Fall/Winter 2010-2011 Cowash Challenge

Here's a picture of my hair when I first started.

i love you hair!
I haven't posted in a while but I have been faithfully cowashing my hair about 4 times a week. Right now I'm finishing off some Jason Naturals 84% Aloe Vera Conditioner.
I'm in. For now, my siggy pic will have to be my starting pic since I may not straighten my hair til mid Jan.

When I'm not in the middle of a stretch, I'm a daily cowasher. While stretching, I cowash 1-2x a week.

My fave conditioners:

Millcreek Biotin
Aussie Moist
HELTR (sometimes)
Hey ladies!!! I've changed up my routine and I just wanted to check in. For about the past 3 weeks I've been cowashing once during the week, doing a braid n'curl, and then stretching my hair will bantu knots and braidouts until the next week.

I just looked at my progress for this year and I'm hair depressed. . . again :sad:. My hair just hasn't been growing/retaining length like it was the 2 years before. This sucks!!I think I might go hardcore with wash and rinse n'goes again. I want to get to MBL darnit!!
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I've been MIA from the challenge for a bit, but I'm still cowashing every Tuesday and Thursday :yep: I've gone through 2 bottles since my last check in lol. I'm using Suave mountain strawberry or something like it. pretty thick and moisturizing.
Still cowashing. I was a slacker last week, I only cowashed once,because I was planning on pooing and doing a protein trt on Friday. I had a Christmas party to go to on Saturday so I flat-ironed my hair for the first time in 8 months on sat. Lots of growth, but due to my giraffe neck it's taking me forever to reach armpit. LOL!! Kinda depressing, but I'm still happy cuz even though I didn't make my goal this is the longest my hair has ever been and I was flatter to actually feel it laying on my back for once. :-) That wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for you lovely ladies on here giving out knowledge to other sistas. I no longer have to rely on weaves and braids, and for me that's a big accomplishment. (luv braids) I'm now getting weave checked by not only black chicks but white ones as well. My hair has come a looong way in 8 months, and I owe that to you guys. I can't wait to see where I will be by the end of next year, because I am retaining so much length from cowashing, bunning, and low manipulation. Anyway I wore the straight style for 2 days and plan on cowashing tonight, I miss the thickness I have the day after cowashing. I really do, I don't like the straight look anymore weird, but true. Sorry for writng a book, but I hope and pray everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
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@ JDenni81 it's where you use conditioner in the place of shampoo to wash your hair. It's less drying to the hair than shampoo.
Okay, I've finally decided. For the next few months (depending on results and my attention span :lol:) I am going to keep my hair consistently stretched. That means through washing, detangling, and styling. This is the only thing that I have not tried in my hair routine. I think that this may make protective styling more effective since my hair won't be shrinking up in between styles :yep:.
Count me in for this challenge. :wave:

I don't have a regimen, but I do believe I'll co-wash 3-5x per week for at least 2 months and then go into a protective style for another 2 months. This way, I can texlaxed every 4 months like I normally do -- and just start things all over again.

Here's a shot below of my wet bun. This has basically been my staple wash n' go style since I don't wear my hair down when wet:


...I seal my ends and tuck them underneath with a loose bobby pin during the day.

As for conditioners, I'm still using cheapies like V05, but will most likely go back to using John Frieda's line of conditioners which worked wonders for my hair when I faithfully co-washed daily 2 years ago.
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Cowashed with Garnier Triple Moisture tonight.

Merry Christmas to all the cowashing challengers! Now I gotta go finish wrapping presents while I airdry. :grin: