Finally Had Enough!


Well-Known Member
There is a man I dated who wanted to take a break and think about if he really wanted to continue the relationship or not. He did this once before, and this is the second time he has said this. So, I decided to move and not speak to him anymore, as I don't want to be on the back burner for anyone. One day, after six months, he emailed me and asked to take me out to lunch (I blocked his number so he can only email). I said no thanks, please stop contacting me. Now, about three months after that, he emails me out of the blue with this long letter saying he misses me and wants to get married soon, and asks for another chance to work on it.

At this point, I feel he's just being manipulative. He knows I want to be married, so he dangles that like a carrot in front of me to get me to come back to the relationship whenever he gets ready to start over. Well, I was going to ignore him like a good girl should, but I was already in a bad mood, so I let him have it. I told him to fluck off- stop manipulating women, and get some therapy b/c he's sick...I also told him any woman would have to be crazy and sick to want to marry him.

I feel bad for cursing him out b/c it's out of character for me, but he struck a nerve- and the reason I think he keeps coming back is b/c I am nice and professional- so I decided to stop being nice.

That was earlier today, and he hasn't responded. Guess he will leave me alone now.
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i feel you..its like you dont wanna be nasty and mean to people because you want to control your positive vibe/aura..and you dont want to give irrelevant ppl your energy--but sometimes a mofooo just takes you there and enough is enough..some people need a good cussing out..good tracing!!!...:look::lol:
" I ain't no killa, but don't push me..." is the perfect quote for your reaction.

Well done OP, well freaking done...
He actually had the audacity to ask me to marry him again. He really is sick- it's the holidays, all of his brothers are married with kids, and he will try to have a baby with the first woman he can convince- but he really doesn't care about marriage and will only end up hurting someone.

He upset me so much. I ended up calling him every name I could think of- narcissistic, psychotic, evil, etc. and asking him again not to contact me. I told him I don't want to marry him.

I hope that's the last I hear from him, but I will ignore him if he tries to contact me again. I'm stunned by his audacity and persistence when he knows deep down in his heart that he is up to no good. This man is a predator who preys on women's insecurities- if I had taken his bait, he would have eventually walked like the last time - I think he's looking for a nice lady to have a baby with, but he's too much of a player to want to settle down.
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Thank God those games are over.

It just pisses me off that he wanted to take my kindness for weakness and continue to push the issue. I'm only human, and there is only so much I can take before I start acting ugly. He really should have left me alone after I asked him not to contact me the first time.
If he calls again nothing says you can't string him along until New Years Eve then dump him. Get a Gucci bag or something for Christmas for your troubles. After I finished running game his empty bank account would ensure he wouldn't come back. #goodgalgonebad
I finally had to tell him I started seeing someone. This predator would not leave me alone- kept trying to get back into my life out of the blue. If he does try me again, I will ignore him like my life depends on it.
I have stopped responding. I had to make it unpleasant for him to contact me again since that is his pattern. I am already reserved and quiet- if I ignored him, he is the type who would take it as permission to contact me at a later date. I just want to be through with him once and for all. So I told him I have a man and I would have the man call him. Then he started backing down- told me there is no need to do that and he was just trying to make peace with me by getting closure or a new beginning. I haven't responded, and I don't plan to respond.

ETA: I typically would ignore him altogether, but this time, I had to say something. He's playing a game, and he thought I would fall for it again. So, after being nasty, I hope he crosses my name off his list and goes on to the next one.
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