First gray hair(s)---how old were you?

First gray hair(s)?

  • childhood

    Votes: 20 9.6%
  • teen years

    Votes: 42 20.1%
  • 20s

    Votes: 70 33.5%
  • 30s

    Votes: 38 18.2%
  • 40s

    Votes: 11 5.3%
  • 50+

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • other/still no gray

    Votes: 27 12.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
I'm still in my 20s with a few more years left until I turn 30. I found my first gray hair on the 4th of July. So far I just have one so it's not a big deal to me. My mom was almost completely gray at my age and started graying at 17.

My one gray hair:


^^^See it oddly sticking out?
13/14 :-\

I have two or three now, but I kind of like them. A friend started calling me Rogue when she saw them lol.
I've had gray hairs off and on starting when i was ten never more than 3-4 and they fall out. my DD had 2 gray hairs b4 she turn 3 i think 1 still exist......
No gray yet. But I saw this lady the other day with the most beautiful silver, long flowy hair. I admire gray headedness.

My family ages slowly so we don't gray fast.
Taken from :

The first onset of gray hair and the speed at which people go gray varies considerably from person to person. Most people actually start going gray in their late 20s but they don't notice it immediately. Premature graying is defined as gray hair onset before late teens for Caucasians and before age 30 in Africans and Asians, or alternatively 50% or more gray scalp hair before age 50. Very occasionally, a few gray hairs can develop in children as young as 8 years and yet it indicates nothing other than an early onset of the gray hair that we all develop with increasing age. Typical gray hair first develops at age 34.2 +/- 9.6 years in Caucasians while for Black people the average age of onset is 43.9 +/-10.3 years (Keogh 1965). As a rough guide, 50% of the population in the US and Europe have 50% gray hair by age 50.

Taken from :

Most people see their first gray hairs in their 30s, although the process begins in the teen years for some. Men usually see gray hair beginning around age 30, while the average woman sees gray strands appearing at about age 35.

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33. The year I got divorced. I've read all of the scientific stuff regarding gray hair but I can't help consider the old wives tale of stress causes gray hair!
My grandmother is 77 and she probably has 3 greys. Hmpfh! Lol.
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That's my mom, she's 77 and have a couple at her temple.

I noticed my first when I was in my late 30's. I get a couple right in the middle of my head, I pull them out and they come back, but that's it--so far that I notice.
I dont have any and I' ll be 36 in a couple of weeks.. I'll be ready by 40..,lol.. now I gotta think about gray hair on top of all the other " hair drama?" O boy
I just saw my first one about a month ago, I'm 28. It has since shed out.

I have always had natural reddish brown streaks in my hair and so does some of the other people in my family and they always told me that the red hair will be the first to go gray and they were right. It was really strange looking bc the strand must have started going gray not too long ago, bc half of it was light red and half was gray. I thought it was a piece of lint at first or some conditioner I didn't rinse out.

Now that I think of it, my hair overall has been getting lighter and redder. I thought it was from the sun, or some products I was using or something. Maybe I'm about to start going gray??? :ohwell:
25 or 26 years old when I noticed my first gray hair. Now I have about 5 silver hairs near the top of my head.

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I'm 27 and haven't spotted any before I dyed my hair. We're late greyers in my fam on my mom's side. Dad's side is kinda hit or miss. My grandmother was fully salt n pepper when she passed away at 82...but she rocked a fully grey curly wig all the time :lachen: I guess that's where I get the wig thing from.
I was 38 when I got my first grey hair on my head my late 20's when I got my first grey hair in my groin :blush:...:perplexed! (That was probably way too much information huh!)
I found 3 last year all bundled together, and I've found 2 or 3 more since then. My head is the only place I've found them so far. Poor DH has had a bunch since he was in his mid-teens.

Oh, I was in my 30's when I found them.
hmm I think my mom said she saw my 1st one around 10... I now have them all around my hairline... I henna :yep:
My first grey hairs sprouted at about 11/12 yaars old my son whose 17 has a few and my daughter whose 13 spotted a few recently, just our genetic luck really.I have a friend whose daughter has 10 to 20 percent grey she's 5 years old.:blush:
Elementary school. The girls would play in my hair and say "You have SILVER in your hair". I loved it then. Now I dye my hair jet black to cover them.

My 17 year old has several grays. She doesn't mind them.
27 I was under alot of stress and when I de-stressed they disappeared. I say they came back for a strand reunion I am 33 :) I have about 10 strands in the front!

I Henna too, matter fact, I have Henna on my hair right now! LOL
I was about 13 when I saw my first gray. I had a streak in the front of my hair and by the time I turned 20, my roots was getting brown/black again. I had more grays in the teens than I do now.
I was 29 and turning 30 in a week. That was the beginning of this year! I discovered 2 at the same time, wth?!

Its weird though because one that I found in the back of my head has roots that are black and the ends are grey so I guess that means its going back black?