Can Women Emotionally Detach Like Men?

Another Aquarius reporting in. :grin:

I think we learn the difference between sex and love a lot earlier than other signs. There's plenty of guys I would have sex with, but there are very few that are deserving of my love. My heart is held to a bit of a higher regard than my body. I know that sounds bad or like I don't care about my body. I do care about my body but I'm more worried about loving the wrong man than having sex with the wrong man. Feeling a little guilty for sleeping with a guy pales in comparison to getting over a heartbreak IMO.

For me (& a lot of Aquarius women I've come across) sex is like exercise. It's a mental challenge moreso than a physical/spiritual act. We're pretty good at it :look: & it serves as a way to feed our ego. It takes a lot for us to truly get into the emotions of sex because we struggle with emotions in the first place. So yes, we can have sex with someone with little to no attachment because we view it differently depending on who it's with. Sex with someone we love is different than someone we're just physically attracted to. It's not necessarily a masculine way of detachment but it is similar.

Wow, sometime I think zodiac got me wrong because this is me and I'm Cancer strongly detached
I had a guy tell me that a woman can detach herself for a short period of time. But the longer the just sex relationship happens she will develop feelings, although many will deny it. He said because there is usually a variety of conversations between the man and woman.

Op'ster for ur friend to be complaining about dude not picking up the phone is something a girlfriend would do. If it's sex treated as such and move on to a new guy.
I'm an Aquarius. detachment is our middle name :)

When I commit, I commit for life. and I'm in love now, so my significant other will have to deal with me for quite some time. but i've been in "situations" before where there was zero emotional attachment on my end.

i honestly believe Aquarians are the only ones that can get away with that without emotional scarring.
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Wow, I see detachment is worn like a badge of honor lol. If you are a woman and can do it it's something to be proud of. Welp, I have been hurt by emotionally detached folks in the past. I was the scarred one I suppose. But I dont think they all get away with it. Sometimes when they are ready to attach to someone, that person is detached from them.

I'd love to have that skill though...if only to protect myself from those who are exercising it on me...
Wow, I see detachment is worn like a badge of honor lol. If you are a woman and can do it it's something to be proud of. Welp, I have been hurt by emotionally detached folks in the past. I was the scarred one I suppose. But I dont think they all get away with it. Sometimes when they are ready to attach to someone, that person is detached from them.

I'd love to have that skill though...if only to protect myself from those who are exercising it on me...

^I don't know if it's a skill though...

If you have to 'work' on gaining/enhancing the 'skill' of detaching yourself from someone, then to me that implies you were ATTACHED at some point.

I think some people just don't attach very easily at all period...those are the truly 'detached' individuals. And they usually have a harder time becoming emotionally involved with others, whether sex is a factor or not. So I don't know whether it should be worn as a badge of honor or not, and this is coming from a fellow Aquarian who probably does have some of (perhaps alot of) the detachment traits of other Aquarians. We are all human, I know no one wants to experience pain/heartbreak/etc...and it probably seems better to be someone who can emotionally detach easily because maybe they can move on from those sorts of negative experiences easier than others.

But, I'd be willing to bet that those same people who are truly/inherently detached may have a harder time reciprocating emotion(s) when it's actually appropriate to do so. And a harder time experiencing/expressing certain emotions period. I'm just trying to say that being truly detached isn't all it's cracked up to be.
I think there may be a physiological reason for this since some women do produce low levels of hormones..the sex hormone oxytocin is what is responsible for feelings of bonding and attachment during sex and orgasms..

(Pulled from a website)
Oxytocin induces feelings of love and altruism, warmth, calm, bonding, tenderness and togetherness, of satisfaction during bodily contact, sexual arousal and sexual fulfillment. It is during orgasm in both men and women that oxytocin floods through our bloodstream. Oxytocin released by female orgasm helps women lie still for a while afterwards. This increases the likelihood of conception, as well as making it probable that women will seek further coitus because they enjoyed it so much.

Oh and I'm an Aquarian who is quite emotional when it comes to sex, not ashamed either.
^I don't know if it's a skill though...

If you have to 'work' on gaining/enhancing the 'skill' of detaching yourself from someone, then to me that implies you were ATTACHED at some point.

I think some people just don't attach very easily at all period...those are the truly 'detached' individuals. And they usually have a harder time becoming emotionally involved with others, whether sex is a factor or not. So I don't know whether it should be worn as a badge of honor or not, and this is coming from a fellow Aquarian who probably does have some of (perhaps alot of) the detachment traits of other Aquarians. We are all human, I know no one wants to experience pain/heartbreak/etc...and it probably seems better to be someone who can emotionally detach easily because maybe they can move on from those sorts of negative experiences easier than others.

But, I'd be willing to bet that those same people who are truly/inherently detached may have a harder time reciprocating emotion(s) when it's actually appropriate to do so. And a harder time experiencing/expressing certain emotions period. I'm just trying to say that being truly detached isn't all it's cracked up to be.

@ the bolded.
I do have a harder time reciprocating emotions, although I don't actually know when it is "appropiate". I simply don't have the skill of wanting and trying to become emotionaly involved. I feel that a lot of people get emotionaly attached way to fast.

I've had men tell me they love me when they don't really know me (after a few weeks or so).
It's a good way to get rid of me.

I don't really mind being detached though.
I haven't had many longterm relationships, I've never settled, I don't regret one single man I've left. And I am friends with all my ex longterm relationships (except my first exhusband 'cause he's a damn fool).

From my first (I was 17) to my last, I still remain in contact with them.

But I'm one of the lucky ones.
^I don't know if it's a skill though...

If you have to 'work' on gaining/enhancing the 'skill' of detaching yourself from someone, then to me that implies you were ATTACHED at some point.

I think some people just don't attach very easily at all period...those are the truly 'detached' individuals. And they usually have a harder time becoming emotionally involved with others, whether sex is a factor or not. So I don't know whether it should be worn as a badge of honor or not, and this is coming from a fellow Aquarian who probably does have some of (perhaps alot of) the detachment traits of other Aquarians. We are all human, I know no one wants to experience pain/heartbreak/etc...and it probably seems better to be someone who can emotionally detach easily because maybe they can move on from those sorts of negative experiences easier than others.

But, I'd be willing to bet that those same people who are truly/inherently detached may have a harder time reciprocating emotion(s) when it's actually appropriate to do so. And a harder time experiencing/expressing certain emotions period. I'm just trying to say that being truly detached isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Thanks for explaining makes a lot of sense.

I have had some hellafied experiences quietly detaching from some folk. Most of the time, they never know how badly they've hurt me. But I'm learning to lower my expectations...I believe it's a not detaching, but not setting myself up in the first place.