce if the situation isn't what you thought.

But I think you'll be fine. Have a good time. Follow your instincts.. if you get that gut feeling that someing isn't right don't hesitate to bounce.

Let us know how it goes!

I agree with this. You cut to the chase this way.

I know every situation is different, but I was in a similar situation 3 years ago.
Thanks ladies. I promise to be careful. I just told him that I posted our plans on my sister's site. And he laughed and said they should have their doubts about me. But I will put there doubts to rest. He was like what did they say about me. Needless to say he talks very country. I love his voice. Stay tuned.
All the other ladies have given you great advice, so I will just say, have fun!
Report back here when you return with all the details. :grin:
Oh please, please do tell what happened. I like hearing how the situations turned out.

We'll be celebrating our 3 years together next month :drunk::drunk:

I agree with the ladies that your safety is of the utmost importance, but I just wanted to give you some hope and a happy story amongst all that :)

Best of luck to you!!!!
oh i luv hearing stories like this....good luck to you!...i know what that rush feels like....i'm excited for you...

it seems as if u did all ur research on him (not that something can't go wrong afterwards)...but I think u seem to have a pretty good head on ur shoulders. i would love to hear ur experience down there when u get back