Feeling Better About Myself and Men


New Member
I decided not to do anything at all.

I cut off all--I mean all--contact. Any emails from his address go straight to my trash box and I never answer any calls. I've had a few calls from "blocked numbers", but I didn't answer. I think eventually he will get the hint.

I'm not going to out him or follow him for the next black girl or anything of the such. I decided to leave it in God's hands. Besides all that negativity was making me ugly.

And I'm trying my hardest not to pre-judge every other man I encounter.

Working on me.
Thanks for your support.:yep:
well i dunno what this is about but it sounds like you're taking the right steps to work on a healthier you in this case. **** him, do YOU!! :)
Good for you! I say block his email address so you won't even get the emails.

Love you profile picture! You look so happy.
I am glad you're going to start focusing on you, not on him. That's the first step in moving on and rebuilding your life.
Thanks Ladies.

My phone carrier (only 3 in Japan!) set up my phone to automatically send all his msgs to my trash box. That's as close as I can get to blocking him. But it works. I have been feeling better.

Taking long walks daily in the morning and letting all my frustrations out along the way.
Good for you. You're strong & wise-you knew he needed to be out of your life for your happiness & was strong enough to give him the boot.
Thanks Ladies.

My phone carrier (only 3 in Japan!) set up my phone to automatically send all his msgs to my trash box. That's as close as I can get to blocking him. But it works. I have been feeling better.

Taking long walks daily in the morning and letting all my frustrations out along the way.

Applause! That long walk saved me in many a situation...even got greatly toned up. I'd walk for miles...several times daily.