Ok so I found a gray hair...but im only 19!


Well-Known Member
So I was looking in the mirror when I noticed this long shiny thing on my head. At first I thought it was a piece of string or something so I looked closer and pulled at it and notice that it's stuck in my head. So now i'm like "wth o_O". So me still in denial pull at it harder thinking that this was just a strong piece of string lol then I pull it out. So I examine it some more and notice a little brown at the tip so then my face really goes "O_O" because I realized that this came out of myyyy scalp. My poor lil ol' 19 year old scalp! :nono:

I don't think my parents started going gray this early so I don't think it's that. I'm pretty sure they both started going gray in the late 30's early 40's. My dad isn't even completely gray yet actually and he's 49, he has more black than gray. So i'm pretty sure, well i'm hoping that i'm not starting to have gray hair this early...not that having a medical problem is really good either :ohwell:...but can anything besides genetics cause greying? Or what causes premature graying? TIA!
LOL! I got my first grays at 19 too :)

You might have inherited early grays from another relative. In any case, it's normal.

It won't really show until you're at least 35-40.
oh wow, really guys? lol...I kinda thought my body was maybe going crazy or something. Though I guess I could have inherited gray hair from another relative, grrr.

So do you ladies use color to cover them or you don't need it?
Don't fret. I have had a few strands since the 5th grade. I am just now really getting grays and I'm in my mid 40's. I want all silver or salt and pepper RIGHT NOW! :lachen:
well I'm 26 and my greys keep moving past self imposed lines of demarcation.... they are all in the back and front of my head.....

i been greying since 17
OMG! This SAME thing happened to me recently! I found a (going) gray hair and pulled it out thinking it was a fluke. Then its like 3-4 months later and a new one came in- all white!:spinning:......


But at least my hairs will be bright white and not dingy gray...
i was gonna make a post about this...i have found a few strands on my head that are dark brown then go grey and then go dark brown again. I think it has something to do with what was going on in my body during the time it was growing. Maybe stress or a bad diet? But either way, I wouldnt worry about it. I've had this happening since HS, and I haven't grown anymore greys, so just pluck em out if they bother u, or cover them with henna, or just let them be and call if your wisdom :)
OMG! This SAME thing happened to me recently! I found a (going) gray hair and pulled it out thinking it was a fluke. Then its like 3-4 months later and a new one came in- all white!:spinning:......


But at least my hairs will be bright white and not dingy gray...

LOL My mother always says there is a right kind of gray.

I found my first and only gray hair when I was about 15. I don't think it was genetic though-I was kind of stressed out in high school. It's not even a long piece of hair, but a baby hair on my hairline. My mother told me she started going gray when she was 19, so I don't think it's a big deal.

There were two sisters at my sister's high school who were completely gray. It was just in their genetics.
My little cousin had a gray strand when he was like 9 months old.....I pulled it out (I know that I shouldn't have but I was like 10 at the time.........LONG time ago). I also have a cousin (like 3rd or something) who had so many gray hairs at 12 y.o you could not even count them......this being said my last name, which is Welsh in origin, means "gray-haired"....how ironic.........my family is definitely living up to our surname, me not included!!
Yeah, my family has a trait for getting a white stripe down the middle of the head like a friggin skunk. Sigh. I started getting greys late in high school. I thought they were cute at first. :nono: Not anymore, lol. I'm 30 now and I still only have a few but I refuse to let them be seen! I henna and indigo them into submission :whip:
I was born with my little patch of gray hair (10 strands) :grin: Luckily that's all I have and I'm in my mid-30s.... and hopefully it will stay like that! You can see it when I pull my hair in a pony but most of the time you don't notice it.
My little cousin had a gray strand when he was like 9 months old.....I pulled it out (I know that I shouldn't have but I was like 10 at the time.........LONG time ago). I also have a cousin (like 3rd or something) who had so many gray hairs at 12 y.o you could not even count them......this being said my last name, which is Welsh in origin, means "gray-haired"....how ironic.........my family is definitely living up to our surname, me not included!!
lol that is so weird...but it's kinda cool too lol

Don't fret. I have had a few strands since the 5th grade. I am just now really getting grays and I'm in my mid 40's. I want all silver or salt and pepper RIGHT NOW! :lachen:
wow really? I didn't even know you could start graying that early. That's cool to know. Helps me not freak out so much lol.

OMG! This SAME thing happened to me recently! I found a (going) gray hair and pulled it out thinking it was a fluke. Then its like 3-4 months later and a new one came in- all white!:spinning:......


