Thank you SO much for the words of encouragement ladies :)

I don't want to sound like a killjoy, but I thought true length measurements should be done on dry hair.


ETA: You have gained a LOT of length in your comparison pics. Good job.

I airdried my hair so I have shrinkage but I can try to take some length shots tonight after I moisturize. I've seen measurements done with wet hair so I assumed this was okay.
Great progress, how are your stretching your relaxer for so long?

What I did to help stretch my relaxer was doing rollersets, when that became too much work or hassle, I would wash and slick down my edges and air dry in a bun or cornrows. And definitely moisturizing a LOT to prevent breakage.

But for the most part, it was rollersets.
Very impressive-great job!! I think the wet shot comparisons are fine, especially since the before is wet as well. Wet or dry you're still apl:thumbsup:

congratulations on making APL!!!

and this thread is REALLY exciting for me, because your length in September 07 is just about my current length when wet. this right here tells me that even I might be able to make APL pretty soon! :grin:

keep on growing, girl!
Wow that's alot of growth in 4 months!! Congrats on making APL, but it looks to me you're a lil past APL, but congrats all the same! :) Keep up the awesome work and btw, your reggie sounds great!!
Thanks so much ladies!

I ordered a bottle of MTG the other day but I've been so petrified to use it that its just sitting in a corner of my living room, LOL. I've slacked a bit since the new year but I'm gonna try to get back on track and head on down to BSL!
congratulations on making APL!!!

and this thread is REALLY exciting for me, because your length in September 07 is just about my current length when wet. this right here tells me that even I might be able to make APL pretty soon! :grin:

keep on growing, girl!

Awww awesome! I'm glad I could offer you some encouragement/inspiration. Trust me, its haaaaaaaaaard to be in the beginning stages of growth; when I cut my hair to chin length in April I was SO depressed and crying all the time. My hair was not only short, but BADLY damaged; before I cut it my ends were stringy and dry as ever, and I had just gone through not one but TWO chemical dye jobs involving bleach. My hair was so short that when I took pictures, I deleted them from being so ashamed at what I did to myself :nono::nono: