PJ Rehabilitation Center
Just Cowashed with Hairveda MoistPRO
Used AO HSR clearly I can't go wrong with this baby
Nix08 -Every other day. The goal is to cowash on gym days (Mon, Wed, Fri). I sweat a lot and the sweat dries my hair out and makes it crunchy. I try to workout 3x weekly.@divachyk how often are you co washing now?
Shay72 - I'm relaxed and don't have a clue what hair type I am. What has been working for me is to comb lightly beforehand, keep my hair stretched while cowashing, and lightly comb through while air drying. My ouidad comb does great with wet combing.@divachyk
I used to be a daily cowasher but have now cut back to about 2 times a week. If I remember I finger detangle when I cowash. Otherwise I've just accepted that until I do a full detangle on Sundays my hair will be tangled. I guess it would be helpful for you to know that I have tightly coiled 4a hair with a lot of shrinkage. Meaning although I am a little past a year post bc I look like I don't have much more than a TWA. But when stretched my hair is resting somewhere between collar bone and apl.
I cowashed this week with SSI's Okra Reconstructor and Claudie's Deep Moisturizing Conditioner.
Cowashed with Shea Moisture Reconstructing Conditioner. It was my first time using it and me likey.
It shouldn't. watch out for conditioner with cones in them. I think they can over-coat and cause dryness over time.Does your hair go through cowashing withdrawal? My hair was feeling great when I cowashed every other day. I didn't cowash at all over the weekend and my became a desert. Did I create a monster?
Dang challenge over. I really wanted to know people progress.