*Finish the sentence!*--"Without LHCF I would probably...."


Well-Known Member
After being a member of this site myself for 6 whole years (gosh time flies!), I figured I would pay homage to my favorite hair forum. :D

This should be fun...:)

"Without LHCF I would probably...."

-I would probably be working right now on a project that's sitting on my desk :giggle:
-I would probably have jacked up hair by now :rofl:
-I wouldn't know half as much as I do about hair without this site
-I probably wouldn't be a product junkie lol! :lol:
-I would never have even considered getting a MILD relaxer as opposed to getting a regular strength one
-I would have never ever considered the option of going natural
-I would probably hate my hair :( Thanks to this site I've been able to have an appreciation for my hair (even my newgrowth!) that I never really had before
-I would probably be washing my hair once every month :look:
-I would probably never have known about half the hair products I now know about
-I would probably never have tried so-called "white hair products" like Nexxus, Paul Mitchell or Redken on my hair lol :rolleyes:
-I would probably have still been using my tried and true Pink Oil Sheen moisturizer in my hair, thinking it was the best moisturizer ever! LMBO!! :rofl: That stuff is nasty to me now :barf:

Add to the list ladies! What would YOU probably be doing (or NOT doing :look:) if LHCF never existed?

Thank goodness for this SITE! :hug2:

HAHA! This should be fun and interesting... :yep:
Without LHCF, I would....

-probably get a lot more work done
-not have 8 months of new growth right now, that would have been unheard of!
-still be at SL. forever and ever.
-not be seriously considering transitioning
-not know about Demand Studios as a side hustle (thanks to all the ladies in the Career Forum)
-not know about Coastal Scents palettes (thanks Makeup Forum!)
-not know about the wonderful hair-retaining power of WEAVE
-not deep condition. EVER. (now I'm addicted :))

I know there is tons more....this site has truly been a blessing in all areas of my life!
...........be able to be more productive at work

...........be stuck at SL all my life

...........probably would have cut my hair back to a spiky cut since I hate the boring max SL I get to.

...........be $6.50 richer each year :-)
-would have fried, crispy tresses
-would think that if you didn't have the long hair gene, it was over for you
-would not know the joy of being trolled!
be bald headed or close to it
have put a relaxer in dd's hair
get a lot more done at home and work
not be transitioning
have a lower credit card balance
still be going to the salon
I would've been still natural with really bad heat damage and still stuck in SL hell.
saved tons of money due to not being a PJ
Still spending crazy of dollars getting my hair braided because I had no clue to manage my hair without it.
"Without LHCF I would probably...."

-I would probably be working right now on a project that's sitting on my desk :giggle:
-I would probably have jacked up hair by now :rofl:
-I wouldn't know half as much as I do about hair without this site
-I probably wouldn't be a product junkie lol! :lol:
-I would never have even considered getting a MILD relaxer as opposed to getting a regular strength one
-I would have never ever considered the option of going natural
-I would probably hate my hair :( Thanks to this site I've been able to have an appreciation for my hair (even my newgrowth!) that I never really had before
-I would probably be washing my hair once every month :look:
-I would probably never have known about half the hair products I now know about
-I would probably never have tried so-called "white hair products" like Nexxus, Paul Mitchell or Redken on my hair lol :rolleyes:
-I would probably have still been using my tried and true Pink Oil Sheen moisturizer in my hair, thinking it was the best moisturizer ever! LMBO!! :rofl: That stuff is nasty to me now :barf:

Add to the list ladies! What would YOU probably be doing (or NOT doing :look:) if LHCF never existed?

Thank goodness for this SITE! :hug2:

HAHA! This should be fun and interesting... :yep:

The ones I've made bold definitely apply to me too :yep:

Also, I'd probably never deep condition or cowash, as had no idea what they were until discovering these hair sites :giggle:
-i would have a lot more extra money to spend on clothes instead of feeding my product junkie habit
-i would probably still be CBL
-i would be flat ironing every week
-i would work get a lot more house work done.
-i wouldn't have a million conditioners in my shower. lol
-i would need to purchase MBL length hair instead of being able to grow and retain it.
-would have fried, crispy tresses
-would think that if you didn't have the long hair gene, it was over for you
-would not know the joy of being trolled!

Does that actually happen much on this forum? I've probably only come across a couple on LHCF. But I know another forum where you don't have to pay to post, so it is often trolls galore there, every single day :lachen:
Oh yeah, how could I forget!

-I would probably be curling my hair with the curling iron every morning! :lol:
-It would never have ever occured to me that I could co-wash, or wash my hair with conditioner instead of shampoo. I would have thought you were crazy for doing such a thing! :rofl: Now I looooove co-washes!!! :love:
If it wasn't for LHCF I would

Have hair as dry as the desert
have never went natural
would actually be doing work instead of hiding in the bathroom while I type this post from my cellphone
Probably still going to a stylist and paying for my hair to be destroyed
not sit up all night watching yt videos
never deep condition
have never fell in love with steaming
Still think that SL was long lol
Without LHCF, I would....

