If you weren't on this hair journey...?

I'd be around APL or BSL with VERY unhealthy hair, refusing to get it trimmed when it needs to and using Pink Lotion and hair grease as my staples. :(
I'd be forever stuck between APL and SL, using products that are counter to the desire to retain length and under the belief my hair can't grow longer. In short, ignorant to what my hair really needs and how to care for it. Thankfully I've been educated!! BSL is within reach by end of year
- I would still be shelling out $50/wk to a stylist who didn't know and/or care about how to take proper care of my hair.
-I would still be using grease (petrolatum/mineral oil products) on my hair because it "would add moisture to my dry hair" (advise from my stylist)
-I would have no aspirations of hair any longer than shoulder length.
-I would still be brushing my hair every day and thinking it was normal/ok for the brush to be full of my hair when I was done...as long as it was shiny and smooth, it was ok.
-I would have no concept of moisture/protein balance and how I can achieve it without the help of a stylist.
-the list goes on and on and on...
Angela4769 said:
- I would still be shelling out $50/wk to a stylist who didn't know and/or care about how to take proper care of my hair.
-I would still be using grease (petrolatum/mineral oil products) on my hair because it "would add moisture to my dry hair" (advise from my stylist)
-I would have no aspirations of hair any longer than shoulder length.
-I would still be brushing my hair every day and thinking it was normal/ok for the brush to be full of my hair when I was done...as long as it was shiny and smooth, it was ok.
-I would have no concept of moisture/protein balance and how I can achieve it without the help of a stylist.
-the list goes on and on and on...

Wow I notice that too because back then I had full of hair in combs n brushes n I really thought that was normal smh, n now its nothing in.my combs n brushes except sheds hair so my hair must be healthy now
It would be around BSL- MBL and relaxed...like it was before I found this board. I have always known how to take care of my hair. And I always used great products.