But at least my hairs will be bright white and not dingy gray...
Yea the color of it was bright white also. It actually looked kinda cool. I saved it by putting it in a zip lock bag lol, I want to take a picture of it lol.

i was gonna make a post about this...i have found a few strands on my head that are dark brown then go grey and then go dark brown again. I think it has something to do with what was going on in my body during the time it was growing. Maybe stress or a bad diet? But either way, I wouldnt worry about it. I've had this happening since HS, and I haven't grown anymore greys, so just pluck em out if they bother u, or cover them with henna, or just let them be and call if your wisdom :)
Yeah I heard stress can cause premature graying but i'm not stressing over anything. Well at least not long term stresses, just day to day trials and tribulations.

LOL My mother always says there is a right kind of gray.

I found my first and only gray hair when I was about 15. I don't think it was genetic though-I was kind of stressed out in high school. It's not even a long piece of hair, but a baby hair on my hairline. My mother told me she started going gray when she was 19, so I don't think it's a big deal.

There were two sisters at my sister's high school who were completely gray. It was just in their genetics.
Wow, completely gray in high school? I wonder how they felt about that.

Yeah, my family has a trait for getting a white stripe down the middle of the head like a friggin skunk. Sigh. I started getting greys late in high school. I thought they were cute at first. :nono: Not anymore, lol. I'm 30 now and I still only have a few but I refuse to let them be seen! I henna and indigo them into submission :whip:
lol cute in high school? I guess I can understand..it's different lol.

I was born with my little patch of gray hair (10 strands) :grin: Luckily that's all I have and I'm in my mid-30s.... and hopefully it will stay like that! You can see it when I pull my hair in a pony but most of the time you don't notice it.
born with gray hair? lol I definitely never heard that one before. The doctors didn't say anything about it?
No lie, I went to school with a girl at 13 she had a head full of grey hair I'd say 30% grey, literally. Nosey me I asked why do you have grey hair, she said I don't know. I was like okay, and we proceeded to walk home and were very good friends. My cousin has had a grey streak in the front of her head the size of a baseball and the shape and I totally thought that was cool.

Don't feel bad, It is what it is, and if you don't like it ( I have about 10 grey hairs) there is always Jazzing or Revlon Colorsilk or HENNA!
No lie, I went to school with a girl at 13 she had a head full of grey hair I'd say 30% grey, literally. Nosey me I asked why do you have grey hair, she said I don't know. I was like okay, and we proceeded to walk home and were very good friends. My cousin has had a grey streak in the front of her head the size of a baseball and the shape and I totally thought that was cool.

Don't feel bad, It is what it is, and if you don't like it ( I have about 10 grey hairs) there is always Jazzing or Revlon Colorsilk or HENNA!

I don't feel as bad, now that I pulled it out :drunk:...and it was only one so I don't have to pull out the color just yet...:look:
i found my 1st gray @ 16 & my mom said i had a gray patch when i was a baby
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i had 2 strands since i was 10 now I have 4, funny thing is they are the longest strands in my head and they are very strong strands
i found my 1st gray @ 16 & my mom said i had a gray patch when i was a baby
:O so your gray patch is gone now?

i had 2 strands since i was 10 now I have 4, funny thing is they are the longest strands in my head and they are very strong strands
yeah, the one I pulled out was a toughy. Since I didn't really think it was a gray hair I just kept pulling at it until it came out lol :look:
Meeeee tooooo, my mom was braiding my hair and she found one. She called everyone in the house to see it (of course they did). Then she pulled it out and I'm sitting there...:look:. Then she told me to save it...:nono::lachen:
If you do not have a genetic predisposition for premature gray, then you may have a vitamin deficiency or the gray could be stress related. How is diet? For example, B5 and zinc impact graying of hair.

I have had stray grays at an early age that started growing back in darker (gray on the end, light brown in the middle than darker toward the root). I attribute it to nutrition habits.
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I have had grey (white) hairs all my life (I'm 17)I wish I had more so I could look like Storm from X-men lol. My mum has had a lot of grey hair all her life too so I get that from her she shas been dyeing her hair since 13 becasue she got teased about it. I knew a little girl would had a big strip of grey hair in the front I thought it looked cute like Rogue from X-men (Yeah I like X-men).
My family grays early and @ 28 my gray strands look like streaks in the middle of my head... that when it's not covered with rinse! You only HAD (lol) one strand... hopefully you won't get anymore until you're older!
I started graying at 19...I am 31 and I have more gray hair than the average 40 year old...It's ok, though...although I feel obliged to color...