-probably get a lot more work done
-not have 8 months of new growth right now, that would have been unheard of!
-still be at SL. forever and ever.
-not be seriously considering transitioning
-not know about Demand Studios as a side hustle (thanks to all the ladies in the Career Forum)
-not know about Coastal Scents palettes (thanks Makeup Forum!)
-not know about the wonderful hair-retaining power of WEAVE
-not deep condition. EVER. (now I'm addicted :))

I know there is tons more....this site has truly been a blessing in all areas of my life!

Mind PMing me about the bolded :yep:
I love anything that brings in alil extra income!!! :clap:
Without LHCF I would...

- probably have more money to my name
- probably be moisturizing my scalp with vaseline
- probably have edges that started behind my ears
- probably HAVE NOTHING TO DO AT WORK! LMBO (don't tell my supervisor that!!)
I'd still be walking around with damaged hair, thinking I look cute :rolleyes:


Also, hitting the curling iron erry morning and doing the same to my 11 yr old dd.
I never would have thought to DC ( that's for white folks!) and cowashing, chile please!
Would have went back to rocking a super short cut cuz black hair don't grow like that!
Would have never known that there were so many beautiful, talented women of color willing to share hair knowledge and so much more. Thanks ladies for being willing to share alot of yourselves with me!
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If I wasn't for LHCF:
o01. My hair would be stuck at shoulder length
o02. My hair would NEVER be seeing as much water as it is now
o03. I'd be sleeping on straight cotton every night (no head scarf, no head wrap...nada!)
o04. I'd still be taking the GNC's "Hair, Skin, and Nails" thinking that it will grow my hair to butt-length with no other work needed
o05. I'd still be relaxing at 5 weeks post
o06. "Protective Styling" wouldn't even be in my vocabulary
o07. I'd still be holding on to sew-ins like my life depended on them! :lol:
.... .have never considered going natural
......still yo-yo back and forth between damaged ear-length to shoulder length then back to ear length :ohwell:
......burn my scalp every 4 weeks with Super relaxer on a quest for bone straight hair
......spend thousands of dollars every year on weaves :perplexed
Without LHCF,

........I would still be dependent on stylists.
........I would not have spent so much money on products (um, but that money would be going to stylists)!
........I would think that to go natural you have to big chop.
........I would still think that you need heat appliances to style your hair nicely.
........I would still be relaxing at 6 weeks (don't judge me!) instead of every 6 months :grin:.
........I would never would have learned how to rollerset (thanks Macherieamour)!
........I would be getting better grades in law school :look::drunk:.
........I probably would not have truly believed that I could grow my hair this long & longer.
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Without LHCF....

-I would be relaxing my hair every 6-8 weeks as "recommended" :rolleyes: . I would think you were crazy if you told me 6 years ago I could wait every 12-14 weeks to get a "touch up".

-I would ERRONEOUSLY still be of the assumption that black women's hair can't grow. Or...if your hair is longer than shoulder length, then you must be "mixed" with something or have that "good hair". Puh-leeeze... :rolleyes: I would have NEVER known that black women (yes...FULL black women!) CAN indeed grow their hair to super long lengths! My the hair I see on these boards...woww!!! :drool: I would have never thought it possible w/out this board...
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Would have never know the joy of coconut oil
Never heard of Hairveda
Never Considered pressing my hair as an option (1 million thanks to PinkSkates and BlackMasterPiece)
Never known that a Topical product can truly speed up hair growth. (1 million thanks to Sparkling Flame)
....I more than likely wouldn't have tried a lithium relaxer and jacked up my locs

...wouldn't have taken the plunge for BKT, the best damned thing there is

....drum roll please.......

would have been hip-length already (listening to all these othere fads that got me off course.....haha
Without LHCF, I would probably...

.....have straight A's, because I'd be studying instead of playing around on here.

.....be hundreds if not thousands of dollars richer.

.....(and this is a definitely, not a probably) be bald headed, and not by choice.

So in my mind, it all evens out. :lol:
I would:

- Probably not have gold plaque with my name on it at local Ulta and BSS stores. :blush:

- Still flat-iron my hair into heat damage, then trim and curse my "never gonna grow" hair in a continuous cycle.

- Continue trimming off my lead hairs as soon as they grow out.

- Be walking around with parched, dry as the Sahara sands hair. :look:

- Think my terminal length is somewhere around my ears. :nono:
... be relaxed (and relaxing every 5 or 6 weeks)
... still think SL hair was super long
... still think black women couldn't grow their hair past their shoulders (maybe buy, but not grow)
... still think that only mixed girls could rock their natural hair and still be beautiful
... have kept shopping in the "ethnic hair care" section of wal*mart to buy all my petrolatum/mineral oil based staples
Without LHCF, I would....

-probably get a lot more work done
-not have 8 months of new growth right now, that would have been unheard of!
-still be at SL. forever and ever.
-not be seriously considering transitioning
-not know about Demand Studios as a side hustle (thanks to all the ladies in the Career Forum)
-not know about Coastal Scents palettes (thanks Makeup Forum!)
-not know about the wonderful hair-retaining power of WEAVE
-not deep condition. EVER. (now I'm addicted :))

I know there is tons more....this site has truly been a blessing in all areas of my life!

This exactly.